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Example 21 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3VmSupport method execute.

/* do migrations of VMs in a simple way just inside a cluster for now */
public MigrateAnswer execute(final MigrateCommand cmd) {
    final String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
    String destUuid = cmd.getHostGuid();
    String destIp = cmd.getDestinationIp();
    State state = State.Error;
         * TODO: figure out non pooled migration, works from CLI but not from
         * the agent... perhaps pause the VM and then migrate it ? for now just
         * stop the VM.
    String msg = "Migrating " + vmName + " to " + destIp;;
    if (!config.getAgentInOvm3Cluster() && !config.getAgentInOvm3Pool()) {
        try {
            Xen xen = new Xen(c);
            Xen.Vm vm = xen.getRunningVmConfig(vmName);
            HostVO destHost = resourceMgr.findHostByGuid(destUuid);
            if (destHost == null) {
                msg = "Unable to find migration target host in DB " + destUuid + " with ip " + destIp;
                return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null);
            xen.stopVm(ovmObject.deDash(vm.getVmRootDiskPoolId()), vm.getVmUuid());
            msg = destHost.toString();
            state = State.Stopping;
            return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null);
        } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {
            msg = "Unpooled VM Migrate of " + vmName + " to " + destUuid + " failed due to: " + e.getMessage();
            LOGGER.debug(msg, e);
            return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null);
        } finally {
            /* shouldn't we just reinitialize completely as a last resort ? */
            hypervisor.setVmState(vmName, state);
    } else {
        try {
            Xen xen = new Xen(c);
            Xen.Vm vm = xen.getRunningVmConfig(vmName);
            if (vm == null) {
                state = State.Stopped;
                msg = vmName + " is no running on " + config.getAgentHostname();
                return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null);
            /* not a storage migration!!! */
            xen.migrateVm(ovmObject.deDash(vm.getVmRootDiskPoolId()), vm.getVmUuid(), destIp);
            state = State.Stopping;
            msg = "Migration of " + vmName + " successfull";
            return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, true, msg, null);
        } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {
            msg = "Pooled VM Migrate" + ": Migration of " + vmName + " to " + destIp + " failed due to " + e.getMessage();
            LOGGER.debug(msg, e);
            return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null);
        } finally {
            hypervisor.setVmState(vmName, state);
Also used : Xen( MigrateAnswer( State( Ovm3ResourceException( HostVO(

Example 22 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3VmSupport method getVmStat.

private VmStatsEntry getVmStat(String vmName) {
    CloudstackPlugin cSp = new CloudstackPlugin(c);
    Map<String, String> oldVmStats = null;
    Map<String, String> newVmStats = null;
    VmStatsEntry stats = new VmStatsEntry();
    try {
        if (vmStats.containsKey(vmName)) {
            oldVmStats = new HashMap<String, String>();
        newVmStats = cSp.ovsDomUStats(vmName);
    } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {"Unable to retrieve stats from " + vmName, e);
        return stats;
    if (oldVmStats == null) {
        LOGGER.debug("No old stats retrieved stats from " + vmName);
    } else {
        LOGGER.debug("Retrieved new stats from " + vmName);
        int cpus = Integer.parseInt(newVmStats.get("vcpus"));
        stats.setNetworkReadKBs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("rx_bytes"), oldVmStats.get("rx_bytes")));
        stats.setNetworkWriteKBs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("tx_bytes"), oldVmStats.get("tx_bytes")));
        stats.setDiskReadKBs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("rd_bytes"), oldVmStats.get("rd_bytes")));
        stats.setDiskWriteKBs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("rw_bytes"), oldVmStats.get("rw_bytes")));
        stats.setDiskReadIOs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("rd_ops"), oldVmStats.get("rd_ops")));
        stats.setDiskWriteIOs(doubleMin(newVmStats.get("rw_ops"), oldVmStats.get("rw_ops")));
        Double dCpu = doubleMin(newVmStats.get("cputime"), oldVmStats.get("cputime"));
        Double dTime = doubleMin(newVmStats.get("uptime"), oldVmStats.get("uptime"));
        Double cpupct = dCpu / dTime * 100 * cpus;
    ((ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, String>>) vmStats).put(vmName, newVmStats);
    return stats;
Also used : Ovm3ResourceException( VmStatsEntry( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) CloudstackPlugin(

Example 23 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class StoragePluginTest method testStorageFileCreation.

public void testStorageFileCreation() throws Ovm3ResourceException {
    FileProperties file = sPt.storagePluginCreate(FSMNTUUID, NFSHOST, FILE, SIZE, false);
Also used : FileProperties( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 24 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3VmSupport method deleteVif.

private Boolean deleteVif(Xen.Vm vm, NicTO nic) throws Ovm3ResourceException {
    /* here we should use the housekeeping of VLANs/Networks etc..
         * so we can clean after the last VM is gone
    try {
        String net = network.getNetwork(nic);
        if (net != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Removing vif " + nic.getDeviceId() + " " + " " + nic.getMac() + " " + net + " from " + vm.getVmName());
            vm.removeVif(net, nic.getMac());
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to remove vif " + nic.getDeviceId() + " no network for " + vm.getVmName());
            return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String msg = "Unable to remove vif " + nic.getType() + " for " + vm.getVmName() + " " + e.getMessage();
        throw new Ovm3ResourceException(msg);
    return true;
Also used : Ovm3ResourceException( XmlRpcException(org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException) CloudRuntimeException( Ovm3ResourceException(

Example 25 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3VmSupport method execute.

/* Migration should make sure both HVs are the same ? */
public PrepareForMigrationAnswer execute(PrepareForMigrationCommand cmd) {
    VirtualMachineTO vm = cmd.getVirtualMachine();
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Preparing host for migrating " + vm.getName());
    NicTO[] nics = vm.getNics();
    try {
        for (NicTO nic : nics) {
        hypervisor.setVmState(vm.getName(), State.Migrating);
        LOGGER.debug("VM " + vm.getName() + " is in Migrating state");
        return new PrepareForMigrationAnswer(cmd);
    } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " prepare for migration failed due to: " + e.getMessage());
        return new PrepareForMigrationAnswer(cmd, e);
Also used : Ovm3ResourceException( VirtualMachineTO( NicTO( PrepareForMigrationAnswer(


Ovm3ResourceException ( Linux ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 Answer ( DataTO ( CloudstackPlugin ( CopyCmdAnswer ( StoragePlugin ( Xen ( CloudRuntimeException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)6 ConnectionTest ( Pool ( XenTest ( XmlTestResultTest ( Ovm3SupportTest ( CreateObjectAnswer ( SnapshotObjectTO ( CopyVolumeAnswer ( VirtualMachineTO (