Search in sources :

Example 26 with TransactionCallbackNoReturn

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ResourceManagerImpl method doDeleteHost.

protected boolean doDeleteHost(final long hostId, final boolean isForced, final boolean isForceDeleteStorage) {
    // Verify that host exists
    final HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
    if (host == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Host with id " + hostId + " doesn't exist");
    _accountMgr.checkAccessAndSpecifyAuthority(CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(), host.getDataCenterId());
    if (!isForced && host.getResourceState() != ResourceState.Maintenance) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getUuid() + " cannot be deleted as it is not in maintenance mode. Either put the host into maintenance or perform a forced deletion.");
    // Get storage pool host mappings here because they can be removed as a
    // part of handleDisconnect later
    // TODO: find out the bad boy, what's a buggy logic!
    final List<StoragePoolHostVO> pools = _storagePoolHostDao.listByHostIdIncludingRemoved(hostId);
    final ResourceStateAdapter.DeleteHostAnswer answer = (ResourceStateAdapter.DeleteHostAnswer) dispatchToStateAdapters(ResourceStateAdapter.Event.DELETE_HOST, false, host, isForced, isForceDeleteStorage);
    if (answer == null) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("No resource adapter respond to DELETE_HOST event for " + host.getName() + " id = " + hostId + ", hypervisorType is " + host.getHypervisorType() + ", host type is " + host.getType());
    if (answer.getIsException()) {
        return false;
    if (!answer.getIsContinue()) {
        return true;
    Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

        public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
            _dcDao.releasePrivateIpAddress(host.getPrivateIpAddress(), host.getDataCenterId(), null);
            _agentMgr.disconnectWithoutInvestigation(hostId, Status.Event.Remove);
            // delete host details
            // if host is GPU enabled, delete GPU entries
            // delete host tags
            final Long clusterId = host.getClusterId();
            _hostDao.update(host.getId(), host);
            if (clusterId != null) {
                final List<HostVO> hosts = listAllHostsInCluster(clusterId);
                if (hosts.size() == 0) {
                    final ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
                    _clusterDao.update(clusterId, cluster);
            try {
                resourceStateTransitTo(host, ResourceState.Event.DeleteHost, _nodeId);
            } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Cannot transmit host " + host.getId() + " to Enabled state", e);
            // Delete the associated entries in host ref table
            // Make sure any VMs that were marked as being on this host are cleaned up
            final List<VMInstanceVO> vms = _vmDao.listByHostId(hostId);
            for (final VMInstanceVO vm : vms) {
                // this is how VirtualMachineManagerImpl does it when it syncs VM states
            // where
            for (final StoragePoolHostVO pool : pools) {
                final Long poolId = pool.getPoolId();
                final StoragePoolVO storagePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(poolId);
                if (storagePool.isLocal() && isForceDeleteStorage) {
                    _storagePoolDao.update(poolId, storagePool);
                    s_logger.debug("Local storage id=" + poolId + " is removed as a part of host removal id=" + hostId);
            // delete the op_host_capacity entry
            final Object[] capacityTypes = { Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU, Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY };
            final SearchCriteria<CapacityVO> hostCapacitySC = _capacityDao.createSearchCriteria();
            hostCapacitySC.addAnd("hostOrPoolId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, hostId);
            hostCapacitySC.addAnd("capacityType", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, capacityTypes);
            // remove from dedicated resources
            final DedicatedResourceVO dr = _dedicatedDao.findByHostId(hostId);
            if (dr != null) {
    return true;
Also used : ClusterVO( StoragePoolHostVO( TransactionStatus( VMInstanceVO( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( StoragePoolHostVO( HostVO( SearchCriteria( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( NoTransitionException( StoragePoolVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DedicatedResourceVO( DB(

Example 27 with TransactionCallbackNoReturn

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ConfigurationServerImpl method generateSecStorageVmCopyPassword.

protected void generateSecStorageVmCopyPassword() {
    final String already = _configDao.getValue("secstorage.copy.password");
    if (already == null) {"Need to store secondary storage vm copy password in the database");
        final String password = PasswordGenerator.generateRandomPassword(12);
        final String insertSql1 = "INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value, description) " + "VALUES ('Hidden','DEFAULT', 'management-server','secstorage.copy.password', '" + DBEncryptionUtil.encrypt(password) + "','Password used to authenticate zone-to-zone template copy requests')";
        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
                final TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn();
                try {
                    final PreparedStatement stmt1 = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement(insertSql1);
                    s_logger.debug("secondary storage vm copy password inserted into database");
                } catch (final SQLException ex) {
                    s_logger.warn("Failed to insert secondary storage vm copy password", ex);
Also used : TransactionLegacy( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) TransactionStatus( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) DB(

Example 28 with TransactionCallbackNoReturn

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ConfigurationServerImpl method updateResourceCount.

public void updateResourceCount() {
    final ResourceType[] resourceTypes = Resource.ResourceType.values();
    final List<AccountVO> accounts = _accountDao.listAll();
    final List<DomainVO> domains = _domainDao.listAll();
    final List<ResourceCountVO> domainResourceCount = _resourceCountDao.listResourceCountByOwnerType(ResourceOwnerType.Domain);
    final List<ResourceCountVO> accountResourceCount = _resourceCountDao.listResourceCountByOwnerType(ResourceOwnerType.Account);
    final List<ResourceType> accountSupportedResourceTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<ResourceType> domainSupportedResourceTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final ResourceType resourceType : resourceTypes) {
        if (resourceType.supportsOwner(ResourceOwnerType.Account)) {
        if (resourceType.supportsOwner(ResourceOwnerType.Domain)) {
    final int accountExpectedCount = accountSupportedResourceTypes.size();
    final int domainExpectedCount = domainSupportedResourceTypes.size();
    if ((domainResourceCount.size() < domainExpectedCount * domains.size())) {
        s_logger.debug("resource_count table has records missing for some domains...going to insert them");
        for (final DomainVO domain : domains) {
            // Lock domain
            Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

                public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
                    _domainDao.lockRow(domain.getId(), true);
                    final List<ResourceCountVO> domainCounts = _resourceCountDao.listByOwnerId(domain.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Domain);
                    final List<String> domainCountStr = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (final ResourceCountVO domainCount : domainCounts) {
                    if (domainCountStr.size() < domainExpectedCount) {
                        for (final ResourceType resourceType : domainSupportedResourceTypes) {
                            if (!domainCountStr.contains(resourceType.toString())) {
                                final ResourceCountVO resourceCountVO = new ResourceCountVO(resourceType, 0, domain.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Domain);
                                s_logger.debug("Inserting resource count of type " + resourceType + " for domain id=" + domain.getId());
    if ((accountResourceCount.size() < accountExpectedCount * accounts.size())) {
        s_logger.debug("resource_count table has records missing for some accounts...going to insert them");
        for (final AccountVO account : accounts) {
            // lock account
            Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

                public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
                    _accountDao.lockRow(account.getId(), true);
                    final List<ResourceCountVO> accountCounts = _resourceCountDao.listByOwnerId(account.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Account);
                    final List<String> accountCountStr = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (final ResourceCountVO accountCount : accountCounts) {
                    if (accountCountStr.size() < accountExpectedCount) {
                        for (final ResourceType resourceType : accountSupportedResourceTypes) {
                            if (!accountCountStr.contains(resourceType.toString())) {
                                final ResourceCountVO resourceCountVO = new ResourceCountVO(resourceType, 0, account.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Account);
                                s_logger.debug("Inserting resource count of type " + resourceType + " for account id=" + account.getId());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TransactionStatus( ResourceType( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( AccountVO( DomainVO( ResourceCountVO( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DB(

Example 29 with TransactionCallbackNoReturn

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VpcManagerImpl method revokeStaticRoutesForVpc.

private boolean revokeStaticRoutesForVpc(final long vpcId, final Account caller) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
    // get all static routes for the vpc
    final List<StaticRouteVO> routes = _staticRouteDao.listByVpcId(vpcId);
    s_logger.debug("Found " + routes.size() + " to revoke for the vpc " + vpcId);
    if (!routes.isEmpty()) {
        // mark all of them as revoke
        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
                for (final StaticRouteVO route : routes) {
                    markStaticRouteForRevoke(route, caller);
        return applyStaticRoutesForVpc(vpcId);
    return true;
Also used : TransactionStatus( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( DB(

Example 30 with TransactionCallbackNoReturn

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VpcPrivateGatewayTransactionCallable method call.

public Boolean call() throws Exception {
    final long networkId = gateway.getNetworkId();
    Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

        public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
            final List<PrivateIpVO> privateIps = _privateIpDao.listByNetworkId(networkId);
            if (privateIps.size() > 1 || !privateIps.get(0).getIpAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(gateway.getIp4Address())) {
                s_logger.debug("Not removing network id=" + gateway.getNetworkId() + " as it has private ip addresses for other gateways");
                deleteNetwork = false;
            final PrivateIpVO ip = _privateIpDao.findByIpAndVpcId(gateway.getVpcId(), gateway.getIp4Address());
            if (ip != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Deleted private ip " + ip);
            s_logger.debug("Deleted private gateway " + gateway);
    return deleteNetwork;
Also used : TransactionStatus( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( List(java.util.List)


TransactionCallbackNoReturn ( TransactionStatus ( DB ( CloudRuntimeException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)57 ActionEvent ( List (java.util.List)42 Account ( ResourceUnavailableException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)32 ConcurrentOperationException ( InsufficientCapacityException ( IPAddressVO ( PermissionDeniedException ( ResourceAllocationException ( HostVO ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)18 InsufficientAddressCapacityException (