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Example 26 with FirewallRuleVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class FirewallManagerImpl method createFirewallRule.

protected FirewallRule createFirewallRule(final Long ipAddrId, Account caller, final String xId, final Integer portStart, final Integer portEnd, final String protocol, final List<String> sourceCidrList, final Integer icmpCode, final Integer icmpType, final Long relatedRuleId, final FirewallRule.FirewallRuleType type, final Long networkId, final FirewallRule.TrafficType trafficType, final Boolean forDisplay) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
    IPAddressVO ipAddress = null;
    if (ipAddrId != null) {
        // this for ingress firewall rule, for egress id is null
        ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddrId);
        // Validate ip address
        if (ipAddress == null && type == FirewallRule.FirewallRuleType.User) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create firewall rule; " + "couldn't locate IP address by id in the system");
        _networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.Firewall, null);
    validateFirewallRule(caller, ipAddress, portStart, portEnd, protocol, Purpose.Firewall, type, networkId, trafficType);
    // icmp code and icmp type can't be passed in for any other protocol rather than icmp
    if (!protocol.equalsIgnoreCase(NetUtils.ICMP_PROTO) && (icmpCode != null || icmpType != null)) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can specify icmpCode and icmpType for ICMP protocol only");
    if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase(NetUtils.ICMP_PROTO) && (portStart != null || portEnd != null)) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't specify start/end port when protocol is ICMP");
    Long accountId = null;
    Long domainId = null;
    if (ipAddress != null) {
        //Ingress firewall rule
        accountId = ipAddress.getAllocatedToAccountId();
        domainId = ipAddress.getAllocatedInDomainId();
    } else if (networkId != null) {
        //egress firewall rule
        Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
        accountId = network.getAccountId();
        domainId = network.getDomainId();
    final Long accountIdFinal = accountId;
    final Long domainIdFinal = domainId;
    return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<FirewallRuleVO, NetworkRuleConflictException>() {

        public FirewallRuleVO doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
            FirewallRuleVO newRule = new FirewallRuleVO(xId, ipAddrId, portStart, portEnd, protocol.toLowerCase(), networkId, accountIdFinal, domainIdFinal, Purpose.Firewall, sourceCidrList, icmpCode, icmpType, relatedRuleId, trafficType);
            if (forDisplay != null) {
            newRule = _firewallDao.persist(newRule);
            if (type == FirewallRuleType.User)
            if (!_firewallDao.setStateToAdd(newRule)) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update the state to add for " + newRule);
            CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Rule Id: " + newRule.getId());
            return newRule;
Also used : InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( Network( TransactionStatus( IPAddressVO( NetworkRuleConflictException( FirewallRuleVO( DB(

Example 27 with FirewallRuleVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ExternalGuestNetworkGuru method implement.

public Network implement(Network config, NetworkOffering offering, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException {
    assert (config.getState() == State.Implementing) : "Why are we implementing " + config;
    if (_networkModel.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(config.getId(), Network.Service.Connectivity)) {
        return null;
    if (!_networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking(config.getDataCenterId(), config.getId())) {
        return super.implement(config, offering, dest, context);
    DataCenter zone = dest.getDataCenter();
    NetworkVO implemented = new NetworkVO(config.getTrafficType(), config.getMode(), config.getBroadcastDomainType(), config.getNetworkOfferingId(), State.Allocated, config.getDataCenterId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), offering.getRedundantRouter());
    // Get a vlan tag
    int vlanTag;
    if (config.getBroadcastUri() == null) {
        String vnet = _dcDao.allocateVnet(zone.getId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), config.getAccountId(), context.getReservationId(), UseSystemGuestVlans.valueIn(config.getAccountId()));
        try {
            // when supporting more types of networks this need to become
            //              int vlantag = Integer.parseInt(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(vnet));
            vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(vnet);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Obtained an invalid guest vlan tag. Exception: " + e.getMessage());
        ActionEventUtils.onCompletedActionEvent(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(), config.getAccountId(), EventVO.LEVEL_INFO, EventTypes.EVENT_ZONE_VLAN_ASSIGN, "Assigned Zone Vlan: " + vnet + " Network Id: " + config.getId(), 0);
    } else {
        vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(config.getBroadcastUri()));
    // Determine the new gateway and CIDR
    String[] oldCidr = config.getCidr().split("/");
    String oldCidrAddress = oldCidr[0];
    int cidrSize = Integer.parseInt(oldCidr[1]);
    long newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress));
    // if the implementing network is for vpc, no need to generate newcidr, use the cidr that came from super cidr
    if (config.getVpcId() != null) {
    } else {
        // Determine the offset from the lowest vlan tag
        int offset = getVlanOffset(config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), vlanTag);
        cidrSize = getGloballyConfiguredCidrSize();
        // If the offset has more bits than there is room for, return null
        long bitsInOffset = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(offset);
        if (bitsInOffset > (cidrSize - 8)) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("The offset " + offset + " needs " + bitsInOffset + " bits, but only have " + (cidrSize - 8) + " bits to work with.");
        newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress) & 0xff000000) | (offset << (32 - cidrSize));
        implemented.setGateway(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress + 1));
        implemented.setCidr(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress) + "/" + cidrSize);
    // Mask the Ipv4 address of all nics that use this network with the new guest VLAN offset
    List<NicVO> nicsInNetwork = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(config.getId());
    for (NicVO nic : nicsInNetwork) {
        if (nic.getIPv4Address() != null) {
            long ipMask = getIpMask(nic.getIPv4Address(), cidrSize);
            nic.setIPv4Address(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask));
    // Mask the destination address of all port forwarding rules in this network with the new guest VLAN offset
    List<PortForwardingRuleVO> pfRulesInNetwork = _pfRulesDao.listByNetwork(config.getId());
    for (PortForwardingRuleVO pfRule : pfRulesInNetwork) {
        if (pfRule.getDestinationIpAddress() != null) {
            long ipMask = getIpMask(pfRule.getDestinationIpAddress().addr(), cidrSize);
            String maskedDestinationIpAddress = NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask);
            pfRule.setDestinationIpAddress(new Ip(maskedDestinationIpAddress));
            _pfRulesDao.update(pfRule.getId(), pfRule);
    // Mask the destination address of all static nat rules in this network with the new guest VLAN offset
    // Here the private ip of the nic get updated. When secondary ip are present the gc will not triggered
    List<IPAddressVO> ipAddrsOfNw = _ipAddressDao.listStaticNatPublicIps(config.getId());
    for (IPAddressVO ip : ipAddrsOfNw) {
        if (ip.getVmIp() != null) {
            long ipMask = getIpMask(ip.getVmIp(), cidrSize);
            String maskedVmIp = NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask);
            _ipAddressDao.update(ip.getId(), ip);
    //Egress rules cidr is subset of guest nework cidr, we need to change
    List<FirewallRuleVO> fwEgressRules = _fwRulesDao.listByNetworkPurposeTrafficType(config.getId(), FirewallRule.Purpose.Firewall, FirewallRule.TrafficType.Egress);
    for (FirewallRuleVO rule : fwEgressRules) {
        //get the cidr list for this rule
        List<FirewallRulesCidrsVO> fwRuleCidrsVo = _fwRulesCidrDao.listByFirewallRuleId(rule.getId());
        for (FirewallRulesCidrsVO ruleCidrvo : fwRuleCidrsVo) {
            String cidr = ruleCidrvo.getCidr();
            String cidrAddr = cidr.split("/")[0];
            String size = cidr.split("/")[1];
            long ipMask = getIpMask(cidrAddr, cidrSize);
            String newIp = NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask);
            String updatedCidr = newIp + "/" + size;
            _fwRulesCidrDao.update(ruleCidrvo.getId(), ruleCidrvo);
    return implemented;
Also used : NetworkVO( PortForwardingRuleVO( Ip( FirewallRuleVO( DataCenter( CloudRuntimeException( IPAddressVO( FirewallRulesCidrsVO( NicVO(

Example 28 with FirewallRuleVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class FirewallManagerImpl method revokeFirewallRulesForVm.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_FIREWALL_CLOSE, eventDescription = "revoking firewall rule", async = true)
public boolean revokeFirewallRulesForVm(long vmId) {
    boolean success = true;
    UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(vmId);
    if (vm == null) {
        return false;
    List<PortForwardingRuleVO> pfRules = _pfRulesDao.listByVm(vmId);
    List<FirewallRuleVO> staticNatRules = _firewallDao.listStaticNatByVmId(vm.getId());
    List<FirewallRuleVO> firewallRules = new ArrayList<FirewallRuleVO>();
    // Make a list of firewall rules to reprogram
    for (PortForwardingRuleVO pfRule : pfRules) {
        FirewallRuleVO relatedRule = _firewallDao.findByRelatedId(pfRule.getId());
        if (relatedRule != null) {
    for (FirewallRuleVO staticNatRule : staticNatRules) {
        FirewallRuleVO relatedRule = _firewallDao.findByRelatedId(staticNatRule.getId());
        if (relatedRule != null) {
    Set<Long> ipsToReprogram = new HashSet<Long>();
    if (firewallRules.isEmpty()) {
        s_logger.debug("No firewall rules are found for vm id=" + vmId);
        return true;
    } else {
        s_logger.debug("Found " + firewallRules.size() + " to cleanup for vm id=" + vmId);
    for (FirewallRuleVO rule : firewallRules) {
        // Mark firewall rules as Revoked, but don't revoke it yet (apply=false)
        revokeFirewallRule(rule.getId(), false, _accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM);
    // apply rules for all ip addresses
    for (Long ipId : ipsToReprogram) {
        s_logger.debug("Applying firewall rules for ip address id=" + ipId + " as a part of vm expunge");
        try {
            success = success && applyIngressFirewallRules(ipId, _accountMgr.getSystemAccount());
        } catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to apply port forwarding rules for ip id=" + ipId);
            success = false;
    return success;
Also used : UserVmVO( PortForwardingRuleVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResourceUnavailableException( FirewallRuleVO( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ActionEvent(

Example 29 with FirewallRuleVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkModelImpl method getPublicIpPurposeInRules.

Set<Purpose> getPublicIpPurposeInRules(PublicIpAddress ip, boolean includeRevoked, boolean includingFirewall) {
    Set<Purpose> result = new HashSet<Purpose>();
    List<FirewallRuleVO> rules = null;
    if (includeRevoked) {
        rules = _firewallDao.listByIp(ip.getId());
    } else {
        rules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndNotRevoked(ip.getId());
    if (rules == null || rules.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    for (FirewallRuleVO rule : rules) {
        if (rule.getPurpose() != Purpose.Firewall || includingFirewall) {
    return result;
Also used : Purpose( FirewallRuleVO( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 30 with FirewallRuleVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class FirewallRulesDaoImpl method persist.

public FirewallRuleVO persist(FirewallRuleVO firewallRule) {
    TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
    FirewallRuleVO dbfirewallRule = super.persist(firewallRule);
    saveSourceCidrs(firewallRule, firewallRule.getSourceCidrList());
    return dbfirewallRule;
Also used : TransactionLegacy( FirewallRuleVO( DB(


FirewallRuleVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 InvalidParameterValueException ( ResourceUnavailableException ( IPAddressVO ( FirewallRule ( DB ( List (java.util.List)7 ActionEvent ( Network ( NetworkVO ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 Account ( TransactionStatus ( CloudRuntimeException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 DataCenter ( NetworkRuleConflictException ( PortForwardingRuleVO ( PhysicalNetwork (