use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class PrivateGatewayRules method accept.
public boolean accept(final NetworkTopologyVisitor visitor, final VirtualRouter router) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
_router = router;
boolean result = false;
try {
final NetworkModel networkModel = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkModel();
_network = networkModel.getNetwork(_privateGateway.getNetworkId());
final NicProfileHelper nicProfileHelper = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNicProfileHelper();
final NicProfile requested = nicProfileHelper.createPrivateNicProfileForGateway(_privateGateway, _router);
final NetworkHelper networkHelper = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkHelper();
if (!networkHelper.checkRouterVersion(_router)) {
s_logger.warn("Router requires upgrade. Unable to send command to router: " + _router.getId());
return false;
final VirtualMachineManager itMgr = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getItMgr();
_nicProfile = itMgr.addVmToNetwork(_router, _network, requested);
// setup source nat
if (_nicProfile != null) {
_isAddOperation = true;
result = visitor.visit(this);
} catch (final CloudException ex) {
s_logger.error("Failed to create private gateway " + _privateGateway + " on router " + _router + " due to ", ex);
result = false;
} finally {
if (!result) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to setup gateway " + _privateGateway + " on router " + _router + " with the source nat. Will now remove the gateway.");
_isAddOperation = false;
final boolean isRemoved = destroyPrivateGateway(visitor);
if (isRemoved) {
s_logger.debug("Removed the gateway " + _privateGateway + " from router " + _router + " as a part of cleanup");
} else {
s_logger.warn("Failed to remove the gateway " + _privateGateway + " from router " + _router + " as a part of cleanup");
return result;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class PrivateGatewayRules method accept.
public boolean accept(final NetworkTopologyVisitor visitor, final VirtualRouter router) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
_router = router;
boolean result = false;
try {
final NetworkModel networkModel = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkModel();
_network = networkModel.getNetwork(_privateGateway.getNetworkId());
final NicProfileHelper nicProfileHelper = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNicProfileHelper();
final NicProfile requested = nicProfileHelper.createPrivateNicProfileForGateway(_privateGateway, _router);
final NetworkHelper networkHelper = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkHelper();
if (!networkHelper.checkRouterVersion(_router)) {
s_logger.warn("Router requires upgrade. Unable to send command to router: " + _router.getId());
return false;
final VirtualMachineManager itMgr = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getItMgr();
_nicProfile = itMgr.addVmToNetwork(_router, _network, requested);
// setup source nat
if (_nicProfile != null) {
_isAddOperation = true;
// result = setupVpcPrivateNetwork(router, true, guestNic);
result = visitor.visit(this);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to create private gateway " + _privateGateway + " on router " + _router + " due to ", ex);
} finally {
if (!result) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to setup gateway " + _privateGateway + " on router " + _router + " with the source nat. Will now remove the gateway.");
_isAddOperation = false;
final boolean isRemoved = destroyPrivateGateway(visitor);
if (isRemoved) {
s_logger.debug("Removed the gateway " + _privateGateway + " from router " + _router + " as a part of cleanup");
} else {
s_logger.warn("Failed to remove the gateway " + _privateGateway + " from router " + _router + " as a part of cleanup");
return result;