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Example 11 with StorageUnavailableException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class TemplateManagerImpl method copy.

public boolean copy(final long userId, final VMTemplateVO template, final DataStore srcSecStore, final DataCenterVO dstZone) throws StorageUnavailableException, ResourceAllocationException {
    final long tmpltId = template.getId();
    final long dstZoneId = dstZone.getId();
    // find all eligible image stores for the destination zone
    final List<DataStore> dstSecStores = this._dataStoreMgr.getImageStoresByScope(new ZoneScope(dstZoneId));
    if (dstSecStores == null || dstSecStores.isEmpty()) {
        throw new StorageUnavailableException("Destination zone is not ready, no image store associated", DataCenter.class, dstZone.getId());
    final AccountVO account = this._accountDao.findById(template.getAccountId());
    // find the size of the template to be copied
    final TemplateDataStoreVO srcTmpltStore = this._tmplStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(srcSecStore.getId(), tmpltId);
    this._resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(account, ResourceType.template);
    this._resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(account, ResourceType.secondary_storage, new Long(srcTmpltStore.getSize()).longValue());
    // Event details
    final String copyEventType;
    if (template.getFormat().equals(ImageFormat.ISO)) {
        copyEventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_COPY;
    } else {
        copyEventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_COPY;
    final TemplateInfo srcTemplate = this._tmplFactory.getTemplate(template.getId(), srcSecStore);
    // for that zone
    for (final DataStore dstSecStore : dstSecStores) {
        final TemplateDataStoreVO dstTmpltStore = this._tmplStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(dstSecStore.getId(), tmpltId);
        if (dstTmpltStore != null && dstTmpltStore.getDownloadState() == VMTemplateStatus.DOWNLOADED) {
            // already downloaded on this image store
            return true;
        if (dstTmpltStore != null && dstTmpltStore.getDownloadState() != VMTemplateStatus.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
            this._tmplStoreDao.removeByTemplateStore(tmpltId, dstSecStore.getId());
        final AsyncCallFuture<TemplateApiResult> future = this._tmpltSvr.copyTemplate(srcTemplate, dstSecStore);
        try {
            final TemplateApiResult result = future.get();
            if (result.isFailed()) {
                s_logger.debug("copy template failed for image store " + dstSecStore.getName() + ":" + result.getResult());
                // try next image store
            this._tmpltDao.addTemplateToZone(template, dstZoneId);
            return true;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            s_logger.debug("failed to copy template to image store:" + dstSecStore.getName() + " ,will try next one");
    return false;
Also used : TemplateDataStoreVO( AccountVO( TemplateApiResult( InvalidParameterValueException( PermissionDeniedException( ResourceAllocationException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) URISyntaxException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) StorageUnavailableException( MalformedURLException( CloudRuntimeException( ZoneScope( TemplateInfo( StorageUnavailableException( DataStore( DB(

Example 12 with StorageUnavailableException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class TemplateManagerImpl method evictTemplateFromStoragePool.

public void evictTemplateFromStoragePool(final VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolVO) {
    // Need to hold the lock, otherwise, another thread may create a volume from the template at the same time.
    // Assumption here is that, we will hold the same lock during create volume from template
    final VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef = this._tmpltPoolDao.acquireInLockTable(templatePoolVO.getId());
    if (templatePoolRef == null) {
        s_logger.debug("can't aquire the lock for template pool ref:" + templatePoolVO.getId());
    try {
        final StoragePool pool = (StoragePool) this._dataStoreMgr.getPrimaryDataStore(templatePoolVO.getPoolId());
        final VMTemplateVO template = this._tmpltDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(templatePoolVO.getTemplateId());
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Evicting " + templatePoolVO);
        final DestroyCommand cmd = new DestroyCommand(pool, templatePoolVO);
        try {
            final Answer answer = this._storageMgr.sendToPool(pool, cmd);
            if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
                // Remove the templatePoolVO
                if (this._tmpltPoolDao.remove(templatePoolVO.getId())) {
                    s_logger.debug("Successfully evicted template: " + template.getName() + " from storage pool: " + pool.getName());
            } else {
      "Will retry evicte template: " + template.getName() + " from storage pool: " + pool.getName());
        } catch (final StorageUnavailableException e) {
  "Storage is unavailable currently.  Will retry evicte template: " + template.getName() + " from storage pool: " + pool.getName());
    } finally {
Also used : VMTemplateStoragePoolVO( Answer( StoragePool( StorageUnavailableException( DestroyCommand( VMTemplateVO( DB(

Example 13 with StorageUnavailableException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class StoragePoolMonitorTest method testProcessConnectStoragePoolFailureOnHost.

@Test(expected = ConnectionException.class)
public void testProcessConnectStoragePoolFailureOnHost() throws Exception {
    Mockito.when(poolDao.listBy(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.any(ScopeType.class))).thenReturn(Collections.singletonList(pool));
    Mockito.when(poolDao.findZoneWideStoragePoolsByTags(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.any(String[].class))).thenReturn(Collections.<StoragePoolVO>emptyList());
    Mockito.when(poolDao.findZoneWideStoragePoolsByHypervisor(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.any(HypervisorType.class))).thenReturn(Collections.<StoragePoolVO>emptyList());
    Mockito.doThrow(new StorageUnavailableException("unable to mount storage", 123L)).when(storageManager).connectHostToSharedPool(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyLong());
    storagePoolMonitor.processConnect(host, cmds, false);
Also used : ScopeType( HypervisorType( StorageUnavailableException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with StorageUnavailableException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class StartVMCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, ResourceAllocationException {
    try {
        CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Vm Id: " + getId());
        final UserVm result;
        result = _userVmService.startVirtualMachine(this);
        if (result != null) {
            final UserVmResponse response = _responseGenerator.createUserVmResponse(ResponseView.Restricted, "virtualmachine", result).get(0);
        } else {
            throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to start a vm");
    } catch (final ConcurrentOperationException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final StorageUnavailableException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final ExecutionException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final InsufficientCapacityException ex) {
        final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(ex.getMessage());
        if (ex instanceof InsufficientServerCapacityException) {
            if (((InsufficientServerCapacityException) ex).isAffinityApplied()) {
                message.append(", Please check the affinity groups provided, there may not be sufficient capacity to follow them");
        };, ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY_ERROR, message.toString());
Also used : UserVm( ServerApiException( StorageUnavailableException( InsufficientServerCapacityException( ExecutionException( InsufficientCapacityException( UserVmResponse( ConcurrentOperationException(

Example 15 with StorageUnavailableException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VolumeOrchestrator method recreateVolume.

private Pair<VolumeVO, DataStore> recreateVolume(final VolumeVO vol, final VirtualMachineProfile vm, final DeployDestination dest) throws StorageUnavailableException {
    VolumeVO newVol;
    final boolean recreate = RecreatableSystemVmEnabled.value();
    DataStore destPool = null;
    if (recreate && (dest.getStorageForDisks() == null || dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol) == null)) {
        destPool = this.dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(vol.getPoolId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
        s_logger.debug("existing pool: " + destPool.getId());
    } else {
        final StoragePool pool = dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol);
        destPool = this.dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(pool.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
    if (vol.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated || vol.getState() == Volume.State.Creating) {
        newVol = vol;
    } else {
        newVol = switchVolume(vol, vm);
        // changed
        if (dest.getStorageForDisks() != null && dest.getStorageForDisks().containsKey(vol)) {
            final StoragePool poolWithOldVol = dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol);
            dest.getStorageForDisks().put(newVol, poolWithOldVol);
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Created new volume " + newVol + " for old volume " + vol);
    VolumeInfo volume = this.volFactory.getVolume(newVol.getId(), destPool);
    final Long templateId = newVol.getTemplateId();
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        // retry one more time in case of template reload is required for Vmware case
        AsyncCallFuture<VolumeService.VolumeApiResult> future = null;
        if (templateId == null) {
            final DiskOffering diskOffering = this._entityMgr.findById(DiskOffering.class, volume.getDiskOfferingId());
            final HypervisorType hyperType = vm.getVirtualMachine().getHypervisorType();
            // update the volume's hv_ss_reserve (hypervisor snapshot reserve) from a disk offering (used for managed storage)
            this.volService.updateHypervisorSnapshotReserveForVolume(diskOffering, volume.getId(), hyperType);
            volume = this.volFactory.getVolume(newVol.getId(), destPool);
            future = this.volService.createVolumeAsync(volume, destPool);
        } else {
            final TemplateInfo templ = this.tmplFactory.getReadyTemplateOnImageStore(templateId, dest.getZone().getId());
            if (templ == null) {
                s_logger.debug("can't find ready template: " + templateId + " for data center " + dest.getZone().getId());
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("can't find ready template: " + templateId + " for data center " + dest.getZone().getId());
            final PrimaryDataStore primaryDataStore = (PrimaryDataStore) destPool;
            if (primaryDataStore.isManaged()) {
                final DiskOffering diskOffering = this._entityMgr.findById(DiskOffering.class, volume.getDiskOfferingId());
                final HypervisorType hyperType = vm.getVirtualMachine().getHypervisorType();
                // update the volume's hv_ss_reserve (hypervisor snapshot reserve) from a disk offering (used for managed storage)
                this.volService.updateHypervisorSnapshotReserveForVolume(diskOffering, volume.getId(), hyperType);
                final long hostId = vm.getVirtualMachine().getHostId();
                future = this.volService.createManagedStorageAndVolumeFromTemplateAsync(volume, destPool.getId(), templ, hostId);
            } else {
                future = this.volService.createVolumeFromTemplateAsync(volume, destPool.getId(), templ);
        VolumeService.VolumeApiResult result = null;
        try {
            result = future.get();
            if (result.isFailed()) {
                if (result.getResult().contains("request template reload") && (i == 0)) {
                    s_logger.debug("Retry template re-deploy for vmware");
                } else {
                    s_logger.debug("Unable to create " + newVol + ":" + result.getResult());
                    throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to create " + newVol + ":" + result.getResult(), destPool.getId());
            final StoragePoolVO storagePool = this._storagePoolDao.findById(destPool.getId());
            if (storagePool.isManaged()) {
                final long hostId = vm.getVirtualMachine().getHostId();
                final Host host = this._hostDao.findById(hostId);
                this.volService.grantAccess(this.volFactory.getVolume(newVol.getId()), host, destPool);
            newVol = this._volsDao.findById(newVol.getId());
            // break out of template-redeploy retry loop
        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to create " + newVol, e);
            throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to create " + newVol + ":" + e.toString(), destPool.getId());
        } catch (final ExecutionException e) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to create " + newVol, e);
            throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to create " + newVol + ":" + e.toString(), destPool.getId());
    return new Pair<>(newVol, destPool);
Also used : StoragePool( DiskOffering( VolumeInfo( Host( HypervisorType( TemplateInfo( VolumeVO( StorageUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( VolumeService( DataStore( PrimaryDataStore( StoragePoolVO( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) PrimaryDataStore( Pair(


StorageUnavailableException ( CloudRuntimeException ( DB ( ConcurrentOperationException ( StoragePool ( ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)6 VolumeInfo ( InvalidParameterValueException ( ServerApiException ( DataStore ( Answer ( InsufficientCapacityException ( NoTransitionException ( StoragePoolVO ( ExecutionException ( PermissionDeniedException ( ResourceAllocationException ( DiskOffering ( Pair ( HypervisorType (