use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.
the class VirtualMachineMO method backupCurrentSnapshot.
// destName does not contain extension name
public void backupCurrentSnapshot(String deviceName, ManagedObjectReference morDestDs, String destDsDirectory, String destName, boolean includeBase) throws Exception {
SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor();
SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain();
if (snapshotInfo.length == 0) {
String msg = "No snapshot found in this VM";
throw new Exception(msg);
HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost();
DatacenterMO dcMo = getOwnerDatacenter().first();
List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost();
VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo();
List<Ternary<String, String, String>> backupInfo = new ArrayList<Ternary<String, String, String>>();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) {
if (!includeBase && i == snapshotInfo.length - 1) {
SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks();
if (disks != null) {
String destBaseFileName;
String destFileName;
String destParentFileName;
for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) {
if (deviceName == null || deviceName.equals(disk.getDeviceName())) {
String srcVmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName());
Pair<DatastoreMO, String> srcDsInfo = getOwnerDatastore(srcVmdkFullDsPath);
Pair<VmdkFileDescriptor, byte[]> vmdkInfo = getVmdkFileInfo(srcVmdkFullDsPath);
String srcVmdkBaseFilePath = DatastoreFile.getCompanionDatastorePath(srcVmdkFullDsPath, vmdkInfo.first().getBaseFileName());
destFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + ".vmdk";
if (vmdkInfo.first().getParentFileName() != null) {
destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-delta.vmdk";
destParentFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 2) + ".vmdk";
} else {
destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-flat.vmdk";
destParentFileName = null;
}"Copy VMDK base file " + srcVmdkBaseFilePath + " to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName);
srcDsInfo.first().copyDatastoreFile(srcVmdkBaseFilePath, dcMo.getMor(), morDestDs, destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName, dcMo.getMor(), true);
byte[] newVmdkContent = VmdkFileDescriptor.changeVmdkContentBaseInfo(vmdkInfo.second(), destBaseFileName, destParentFileName);
String vmdkUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName);"Upload VMDK content file to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName);
getContext().uploadResourceContent(vmdkUploadUrl, newVmdkContent);
backupInfo.add(new Ternary<String, String, String>(destFileName, destBaseFileName, destParentFileName));
byte[] vdiskInfo = VmwareHelper.composeDiskInfo(backupInfo, snapshotInfo.length, includeBase);
String vdiskUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destName + ".vdisk");
getContext().uploadResourceContent(vdiskUploadUrl, vdiskInfo);
use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.
the class VirtualMachineMO method getCurrentSnapshotDiskChainDatastorePaths.
public String[] getCurrentSnapshotDiskChainDatastorePaths(String diskDevice) throws Exception {
HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost();
List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost();
VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo();
SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor();
SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain();
List<String> diskDsFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) {
SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks();
if (disks != null) {
for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) {
String deviceNameInDisk = disk.getDeviceName();
if (diskDevice == null || diskDevice.equalsIgnoreCase(deviceNameInDisk)) {
String vmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName());
return diskDsFullPaths.toArray(new String[0]);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VirtualMachineMO method getCurrentSnapshotDiskChainDatastorePaths.
public String[] getCurrentSnapshotDiskChainDatastorePaths(String diskDevice) throws Exception {
HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost();
List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost();
VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo();
SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor();
SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain();
List<String> diskDsFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) {
SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks();
if (disks != null) {
for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) {
String deviceNameInDisk = disk.getDeviceName();
if (diskDevice == null || diskDevice.equalsIgnoreCase(deviceNameInDisk)) {
String vmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName());
return diskDsFullPaths.toArray(new String[0]);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VirtualMachineMO method backupCurrentSnapshot.
// destName does not contain extension name
public void backupCurrentSnapshot(String deviceName, ManagedObjectReference morDestDs, String destDsDirectory, String destName, boolean includeBase) throws Exception {
SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor();
SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain();
if (snapshotInfo.length == 0) {
String msg = "No snapshot found in this VM";
throw new Exception(msg);
HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost();
DatacenterMO dcMo = getOwnerDatacenter().first();
List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost();
VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo();
List<Ternary<String, String, String>> backupInfo = new ArrayList<Ternary<String, String, String>>();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) {
if (!includeBase && i == snapshotInfo.length - 1) {
SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks();
if (disks != null) {
String destBaseFileName;
String destFileName;
String destParentFileName;
for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) {
if (deviceName == null || deviceName.equals(disk.getDeviceName())) {
String srcVmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName());
Pair<DatastoreMO, String> srcDsInfo = getOwnerDatastore(srcVmdkFullDsPath);
Pair<VmdkFileDescriptor, byte[]> vmdkInfo = getVmdkFileInfo(srcVmdkFullDsPath);
String srcVmdkBaseFilePath = DatastoreFile.getCompanionDatastorePath(srcVmdkFullDsPath, vmdkInfo.first().getBaseFileName());
destFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + ".vmdk";
if (vmdkInfo.first().getParentFileName() != null) {
destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-delta.vmdk";
destParentFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 2) + ".vmdk";
} else {
destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-flat.vmdk";
destParentFileName = null;
}"Copy VMDK base file " + srcVmdkBaseFilePath + " to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName);
srcDsInfo.first().copyDatastoreFile(srcVmdkBaseFilePath, dcMo.getMor(), morDestDs, destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName, dcMo.getMor(), true);
byte[] newVmdkContent = VmdkFileDescriptor.changeVmdkContentBaseInfo(vmdkInfo.second(), destBaseFileName, destParentFileName);
String vmdkUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName);"Upload VMDK content file to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName);
getContext().uploadResourceContent(vmdkUploadUrl, newVmdkContent);
backupInfo.add(new Ternary<String, String, String>(destFileName, destBaseFileName, destParentFileName));
byte[] vdiskInfo = VmwareHelper.composeDiskInfo(backupInfo, snapshotInfo.length, includeBase);
String vdiskUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destName + ".vdisk");
getContext().uploadResourceContent(vdiskUploadUrl, vdiskInfo);