use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class TemplateManagerImpl method copy.
public boolean copy(long userId, VMTemplateVO template, DataStore srcSecStore, DataCenterVO dstZone) throws StorageUnavailableException, ResourceAllocationException {
long tmpltId = template.getId();
long dstZoneId = dstZone.getId();
// find all eligible image stores for the destination zone
List<DataStore> dstSecStores = _dataStoreMgr.getImageStoresByScopeExcludingReadOnly(new ZoneScope(dstZoneId));
if (dstSecStores == null || dstSecStores.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageUnavailableException("Destination zone is not ready, no image store associated", DataCenter.class, dstZone.getId());
AccountVO account = _accountDao.findById(template.getAccountId());
// find the size of the template to be copied
TemplateDataStoreVO srcTmpltStore = _tmplStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(srcSecStore.getId(), tmpltId);
_resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(account, ResourceType.template);
_resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(account, ResourceType.secondary_storage, new Long(srcTmpltStore.getSize()).longValue());
// Event details
String copyEventType;
if (template.getFormat().equals(ImageFormat.ISO)) {
copyEventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_COPY;
} else {
copyEventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_COPY;
TemplateInfo srcTemplate = _tmplFactory.getTemplate(template.getId(), srcSecStore);
// for that zone
for (DataStore dstSecStore : dstSecStores) {
TemplateDataStoreVO dstTmpltStore = _tmplStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(dstSecStore.getId(), tmpltId);
if (dstTmpltStore != null && dstTmpltStore.getDownloadState() == Status.DOWNLOADED) {
// already downloaded on this image store
return true;
if (dstTmpltStore != null && dstTmpltStore.getDownloadState() != Status.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
_tmplStoreDao.removeByTemplateStore(tmpltId, dstSecStore.getId());
AsyncCallFuture<TemplateApiResult> future = _tmpltSvr.copyTemplate(srcTemplate, dstSecStore);
try {
TemplateApiResult result = future.get();
if (result.isFailed()) {
s_logger.debug("copy template failed for image store " + dstSecStore.getName() + ":" + result.getResult());
// try next image store
_tmpltDao.addTemplateToZone(template, dstZoneId);
if (account.getId() != Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM) {
UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(copyEventType, account.getId(), dstZoneId, tmpltId, null, null, null, srcTmpltStore.getPhysicalSize(), srcTmpltStore.getSize(), template.getClass().getName(), template.getUuid());
// Copy every Datadisk template that belongs to the template to Destination zone
List<VMTemplateVO> dataDiskTemplates = _tmpltDao.listByParentTemplatetId(template.getId());
if (dataDiskTemplates != null && !dataDiskTemplates.isEmpty()) {
for (VMTemplateVO dataDiskTemplate : dataDiskTemplates) {
s_logger.debug("Copying " + dataDiskTemplates.size() + " for source template " + template.getId() + ". Copy all Datadisk templates to destination datastore " + dstSecStore.getName());
TemplateInfo srcDataDiskTemplate = _tmplFactory.getTemplate(dataDiskTemplate.getId(), srcSecStore);
AsyncCallFuture<TemplateApiResult> dataDiskCopyFuture = _tmpltSvr.copyTemplate(srcDataDiskTemplate, dstSecStore);
try {
TemplateApiResult dataDiskCopyResult = dataDiskCopyFuture.get();
if (dataDiskCopyResult.isFailed()) {
s_logger.error("Copy of datadisk template: " + srcDataDiskTemplate.getId() + " to image store: " + dstSecStore.getName() + " failed with error: " + dataDiskCopyResult.getResult() + " , will try copying the next one");
// Continue to copy next Datadisk template
_tmpltDao.addTemplateToZone(dataDiskTemplate, dstZoneId);
_resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(dataDiskTemplate.getAccountId(), ResourceType.secondary_storage, dataDiskTemplate.getSize());
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Failed to copy datadisk template: " + srcDataDiskTemplate.getId() + " to image store: " + dstSecStore.getName() + " , will try copying the next one");
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("failed to copy template to image store:" + dstSecStore.getName() + " ,will try next one");
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VolumeApiServiceImpl method orchestrateAttachVolumeToVM.
private Volume orchestrateAttachVolumeToVM(Long vmId, Long volumeId, Long deviceId) {
VolumeInfo volumeToAttach = volFactory.getVolume(volumeId);
if (volumeToAttach.isAttachedVM()) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("This volume is already attached to a VM.");
UserVmVO vm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId);
VolumeVO existingVolumeOfVm = null;
VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findById(vm.getTemplateId());
List<VolumeVO> rootVolumesOfVm = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(vmId, Volume.Type.ROOT);
if (rootVolumesOfVm.size() > 1 && template != null && !template.isDeployAsIs()) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("The VM " + vm.getHostName() + " has more than one ROOT volume and is in an invalid state.");
} else {
if (!rootVolumesOfVm.isEmpty()) {
existingVolumeOfVm = rootVolumesOfVm.get(0);
} else {
// locate data volume of the vm
List<VolumeVO> diskVolumesOfVm = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(vmId, Volume.Type.DATADISK);
for (VolumeVO diskVolume : diskVolumesOfVm) {
if (diskVolume.getState() != Volume.State.Allocated) {
existingVolumeOfVm = diskVolume;
HypervisorType rootDiskHyperType = vm.getHypervisorType();
HypervisorType volumeToAttachHyperType = _volsDao.getHypervisorType(volumeToAttach.getId());
VolumeInfo newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage = volumeToAttach;
// don't create volume on primary storage if its being attached to the vm which Root's volume hasn't been created yet
StoragePoolVO destPrimaryStorage = null;
if (existingVolumeOfVm != null && !existingVolumeOfVm.getState().equals(Volume.State.Allocated)) {
destPrimaryStorage = _storagePoolDao.findById(existingVolumeOfVm.getPoolId());
boolean volumeOnSecondary = volumeToAttach.getState() == Volume.State.Uploaded;
if (destPrimaryStorage != null && (volumeToAttach.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated || volumeOnSecondary)) {
try {
if (volumeOnSecondary && destPrimaryStorage.getPoolType() == Storage.StoragePoolType.PowerFlex) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot attach uploaded volume, this operation is unsupported on storage pool type " + destPrimaryStorage.getPoolType());
newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage = _volumeMgr.createVolumeOnPrimaryStorage(vm, volumeToAttach, rootDiskHyperType, destPrimaryStorage);
} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to create volume on primary storage", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create volume on primary storage", e);
// reload the volume from db
newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage = volFactory.getVolume(newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage.getId());
boolean moveVolumeNeeded = needMoveVolume(existingVolumeOfVm, newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage);
if (moveVolumeNeeded) {
PrimaryDataStoreInfo primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreInfo) newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage.getDataStore();
if (primaryStore.isLocal()) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to attach local data volume " + volumeToAttach.getName() + " to VM " + vm.getDisplayName() + " as migration of local data volume is not allowed");
StoragePoolVO vmRootVolumePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(existingVolumeOfVm.getPoolId());
try {
newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage = _volumeMgr.moveVolume(newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage, vmRootVolumePool.getDataCenterId(), vmRootVolumePool.getPodId(), vmRootVolumePool.getClusterId(), volumeToAttachHyperType);
} catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
s_logger.debug("move volume failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("move volume failed", e);
} catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.debug("move volume failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("move volume failed", e);
VolumeVO newVol = _volsDao.findById(newVolumeOnPrimaryStorage.getId());
// Getting the fresh vm object in case of volume migration to check the current state of VM
if (moveVolumeNeeded || volumeOnSecondary) {
vm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId);
if (vm == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM not found.");
newVol = sendAttachVolumeCommand(vm, newVol, deviceId);
return newVol;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class StorageManagerImpl method isStoragePoolCompliantWithStoragePolicy.
public boolean isStoragePoolCompliantWithStoragePolicy(List<Pair<Volume, DiskProfile>> volumes, StoragePool pool) throws StorageUnavailableException {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(volumes)) {
return false;
List<Pair<Volume, Answer>> answers = new ArrayList<Pair<Volume, Answer>>();
for (Pair<Volume, DiskProfile> volumeDiskProfilePair : volumes) {
String storagePolicyId = null;
Volume volume = volumeDiskProfilePair.first();
DiskProfile diskProfile = volumeDiskProfilePair.second();
if (volume.getVolumeType() == Type.ROOT) {
Long vmId = volume.getInstanceId();
if (vmId != null) {
VMInstanceVO vm = _vmInstanceDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(vmId);
storagePolicyId = _serviceOfferingDetailsDao.getDetail(vm.getServiceOfferingId(), ApiConstants.STORAGE_POLICY);
} else {
storagePolicyId = _diskOfferingDetailsDao.getDetail(diskProfile.getDiskOfferingId(), ApiConstants.STORAGE_POLICY);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(storagePolicyId)) {
VsphereStoragePolicyVO storagePolicyVO = _vsphereStoragePolicyDao.findById(Long.parseLong(storagePolicyId));
List<Long> hostIds = getUpHostsInPool(pool.getId());
if (hostIds == null || hostIds.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to send command to the pool " + pool.getName() + " due to there is no enabled hosts up in this cluster", pool.getId());
try {
StorageFilerTO storageFilerTO = new StorageFilerTO(pool);
CheckDataStoreStoragePolicyComplainceCommand cmd = new CheckDataStoreStoragePolicyComplainceCommand(storagePolicyVO.getPolicyId(), storageFilerTO);
long targetHostId = _hvGuruMgr.getGuruProcessedCommandTargetHost(hostIds.get(0), cmd);
Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(targetHostId, cmd);
answers.add(new Pair<>(volume, answer));
} catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.debug("Unable to send storage pool command to " + pool + " via " + hostIds.get(0), e);
throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to send command to the pool ", pool.getId());
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to process storage pool command to " + pool + " via " + hostIds.get(0), e);
throw new StorageUnavailableException("Failed to process storage command to the pool ", pool.getId());
// check cummilative result for all volumes
for (Pair<Volume, Answer> answer : answers) {
if (!answer.second().getResult()) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("Storage pool %s is not compliance with storage policy for volume %s", pool.getUuid(), answer.first().getName()));
return false;
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VolumeApiServiceImpl method migrateVolume.
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_MIGRATE, eventDescription = "migrating volume", async = true)
public Volume migrateVolume(MigrateVolumeCmd cmd) {
Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
Long volumeId = cmd.getVolumeId();
Long storagePoolId = cmd.getStoragePoolId();
VolumeVO vol = _volsDao.findById(volumeId);
if (vol == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to find the volume id: " + volumeId);
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vol);
if (vol.getState() != Volume.State.Ready) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Volume must be in ready state");
if (vol.getPoolId() == storagePoolId) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Volume " + vol + " is already on the destination storage pool");
boolean liveMigrateVolume = false;
Long instanceId = vol.getInstanceId();
Long srcClusterId = null;
VMInstanceVO vm = null;
if (instanceId != null) {
vm = _vmInstanceDao.findById(instanceId);
// OfflineVmwareMigration: consider if this is needed and desirable
if (vm != null && _vmSnapshotDao.findByVm(vm.getId()).size() > 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Volume cannot be migrated, please remove all VM snapshots for VM to which this volume is attached");
// OfflineVmwareMigration: extract this block as method and check if it is subject to regression
if (vm != null && State.Running.equals(vm.getState())) {
// Check if the VM is GPU enabled.
if (_serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(vm.getServiceOfferingId(), GPU.Keys.pciDevice.toString()) != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Live Migration of GPU enabled VM is not supported");
StoragePoolVO storagePoolVO = _storagePoolDao.findById(vol.getPoolId());
if (storagePoolVO.getPoolType() == Storage.StoragePoolType.PowerFlex) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Migrate volume of a running VM is unsupported on storage pool type " + storagePoolVO.getPoolType());
// Check if the underlying hypervisor supports storage motion.
Long hostId = vm.getHostId();
if (hostId != null) {
HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
HypervisorCapabilitiesVO capabilities = null;
if (host != null) {
capabilities = _hypervisorCapabilitiesDao.findByHypervisorTypeAndVersion(host.getHypervisorType(), host.getHypervisorVersion());
srcClusterId = host.getClusterId();
if (capabilities != null) {
liveMigrateVolume = capabilities.isStorageMotionSupported();
if (liveMigrateVolume && HypervisorType.KVM.equals(host.getHypervisorType())) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("KVM does not support volume live migration due to the limited possibility to refresh VM XML domain. " + "Therefore, to live migrate a volume between storage pools, one must migrate the VM to a different host as well to force the VM XML domain update. " + "Use 'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolumes' instead.");
// If vm is running, and hypervisor doesn't support live migration, then return error
if (!liveMigrateVolume) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Volume needs to be detached from VM");
if (!cmd.isLiveMigrate()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The volume " + vol + "is attached to a vm and for migrating it " + "the parameter livemigrate should be specified");
if (vm != null && HypervisorType.VMware.equals(vm.getHypervisorType()) && State.Stopped.equals(vm.getState())) {
// For VMware, use liveMigrateVolume=true so that it follows VmwareStorageMotionStrategy
liveMigrateVolume = true;
StoragePool destPool = (StoragePool) dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(storagePoolId, DataStoreRole.Primary);
if (destPool == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to find the destination storage pool: " + storagePoolId);
} else if (destPool.isInMaintenance()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot migrate volume " + vol + "to the destination storage pool " + destPool.getName() + " as the storage pool is in maintenance mode.");
DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(vol.getDiskOfferingId());
if (diskOffering == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("volume '" + vol.getUuid() + "', has no diskoffering. Migration target cannot be checked.");
String poolUuid = destPool.getUuid();
if (destPool.getPoolType() == Storage.StoragePoolType.DatastoreCluster) {
DataCenter dc = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, vol.getDataCenterId());
Pod destPoolPod = _entityMgr.findById(Pod.class, destPool.getPodId());
destPool = _volumeMgr.findChildDataStoreInDataStoreCluster(dc, destPoolPod, destPool.getClusterId(), null, null, destPool.getId());
if (!storageMgr.storagePoolCompatibleWithVolumePool(destPool, (Volume) vol)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Storage pool " + destPool.getName() + " is not suitable to migrate volume " + vol.getName());
HypervisorType hypervisorType = _volsDao.getHypervisorType(volumeId);
DiskProfile diskProfile = new DiskProfile(vol, diskOffering, hypervisorType);
Pair<Volume, DiskProfile> volumeDiskProfilePair = new Pair<>(vol, diskProfile);
if (!storageMgr.storagePoolHasEnoughSpace(Collections.singletonList(volumeDiskProfilePair), destPool)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Storage pool " + destPool.getName() + " does not have enough space to migrate volume " + vol.getName());
if (liveMigrateVolume && State.Running.equals(vm.getState()) && destPool.getClusterId() != null && srcClusterId != null) {
if (!srcClusterId.equals(destPool.getClusterId())) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot migrate a volume of a virtual machine to a storage pool in a different cluster");
// In case of VMware, if ROOT volume is being cold-migrated, then ensure destination storage pool is in the same Datacenter as the VM.
if (vm != null && vm.getHypervisorType().equals(HypervisorType.VMware)) {
if (!liveMigrateVolume && vol.volumeType.equals(Volume.Type.ROOT)) {
Long hostId = vm.getHostId() != null ? vm.getHostId() : vm.getLastHostId();
HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
if (host != null) {
srcClusterId = host.getClusterId();
if (srcClusterId != null && destPool.getClusterId() != null && !srcClusterId.equals(destPool.getClusterId())) {
String srcDcName = _clusterDetailsDao.getVmwareDcName(srcClusterId);
String destDcName = _clusterDetailsDao.getVmwareDcName(destPool.getClusterId());
if (srcDcName != null && destDcName != null && !srcDcName.equals(destDcName)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot migrate ROOT volume of a stopped VM to a storage pool in a different VMware datacenter");
updateMissingRootDiskController(vm, vol.getChainInfo());
if (hypervisorType.equals(HypervisorType.VMware)) {
try {
boolean isStoragePoolStoragepolicyComplaince = storageMgr.isStoragePoolCompliantWithStoragePolicy(Arrays.asList(volumeDiskProfilePair), destPool);
if (!isStoragePoolStoragepolicyComplaince) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("Storage pool %s is not storage policy compliance with the volume %s", poolUuid, vol.getUuid()));
} catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("Could not verify storage policy compliance against storage pool %s due to exception %s", destPool.getUuid(), e.getMessage()));
DiskOfferingVO newDiskOffering = retrieveAndValidateNewDiskOffering(cmd);
validateConditionsToReplaceDiskOfferingOfVolume(vol, newDiskOffering, destPool);
if (vm != null) {
// serialize VM operation
AsyncJobExecutionContext jobContext = AsyncJobExecutionContext.getCurrentExecutionContext();
if (jobContext.isJobDispatchedBy(VmWorkConstants.VM_WORK_JOB_DISPATCHER)) {
// avoid re-entrance
VmWorkJobVO placeHolder = null;
placeHolder = createPlaceHolderWork(vm.getId());
try {
return orchestrateMigrateVolume(vol, destPool, liveMigrateVolume, newDiskOffering);
} finally {
} else {
Outcome<Volume> outcome = migrateVolumeThroughJobQueue(vm, vol, destPool, liveMigrateVolume, newDiskOffering);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Operation is interrupted", e);
} catch (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Execution excetion", e);
Object jobResult = _jobMgr.unmarshallResultObject(outcome.getJob());
if (jobResult != null) {
if (jobResult instanceof ConcurrentOperationException) {
throw (ConcurrentOperationException) jobResult;
} else if (jobResult instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) jobResult;
} else if (jobResult instanceof Throwable) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", (Throwable) jobResult);
// retrieve the migrated new volume from job result
if (jobResult != null && jobResult instanceof Long) {
return _entityMgr.findById(VolumeVO.class, ((Long) jobResult));
return null;
return orchestrateMigrateVolume(vol, destPool, liveMigrateVolume, newDiskOffering);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VolumeApiServiceImpl method liveMigrateVolume.
protected Volume liveMigrateVolume(Volume volume, StoragePool destPool) throws StorageUnavailableException {
VolumeInfo vol = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());
DataStore dataStoreTarget = dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(destPool.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
AsyncCallFuture<VolumeApiResult> future = volService.migrateVolume(vol, dataStoreTarget);
try {
VolumeApiResult result = future.get();
if (result.isFailed()) {
s_logger.debug("migrate volume failed:" + result.getResult());
throw new StorageUnavailableException("Migrate volume failed: " + result.getResult(), destPool.getId());
return result.getVolume();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
s_logger.debug("migrate volume failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
s_logger.debug("migrate volume failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());