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Example 26 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class GetUploadParamsForVolumeCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ServerApiException {
    try {
        GetUploadParamsResponse response = _volumeService.uploadVolume(this);
    } catch (MalformedURLException | ResourceAllocationException e) {
        s_logger.error("exception while uploading volume", e);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "exception while uploading a volume: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : MalformedURLException( ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ResourceAllocationException( GetUploadParamsResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.GetUploadParamsResponse)

Example 27 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CiscoVnmcElement method implement.

public boolean implement(final Network network, final NetworkOffering offering, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    final DataCenter zone = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, network.getDataCenterId());
    if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
        s_logger.debug("Not handling network implement in zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic);
        return false;
    if (!canHandle(network)) {
        return false;
    final List<CiscoVnmcControllerVO> devices = _ciscoVnmcDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
    if (devices.isEmpty()) {
        s_logger.error("No Cisco Vnmc device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    List<CiscoAsa1000vDeviceVO> asaList = _ciscoAsa1000vDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
    if (asaList.isEmpty()) {
        s_logger.debug("No Cisco ASA 1000v device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    NetworkAsa1000vMapVO asaForNetwork = _networkAsa1000vMapDao.findByNetworkId(network.getId());
    if (asaForNetwork != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Cisco ASA 1000v device already associated with network " + network.getName());
        return true;
    if (!_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.SourceNat, Provider.CiscoVnmc)) {
        s_logger.error("SourceNat service is not provided by Cisco Vnmc device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    try {
        // ensure that there is an ASA 1000v assigned to this network
        CiscoAsa1000vDevice assignedAsa = assignAsa1000vToNetwork(network);
        if (assignedAsa == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
        ClusterVO asaCluster = _clusterDao.findById(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
        ClusterVSMMapVO clusterVsmMap = _clusterVsmMapDao.findByClusterId(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
        if (clusterVsmMap == null) {
            s_logger.error("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
        CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsmDevice = _vsmDeviceDao.findById(clusterVsmMap.getVsmId());
        if (vsmDevice == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());
        CiscoVnmcControllerVO ciscoVnmcDevice = devices.get(0);
        HostVO ciscoVnmcHost = _hostDao.findById(ciscoVnmcDevice.getHostId());
        Account owner = context.getAccount();
        PublicIp sourceNatIp = _ipAddrMgr.assignSourceNatIpAddressToGuestNetwork(owner, network);
        long vlanId = Long.parseLong(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(network.getBroadcastUri()));
        List<VlanVO> vlanVOList = _vlanDao.listVlansByPhysicalNetworkId(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
        List<String> publicGateways = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (VlanVO vlanVO : vlanVOList) {
        // due to VNMC limitation of not allowing source NAT ip as the outside ip of firewall,
        // an additional public ip needs to acquired for assigning as firewall outside ip.
        // In case there are already additional ip addresses available (network restart) use one
        // of them such that it is not the source NAT ip
        IpAddress outsideIp = null;
        List<IPAddressVO> publicIps = _ipAddressDao.listByAssociatedNetwork(network.getId(), null);
        for (IPAddressVO ip : publicIps) {
            if (!ip.isSourceNat()) {
                outsideIp = ip;
        if (outsideIp == null) {
            // none available, acquire one
            try {
                Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
                long callerUserId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId();
                outsideIp = _ipAddrMgr.allocateIp(owner, false, caller, callerUserId, zone, true);
            } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to allocate additional public Ip address. Exception details " + e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to allocate additional public Ip address. Exception details " + e);
            try {
                outsideIp = _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(outsideIp.getId(), network.getId(), true);
            } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to assign allocated additional public Ip " + outsideIp.getAddress().addr() + " to network with vlan " + vlanId + ". Exception details " + e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign allocated additional public Ip " + outsideIp.getAddress().addr() + " to network with vlan " + vlanId + ". Exception details " + e);
        // create logical edge firewall in VNMC
        String gatewayNetmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(network.getCidr());
        // all public ip addresses must be from same subnet, this essentially means single public subnet in zone
        if (!createLogicalEdgeFirewall(vlanId, network.getGateway(), gatewayNetmask, outsideIp.getAddress().addr(), sourceNatIp.getNetmask(), publicGateways, ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to create logical edge firewall in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create logical edge firewall in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
        // create stuff in VSM for ASA device
        if (!configureNexusVsmForAsa(vlanId, network.getGateway(), vsmDevice.getUserName(), vsmDevice.getPassword(), vsmDevice.getipaddr(), assignedAsa.getInPortProfile(), ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to configure Cisco Nexus VSM " + vsmDevice.getipaddr() + " for ASA device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to configure Cisco Nexus VSM " + vsmDevice.getipaddr() + " for ASA device for network " + network.getName());
        // configure source NAT
        if (!configureSourceNat(vlanId, network.getCidr(), sourceNatIp, ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to configure source NAT in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to configure source NAT in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
        // associate Asa 1000v instance with logical edge firewall
        if (!associateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewall(vlanId, assignedAsa.getManagementIp(), ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to associate Cisco ASA 1000v (" + assignedAsa.getManagementIp() + ") with logical edge firewall in VNMC for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to associate Cisco ASA 1000v (" + assignedAsa.getManagementIp() + ") with logical edge firewall in VNMC for network " + network.getName());
    } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
        s_logger.error("CiscoVnmcElement failed", e);
        return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, InsufficientAddressCapacityException.class);
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, ResourceUnavailableException.class);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return true;
Also used : Account( ClusterVSMMapVO( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CloudRuntimeException( NetworkAsa1000vMapVO( CiscoVnmcControllerVO( CiscoAsa1000vDevice( VlanVO( ResourceAllocationException( ClusterVO( CiscoAsa1000vDeviceVO( CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO( PublicIp( HostVO( InsufficientCapacityException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( ResourceUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceAllocationException( EntityExistsException(javax.persistence.EntityExistsException) ConcurrentOperationException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) UnableDeleteHostException( DataCenter( ResourceUnavailableException( IpAddress( PublicIpAddress( IPAddressVO(

Example 28 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class UserVmManagerImpl method recoverVirtualMachine.

public UserVm recoverVirtualMachine(RecoverVMCmd cmd) throws ResourceAllocationException, CloudRuntimeException {
    final Long vmId = cmd.getId();
    Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    final Long userId = caller.getAccountId();
    // Verify input parameters
    final UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
    if (vm == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find a virtual machine with id " + vmId);
    // When trying to expunge, permission is denied when the caller is not an admin and the AllowUserExpungeRecoverVm is false for the caller.
    if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(userId) && !AllowUserExpungeRecoverVm.valueIn(userId)) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedException("Recovering a vm can only be done by an Admin. Or when the allow.user.expunge.recover.vm key is set.");
    if (vm.getRemoved() != null) {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to find vm or vm is removed: " + vmId);
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find vm by id " + vmId);
    if (vm.getState() != State.Destroyed) {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("vm is not in the right state: " + vmId);
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm with id " + vmId + " is not in the right state");
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Recovering vm " + vmId);
    Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithExceptionNoReturn<ResourceAllocationException>() {

        public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) throws ResourceAllocationException {
            Account account = _accountDao.lockRow(vm.getAccountId(), true);
            // if the account is deleted, throw error
            if (account.getRemoved() != null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to recover VM as the account is deleted");
            // Get serviceOffering for Virtual Machine
            ServiceOfferingVO serviceOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
            // First check that the maximum number of UserVMs, CPU and Memory limit for the given
            // accountId will not be exceeded
            resourceLimitCheck(account, vm.isDisplayVm(), new Long(serviceOffering.getCpu()), new Long(serviceOffering.getRamSize()));
            _haMgr.cancelDestroy(vm, vm.getHostId());
            try {
                if (!_itMgr.stateTransitTo(vm, VirtualMachine.Event.RecoveryRequested, null)) {
                    s_logger.debug("Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: " + vmId);
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: " + vmId);
            } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to recover the vm because it is not in the correct state: " + vmId);
            // Recover the VM's disks
            List<VolumeVO> volumes = _volsDao.findByInstance(vmId);
            for (VolumeVO volume : volumes) {
                if (volume.getVolumeType().equals(Volume.Type.ROOT)) {
                    // Create an event
                    Long templateId = volume.getTemplateId();
                    Long diskOfferingId = volume.getDiskOfferingId();
                    Long offeringId = null;
                    if (diskOfferingId != null) {
                        DiskOfferingVO offering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId);
                        if (offering != null && (offering.getType() == DiskOfferingVO.Type.Disk)) {
                            offeringId = offering.getId();
                    UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE, volume.getAccountId(), volume.getDataCenterId(), volume.getId(), volume.getName(), offeringId, templateId, volume.getSize(), Volume.class.getName(), volume.getUuid(), volume.isDisplayVolume());
            //Update Resource Count for the given account
            resourceCountIncrement(account.getId(), vm.isDisplayVm(), new Long(serviceOffering.getCpu()), new Long(serviceOffering.getRamSize()));
    return _vmDao.findById(vmId);
Also used : Account( TransactionStatus( ServiceOfferingVO( VolumeVO( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( DiskOfferingVO( NoTransitionException( PermissionDeniedException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExcludeList( List(java.util.List) ResourceAllocationException( DB(

Example 29 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class UserVmManagerImpl method createVirtualMachine.

protected UserVm createVirtualMachine(DataCenter zone, ServiceOffering serviceOffering, VirtualMachineTemplate tmplt, String hostName, String displayName, Account owner, Long diskOfferingId, Long diskSize, List<NetworkVO> networkList, List<Long> securityGroupIdList, String group, HTTPMethod httpmethod, String userData, String sshKeyPair, HypervisorType hypervisor, Account caller, Map<Long, IpAddresses> requestedIps, IpAddresses defaultIps, Boolean isDisplayVm, String keyboard, List<Long> affinityGroupIdList, Map<String, String> customParameters, String customId) throws InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException, ConcurrentOperationException, StorageUnavailableException, ResourceAllocationException {
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner);
    if (owner.getState() == Account.State.disabled) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedException("The owner of vm to deploy is disabled: " + owner);
    VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findById(tmplt.getId());
    if (template != null) {
    long accountId = owner.getId();
    assert !(requestedIps != null && (defaultIps.getIp4Address() != null || defaultIps.getIp6Address() != null)) : "requestedIp list and defaultNetworkIp should never be specified together";
    if (Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot perform this operation, Zone is currently disabled: " + zone.getId());
    // check if zone is dedicated
    DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedZone = _dedicatedDao.findByZoneId(zone.getId());
    if (dedicatedZone != null) {
        DomainVO domain = _domainDao.findById(dedicatedZone.getDomainId());
        if (domain == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the domain " + zone.getDomainId() + " for the zone: " + zone);
        // check that caller can operate with domain
        _configMgr.checkZoneAccess(caller, zone);
        // check that vm owner can create vm in the domain
        _configMgr.checkZoneAccess(owner, zone);
    ServiceOfferingVO offering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(serviceOffering.getId());
    if (offering.isDynamic()) {
        validateCustomParameters(offering, customParameters);
        offering = _offeringDao.getcomputeOffering(offering, customParameters);
    // check if account/domain is with in resource limits to create a new vm
    boolean isIso = Storage.ImageFormat.ISO == template.getFormat();
    // For baremetal, size can be null
    Long tmp = _templateDao.findById(template.getId()).getSize();
    long size = 0;
    if (tmp != null) {
        size = tmp;
    if (diskOfferingId != null) {
        DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId);
        if (diskOffering != null && diskOffering.isCustomized()) {
            if (diskSize == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("This disk offering requires a custom size specified");
            Long customDiskOfferingMaxSize = VolumeOrchestrationService.CustomDiskOfferingMaxSize.value();
            Long customDiskOfferingMinSize = VolumeOrchestrationService.CustomDiskOfferingMinSize.value();
            if ((diskSize < customDiskOfferingMinSize) || (diskSize > customDiskOfferingMaxSize)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM Creation failed. Volume size: " + diskSize + "GB is out of allowed range. Max: " + customDiskOfferingMaxSize + " Min:" + customDiskOfferingMinSize);
            size = size + diskSize * (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
        size += _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId).getDiskSize();
    resourceLimitCheck(owner, isDisplayVm, new Long(offering.getCpu()), new Long(offering.getRamSize()));
    _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(owner, ResourceType.volume, (isIso || diskOfferingId == null ? 1 : 2));
    _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(owner, ResourceType.primary_storage, size);
    // verify security group ids
    if (securityGroupIdList != null) {
        for (Long securityGroupId : securityGroupIdList) {
            SecurityGroup sg = _securityGroupDao.findById(securityGroupId);
            if (sg == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find security group by id " + securityGroupId);
            } else {
                // verify permissions
                _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner, sg);
    // check that the affinity groups exist
    if (affinityGroupIdList != null) {
        for (Long affinityGroupId : affinityGroupIdList) {
            AffinityGroupVO ag = _affinityGroupDao.findById(affinityGroupId);
            if (ag == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find affinity group " + ag);
            } else if (!_affinityGroupService.isAffinityGroupProcessorAvailable(ag.getType())) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Affinity group type is not supported for group: " + ag + " ,type: " + ag.getType() + " , Please try again after removing the affinity group");
            } else {
                // verify permissions
                if (ag.getAclType() == ACLType.Domain) {
                    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, owner, ag);
                    // make sure the owner of these entities is same
                    if (caller.getId() == Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM || _accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) {
                        if (!_affinityGroupService.isAffinityGroupAvailableInDomain(ag.getId(), owner.getDomainId())) {
                            throw new PermissionDeniedException("Affinity Group " + ag + " does not belong to the VM's domain");
                } else {
                    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner, ag);
                    // make sure the owner of these entities is same
                    if (caller.getId() == Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM || _accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) {
                        if (ag.getAccountId() != owner.getAccountId()) {
                            throw new PermissionDeniedException("Affinity Group " + ag + " does not belong to the VM's account");
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = null;
    if (template.getHypervisorType() == null || template.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.None) {
        if (hypervisor == null || hypervisor == HypervisorType.None) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("hypervisor parameter is needed to deploy VM or the hypervisor parameter value passed is invalid");
        hypervisorType = hypervisor;
    } else {
        if (hypervisor != null && hypervisor != HypervisorType.None && hypervisor != template.getHypervisorType()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Hypervisor passed to the deployVm call, is different from the hypervisor type of the template");
        hypervisorType = template.getHypervisorType();
    if (hypervisorType != HypervisorType.BareMetal) {
        // check if we have available pools for vm deployment
        long availablePools = _storagePoolDao.countPoolsByStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Up);
        if (availablePools < 1) {
            throw new StorageUnavailableException("There are no available pools in the UP state for vm deployment", -1);
    if (template.getTemplateType().equals(TemplateType.SYSTEM)) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to use system template " + template.getId() + " to deploy a user vm");
    List<VMTemplateZoneVO> listZoneTemplate = _templateZoneDao.listByZoneTemplate(zone.getId(), template.getId());
    if (listZoneTemplate == null || listZoneTemplate.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The template " + template.getId() + " is not available for use");
    if (isIso && !template.isBootable()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Installing from ISO requires an ISO that is bootable: " + template.getId());
    // Check templates permissions
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(owner, AccessType.UseEntry, false, template);
    // check if the user data is correct
    validateUserData(userData, httpmethod);
    // Find an SSH public key corresponding to the key pair name, if one is
    // given
    String sshPublicKey = null;
    if (sshKeyPair != null && !sshKeyPair.equals("")) {
        SSHKeyPair pair = _sshKeyPairDao.findByName(owner.getAccountId(), owner.getDomainId(), sshKeyPair);
        if (pair == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("A key pair with name '" + sshKeyPair + "' was not found.");
        sshPublicKey = pair.getPublicKey();
    List<Pair<NetworkVO, NicProfile>> networks = new ArrayList<Pair<NetworkVO, NicProfile>>();
    LinkedHashMap<String, NicProfile> networkNicMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, NicProfile>();
    short defaultNetworkNumber = 0;
    boolean securityGroupEnabled = false;
    boolean vpcNetwork = false;
    for (NetworkVO network : networkList) {
        if ((network.getDataCenterId() != zone.getId())) {
            if (!network.isStrechedL2Network()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network id=" + network.getId() + " doesn't belong to zone " + zone.getId());
            NetworkOffering ntwkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
            Long physicalNetworkId = _networkModel.findPhysicalNetworkId(zone.getId(), ntwkOffering.getTags(), ntwkOffering.getTrafficType());
            if (physicalNetworkId == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network in which is VM getting deployed could not be" + " streched to the zone, as we could not find a valid physical network");
            String provider = _ntwkSrvcDao.getProviderForServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.Connectivity);
            if (!_networkModel.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, provider)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network in which is VM getting deployed could not be" + " streched to the zone, as we could not find a valid physical network");
        //relax the check if the caller is admin account
        if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) {
            if (!(network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared && network.getAclType() == ACLType.Domain) && !(network.getAclType() == ACLType.Account && network.getAccountId() == accountId)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("only shared network or isolated network with the same account_id can be added to vm");
        IpAddresses requestedIpPair = null;
        if (requestedIps != null && !requestedIps.isEmpty()) {
            requestedIpPair = requestedIps.get(network.getId());
        if (requestedIpPair == null) {
            requestedIpPair = new IpAddresses(null, null);
        } else {
            _networkModel.checkRequestedIpAddresses(network.getId(), requestedIpPair.getIp4Address(), requestedIpPair.getIp6Address());
        NicProfile profile = new NicProfile(requestedIpPair.getIp4Address(), requestedIpPair.getIp6Address());
        if (defaultNetworkNumber == 0) {
            // if user requested specific ip for default network, add it
            if (defaultIps.getIp4Address() != null || defaultIps.getIp6Address() != null) {
                _networkModel.checkRequestedIpAddresses(network.getId(), defaultIps.getIp4Address(), defaultIps.getIp6Address());
                profile = new NicProfile(defaultIps.getIp4Address(), defaultIps.getIp6Address());
            if (!_networkModel.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(), new Service[] { Service.UserData })) {
                if ((userData != null) && (!userData.isEmpty())) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to deploy VM as UserData is provided while deploying the VM, but there is no support for " + Network.Service.UserData.getName() + " service in the default network " + network.getId());
                if ((sshPublicKey != null) && (!sshPublicKey.isEmpty())) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to deploy VM as SSH keypair is provided while deploying the VM, but there is no support for " + Network.Service.UserData.getName() + " service in the default network " + network.getId());
                if (template.getEnablePassword()) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to deploy VM as template " + template.getId() + " is password enabled, but there is no support for " + Network.Service.UserData.getName() + " service in the default network " + network.getId());
        networks.add(new Pair<NetworkVO, NicProfile>(network, profile));
        if (_networkModel.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network)) {
            securityGroupEnabled = true;
        // vm can't be a part of more than 1 VPC network
        if (network.getVpcId() != null) {
            if (vpcNetwork) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm can't be a part of more than 1 VPC network");
            vpcNetwork = true;
        networkNicMap.put(network.getUuid(), profile);
    if (securityGroupIdList != null && !securityGroupIdList.isEmpty() && !securityGroupEnabled) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to deploy vm with security groups as SecurityGroup service is not enabled for the vm's network");
    // gateway for the vm
    if (defaultNetworkNumber == 0) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("At least 1 default network has to be specified for the vm");
    } else if (defaultNetworkNumber > 1) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only 1 default network per vm is supported");
    long id = _vmDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id");
    if (hostName != null) {
        // Check is hostName is RFC compliant
    String instanceName = null;
    String uuidName = _uuidMgr.generateUuid(UserVm.class, customId);
    if (_instanceNameFlag && hypervisor.equals(HypervisorType.VMware)) {
        if (hostName == null) {
            if (displayName != null) {
                hostName = displayName;
            } else {
                hostName = generateHostName(uuidName);
        // If global config vm.instancename.flag is set to true, then CS will set guest VM's name as it appears on the hypervisor, to its hostname.
        // In case of VMware since VM name must be unique within a DC, check if VM with the same hostname already exists in the zone.
        VMInstanceVO vmByHostName = _vmInstanceDao.findVMByHostNameInZone(hostName, zone.getId());
        if (vmByHostName != null && vmByHostName.getState() != VirtualMachine.State.Expunging) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There already exists a VM by the name: " + hostName + ".");
    } else {
        if (hostName == null) {
            //Generate name using uuid and global config
            hostName = generateHostName(uuidName);
    if (hostName != null) {
        // Check is hostName is RFC compliant
    instanceName = VirtualMachineName.getVmName(id, owner.getId(), _instance);
    // Check if VM with instanceName already exists.
    VMInstanceVO vmObj = _vmInstanceDao.findVMByInstanceName(instanceName);
    if (vmObj != null && vmObj.getState() != VirtualMachine.State.Expunging) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There already exists a VM by the display name supplied");
    checkIfHostNameUniqueInNtwkDomain(hostName, networkList);
    long userId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId();
    if (CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getId() != owner.getId()) {
        List<UserVO> userVOs = _userDao.listByAccount(owner.getAccountId());
        if (!userVOs.isEmpty()) {
            userId = userVOs.get(0).getId();
    UserVmVO vm = commitUserVm(zone, template, hostName, displayName, owner, diskOfferingId, diskSize, userData, caller, isDisplayVm, keyboard, accountId, userId, offering, isIso, sshPublicKey, networkNicMap, id, instanceName, uuidName, hypervisorType, customParameters);
    // Assign instance to the group
    try {
        if (group != null) {
            boolean addToGroup = addInstanceToGroup(Long.valueOf(id), group);
            if (!addToGroup) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign Vm to the group " + group);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign Vm to the group " + group);
    _securityGroupMgr.addInstanceToGroups(vm.getId(), securityGroupIdList);
    if (affinityGroupIdList != null && !affinityGroupIdList.isEmpty()) {
        _affinityGroupVMMapDao.updateMap(vm.getId(), affinityGroupIdList);
    CallContext.current().putContextParameter(VirtualMachine.class, vm.getUuid());
    return vm;
Also used : VMTemplateZoneVO( VMTemplateVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServiceOfferingVO( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) StorageUnavailableException( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( DiskOfferingVO( Pair( SSHKeyPair( AffinityGroupVO(org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupVO) SSHKeyPair( NetworkVO( NetworkOffering( AccountService( NetworkOrchestrationService(org.apache.cloudstack.engine.orchestration.service.NetworkOrchestrationService) Service( VolumeOrchestrationService(org.apache.cloudstack.engine.orchestration.service.VolumeOrchestrationService) ScheduledExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService) OrchestrationService(org.apache.cloudstack.engine.service.api.OrchestrationService) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) VolumeService( ManagementService( ResourceLimitService( VolumeApiService( AffinityGroupService(org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupService) SecurityGroup( ExecutionException( AgentUnavailableException( TransactionCallbackWithException( ResourceUnavailableException( VirtualMachineMigrationException( PermissionDeniedException( NoTransitionException( CloudException( OperationTimedoutException( InsufficientCapacityException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( StorageUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceAllocationException( ConcurrentOperationException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) ManagementServerException( HypervisorType( IpAddresses( DomainVO( UserVO( PermissionDeniedException( DedicatedResourceVO( DB(

Example 30 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class AclOnPrivateGwTest method testExecuteFail.

public void testExecuteFail() {
    VpcService vpcService = Mockito.mock(VpcService.class);
    createPrivateGwCmd._vpcService = vpcService;
    try {
        Mockito.when(vpcService.applyVpcPrivateGateway(Matchers.anyLong(), Matchers.anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
    } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
    try {
    } catch (ServerApiException exception) {
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed to create private gateway", exception.getDescription());
    } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
    } catch (InsufficientCapacityException e) {
    } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
    } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
Also used : VpcService( ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ResourceUnavailableException( ResourceAllocationException( InsufficientCapacityException( ConcurrentOperationException( Test(org.junit.Test)


ResourceAllocationException ( ConcurrentOperationException ( ResourceUnavailableException ( InsufficientCapacityException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( CloudRuntimeException ( ServerApiException (org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException)19 NetworkRuleConflictException ( Account ( DB ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 InsufficientAddressCapacityException ( PermissionDeniedException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)10 TransactionStatus ( TransactionCallbackWithException ( DataCenter ( StorageNetworkIpRange ( HypervisorType ( Date (java.util.Date)6