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Example 31 with NetworkGuru

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method prepareNic.

public NicProfile prepareNic(final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context, final long nicId, final Network network) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final Integer networkRate = _networkModel.getNetworkRate(network.getId(), vmProfile.getId());
    final NetworkGuru guru = AdapterBase.getAdapterByName(networkGurus, network.getGuruName());
    final NicVO nic = _nicDao.findById(nicId);
    NicProfile profile = null;
    if (nic.getReservationStrategy() == Nic.ReservationStrategy.Start) {
        _nicDao.update(nic.getId(), nic);
        URI broadcastUri = nic.getBroadcastUri();
        if (broadcastUri == null) {
            broadcastUri = network.getBroadcastUri();
        final URI isolationUri = nic.getIsolationUri();
        profile = new NicProfile(nic, network, broadcastUri, isolationUri, networkRate, _networkModel.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network), _networkModel.getNetworkTag(vmProfile.getHypervisorType(), network));
        guru.reserve(profile, network, vmProfile, dest, context);
        if (profile.getReservationStrategy() != null) {
        updateNic(nic, network.getId(), 1);
    } else {
        profile = new NicProfile(nic, network, nic.getBroadcastUri(), nic.getIsolationUri(), networkRate, _networkModel.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network), _networkModel.getNetworkTag(vmProfile.getHypervisorType(), network));
        guru.updateNicProfile(profile, network);
        updateNic(nic, network.getId(), 1);
    final List<Provider> providersToImplement = getNetworkProviders(network.getId());
    for (final NetworkElement element : networkElements) {
        if (providersToImplement.contains(element.getProvider())) {
            if (!_networkModel.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(_networkModel.getPhysicalNetworkId(network), element.getProvider().getName())) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Service provider " + element.getProvider().getName() + " either doesn't exist or is not enabled in physical network id: " + network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Asking " + element.getName() + " to prepare for " + nic);
            if (!prepareElement(element, network, profile, vmProfile, dest, context)) {
                throw new InsufficientAddressCapacityException("unable to configure the dhcp service, due to insufficiant address capacity", Network.class, network.getId());
    guru.updateNicProfile(profile, network);
    configureExtraDhcpOptions(network, nicId);
    return profile;
Also used : NetworkElement( ConfigDriveNetworkElement( CloudRuntimeException( NetworkGuru( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( NicProfile( NicVO( URI( DnsServiceProvider( UserDataServiceProvider( DhcpServiceProvider( LoadBalancingServiceProvider( StaticNatServiceProvider( Provider(

Example 32 with NetworkGuru

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method prepare.

public void prepare(final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final List<NicVO> nics = _nicDao.listByVmId(vmProfile.getId());
    // we have to implement default nics first - to ensure that default network elements start up first in multiple
    // nics case
    // (need for setting DNS on Dhcp to domR's Ip4 address)
    Collections.sort(nics, new Comparator<NicVO>() {

        public int compare(final NicVO nic1, final NicVO nic2) {
            final boolean isDefault1 = nic1.isDefaultNic();
            final boolean isDefault2 = nic2.isDefaultNic();
            return isDefault1 ^ isDefault2 ? isDefault1 ^ true ? 1 : -1 : 0;
    for (final NicVO nic : nics) {
        final Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO> implemented = implementNetwork(nic.getNetworkId(), dest, context, vmProfile.getVirtualMachine().getType() == Type.DomainRouter);
        if (implemented == null || implemented.first() == null) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to implement network id=" + nic.getNetworkId() + " as a part of preparing nic id=" + nic.getId());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement network id=" + nic.getNetworkId() + " as a part preparing nic id=" + nic.getId());
        final NetworkVO network = implemented.second();
        final NicProfile profile = prepareNic(vmProfile, dest, context, nic.getId(), network);
Also used : PhysicalNetworkVO( NetworkVO( CloudRuntimeException( NetworkGuru( NicProfile( NicVO(

Example 33 with NetworkGuru

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method rollbackNicForMigration.

public void rollbackNicForMigration(final VirtualMachineProfile src, final VirtualMachineProfile dst) {
    for (final NicProfile nicDst : dst.getNics()) {
        final NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(nicDst.getNetworkId());
        final NetworkGuru guru = AdapterBase.getAdapterByName(networkGurus, network.getGuruName());
        final NicProfile nicSrc = findNicProfileById(src, nicDst.getId());
        final ReservationContext src_context = new ReservationContextImpl(nicSrc.getReservationId(), null, null);
        final ReservationContext dst_context = new ReservationContextImpl(nicDst.getReservationId(), null, null);
        if (guru instanceof NetworkMigrationResponder) {
            ((NetworkMigrationResponder) guru).rollbackMigration(nicDst, network, dst, src_context, dst_context);
        if (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.L2 && src.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
            _userVmMgr.setupVmForPvlan(true, dst.getVirtualMachine().getHostId(), nicDst);
        final List<Provider> providersToImplement = getNetworkProviders(network.getId());
        for (final NetworkElement element : networkElements) {
            if (providersToImplement.contains(element.getProvider())) {
                if (!_networkModel.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(_networkModel.getPhysicalNetworkId(network), element.getProvider().getName())) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Service provider " + element.getProvider().getName() + " either doesn't exist or is not enabled in physical network id: " + network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
                if (element instanceof NetworkMigrationResponder) {
                    ((NetworkMigrationResponder) element).rollbackMigration(nicDst, network, dst, src_context, dst_context);
Also used : PhysicalNetworkVO( NetworkVO( NetworkMigrationResponder( NetworkElement( ConfigDriveNetworkElement( CloudRuntimeException( NetworkGuru( NicProfile( ReservationContextImpl( ReservationContext( DnsServiceProvider( UserDataServiceProvider( DhcpServiceProvider( LoadBalancingServiceProvider( StaticNatServiceProvider( Provider(

Example 34 with NetworkGuru

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method implementNetwork.

public Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO> implementNetwork(final long networkId, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    final Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO> implemented = new Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO>(null, null);
    NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId);
    final NetworkGuru guru = AdapterBase.getAdapterByName(networkGurus, network.getGuruName());
    if (isNetworkImplemented(network)) {
        s_logger.debug("Network id=" + networkId + " is already implemented");
        implemented.set(guru, network);
        return implemented;
    // Acquire lock only when network needs to be implemented
    network = _networksDao.acquireInLockTable(networkId, NetworkLockTimeout.value());
    if (network == null) {
        // see
        final ConcurrentOperationException ex = new ConcurrentOperationException("Unable to acquire network configuration");
        ex.addProxyObject(_entityMgr.findById(Network.class, networkId).getUuid());
        throw ex;
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Lock is acquired for network id " + networkId + " as a part of network implement");
    try {
        if (isNetworkImplemented(network)) {
            s_logger.debug("Network id=" + networkId + " is already implemented");
            implemented.set(guru, network);
            return implemented;
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Asking " + guru.getName() + " to implement " + network);
        final NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
        if (isSharedNetworkWithServices(network)) {
        } else {
            stateTransitTo(network, Event.ImplementNetwork);
        final Network result = guru.implement(network, offering, dest, context);
        _networksDao.update(networkId, network);
        // implement network elements and re-apply all the network rules
        implementNetworkElementsAndResources(dest, context, network, offering);
        long dcId = dest.getDataCenter().getId();
        if (networkMeetsPersistenceCriteria(network, offering, false)) {
            setupPersistentNetwork(network, offering, dcId);
        if (isSharedNetworkWithServices(network)) {
        } else {
            stateTransitTo(network, Event.OperationSucceeded);
        _networksDao.update(network.getId(), network);
        implemented.set(guru, network);
        return implemented;
    } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
        return new Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO>(null, null);
    } catch (final CloudRuntimeException | OperationTimedoutException e) {
        s_logger.error("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());
        return new Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO>(null, null);
    } finally {
        if (implemented.first() == null) {
            s_logger.debug("Cleaning up because we're unable to implement the network " + network);
            try {
                if (isSharedNetworkWithServices(network)) {
                    _networksDao.update(networkId, network);
                } else {
                    stateTransitTo(network, Event.OperationFailed);
            } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
            try {
                shutdownNetwork(networkId, context, false);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                // Don't throw this exception as it would hide the original thrown exception, just log
                s_logger.error("Exception caught while shutting down a network as part of a failed implementation", e);
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Lock is released for network id " + networkId + " as a part of network implement");
Also used : PhysicalNetworkVO( NetworkVO( OperationTimedoutException( NetworkGuru( ConcurrentOperationException( ConnectionException( AgentUnavailableException( ResourceUnavailableException( UnsupportedServiceException( NoTransitionException( OperationTimedoutException( InsufficientCapacityException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( CloudRuntimeException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceAllocationException( ConcurrentOperationException( InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) CloudRuntimeException( Network( PhysicalNetwork( NoTransitionException( NetworkOfferingVO( Pair( DB(

Example 35 with NetworkGuru

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method startNetwork.

public boolean startNetwork(final long networkId, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    // Check if network exists
    final NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId);
    if (network == null) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network with specified id doesn't exist");
        ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(networkId), "networkId");
        throw ex;
    // implement the network
    s_logger.debug("Starting network " + network + "...");
    final Pair<NetworkGuru, NetworkVO> implementedNetwork = implementNetwork(networkId, dest, context);
    if (implementedNetwork == null || implementedNetwork.first() == null) {
        s_logger.warn("Failed to start the network " + network);
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
Also used : PhysicalNetworkVO( NetworkVO( InvalidParameterValueException( NetworkGuru(


NetworkGuru ( NetworkVO ( PhysicalNetworkVO ( CloudRuntimeException ( NicProfile ( NicVO ( DhcpServiceProvider ( Provider ( LoadBalancingServiceProvider ( NetworkElement ( StaticNatServiceProvider ( UserDataServiceProvider ( DB ( ConcurrentOperationException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 Network ( NoTransitionException ( NetworkMigrationResponder ( Pair ( TransactionStatus (