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Example 1 with Cluster

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ResourceManagerImpl method updateCluster.

public Cluster updateCluster(final Cluster clusterToUpdate, final String clusterType, final String hypervisor, final String allocationState, final String managedstate) {
    final ClusterVO cluster = (ClusterVO) clusterToUpdate;
    // Verify cluster information and update the cluster if needed
    boolean doUpdate = false;
    if (hypervisor != null && !hypervisor.isEmpty()) {
        final Hypervisor.HypervisorType hypervisorType = Hypervisor.HypervisorType.getType(hypervisor);
        if (hypervisorType == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to resolve " + hypervisor + " to a valid supported hypervisor type");
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve " + hypervisor + " to a supported type");
        } else {
            doUpdate = true;
    Cluster.ClusterType newClusterType = null;
    if (clusterType != null && !clusterType.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            newClusterType = Cluster.ClusterType.valueOf(clusterType);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve " + clusterType + " to a supported type");
        if (newClusterType == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to resolve " + clusterType + " to a valid supported cluster type");
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve " + clusterType + " to a supported type");
        } else {
            doUpdate = true;
    Grouping.AllocationState newAllocationState = null;
    if (allocationState != null && !allocationState.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            newAllocationState = Grouping.AllocationState.valueOf(allocationState);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve Allocation State '" + allocationState + "' to a supported state");
        if (newAllocationState == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to resolve " + allocationState + " to a valid supported allocation State");
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve " + allocationState + " to a supported state");
        } else {
            doUpdate = true;
    Managed.ManagedState newManagedState = null;
    final Managed.ManagedState oldManagedState = cluster.getManagedState();
    if (managedstate != null && !managedstate.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            newManagedState = Managed.ManagedState.valueOf(managedstate);
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve Managed State '" + managedstate + "' to a supported state");
        if (newManagedState == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to resolve Managed State '" + managedstate + "' to a supported state");
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve Managed State '" + managedstate + "' to a supported state");
        } else {
            doUpdate = true;
    if (doUpdate) {
        _clusterDao.update(cluster.getId(), cluster);
    if (newManagedState != null && !newManagedState.equals(oldManagedState)) {
        if (newManagedState.equals(Managed.ManagedState.Unmanaged)) {
            boolean success = false;
            try {
                _clusterDao.update(cluster.getId(), cluster);
                List<HostVO> hosts = listAllUpAndEnabledHosts(Host.Type.Routing, cluster.getId(), cluster.getPodId(), cluster.getDataCenterId());
                for (final HostVO host : hosts) {
                    if (host.getType().equals(Host.Type.Routing) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Down) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Disconnected) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Up) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Alert)) {
                        final String msg = "host " + host.getPrivateIpAddress() + " should not be in " + host.getStatus().toString() + " status";
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("PrepareUnmanaged Failed due to " + msg);
                for (final HostVO host : hosts) {
                    if (host.getStatus().equals(Status.Up)) {
                final int retry = 40;
                boolean lsuccess = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < retry; i++) {
                    lsuccess = true;
                    try {
                        Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                    hosts = listAllUpAndEnabledHosts(Host.Type.Routing, cluster.getId(), cluster.getPodId(), cluster.getDataCenterId());
                    for (final HostVO host : hosts) {
                        if (!host.getStatus().equals(Status.Down) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Disconnected) && !host.getStatus().equals(Status.Alert)) {
                            lsuccess = false;
                    if (lsuccess == true) {
                        success = true;
                if (success == false) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("PrepareUnmanaged Failed due to some hosts are still in UP status after 5 Minutes, please try later ");
            } finally {
                cluster.setManagedState(success ? Managed.ManagedState.Unmanaged : Managed.ManagedState.PrepareUnmanagedError);
                _clusterDao.update(cluster.getId(), cluster);
        } else if (newManagedState.equals(Managed.ManagedState.Managed)) {
            _clusterDao.update(cluster.getId(), cluster);
    return cluster;
Also used : ClusterVO( Hypervisor( PodCluster( Cluster( Grouping( StoragePoolHostVO( HostVO( NoTransitionException( AgentUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( ResourceInUseException( URISyntaxException( DiscoveryException( SshException( InvalidParameterValueException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) PermissionDeniedException( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( HypervisorType( Managed( DB(

Example 2 with Cluster

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class AddClusterCmdTest method testExecuteForResult.

public void testExecuteForResult() throws Exception {
    resourceService = Mockito.mock(ResourceService.class);
    responseGenerator = Mockito.mock(ResponseGenerator.class);
    addClusterCmd._resourceService = resourceService;
    addClusterCmd._responseGenerator = responseGenerator;
    Cluster cluster = Mockito.mock(Cluster.class);
    Cluster[] clusterArray = new Cluster[] { cluster };
Also used : ResponseGenerator(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ResponseGenerator) ResourceService( Cluster( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with Cluster

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class StorageSystemSnapshotStrategy method getHost.

private Optional<HostVO> getHost(long zoneId, boolean computeClusterMustSupportResign) {
    List<? extends Cluster> clusters = mgr.searchForClusters(zoneId, 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE, HypervisorType.XenServer.toString());
    if (clusters == null) {
        clusters = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.shuffle(clusters, new Random(System.nanoTime()));
    clusters: for (Cluster cluster : clusters) {
        if (cluster.getAllocationState() == AllocationState.Enabled) {
            List<HostVO> hosts = hostDao.findByClusterId(cluster.getId());
            if (hosts != null) {
                Collections.shuffle(hosts, new Random(System.nanoTime()));
                for (HostVO host : hosts) {
                    if (host.getResourceState() == ResourceState.Enabled) {
                        if (computeClusterMustSupportResign) {
                            if (clusterDao.getSupportsResigning(cluster.getId())) {
                                return Optional.of(host);
                            } else {
                                // no other host in the cluster in question should be able to satisfy our requirements here, so move on to the next cluster
                                continue clusters;
                        } else {
                            return Optional.of(host);
    return Optional.absent();
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) Cluster( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HostVO(

Example 4 with Cluster

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class MetricsServiceImpl method listZoneMetrics.

public List<ZoneMetricsResponse> listZoneMetrics(List<ZoneResponse> zoneResponses) {
    final List<ZoneMetricsResponse> metricsResponses = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final ZoneResponse zoneResponse : zoneResponses) {
        ZoneMetricsResponse metricsResponse = new ZoneMetricsResponse();
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperties(metricsResponse, zoneResponse);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to generate zone metrics response");
        final DataCenter zone = dataCenterDao.findByUuid(zoneResponse.getId());
        if (zone == null) {
        final Long zoneId = zone.getId();
        // Thresholds
        final Double cpuThreshold = AlertManager.CPUCapacityThreshold.value();
        final Double memoryThreshold = AlertManager.MemoryCapacityThreshold.value();
        final Float cpuDisableThreshold = DeploymentClusterPlanner.ClusterCPUCapacityDisableThreshold.value();
        final Float memoryDisableThreshold = DeploymentClusterPlanner.ClusterMemoryCapacityDisableThreshold.value();
        // CPU and memory capacities
        final CapacityDaoImpl.SummedCapacity cpuCapacity = getCapacity((int) Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU, zoneId, null);
        final CapacityDaoImpl.SummedCapacity memoryCapacity = getCapacity((int) Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY, zoneId, null);
        final Metrics metrics = new Metrics(cpuCapacity, memoryCapacity);
        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterDao.listClustersByDcId(zoneId)) {
            if (cluster.getAllocationState() == Grouping.AllocationState.Enabled && cluster.getManagedState() == Managed.ManagedState.Managed) {
            for (final HostJoinVO host : hostJoinDao.findByClusterId(cluster.getId(), Host.Type.Routing)) {
                updateHostMetrics(metrics, host);
        metricsResponse.setResource(metrics.getUpResources(), metrics.getTotalResources());
        // CPU
        metricsResponse.setCpuAllocated(metrics.getCpuAllocated(), metrics.getTotalCpu());
        if (metrics.getCpuUsedPercentage() > 0L) {
            metricsResponse.setCpuUsed(metrics.getCpuUsedPercentage(), metrics.getTotalHosts());
            metricsResponse.setCpuMaxDeviation(metrics.getMaximumCpuUsage(), metrics.getCpuUsedPercentage(), metrics.getTotalHosts());
        // Memory
        metricsResponse.setMemAllocated(metrics.getMemoryAllocated(), metrics.getTotalMemory());
        if (metrics.getMemoryUsed() > 0L) {
            metricsResponse.setMemUsed(metrics.getMemoryUsed(), metrics.getTotalMemory());
            metricsResponse.setMemMaxDeviation(metrics.getMaximumMemoryUsage(), metrics.getMemoryUsed(), metrics.getTotalHosts());
        // CPU thresholds
        metricsResponse.setCpuUsageThreshold(metrics.getCpuUsedPercentage(), metrics.getTotalHosts(), cpuThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setCpuUsageDisableThreshold(metrics.getCpuUsedPercentage(), metrics.getTotalHosts(), cpuDisableThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setCpuAllocatedThreshold(metrics.getCpuAllocated(), metrics.getTotalCpu(), cpuThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setCpuAllocatedDisableThreshold(metrics.getCpuAllocated(), metrics.getTotalCpu(), cpuDisableThreshold);
        // Memory thresholds
        metricsResponse.setMemoryUsageThreshold(metrics.getMemoryUsed(), metrics.getTotalMemory(), memoryThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setMemoryUsageDisableThreshold(metrics.getMemoryUsed(), metrics.getTotalMemory(), memoryDisableThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setMemoryAllocatedThreshold(metrics.getMemoryAllocated(), metrics.getTotalMemory(), memoryThreshold);
        metricsResponse.setMemoryAllocatedDisableThreshold(metrics.getMemoryAllocated(), metrics.getTotalMemory(), memoryDisableThreshold);
    return metricsResponses;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Cluster( HostJoinVO( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) ZoneResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ZoneResponse) DataCenter( ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ZoneMetricsResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.response.ZoneMetricsResponse) CapacityDaoImpl(

Example 5 with Cluster

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class FirstFitAllocator method allocateTo.

protected List<Host> allocateTo(DeploymentPlan plan, ServiceOffering offering, VMTemplateVO template, ExcludeList avoid, List<? extends Host> hosts, int returnUpTo, boolean considerReservedCapacity, Account account) {
    if (_allocationAlgorithm.equals("random") || _allocationAlgorithm.equals("userconcentratedpod_random")) {
        // Shuffle this so that we don't check the hosts in the same order.
    } else if (_allocationAlgorithm.equals("userdispersing")) {
        hosts = reorderHostsByNumberOfVms(plan, hosts, account);
    } else if (_allocationAlgorithm.equals("firstfitleastconsumed")) {
        hosts = reorderHostsByCapacity(plan, hosts);
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("FirstFitAllocator has " + hosts.size() + " hosts to check for allocation: " + hosts);
    // We will try to reorder the host lists such that we give priority to hosts that have
    // the minimums to support a VM's requirements
    hosts = prioritizeHosts(template, offering, hosts);
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Found " + hosts.size() + " hosts for allocation after prioritization: " + hosts);
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Looking for speed=" + (offering.getCpu() * offering.getSpeed()) + "Mhz, Ram=" + offering.getRamSize());
    long serviceOfferingId = offering.getId();
    List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>();
    ServiceOfferingDetailsVO offeringDetails = null;
    for (Host host : hosts) {
        if (suitableHosts.size() == returnUpTo) {
        if (avoid.shouldAvoid(host)) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Host name: " + host.getName() + ", hostId: " + host.getId() + " is in avoid set, skipping this and trying other available hosts");
        //find number of guest VMs occupying capacity on this host.
        if (_capacityMgr.checkIfHostReachMaxGuestLimit(host)) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Host name: " + host.getName() + ", hostId: " + host.getId() + " already has max Running VMs(count includes system VMs), skipping this and trying other available hosts");
        // Check if GPU device is required by offering and host has the availability
        if ((offeringDetails = _serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(serviceOfferingId, GPU.Keys.vgpuType.toString())) != null) {
            ServiceOfferingDetailsVO groupName = _serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(serviceOfferingId, GPU.Keys.pciDevice.toString());
            if (!_resourceMgr.isGPUDeviceAvailable(host.getId(), groupName.getValue(), offeringDetails.getValue())) {
      "Host name: " + host.getName() + ", hostId: " + host.getId() + " does not have required GPU devices available");
        int cpu_requested = offering.getCpu() * offering.getSpeed();
        long ram_requested = offering.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L;
        Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId());
        ClusterDetailsVO clusterDetailsCpuOvercommit = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster.getId(), "cpuOvercommitRatio");
        ClusterDetailsVO clusterDetailsRamOvercommmt = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster.getId(), "memoryOvercommitRatio");
        Float cpuOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(clusterDetailsCpuOvercommit.getValue());
        Float memoryOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(clusterDetailsRamOvercommmt.getValue());
        boolean hostHasCpuCapability = _capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCpuCapability(host.getId(), offering.getCpu(), offering.getSpeed());
        boolean hostHasCapacity = _capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCapacity(host.getId(), cpu_requested, ram_requested, false, cpuOvercommitRatio, memoryOvercommitRatio, considerReservedCapacity);
        if (hostHasCpuCapability && hostHasCapacity) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Found a suitable host, adding to list: " + host.getId());
        } else {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Not using host " + host.getId() + "; host has cpu capability? " + hostHasCpuCapability + ", host has capacity?" + hostHasCapacity);
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Host Allocator returning " + suitableHosts.size() + " suitable hosts");
    return suitableHosts;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServiceOfferingDetailsVO( Cluster( Host( ClusterDetailsVO(


Cluster ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 HostVO ( ServerApiException (org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException)7 InvalidParameterValueException ( CloudRuntimeException ( DataCenter ( Pod ( DeployDestination ( DataCenterVO ( DiscoveryException ( ResourceInUseException ( Host ( StoragePool ( ClusterResponse (org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ClusterResponse)4 ClusterResponse ( ClusterDetailsVO ( ClusterVO ( List (java.util.List)3 ServerApiException (