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Example 26 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3StoragePool method prepareForPool.

     * Prepare a host to become part of a pool, the roles and ownership are
     * important here.
     * @return
     * @throws ConfigurationException
public boolean prepareForPool() throws ConfigurationException {
    /* need single master uuid */
    try {
        Linux host = new Linux(c);
        Pool pool = new Pool(c);
        /* setup pool and role, needs utility to be able to do things */
        if (host.getServerRoles().contentEquals(pool.getValidRoles().toString())) {
  "Server role for host " + config.getAgentHostname() + " is ok");
        } else {
        if (host.getMembershipState().contentEquals("Unowned")) {
            if (host.getOvmVersion().startsWith("3.2.")) {
            } else if (host.getOvmVersion().startsWith("3.3.")) {
        } else {
            if (host.getManagerUuid().equals(config.getAgentOwnedByUuid())) {
                String msg = "Host " + config.getAgentHostname() + " owned by us";
                return true;
            } else {
                String msg = "Host " + config.getAgentHostname() + " already part of a pool, and not owned by us";
                throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
    } catch (ConfigurationException | Ovm3ResourceException es) {
        String msg = "Failed to prepare " + config.getAgentHostname() + " for pool: " + es.getMessage();
        throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
    return true;
Also used : Linux( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) Ovm3ResourceException( Pool(

Example 27 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3StoragePool method takeOwnership.

     * If you don't own the host you can't fiddle with it.
     * @param pool
     * @throws ConfigurationException
private void takeOwnership(Pool pool) throws ConfigurationException {
    try {
        LOGGER.debug("Take ownership of host " + config.getAgentHostname());
        pool.takeOwnership(config.getAgentOwnedByUuid(), "");
    } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {
        String msg = "Failed to take ownership of host " + config.getAgentHostname();
        throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
Also used : ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) Ovm3ResourceException(

Example 28 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3StoragePool method execute.

     * Get a host out of a pool/cluster, this should unmount all FSs though.
     * @param cmd
     * @return
public Answer execute(DeleteStoragePoolCommand cmd) {
    try {
        Pool pool = new Pool(c);
    /* also connect to the master and update the pool list ? */
    } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Delete storage pool on host " + config.getAgentHostname() + " failed, however, we leave to user for cleanup and tell managment server it succeeded", e);
    return new Answer(cmd);
Also used : ModifyStoragePoolAnswer( PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer( GetStorageStatsAnswer( Answer( Ovm3ResourceException( Pool(

Example 29 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class StoragePluginTest method testNFSStorageMountCreation.

public void testNFSStorageMountCreation() throws Ovm3ResourceException {
    StorageDetails sd = sPt.storagePluginMountNFS(NFSHOST, NFSPATH, FSMNTUUID, NFSMNT);
    sd = sPt.storagePluginMountNFS(NFSHOST, NFSPATH, FSMNTUUID, NFSMNT);
    results.basicLongTest(Long.valueOf(sd.getSize()), 263166853120L);
    results.basicLongTest(Long.valueOf(sd.getFreeSize()), 259377299456L);
    results.basicStringTest(sd.getName(), "nfs:" + NFSPATH);
    results.basicStringTest(sd.getUuid(), FSPROPUUID);
    results.basicStringTest(sd.getDetailsRelationalUuid(), FSMNTUUID);
Also used : StorageDetails( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 30 with Ovm3ResourceException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3HypervisorResourceTest method createVm.

public VirtualMachineTO createVm(String vmName) throws Ovm3ResourceException {
    con = support.prepConnectionResults();
    Xen vdata = new Xen(con);
    Xen.Vm vm = vdata.getVmConfig(vmName);
    vdata.listVm(xen.getRepoId(), xen.getVmId());
    // Ovm3VmGuestTypes types = new Ovm3VmGuestTypes();
    Long id = 1L;
    String instanceName = vm.getVmName();
    VirtualMachine.Type type = Type.User;
    // vm.getVmCpus();
    int cpus = 1;
    Integer speed = 0;
    long minRam = vm.getVmMemory();
    long maxRam = vm.getVmMemory();
    BootloaderType bootloader = BootloaderType.PyGrub;
    String os = "Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.0 (64-bit)";
    boolean enableHA = true;
    boolean limitCpuUse = false;
    String vncPassword = "gobbeldygoo";
    // public StartCommand(VirtualMachineTO vm, Host host, boolean
    // executeInSequence) {
    // ./api/src/com/cloud/agent/api/to/
    VirtualMachineTO vmspec = new VirtualMachineTO(id, instanceName, type, cpus, speed, minRam, maxRam, bootloader, os, enableHA, limitCpuUse, vncPassword);
    addDisksToSpec(vmspec, vm.getVmDisks());
    addNicsToSpec(vmspec, vm.getVmVifs());
    return vmspec;
Also used : Xen( Type( BootloaderType( VirtualMachineTO( VirtualMachine(


Ovm3ResourceException ( Linux ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 Answer ( DataTO ( CloudstackPlugin ( CopyCmdAnswer ( StoragePlugin ( Xen ( CloudRuntimeException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)6 ConnectionTest ( Pool ( XenTest ( XmlTestResultTest ( Ovm3SupportTest ( CreateObjectAnswer ( SnapshotObjectTO ( CopyVolumeAnswer ( VirtualMachineTO (