use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class AgentManagerImpl method handleDisconnectWithInvestigation.
protected boolean handleDisconnectWithInvestigation(final AgentAttache attache, Status.Event event) {
final long hostId = attache.getId();
HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
if (host != null) {
Status nextStatus = null;
try {
nextStatus = host.getStatus().getNextStatus(event);
} catch (final NoTransitionException ne) {
* Agent may be currently in status of Down, Alert, Removed, namely there is no next status for some events. Why this can happen? Ask God not me. I hate there was
* no piece of comment for code handling race condition. God knew what race condition the code dealt with!
s_logger.debug("Caught exception while getting agent's next status", ne);
if (nextStatus == Status.Alert) {
/* OK, we are going to the bad status, let's see what happened */"Investigating why host " + hostId + " has disconnected with event " + event);
Status determinedState = investigate(attache);
// if state cannot be determined do nothing and bail out
if (determinedState == null) {
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) - host.getLastPinged() > AlertWait.value()) {
s_logger.warn("Agent " + hostId + " state cannot be determined for more than " + AlertWait + "(" + AlertWait.value() + ") seconds, will go to Alert state");
determinedState = Status.Alert;
} else {
s_logger.warn("Agent " + hostId + " state cannot be determined, do nothing");
return false;
final Status currentStatus = host.getStatus();"The agent from host " + hostId + " state determined is " + determinedState);
if (determinedState == Status.Down) {
final String message = "Host is down: " + host.getId() + "-" + host.getName() + ". Starting HA on the VMs";
if (host.getType() != Host.Type.SecondaryStorage && host.getType() != Host.Type.ConsoleProxy) {
_alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_HOST, host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), "Host down, " + host.getId(), message);
event = Status.Event.HostDown;
} else if (determinedState == Status.Up) {
/* Got ping response from host, bring it back */"Agent is determined to be up and running");
agentStatusTransitTo(host, Status.Event.Ping, _nodeId);
return false;
} else if (determinedState == Status.Disconnected) {
s_logger.warn("Agent is disconnected but the host is still up: " + host.getId() + "-" + host.getName());
if (currentStatus == Status.Disconnected) {
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() >> 10) - host.getLastPinged() > AlertWait.value()) {
s_logger.warn("Host " + host.getId() + " has been disconnected past the wait time it should be disconnected.");
event = Status.Event.WaitedTooLong;
} else {
s_logger.debug("Host " + host.getId() + " has been determined to be disconnected but it hasn't passed the wait time yet.");
return false;
} else if (currentStatus == Status.Up) {
final DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(host.getDataCenterId());
final HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
final String hostDesc = "name: " + host.getName() + " (id:" + host.getId() + "), availability zone: " + dcVO.getName() + ", pod: " + podVO.getName();
if (host.getType() != Host.Type.SecondaryStorage && host.getType() != Host.Type.ConsoleProxy) {
_alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_HOST, host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), "Host disconnected, " + hostDesc, "If the agent for host [" + hostDesc + "] is not restarted within " + AlertWait + " seconds, host will go to Alert state");
event = Status.Event.AgentDisconnected;
} else {
// if we end up here we are in alert state, send an alert
final DataCenterVO dcVO = _dcDao.findById(host.getDataCenterId());
final HostPodVO podVO = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
final String podName = podVO != null ? podVO.getName() : "NO POD";
final String hostDesc = "name: " + host.getName() + " (id:" + host.getId() + "), availability zone: " + dcVO.getName() + ", pod: " + podName;
_alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_HOST, host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), "Host in ALERT state, " + hostDesc, "In availability zone " + host.getDataCenterId() + ", host is in alert state: " + host.getId() + "-" + host.getName());
} else {
s_logger.debug("The next status of agent " + host.getId() + " is not Alert, no need to investigate what happened");
handleDisconnectWithoutInvestigation(attache, event, true, true);
// Maybe the host magically reappeared?
host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
if (host != null && host.getStatus() == Status.Down) {
_haMgr.scheduleRestartForVmsOnHost(host, true);
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class XenserverSnapshotStrategy method backupSnapshot.
public SnapshotInfo backupSnapshot(SnapshotInfo snapshot) {
SnapshotInfo parentSnapshot = snapshot.getParent();
if (parentSnapshot != null && snapshot.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(parentSnapshot.getPath())) {
s_logger.debug("backup an empty snapshot");
// don't need to backup this snapshot
SnapshotDataStoreVO parentSnapshotOnBackupStore = snapshotStoreDao.findBySnapshot(parentSnapshot.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
if (parentSnapshotOnBackupStore != null && parentSnapshotOnBackupStore.getState() == State.Ready) {
DataStore store = dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(parentSnapshotOnBackupStore.getDataStoreId(), parentSnapshotOnBackupStore.getRole());
SnapshotInfo snapshotOnImageStore = (SnapshotInfo) store.create(snapshot);
SnapshotObjectTO snapTO = new SnapshotObjectTO();
CreateObjectAnswer createSnapshotAnswer = new CreateObjectAnswer(snapTO);
snapshotOnImageStore.processEvent(Event.OperationSuccessed, createSnapshotAnswer);
SnapshotObject snapObj = (SnapshotObject) snapshot;
try {
} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to change state: " + snapshot.getId() + ": " + e.toString());
throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.toString());
return snapshotDataFactory.getSnapshot(snapObj.getId(), store);
} else {
s_logger.debug("parent snapshot hasn't been backed up yet");
// determine full snapshot backup or not
boolean fullBackup = true;
SnapshotDataStoreVO parentSnapshotOnBackupStore = snapshotStoreDao.findLatestSnapshotForVolume(snapshot.getVolumeId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
SnapshotDataStoreVO parentSnapshotOnPrimaryStore = snapshotStoreDao.findLatestSnapshotForVolume(snapshot.getVolumeId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
HypervisorType hypervisorType = snapshot.getBaseVolume().getHypervisorType();
if (parentSnapshotOnPrimaryStore != null && parentSnapshotOnBackupStore != null && hypervisorType == Hypervisor.HypervisorType.XenServer) {
// CS does incremental backup only for XenServer
// In case of volume migration from one pool to other pool, CS should take full snapshot to avoid any issues with delta chain,
// to check if this is a migrated volume, compare the current pool id of volume and store_id of oldest snapshot on primary for this volume.
// Why oldest? Because at this point CS has two snapshot on primary entries for same volume, one with old pool_id and other one with
// current pool id. So, verify and if volume found to be migrated, delete snapshot entry with previous pool store_id.
SnapshotDataStoreVO oldestSnapshotOnPrimary = snapshotStoreDao.findOldestSnapshotForVolume(snapshot.getVolumeId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
VolumeVO volume = volumeDao.findById(snapshot.getVolumeId());
if (oldestSnapshotOnPrimary != null) {
if (oldestSnapshotOnPrimary.getDataStoreId() == volume.getPoolId() && oldestSnapshotOnPrimary.getId() != parentSnapshotOnPrimaryStore.getId()) {
int _deltaSnapshotMax = NumbersUtil.parseInt(configDao.getValue(""), SnapshotManager.DELTAMAX);
int deltaSnap = _deltaSnapshotMax;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < deltaSnap; i++) {
Long prevBackupId = parentSnapshotOnBackupStore.getParentSnapshotId();
if (prevBackupId == 0) {
parentSnapshotOnBackupStore = snapshotStoreDao.findBySnapshot(prevBackupId, DataStoreRole.Image);
if (parentSnapshotOnBackupStore == null) {
if (i >= deltaSnap) {
fullBackup = true;
} else {
fullBackup = false;
} else if (oldestSnapshotOnPrimary.getId() != parentSnapshotOnPrimaryStore.getId()) {
// if there is an snapshot entry for previousPool(primary storage) of migrated volume, delete it becasue CS created one more snapshot entry for current pool
return snapshotSvr.backupSnapshot(snapshot);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class DefaultVMSnapshotStrategy method takeVMSnapshot.
public VMSnapshot takeVMSnapshot(VMSnapshot vmSnapshot) {
Long hostId = vmSnapshotHelper.pickRunningHost(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
UserVm userVm = userVmDao.findById(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
VMSnapshotVO vmSnapshotVO = (VMSnapshotVO) vmSnapshot;
try {
vmSnapshotHelper.vmSnapshotStateTransitTo(vmSnapshotVO, VMSnapshot.Event.CreateRequested);
} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
CreateVMSnapshotAnswer answer = null;
boolean result = false;
try {
GuestOSVO guestOS = guestOSDao.findById(userVm.getGuestOSId());
List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeTOs = vmSnapshotHelper.getVolumeTOList(userVm.getId());
VMSnapshotTO current = null;
VMSnapshotVO currentSnapshot = vmSnapshotDao.findCurrentSnapshotByVmId(userVm.getId());
if (currentSnapshot != null)
current = vmSnapshotHelper.getSnapshotWithParents(currentSnapshot);
VMSnapshotOptions options = ((VMSnapshotVO) vmSnapshot).getOptions();
boolean quiescevm = true;
if (options != null)
quiescevm = options.needQuiesceVM();
VMSnapshotTO target = new VMSnapshotTO(vmSnapshot.getId(), vmSnapshot.getName(), vmSnapshot.getType(), null, vmSnapshot.getDescription(), false, current, quiescevm);
if (current == null)
HostVO host = hostDao.findById(hostId);
GuestOSHypervisorVO guestOsMapping = guestOsHypervisorDao.findByOsIdAndHypervisor(guestOS.getId(), host.getHypervisorType().toString(), host.getHypervisorVersion());
CreateVMSnapshotCommand ccmd = new CreateVMSnapshotCommand(userVm.getInstanceName(), userVm.getUuid(), target, volumeTOs, guestOS.getDisplayName());
if (guestOsMapping == null) {
} else {
answer = (CreateVMSnapshotAnswer) agentMgr.send(hostId, ccmd);
if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
processAnswer(vmSnapshotVO, userVm, answer, hostId);
s_logger.debug("Create vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " succeeded for vm: " + userVm.getInstanceName());
result = true;
for (VolumeObjectTO volumeTo : answer.getVolumeTOs()) {
publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_VM_SNAPSHOT_CREATE, vmSnapshot, userVm, volumeTo);
return vmSnapshot;
} else {
String errMsg = "Creating VM snapshot: " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " failed";
if (answer != null && answer.getDetails() != null)
errMsg = errMsg + " due to " + answer.getDetails();
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg);
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
s_logger.debug("Creating VM snapshot: " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " failed: " + e.toString());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Creating VM snapshot: " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " failed: " + e.toString());
} catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.debug("Creating VM snapshot: " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Creating VM snapshot: " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " failed: " + e.toString());
} finally {
if (!result) {
try {
vmSnapshotHelper.vmSnapshotStateTransitTo(vmSnapshot, VMSnapshot.Event.OperationFailed);
} catch (NoTransitionException e1) {
s_logger.error("Cannot set vm snapshot state due to: " + e1.getMessage());
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class DefaultVMSnapshotStrategy method deleteVMSnapshot.
public boolean deleteVMSnapshot(VMSnapshot vmSnapshot) {
UserVmVO userVm = userVmDao.findById(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
VMSnapshotVO vmSnapshotVO = (VMSnapshotVO) vmSnapshot;
try {
vmSnapshotHelper.vmSnapshotStateTransitTo(vmSnapshot, VMSnapshot.Event.ExpungeRequested);
} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to change vm snapshot state with event ExpungeRequested");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to change vm snapshot state with event ExpungeRequested: " + e.getMessage());
try {
Long hostId = vmSnapshotHelper.pickRunningHost(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeTOs = vmSnapshotHelper.getVolumeTOList(vmSnapshot.getVmId());
String vmInstanceName = userVm.getInstanceName();
VMSnapshotTO parent = vmSnapshotHelper.getSnapshotWithParents(vmSnapshotVO).getParent();
VMSnapshotTO vmSnapshotTO = new VMSnapshotTO(vmSnapshot.getId(), vmSnapshot.getName(), vmSnapshot.getType(), vmSnapshot.getCreated().getTime(), vmSnapshot.getDescription(), vmSnapshot.getCurrent(), parent, true);
GuestOSVO guestOS = guestOSDao.findById(userVm.getGuestOSId());
DeleteVMSnapshotCommand deleteSnapshotCommand = new DeleteVMSnapshotCommand(vmInstanceName, vmSnapshotTO, volumeTOs, guestOS.getDisplayName());
Answer answer = agentMgr.send(hostId, deleteSnapshotCommand);
if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
DeleteVMSnapshotAnswer deleteVMSnapshotAnswer = (DeleteVMSnapshotAnswer) answer;
processAnswer(vmSnapshotVO, userVm, answer, hostId);
for (VolumeObjectTO volumeTo : deleteVMSnapshotAnswer.getVolumeTOs()) {
publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_VM_SNAPSHOT_DELETE, vmSnapshot, userVm, volumeTo);
return true;
} else {
String errMsg = (answer == null) ? null : answer.getDetails();
s_logger.error("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + errMsg);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + errMsg);
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + e.getMessage());
} catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Delete vm snapshot " + vmSnapshot.getName() + " of vm " + userVm.getInstanceName() + " failed due to " + e.getMessage());
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class DataObjectManagerImpl method deleteAsync.
public void deleteAsync(DataObject data, AsyncCompletionCallback<CommandResult> callback) {
try {
objectInDataStoreMgr.update(data, Event.DestroyRequested);
} catch (NoTransitionException e) {
s_logger.debug("destroy failed", e);
CreateCmdResult res = new CreateCmdResult(null, null);
} catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
s_logger.debug("destroy failed", e);
CreateCmdResult res = new CreateCmdResult(null, null);
DeleteContext<CommandResult> context = new DeleteContext<CommandResult>(callback, data);
AsyncCallbackDispatcher<DataObjectManagerImpl, CommandResult> caller = AsyncCallbackDispatcher.create(this);
caller.setCallback(caller.getTarget().deleteAsynCallback(null, null)).setContext(context);
data.getDataStore().getDriver().deleteAsync(data.getDataStore(), data, caller);