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Example 56 with NetworkOffering

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class InternalLoadBalancerVMManagerImpl method createApplyLoadBalancingRulesCommands.

private void createApplyLoadBalancingRulesCommands(final List<LoadBalancingRule> rules, final VirtualRouter internalLbVm, final Commands cmds, final long guestNetworkId) {
    final LoadBalancerTO[] lbs = new LoadBalancerTO[rules.size()];
    int i = 0;
    final boolean inline = false;
    for (final LoadBalancingRule rule : rules) {
        final boolean revoked = rule.getState().equals(FirewallRule.State.Revoke);
        final String protocol = rule.getProtocol();
        final String algorithm = rule.getAlgorithm();
        final String uuid = rule.getUuid();
        final String srcIp = rule.getSourceIp().addr();
        final int srcPort = rule.getSourcePortStart();
        final List<LbDestination> destinations = rule.getDestinations();
        final List<LbStickinessPolicy> stickinessPolicies = rule.getStickinessPolicies();
        final LoadBalancerTO lb = new LoadBalancerTO(uuid, srcIp, srcPort, protocol, algorithm, revoked, false, inline, destinations, stickinessPolicies);
        lbs[i++] = lb;
    final Network guestNetwork = _ntwkModel.getNetwork(guestNetworkId);
    final Nic guestNic = _nicDao.findByNtwkIdAndInstanceId(guestNetwork.getId(), internalLbVm.getId());
    final NicProfile guestNicProfile = new NicProfile(guestNic, guestNetwork, guestNic.getBroadcastUri(), guestNic.getIsolationUri(), _ntwkModel.getNetworkRate(guestNetwork.getId(), internalLbVm.getId()), _ntwkModel.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(guestNetwork), _ntwkModel.getNetworkTag(internalLbVm.getHypervisorType(), guestNetwork));
    final NetworkOffering offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId());
    String maxconn = null;
    if (offering.getConcurrentConnections() == null) {
        maxconn = _configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyMaxConn.key());
    } else {
        maxconn = offering.getConcurrentConnections().toString();
    final LoadBalancerConfigCommand cmd = new LoadBalancerConfigCommand(lbs, guestNic.getIPv4Address(), guestNic.getIPv4Address(), internalLbVm.getPrivateIpAddress(), _itMgr.toNicTO(guestNicProfile, internalLbVm.getHypervisorType()), internalLbVm.getVpcId(), maxconn, offering.isKeepAliveEnabled());
    cmd.lbStatsVisibility = _configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyStatsVisbility.key());
    cmd.lbStatsUri = _configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyStatsUri.key());
    cmd.lbStatsAuth = _configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyStatsAuth.key());
    cmd.lbStatsPort = _configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyStatsPort.key());
    cmd.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP, getInternalLbControlIp(internalLbVm.getId()));
    cmd.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_GUEST_IP, guestNic.getIPv4Address());
    cmd.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME, internalLbVm.getInstanceName());
    final DataCenterVO dcVo = _dcDao.findById(internalLbVm.getDataCenterId());
    cmd.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ZONE_NETWORK_TYPE, dcVo.getNetworkType().toString());
Also used : DataCenterVO( LoadBalancingRule( NetworkOffering( Nic( LoadBalancerTO( LbStickinessPolicy( NicProfile( LbDestination( Network( LoadBalancerConfigCommand(

Example 57 with NetworkOffering

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class InternalLoadBalancerVMManagerImpl method createInternalLbVmNetworks.

protected LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> createInternalLbVmNetworks(final Network guestNetwork, final DeploymentPlan plan, final Ip guestIp) throws ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
    //Form networks
    final LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networks = new LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>>(3);
    //1) Guest network - default
    if (guestNetwork != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Adding nic for Internal LB in Guest network " + guestNetwork);
        final NicProfile guestNic = new NicProfile();
        if (guestIp != null) {
        } else {
            guestNic.setIPv4Address(_ipAddrMgr.acquireGuestIpAddress(guestNetwork, null));
        final String gatewayCidr = guestNetwork.getCidr();
        networks.put(guestNetwork, new ArrayList<NicProfile>(Arrays.asList(guestNic)));
    //2) Control network
    s_logger.debug("Adding nic for Internal LB vm in Control network ");
    final List<? extends NetworkOffering> offerings = _ntwkModel.getSystemAccountNetworkOfferings(NetworkOffering.SystemControlNetwork);
    final NetworkOffering controlOffering = offerings.get(0);
    final Network controlConfig = _ntwkMgr.setupNetwork(_accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), controlOffering, plan, null, null, false).get(0);
    networks.put(controlConfig, new ArrayList<NicProfile>());
    return networks;
Also used : NetworkOffering( Network( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) NicProfile( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 58 with NetworkOffering

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NuageVspGuestNetworkGuru method reserve.

public void reserve(NicProfile nic, Network network, VirtualMachineProfile vm, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
    boolean lockedNetwork = lockNetworkForUserVm(network, vm);
    if (lockedNetwork && s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Locked network " + network.getId() + " for creation of user VM " + vm.getInstanceName());
    try {
        //We don't support a shared network with UserData and multiple IP ranges at the same time.
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Handling reserve() call back to with Create a new VM or add an interface to existing VM in network " + network.getName());
        DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId());
        AccountVO neworkAccountDetails = _accountDao.findById(network.getAccountId());
        if (neworkAccountDetails.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) {
            throw new InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException("CS project support is not yet implemented in NuageVsp", DataCenter.class, dc.getId());
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(network.getBroadcastUri().getPath()) || !network.getBroadcastUri().getPath().startsWith("/")) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The broadcast URI path " + network.getBroadcastUri() + " is empty or in an incorrect format.");
        HostVO nuageVspHost = _nuageVspManager.getNuageVspHost(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
        VspNetwork vspNetwork = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildVspNetwork(vm.getVirtualMachine().getDomainId(), network);
        if (vspNetwork.isShared()) {
            vspNetwork = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.updateVspNetworkByPublicIp(vspNetwork, network, nic.getIPv4Address());
            if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType()) && !nic.getIPv4Address().equals(vspNetwork.getVirtualRouterIp())) {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("VR got spawned with a different IP, releasing the previously allocated public IP " + nic.getIPv4Address());
                IPAddressVO oldIpAddress = _ipAddressDao.findByIpAndSourceNetworkId(network.getId(), nic.getIPv4Address());
                _ipAddressDao.mark(network.getDataCenterId(), new Ip(vspNetwork.getVirtualRouterIp()));
            } else if (VirtualMachine.Type.User.equals(vm.getType()) && nic.getIPv4Address().equals(vspNetwork.getVirtualRouterIp())) {
                s_logger.error("Deploying a user VM with the same IP as the VR is not allowed.");
                throw new InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException("Deploying a user VM with the same IP " + nic.getIPv4Address() + " as the VR is not allowed.", Network.class, network.getId());
            // Make sure the shared network is present
            NetworkOffering offering = _ntwkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());
            if (!implement(network.getPhysicalNetworkId(), vspNetwork, _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildNetworkDhcpOption(network, offering))) {
                s_logger.error("Failed to implement shared network " + network.getUuid() + " under domain " + context.getDomain().getUuid());
                throw new InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException("Failed to implement shared network " + network.getUuid() + " under domain " + context.getDomain().getUuid(), Network.class, network.getId());
        // Set flags for dhcp options
        boolean networkHasDns = networkHasDns(network);
        Map<Long, Boolean> networkHasDnsCache = Maps.newHashMap();
        networkHasDnsCache.put(network.getId(), networkHasDns);
        // Determine if dhcp options of the other nics in the network need to be updated
        if (vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter && network.getState() != State.Implementing) {
            updateDhcpOptionsForExistingVms(network, nuageVspHost, vspNetwork, networkHasDns, networkHasDnsCache);
        //NicProfile does not contain the NIC UUID. We need this information to set it in the VMInterface and VPort
        //that we create in VSP
        NicVO nicFromDb = _nicDao.findById(nic.getId());
        IPAddressVO staticNatIp = _ipAddressDao.findByVmIdAndNetworkId(network.getId(), vm.getId());
        VspVm vspVm = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildVspVm(vm.getVirtualMachine(), network);
        VspNic vspNic = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildVspNic(nicFromDb.getUuid(), nic);
        VspStaticNat vspStaticNat = null;
        if (staticNatIp != null) {
            VlanVO staticNatVlan = _vlanDao.findById(staticNatIp.getVlanId());
            vspStaticNat = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildVspStaticNat(null, staticNatIp, staticNatVlan, null);
        boolean defaultHasDns = getDefaultHasDns(networkHasDnsCache, nicFromDb);
        VspDhcpVMOption dhcpOption = _nuageVspEntityBuilder.buildVmDhcpOption(nicFromDb, defaultHasDns, networkHasDns);
        ReserveVmInterfaceVspCommand cmd = new ReserveVmInterfaceVspCommand(vspNetwork, vspVm, vspNic, vspStaticNat, dhcpOption);
        Answer answer = _agentMgr.easySend(nuageVspHost.getId(), cmd);
        if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
            s_logger.error("ReserveVmInterfaceNuageVspCommand failed for NIC " + nic.getId() + " attached to VM " + vm.getId() + " in network " + network.getId());
            if ((null != answer) && (null != answer.getDetails())) {
            throw new InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException("Failed to reserve VM in Nuage VSP.", Network.class, network.getId());
        if (vspVm.getDomainRouter() == Boolean.TRUE) {
    } finally {
        if (network != null && lockedNetwork) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Unlocked network " + network.getId() + " for creation of user VM " + vm.getInstanceName());
Also used : NetworkOffering( Ip( VspStaticNat(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspStaticNat) ReserveVmInterfaceVspCommand( AccountVO( HostVO( Answer( DataCenter( InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException( Network( VspNetwork(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspNetwork) PhysicalNetwork( IPAddressVO( VspVm(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspVm) VspNetwork(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspNetwork) VspNic(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspNic) VlanVO( NicVO( VspDhcpVMOption(net.nuage.vsp.acs.client.api.model.VspDhcpVMOption)

Example 59 with NetworkOffering

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ConfigurationManagerImpl method createNetworkOffering.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating network offering")
public NetworkOffering createNetworkOffering(final CreateNetworkOfferingCmd cmd) {
    final String name = cmd.getNetworkOfferingName();
    final String displayText = cmd.getDisplayText();
    final String tags = cmd.getTags();
    final String trafficTypeString = cmd.getTraffictype();
    final boolean specifyVlan = cmd.getSpecifyVlan();
    final boolean conserveMode = cmd.getConserveMode();
    final String availabilityStr = cmd.getAvailability();
    Integer networkRate = cmd.getNetworkRate();
    TrafficType trafficType = null;
    Availability availability = null;
    Network.GuestType guestType = null;
    final boolean specifyIpRanges = cmd.getSpecifyIpRanges();
    final boolean isPersistent = cmd.getIsPersistent();
    final Map<String, String> detailsStr = cmd.getDetails();
    final Boolean egressDefaultPolicy = cmd.getEgressDefaultPolicy();
    Integer maxconn = null;
    boolean enableKeepAlive = false;
    // Verify traffic type
    for (final TrafficType tType : TrafficType.values()) {
        if ( {
            trafficType = tType;
    if (trafficType == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid value for traffictype. Supported traffic types: Public, Management, Control, Guest, Vlan or Storage");
    // Only GUEST traffic type is supported in Acton
    if (trafficType != TrafficType.Guest) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only traffic type " + TrafficType.Guest + " is supported in the current release");
    // Verify offering type
    for (final Network.GuestType offType : Network.GuestType.values()) {
        if ( {
            guestType = offType;
    if (guestType == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid \"type\" parameter is given; can have Shared and Isolated values");
    // Verify availability
    for (final Availability avlb : Availability.values()) {
        if ( {
            availability = avlb;
    if (availability == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid value for Availability. Supported types: " + Availability.Required + ", " + Availability.Optional);
    if (networkRate != null && networkRate < 0) {
        networkRate = 0;
    final Long serviceOfferingId = cmd.getServiceOfferingId();
    if (serviceOfferingId != null) {
        final ServiceOfferingVO offering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(serviceOfferingId);
        if (offering == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot find specified service offering: " + serviceOfferingId);
        if (!VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(offering.getSystemVmType())) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The specified service offering " + serviceOfferingId + " cannot be used by virtual router!");
    // configure service provider map
    final Map<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>> serviceProviderMap = new HashMap<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>>();
    final Set<Network.Provider> defaultProviders = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
    // populate the services first
    for (final String serviceName : cmd.getSupportedServices()) {
        // validate if the service is supported
        final Service service = Network.Service.getService(serviceName);
        if (service == null || service == Service.Gateway) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid service " + serviceName);
        if (service == Service.SecurityGroup) {
            // allow security group service for Shared networks only
            if (guestType != GuestType.Shared) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Secrity group service is supported for network offerings with guest ip type " + GuestType.Shared);
            final Set<Network.Provider> sgProviders = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
            serviceProviderMap.put(Network.Service.SecurityGroup, sgProviders);
        serviceProviderMap.put(service, defaultProviders);
    // add gateway provider (if sourceNat provider is enabled)
    final Set<Provider> sourceNatServiceProviders = serviceProviderMap.get(Service.SourceNat);
    if (sourceNatServiceProviders != null && !sourceNatServiceProviders.isEmpty()) {
        serviceProviderMap.put(Service.Gateway, sourceNatServiceProviders);
    // populate providers
    final Map<Provider, Set<Service>> providerCombinationToVerify = new HashMap<Provider, Set<Service>>();
    final Map<String, List<String>> svcPrv = cmd.getServiceProviders();
    Provider firewallProvider = null;
    Provider dhcpProvider = null;
    Boolean IsVrUserdataProvider = false;
    if (svcPrv != null) {
        for (final String serviceStr : svcPrv.keySet()) {
            final Network.Service service = Network.Service.getService(serviceStr);
            if (serviceProviderMap.containsKey(service)) {
                final Set<Provider> providers = new HashSet<Provider>();
                // the service is LB
                if (!serviceStr.equalsIgnoreCase(Service.Lb.getName()) && svcPrv.get(serviceStr) != null && svcPrv.get(serviceStr).size() > 1) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("In the current release only one provider can be " + "specified for the service if the service is not LB");
                for (final String prvNameStr : svcPrv.get(serviceStr)) {
                    // check if provider is supported
                    final Network.Provider provider = Network.Provider.getProvider(prvNameStr);
                    if (provider == null) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid service provider: " + prvNameStr);
                    if (provider == Provider.JuniperSRX || provider == Provider.CiscoVnmc) {
                        firewallProvider = provider;
                    if (provider == Provider.PaloAlto) {
                        firewallProvider = Provider.PaloAlto;
                    if ((service == Service.PortForwarding || service == Service.StaticNat) && provider == Provider.VirtualRouter) {
                        firewallProvider = Provider.VirtualRouter;
                    if (service == Service.Dhcp) {
                        dhcpProvider = provider;
                    if (service == Service.UserData && provider == Provider.VirtualRouter) {
                        IsVrUserdataProvider = true;
                    Set<Service> serviceSet = null;
                    if (providerCombinationToVerify.get(provider) == null) {
                        serviceSet = new HashSet<Service>();
                    } else {
                        serviceSet = providerCombinationToVerify.get(provider);
                    providerCombinationToVerify.put(provider, serviceSet);
                serviceProviderMap.put(service, providers);
            } else {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Service " + serviceStr + " is not enabled for the network " + "offering, can't add a provider to it");
    // dhcp provider and userdata provider should be same because vm will be contacting dhcp server for user data.
    if (dhcpProvider == null && IsVrUserdataProvider) {
        s_logger.debug("User data provider VR can't be selected without VR as dhcp provider. In this case VM fails to contact the DHCP server for userdata");
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Without VR as dhcp provider, User data can't selected for VR. Please select VR as DHCP provider ");
    // validate providers combination here
    // validate the LB service capabilities specified in the network
    // offering
    final Map<Capability, String> lbServiceCapabilityMap = cmd.getServiceCapabilities(Service.Lb);
    if (!serviceProviderMap.containsKey(Service.Lb) && lbServiceCapabilityMap != null && !lbServiceCapabilityMap.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Capabilities for LB service can be specifed only when LB service is enabled for network offering.");
    if (lbServiceCapabilityMap != null && !lbServiceCapabilityMap.isEmpty()) {
        maxconn = cmd.getMaxconnections();
        if (maxconn == null) {
            maxconn = Integer.parseInt(_configDao.getValue(Config.NetworkLBHaproxyMaxConn.key()));
    if (cmd.getKeepAliveEnabled() != null && cmd.getKeepAliveEnabled()) {
        enableKeepAlive = true;
    // validate the Source NAT service capabilities specified in the network
    // offering
    final Map<Capability, String> sourceNatServiceCapabilityMap = cmd.getServiceCapabilities(Service.SourceNat);
    if (!serviceProviderMap.containsKey(Service.SourceNat) && sourceNatServiceCapabilityMap != null && !sourceNatServiceCapabilityMap.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Capabilities for source NAT service can be specifed only when source NAT service is enabled for network offering.");
    // validate the Static Nat service capabilities specified in the network
    // offering
    final Map<Capability, String> staticNatServiceCapabilityMap = cmd.getServiceCapabilities(Service.StaticNat);
    if (!serviceProviderMap.containsKey(Service.StaticNat) && sourceNatServiceCapabilityMap != null && !staticNatServiceCapabilityMap.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Capabilities for static NAT service can be specifed only when static NAT service is enabled for network offering.");
    // validate the 'Connectivity' service capabilities specified in the network offering, if 'Connectivity' service
    // is in the supported services of network offering
    final Map<Capability, String> connectivityServiceCapabilityMap = cmd.getServiceCapabilities(Service.Connectivity);
    if (!serviceProviderMap.containsKey(Service.Connectivity) && connectivityServiceCapabilityMap != null && !connectivityServiceCapabilityMap.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Capabilities for 'Connectivity' service can be specified " + "only when Connectivity service is enabled for network offering.");
    validateConnectivityServiceCapablities(guestType, serviceProviderMap.get(Service.Connectivity), connectivityServiceCapabilityMap);
    final Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> serviceCapabilityMap = new HashMap<Service, Map<Capability, String>>();
    serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.Lb, lbServiceCapabilityMap);
    serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.SourceNat, sourceNatServiceCapabilityMap);
    serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.StaticNat, staticNatServiceCapabilityMap);
    serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.Connectivity, connectivityServiceCapabilityMap);
    // combination
    if (firewallProvider != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Adding Firewall service with provider " + firewallProvider.getName());
        final Set<Provider> firewallProviderSet = new HashSet<Provider>();
        serviceProviderMap.put(Service.Firewall, firewallProviderSet);
        if (!(firewallProvider.getName().equals(Provider.JuniperSRX.getName()) || firewallProvider.getName().equals(Provider.PaloAlto.getName()) || firewallProvider.getName().equals(Provider.VirtualRouter.getName())) && egressDefaultPolicy == false) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Firewall egress with default policy " + egressDefaultPolicy + " is not supported by the provider " + firewallProvider.getName());
    final Map<NetworkOffering.Detail, String> details = new HashMap<NetworkOffering.Detail, String>();
    if (detailsStr != null) {
        for (final String detailStr : detailsStr.keySet()) {
            NetworkOffering.Detail offDetail = null;
            for (final NetworkOffering.Detail supportedDetail : NetworkOffering.Detail.values()) {
                if (detailStr.equalsIgnoreCase(supportedDetail.toString())) {
                    offDetail = supportedDetail;
            if (offDetail == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unsupported detail " + detailStr);
            details.put(offDetail, detailsStr.get(detailStr));
    final NetworkOffering offering = createNetworkOffering(name, displayText, trafficType, tags, specifyVlan, availability, networkRate, serviceProviderMap, false, guestType, false, serviceOfferingId, conserveMode, serviceCapabilityMap, specifyIpRanges, isPersistent, details, egressDefaultPolicy, maxconn, enableKeepAlive);
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails(" Id: " + offering.getId() + " Name: " + name);
    return offering;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ServiceOfferingVO( Service( InvalidParameterValueException( Network( PhysicalNetwork( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) TrafficType( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Availability( Capability( NetworkOffering( NetworkOrchestrationService(org.apache.cloudstack.engine.orchestration.service.NetworkOrchestrationService) Service( NetworkService( ManagementService( ResourceLimitService( AffinityGroupService(org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupService) Detail( Provider( Provider( GuestType( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Detail( ActionEvent(

Example 60 with NetworkOffering

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ConfigurationManagerImpl method getNetworkOfferingNetworkRate.

public Integer getNetworkOfferingNetworkRate(final long networkOfferingId, final Long dataCenterId) {
    // validate network offering information
    final NetworkOffering no = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, networkOfferingId);
    if (no == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network offering by id=" + networkOfferingId);
    Integer networkRate;
    if (no.getRateMbps() != null) {
        networkRate = no.getRateMbps();
    } else {
        networkRate = NetworkOrchestrationService.NetworkThrottlingRate.valueIn(dataCenterId);
    // all our other resources where -1 means unlimited
    if (networkRate == 0) {
        networkRate = -1;
    return networkRate;
Also used : NetworkOffering( InvalidParameterValueException(


NetworkOffering ( Network ( Account ( Test (org.junit.Test)34 PhysicalNetworkVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 DataCenter ( InvalidParameterValueException ( NetworkVO ( DeployDestination ( CloudRuntimeException ( HostVO ( ReservationContext ( Domain ( IPAddressVO ( List (java.util.List)13 NicProfile ( DeploymentPlan ( ResourceUnavailableException ( NiciraNvpDeviceVO (