use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class ApiRateLimitServiceImpl method checkAccess.
public boolean checkAccess(final User user, final String apiCommandName) throws PermissionDeniedException {
// check if api rate limiting is enabled or not
if (!enabled) {
return true;
final Long accountId = user.getAccountId();
final Account account = _accountService.getAccount(accountId);
if (_accountService.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) {
// no API throttling on root admin
return true;
StoreEntry entry = _store.get(accountId);
if (entry == null) {
/* Populate the entry, thus unlocking any underlying mutex */
entry = _store.create(accountId, timeToLive);
/* Increment the client count and see whether we have hit the maximum allowed clients yet. */
final int current = entry.incrementAndGet();
if (current <= maxAllowed) {
s_logger.trace("account (" + account.getAccountId() + "," + account.getAccountName() + ") has current count = " + current);
return true;
} else {
final long expireAfter = entry.getExpireDuration();
// for this exception, we can just show the same message to user and admin users.
final String msg = "The given user has reached his/her account api limit, please retry after " + expireAfter + " ms.";
throw new RequestLimitException(msg);