Search in sources :

Example 1 with VMTemplateDetailVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VMTemplateDaoImpl method addTemplateToZone.

     * @Override public Set<Pair<Long, Long>> searchSwiftTemplates(String name,
     * String keyword, TemplateFilter templateFilter, boolean isIso,
     * List<HypervisorType> hypers, Boolean bootable, DomainVO domain, Long
     * pageSize, Long startIndex, Long zoneId, HypervisorType hyperType, boolean
     * onlyReady, boolean showDomr, List<Account> permittedAccounts, Account
     * caller, Map<String, String> tags) {
     * StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if
     * (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { for (Account permittedAccount :
     * permittedAccounts) { builder.append(permittedAccount.getAccountId() +
     * ","); } }
     * String permittedAccountsStr = builder.toString();
     * if (permittedAccountsStr.length() > 0) { // chop the "," off
     * permittedAccountsStr = permittedAccountsStr.substring(0,
     * permittedAccountsStr.length() - 1); }
     * TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn(); txn.start();
     * Set<Pair<Long, Long>> templateZonePairList = new HashSet<Pair<Long,
     * Long>>(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql
     * = SELECT_TEMPLATE_SWIFT_REF; try { String joinClause = ""; String
     * whereClause = " WHERE t.removed IS NULL";
     * if (isIso) { whereClause += " AND t.format = 'ISO'"; if
     * (!hyperType.equals(HypervisorType.None)) { joinClause =
     * " INNER JOIN guest_os guestOS on ( = t.guest_os_id) INNER JOIN guest_os_hypervisor goh on ( goh.guest_os_id = "
     * ; whereClause += " AND goh.hypervisor_type = '" + hyperType.toString() +
     * "'"; } } else { whereClause += " AND t.format <> 'ISO'"; if
     * (hypers.isEmpty()) { return templateZonePairList; } else { StringBuilder
     * relatedHypers = new StringBuilder(); for (HypervisorType hyper : hypers)
     * { relatedHypers.append("'"); relatedHypers.append(hyper.toString());
     * relatedHypers.append("'"); relatedHypers.append(","); }
     * relatedHypers.setLength(relatedHypers.length() - 1); whereClause +=
     * " AND t.hypervisor_type IN (" + relatedHypers + ")"; } } joinClause +=
     * " INNER JOIN  template_swift_ref tsr on ( = tsr.template_id)"; if
     * (keyword != null) { whereClause += " AND LIKE \"%" + keyword +
     * "%\""; } else if (name != null) { whereClause += " AND LIKE \"%" +
     * name + "%\""; }
     * if (bootable != null) { whereClause += " AND t.bootable = " + bootable; }
     * if (!showDomr) { whereClause += " AND t.type != '" +
     * Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM.toString() + "'"; }
     * if (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.featured) { whereClause +=
     * " AND t.public = 1 AND t.featured = 1"; } else if ((templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.self || templateFilter == TemplateFilter.selfexecutable)
     * && caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { if (caller.getType()
     * == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADMIN || caller.getType() ==
     * Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) { joinClause +=
     * " INNER JOIN account a on (t.account_id = INNER JOIN domain d on (a.domain_id ="
     * ; whereClause += "  AND d.path LIKE '" + domain.getPath() + "%'"; } else
     * { whereClause += " AND t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + ")"; }
     * } else if ((templateFilter == TemplateFilter.shared || templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.sharedexecutable) && caller.getType() !=
     * Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { if (caller.getType() ==
     * Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL) { joinClause +=
     * " LEFT JOIN launch_permission lp ON = lp.template_id WHERE" +
     * " (t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + ") OR" +
     * " lp.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + "))"; } else { joinClause
     * += " INNER JOIN account a on (t.account_id = "; } } else if
     * (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.executable &&
     * !permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { whereClause +=
     * " AND (t.public = 1 OR t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + "))";
     * } else if (templateFilter == { whereClause +=
     * " AND t.public = 1 AND t.featured = 0"; } else if (templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.all && caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { }
     * else if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { return
     * templateZonePairList; }
     * sql += joinClause + whereClause + getOrderByLimit(pageSize, startIndex);
     * pstmt = txn.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while
     * ( { Pair<Long, Long> templateZonePair = new Pair<Long,
     * Long>(rs.getLong(1), -1L); templateZonePairList.add(templateZonePair); }
     * } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Error listing templates", e); }
     * finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (pstmt != null) {
     * pstmt.close(); } txn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) {
     * s_logger.warn("Error in cleaning up", sqle); } }
     * return templateZonePairList; }
     * @Override public Set<Pair<Long, Long>> searchTemplates(String name,
     * String keyword, TemplateFilter templateFilter, boolean isIso,
     * List<HypervisorType> hypers, Boolean bootable, DomainVO domain, Long
     * pageSize, Long startIndex, Long zoneId, HypervisorType hyperType, boolean
     * onlyReady, boolean showDomr,List<Account> permittedAccounts, Account
     * caller, ListProjectResourcesCriteria listProjectResourcesCriteria,
     * Map<String, String> tags, String zoneType) { StringBuilder builder = new
     * StringBuilder(); if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { for (Account
     * permittedAccount : permittedAccounts) {
     * builder.append(permittedAccount.getAccountId() + ","); } }
     * String permittedAccountsStr = builder.toString();
     * if (permittedAccountsStr.length() > 0) { //chop the "," off
     * permittedAccountsStr = permittedAccountsStr.substring(0,
     * permittedAccountsStr.length()-1); }
     * TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn(); txn.start();
     * // Use LinkedHashSet here to guarantee iteration order Set<Pair<Long,
     * Long>> templateZonePairList = new LinkedHashSet<Pair<Long, Long>>();
     * PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; StringBuilder
     * relatedDomainIds = new StringBuilder(); String sql =
     * SELECT_TEMPLATE_ZONE_REF; String groupByClause = ""; try { //short
     * accountType; //String accountId = null; String guestOSJoin = "";
     * StringBuilder templateHostRefJoin = new StringBuilder(); String
     * dataCenterJoin = "", lpjoin = ""; String tagsJoin = "";
     * if (isIso && !hyperType.equals(HypervisorType.None)) { guestOSJoin =
     * " INNER JOIN guest_os guestOS on ( = t.guest_os_id) INNER JOIN guest_os_hypervisor goh on ( goh.guest_os_id = "
     * ; } if (onlyReady){ templateHostRefJoin.append(
     * " INNER JOIN  template_host_ref thr on ( = thr.template_id) INNER JOIN host h on (thr.host_id ="
     * ); sql = SELECT_TEMPLATE_HOST_REF; groupByClause =
     * " GROUP BY, h.data_center_id "; } if ((templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.featured) || (templateFilter ==
     * { dataCenterJoin =
     * " INNER JOIN data_center dc on (h.data_center_id ="; }
     * if (zoneType != null) { dataCenterJoin =
     * " INNER JOIN template_host_ref thr on ( = thr.template_id) INNER JOIN host h on (thr.host_id ="
     * ; dataCenterJoin +=
     * " INNER JOIN data_center dc on (h.data_center_id ="; }
     * if (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.sharedexecutable || templateFilter
     * == TemplateFilter.shared ){ lpjoin =
     * " INNER JOIN launch_permission lp ON = lp.template_id "; }
     * if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { tagsJoin =
     * " INNER JOIN resource_tags r ON = r.resource_id "; }
     * sql += guestOSJoin + templateHostRefJoin + dataCenterJoin + lpjoin +
     * tagsJoin; String whereClause = "";
     * //All joins have to be made before we start setting the condition
     * settings if ((listProjectResourcesCriteria ==
     * ListProjectResourcesCriteria.SkipProjectResources ||
     * (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty() && !(templateFilter ==
     * || templateFilter == TemplateFilter.featured)))
     * && !(caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL && templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.all)) { whereClause +=
     * " INNER JOIN account a on (t.account_id ="; if ((templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.self || templateFilter == TemplateFilter.selfexecutable)
     * && (caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADMIN ||
     * caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN)) {
     * whereClause +=
     * " INNER JOIN domain d on (a.domain_id = WHERE d.path LIKE '" +
     * domain.getPath() + "%'"; if (listProjectResourcesCriteria ==
     * ListProjectResourcesCriteria.SkipProjectResources) { whereClause +=
     * " AND a.type != " + Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT; } } else if
     * (listProjectResourcesCriteria ==
     * ListProjectResourcesCriteria.SkipProjectResources) { whereClause +=
     * " WHERE a.type != " + Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT; } }
     * if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { for (Account account :
     * permittedAccounts) { //accountType = account.getType(); //accountId =
     * Long.toString(account.getId()); DomainVO accountDomain =
     * _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
     * // get all parent domain ID's all the way till root domain DomainVO
     * domainTreeNode = accountDomain; while (true) {
     * relatedDomainIds.append(domainTreeNode.getId());
     * relatedDomainIds.append(","); if (domainTreeNode.getParent() != null) {
     * domainTreeNode = _domainDao.findById(domainTreeNode.getParent()); } else
     * { break; } }
     * // get all child domain ID's if (isAdmin(account.getType()) ) {
     * List<DomainVO> allChildDomains =
     * _domainDao.findAllChildren(accountDomain.getPath(),
     * accountDomain.getId()); for (DomainVO childDomain : allChildDomains) {
     * relatedDomainIds.append(childDomain.getId());
     * relatedDomainIds.append(","); } }
     * relatedDomainIds.setLength(relatedDomainIds.length()-1); } }
     * String attr = " AND "; if (whereClause.endsWith(" WHERE ")) { attr +=
     * " WHERE "; }
     * if (!isIso) { if ( hypers.isEmpty() ) { return templateZonePairList; }
     * else { StringBuilder relatedHypers = new StringBuilder(); for
     * (HypervisorType hyper : hypers ) { relatedHypers.append("'");
     * relatedHypers.append(hyper.toString()); relatedHypers.append("'");
     * relatedHypers.append(","); }
     * relatedHypers.setLength(relatedHypers.length()-1); whereClause += attr +
     * " t.hypervisor_type IN (" + relatedHypers + ")"; } }
     * if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty() && !(templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.featured || templateFilter == ||
     * templateFilter == TemplateFilter.executable || templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.shared || templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.sharedexecutable) && !isAdmin(caller.getType()) ) {
     * whereClause += attr + "t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + ")"; }
     * if (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.featured) { whereClause += attr +
     * "t.public = 1 AND t.featured = 1"; if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) {
     * whereClause += attr + "(dc.domain_id IN (" + relatedDomainIds +
     * ") OR dc.domain_id is NULL)"; } } else if (templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.self || templateFilter == TemplateFilter.selfexecutable) {
     * whereClause += " AND t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + ")"; }
     * else if (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.sharedexecutable ||
     * templateFilter == TemplateFilter.shared ) { whereClause += " AND " +
     * " (t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + ") OR" +
     * " lp.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + "))"; } else if
     * (templateFilter == TemplateFilter.executable &&
     * !permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { whereClause += attr +
     * "(t.public = 1 OR t.account_id IN (" + permittedAccountsStr + "))"; }
     * else if (templateFilter == { whereClause +=
     * attr + "t.public = 1 AND t.featured = 0"; if
     * (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { whereClause += attr +
     * "(dc.domain_id IN (" + relatedDomainIds + ") OR dc.domain_id is NULL)"; }
     * } else if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN && !isIso) {
     * return templateZonePairList; }
     * if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { whereClause += " AND ("; boolean
     * first = true; for (String key : tags.keySet()) { if (!first) {
     * whereClause += " OR "; } whereClause += "(r.key=\"" + key +
     * "\" and r.value=\"" + tags.get(key) + "\")"; first = false; } whereClause
     * += ")"; }
     * if (whereClause.equals("")) { whereClause += " WHERE "; } else if
     * (!whereClause.equals(" WHERE ")) { whereClause += " AND "; }
     * sql += whereClause + getExtrasWhere(templateFilter, name, keyword, isIso,
     * bootable, hyperType, zoneId, onlyReady, showDomr, zoneType) +
     * groupByClause + getOrderByLimit(pageSize, startIndex);
     * pstmt = txn.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     * while ( { Pair<Long, Long> templateZonePair = new Pair<Long,
     * Long>(rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(2));
     * templateZonePairList.add(templateZonePair); } //for now, defaulting
     * pageSize to a large val if null; may need to revisit post 2.2RC2 if(isIso
     * && templateZonePairList.size() < (pageSize != null ? pageSize : 500) &&
     * templateFilter != && !(templateFilter ==
     * TemplateFilter.self && !BaseCmd.isRootAdmin(caller.getType())) ){
     * //evaluates to true If root admin and filter=self
     * List<VMTemplateVO> publicIsos = publicIsoSearch(bootable, false, tags);
     * List<VMTemplateVO> userIsos = userIsoSearch(false);
     * //Listing the ISOs according to the page size.Restricting the total no.
     * of ISOs on a page //to be less than or equal to the pageSize parameter
     * int i=0;
     * if (startIndex > userIsos.size()) { i=(int) (startIndex -
     * userIsos.size()); }
     * for (; i < publicIsos.size(); i++) { if(templateZonePairList.size() >=
     * pageSize){ break; } else { if (keyword != null &&
     * publicIsos.get(i).getName().contains(keyword)) {
     * templateZonePairList.add(new Pair<Long,Long>(publicIsos.get(i).getId(),
     * null)); continue; } else if (name != null &&
     * publicIsos.get(i).getName().contains(name)) {
     * templateZonePairList.add(new Pair<Long,Long>(publicIsos.get(i).getId(),
     * null)); continue; } else if (keyword == null && name == null){
     * templateZonePairList.add(new Pair<Long,Long>(publicIsos.get(i).getId(),
     * null)); } } } } } catch (Exception e) {
     * s_logger.warn("Error listing templates", e); } finally { try { if (rs !=
     * null) { rs.close(); } if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); } txn.commit();
     * } catch( SQLException sqle) { s_logger.warn("Error in cleaning up",
     * sqle); } }
     * return templateZonePairList; }
     * private String getExtrasWhere(TemplateFilter templateFilter, String name,
     * String keyword, boolean isIso, Boolean bootable, HypervisorType
     * hyperType, Long zoneId, boolean onlyReady, boolean showDomr, String
     * zoneType) { String sql = ""; if (keyword != null) { sql +=
     * " LIKE \"%" + keyword + "%\" AND"; } else if (name != null) { sql
     * += " LIKE \"%" + name + "%\" AND"; }
     * if (isIso) { sql += " t.format = 'ISO'"; if
     * (!hyperType.equals(HypervisorType.None)) { sql +=
     * " AND goh.hypervisor_type = '" + hyperType.toString() + "'"; } } else {
     * sql += " t.format <> 'ISO'"; if (!hyperType.equals(HypervisorType.None))
     * { sql += " AND t.hypervisor_type = '" + hyperType.toString() + "'"; } }
     * if (bootable != null) { sql += " AND t.bootable = " + bootable; }
     * if (onlyReady){ sql += " AND thr.download_state = '"
     * +Status.DOWNLOADED.toString() + "'" + " AND thr.destroyed=0 "; if (zoneId
     * != null){ sql += " AND h.data_center_id = " +zoneId; } }else if (zoneId
     * != null){ sql += " AND tzr.zone_id = " +zoneId+
     * " AND tzr.removed is null" ; }else{ sql += " AND tzr.removed is null "; }
     * if (zoneType != null){ sql += " AND dc.networktype = '" + zoneType + "'";
     * }
     * if (!showDomr){ sql += " AND t.type != '"
     * +Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM.toString() + "'"; }
     * sql += " AND t.removed IS NULL";
     * return sql; }
     * private String getOrderByLimit(Long pageSize, Long startIndex) { Boolean
     * isAscending =
     * Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue("sortkey.algorithm"));
     * isAscending = (isAscending == null ? true : isAscending);
     * String sql; if (isAscending) { sql = " ORDER BY t.sort_key ASC"; } else {
     * sql = " ORDER BY t.sort_key DESC"; }
     * if ((pageSize != null) && (startIndex != null)) { sql += " LIMIT " +
     * startIndex.toString() + "," + pageSize.toString(); } return sql; }
public long addTemplateToZone(VMTemplateVO tmplt, long zoneId) {
    TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
    VMTemplateVO tmplt2 = findById(tmplt.getId());
    if (tmplt2 == null) {
        if (persist(tmplt) == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to persist the template " + tmplt);
        if (tmplt.getDetails() != null) {
            List<VMTemplateDetailVO> details = new ArrayList<VMTemplateDetailVO>();
            for (String key : tmplt.getDetails().keySet()) {
                details.add(new VMTemplateDetailVO(tmplt.getId(), key, tmplt.getDetails().get(key), true));
    VMTemplateZoneVO tmpltZoneVO = _templateZoneDao.findByZoneTemplate(zoneId, tmplt.getId());
    if (tmpltZoneVO == null) {
        tmpltZoneVO = new VMTemplateZoneVO(zoneId, tmplt.getId(), new Date());
    } else {
        tmpltZoneVO.setLastUpdated(new Date());
        _templateZoneDao.update(tmpltZoneVO.getId(), tmpltZoneVO);
    return tmplt.getId();
Also used : TransactionLegacy( VMTemplateDetailVO( VMTemplateZoneVO( CloudRuntimeException( VMTemplateVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Date(java.util.Date) DB(

Example 2 with VMTemplateDetailVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VMTemplateDaoImpl method saveDetails.

public void saveDetails(VMTemplateVO tmpl) {
    Map<String, String> detailsStr = tmpl.getDetails();
    if (detailsStr == null) {
    List<VMTemplateDetailVO> details = new ArrayList<VMTemplateDetailVO>();
    for (String key : detailsStr.keySet()) {
        VMTemplateDetailVO detail = new VMTemplateDetailVO(tmpl.getId(), key, detailsStr.get(key), true);
Also used : VMTemplateDetailVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


VMTemplateDetailVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 VMTemplateVO ( VMTemplateZoneVO ( DB ( TransactionLegacy ( CloudRuntimeException ( Date (java.util.Date)1