use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class DefaultVMSnapshotStrategy method deleteVMSnapshot.
public boolean deleteVMSnapshot(final VMSnapshot vmSnapshot) {
final UserVmVO userVm = userVmDao.findById(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
final VMSnapshotVO vmSnapshotVO = (VMSnapshotVO) vmSnapshot;
try {
vmSnapshotHelper.vmSnapshotStateTransitTo(vmSnapshot, VMSnapshot.Event.ExpungeRequested);
} catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to change vm snapshot state with event ExpungeRequested");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to change vm snapshot state with event ExpungeRequested: " + e.getMessage());
try {
final Long hostId = vmSnapshotHelper.pickRunningHost(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
final List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeTOs = vmSnapshotHelper.getVolumeTOList(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
final String vmInstanceName = userVm.getInstanceName();
final VMSnapshotTO parent = vmSnapshotHelper.getSnapshotWithParents(vmSnapshotVO).getParent();
final VMSnapshotTO vmSnapshotTO = new VMSnapshotTO(vmSnapshot.getId(), vmSnapshot.getName(), vmSnapshot.getType(), vmSnapshot.getCreated().getTime(), vmSnapshot.getDescription(), vmSnapshot.getCurrent(), parent, true);
final GuestOSVO guestOS = guestOSDao.findById(userVm.getGuestOSId());
final DeleteVMSnapshotCommand deleteSnapshotCommand = new DeleteVMSnapshotCommand(vmInstanceName, vmSnapshotTO, volumeTOs, guestOS.getDisplayName());
final Answer answer = agentMgr.send(hostId, deleteSnapshotCommand);
if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
processAnswer(vmSnapshotVO, userVm, answer, hostId);
return true;
} else {
final String errMsg = (answer == null) ? null : answer.getDetails();
s_logger.error("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + errMsg);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + errMsg);
} catch (final OperationTimedoutException | AgentUnavailableException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + e.getMessage());
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class NotAValidCommand method testDeleteVMSnapshotCommand.
public void testDeleteVMSnapshotCommand() {
final Connection conn = Mockito.mock(Connection.class);
final VMSnapshotTO snapshotTO = Mockito.mock(VMSnapshotTO.class);
final List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeTOs = new ArrayList<>();
final DeleteVMSnapshotCommand vmSnapshot = new DeleteVMSnapshotCommand("Test", snapshotTO, volumeTOs, "Debian");
final CitrixRequestWrapper wrapper = CitrixRequestWrapper.getInstance();
final Answer answer = wrapper.execute(vmSnapshot, this.citrixResourceBase);
verify(this.citrixResourceBase, times(1)).getConnection();