Search in sources :

Example 36 with DomainRouterVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetScalerVMManagerImpl method deployNsVpx.

public Map<String, Object> deployNsVpx(Account owner, DeployDestination dest, DeploymentPlan plan, long svcOffId, long templateId) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findById(templateId);
    long id = _vmDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id");
    Account systemAcct = _accountMgr.getSystemAccount();
    if (template == null) {
        s_logger.error(" Unable to find the NS VPX template");
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the Template" + templateId);
    long dataCenterId = dest.getDataCenter().getId();
    DataCenterVO dc = _dcDao.findById(dest.getDataCenter().getId());
    String nxVpxName = VirtualMachineName.getSystemVmName(id, "Vpx", NetScalerLbVmNamePrefix);
    // using 2GB and 2CPU  offering
    ServiceOfferingVO vpxOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(svcOffId);
    if (vpxOffering.getRamSize() < 2048 && vpxOffering.getCpu() < 2) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified Service Offering :" + vpxOffering.getUuid() + " NS Vpx cannot be deployed. Min 2GB Ram and 2 CPU are required");
    long userId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId();
    // TODO change the os bits from 142  103 to the actual guest of bits
    if (template.getGuestOSId() != 103) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified Template " + template.getUuid() + " not suitable for NS VPX Deployment. Please register the template with guest os type as unknow(64-bit)");
    NetworkVO defaultNetwork = null;
    NetworkVO defaultPublicNetwork = null;
    if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && dc.isSecurityGroupEnabled()) {
        List<NetworkVO> networks = _networkDao.listByZoneSecurityGroup(dataCenterId);
        if (networks == null || networks.size() == 0) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Can not found security enabled network in SG Zone " + dc);
        defaultNetwork = networks.get(0);
    } else {
        TrafficType defaultTrafficType = TrafficType.Management;
        List<NetworkVO> defaultNetworks = _networkDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(dataCenterId, defaultTrafficType);
        TrafficType publicTrafficType = TrafficType.Public;
        List<NetworkVO> publicNetworks = _networkDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(dataCenterId, publicTrafficType);
        // api should never allow this situation to happen
        if (defaultNetworks.size() != 1) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Found " + defaultNetworks.size() + " networks of type " + defaultTrafficType + " when expect to find 1");
        if (publicNetworks.size() != 1) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Found " + defaultNetworks.size() + " networks of type " + defaultTrafficType + " when expect to find 1");
        defaultPublicNetwork = publicNetworks.get(0);
        defaultNetwork = defaultNetworks.get(0);
    LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networks = new LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>>(4);
    NicProfile defaultNic = new NicProfile();
    networks.put(_networkMgr.setupNetwork(_accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), _networkOfferingDao.findById(defaultNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId()), plan, null, null, false).get(0), new ArrayList<NicProfile>());
    NicProfile defaultNic1 = new NicProfile();
    NicProfile defaultNic2 = new NicProfile();
    String macAddress = _networkDao.getNextAvailableMacAddress(defaultPublicNetwork.getId(), null);
    networks.put(_networkMgr.setupNetwork(_accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), _networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.SystemPublicNetwork), plan, null, null, false).get(0), new ArrayList<NicProfile>(Arrays.asList(defaultNic2)));
    networks.put(_networkMgr.setupNetwork(_accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), _networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.SystemControlNetwork), plan, null, null, false).get(0), new ArrayList<NicProfile>());
    long physicalNetworkId = _networkModel.findPhysicalNetworkId(dataCenterId, _networkOfferingDao.findById(defaultPublicNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId()).getTags(), TrafficType.Public);
    // Validate physical network
    PhysicalNetwork physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
    if (physicalNetwork == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find physical network with id: " + physicalNetworkId + " and tag: " + _networkOfferingDao.findById(defaultPublicNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId()).getTags());
    String guestvnet = physicalNetwork.getVnetString();
    final List<VlanVO> vlans = _vlanDao.listByZone(dataCenterId);
    List<String> pvlan = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (final VlanVO vlan : vlans) {
    long netScalerProvider = getNetScalerLbProviderId(physicalNetworkId);
    DomainRouterVO nsVpx = new DomainRouterVO(id, vpxOffering.getId(), netScalerProvider, nxVpxName, template.getId(), template.getHypervisorType(), template.getGuestOSId(), owner.getDomainId(), owner.getId(), userId, false, RedundantState.UNKNOWN, false, false, VirtualMachine.Type.NetScalerVm, null);
    nsVpx = _routerDao.persist(nsVpx);
    VMInstanceVO vmVO = _vmDao.findVMByHostName(nxVpxName);
    _itMgr.allocate(nxVpxName, template, vpxOffering, networks, plan, template.getHypervisorType());
    Map<Param, Object> params = new HashMap<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object>(1);
    try {
        if (vmVO != null) {
            startNsVpx(vmVO, params);
        } else {
            throw new NullPointerException();
    } catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {
    } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
    } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
    vmVO = _vmDao.findByUuid(nsVpx.getUuid());
    Map<String, Object> deployResponse = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    deployResponse.put("vm", vmVO);
    deployResponse.put("guestvlan", guestvnet);
    deployResponse.put("publicvlan", pvlan);
    return deployResponse;
Also used : Account( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) VMTemplateVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServiceOfferingVO( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) StorageUnavailableException( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( PhysicalNetwork( Network( PhysicalNetwork( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VlanVO( TrafficType( DataCenterVO( NetworkVO( VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ConcurrentOperationException( Param( ResourceUnavailableException( VirtualMachineProfile( DomainRouterVO(

Example 37 with DomainRouterVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class QueryManagerImpl method listDataCentersInternal.

private Pair<List<DataCenterJoinVO>, Integer> listDataCentersInternal(ListZonesCmd cmd) {
    Account account = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId();
    Long id = cmd.getId();
    String keyword = cmd.getKeyword();
    String name = cmd.getName();
    String networkType = cmd.getNetworkType();
    Map<String, String> resourceTags = cmd.getTags();
    SearchBuilder<DataCenterJoinVO> sb = _dcJoinDao.createSearchBuilder();
    if (resourceTags != null && !resourceTags.isEmpty()) {
        SearchBuilder<ResourceTagVO> tagSearch = _resourceTagDao.createSearchBuilder();
        for (int count = 0; count < resourceTags.size(); count++) {
            tagSearch.or().op("key" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getKey(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
            tagSearch.and("value" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getValue(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
        tagSearch.and("resourceType", tagSearch.entity().getResourceType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
        sb.join("tagSearch", tagSearch, sb.entity().getId(), tagSearch.entity().getResourceId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER);
    Filter searchFilter = new Filter(DataCenterJoinVO.class, "sortKey", SortKeyAscending.value(), cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal());
    searchFilter.addOrderBy(DataCenterJoinVO.class, "id", true);
    SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sc = sb.create();
    if (networkType != null) {
        sc.addAnd("networkType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, networkType);
    if (id != null) {
        sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id);
    } else if (name != null) {
        sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, name);
    } else {
        if (keyword != null) {
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> ssc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            ssc.addOr("name", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
            ssc.addOr("description", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
            sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, ssc);
             * List all resources due to Explicit Dedication except the
             * dedicated resources of other account
        if (domainId != null) {
            // for domainId != null // right now, we made the decision to
            // only list zones associated // with this domain, private zone
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, domainId);
            if (_accountMgr.isNormalUser(account.getId())) {
                // accountId == null (zones dedicated to a domain) or
                // accountId = caller
                SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
                sdc.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, account.getId());
                sdc.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
                sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
        } else if (_accountMgr.isNormalUser(account.getId())) {
            // it was decided to return all zones for the user's domain, and
            // everything above till root
            // list all zones belonging to this domain, and all of its
            // parents
            // check the parent, if not null, add zones for that parent to
            // list
            // find all domain Id up to root domain for this account
            List<Long> domainIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            if (domainRecord == null) {
                s_logger.error("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
                throw new CloudAuthenticationException("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
            while (domainRecord.getParent() != null) {
                domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent());
            // domainId == null (public zones) or domainId IN [all domain id
            // up to root domain]
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, domainIds.toArray());
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
            // remove disabled zones
            sc.addAnd("allocationState", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled);
            // accountId == null (zones dedicated to a domain) or
            // accountId = caller
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc2 = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc2.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, account.getId());
            sdc2.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc2);
            // remove Dedicated zones not dedicated to this domainId or
            // subdomainId
            List<Long> dedicatedZoneIds = removeDedicatedZoneNotSuitabe(domainIds);
            if (!dedicatedZoneIds.isEmpty()) {
                sdc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, dedicatedZoneIds.toArray(new Object[dedicatedZoneIds.size()]));
        } else if (_accountMgr.isDomainAdmin(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) {
            // it was decided to return all zones for the domain admin, and
            // everything above till root, as well as zones till the domain
            // leaf
            List<Long> domainIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            if (domainRecord == null) {
                s_logger.error("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
                throw new CloudAuthenticationException("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
            // find all domain Ids till leaf
            List<DomainVO> allChildDomains = _domainDao.findAllChildren(domainRecord.getPath(), domainRecord.getId());
            for (DomainVO domain : allChildDomains) {
            // then find all domain Id up to root domain for this account
            while (domainRecord.getParent() != null) {
                domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent());
            // domainId == null (public zones) or domainId IN [all domain id
            // up to root domain]
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, domainIds.toArray());
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
            // remove disabled zones
            sc.addAnd("allocationState", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled);
            // remove Dedicated zones not dedicated to this domainId or
            // subdomainId
            List<Long> dedicatedZoneIds = removeDedicatedZoneNotSuitabe(domainIds);
            if (!dedicatedZoneIds.isEmpty()) {
                sdc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, dedicatedZoneIds.toArray(new Object[dedicatedZoneIds.size()]));
        // handle available=FALSE option, only return zones with at least
        // one VM running there
        Boolean available = cmd.isAvailable();
        if (account != null) {
            if ((available != null) && Boolean.FALSE.equals(available)) {
                // data centers with
                Set<Long> dcIds = new HashSet<Long>();
                // at least one VM
                // running
                List<DomainRouterVO> routers = _routerDao.listBy(account.getId());
                for (DomainRouterVO router : routers) {
                if (dcIds.size() == 0) {
                    return new Pair<List<DataCenterJoinVO>, Integer>(new ArrayList<DataCenterJoinVO>(), 0);
                } else {
                    sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, dcIds.toArray());
    if (resourceTags != null && !resourceTags.isEmpty()) {
        int count = 0;
        sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "resourceType", ResourceObjectType.Zone.toString());
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resourceTags.entrySet()) {
            sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "key" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getKey());
            sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "value" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getValue());
    return _dcJoinDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
Also used : DataCenterJoinVO( Account( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) CloudAuthenticationException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResourceTagVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SearchCriteria( DomainVO( TemplateFilter( Filter( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DomainRouterVO(

Example 38 with DomainRouterVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class BaremetalKickStartServiceImpl method getVirtualRouter.

private DomainRouterVO getVirtualRouter(Network network) {
    List<DomainRouterVO> routers = _routerDao.listByNetworkAndRole(network.getId(), VirtualRouter.Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER);
    if (routers.isEmpty()) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("cannot find any running virtual router on network[id:%s, uuid:%s]", network.getId(), network.getUuid()));
    if (routers.size() > 1) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("baremetal hasn't supported redundant router yet"));
    DomainRouterVO vr = routers.get(0);
    if (!Hypervisor.HypervisorType.VMware.equals(vr.getHypervisorType())) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("baremetal only support vmware virtual router, but get %s", vr.getHypervisorType()));
    return vr;
Also used : CloudRuntimeException( DomainRouterVO(

Example 39 with DomainRouterVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class InternalLoadBalancerVMManagerImpl method finalizeStart.

public boolean finalizeStart(final VirtualMachineProfile profile, final long hostId, final Commands cmds, final ReservationContext context) {
    DomainRouterVO internalLbVm = _internalLbVmDao.findById(profile.getId());
    boolean result = true;
    Answer answer = cmds.getAnswer("checkSsh");
    if (answer != null && answer instanceof CheckSshAnswer) {
        final CheckSshAnswer sshAnswer = (CheckSshAnswer) answer;
        if (sshAnswer == null || !sshAnswer.getResult()) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to ssh to the internal LB VM: " + sshAnswer.getDetails());
            result = false;
    } else {
        result = false;
    if (result == false) {
        return result;
    // Get guest network info
    final List<Network> guestNetworks = new ArrayList<Network>();
    final List<? extends Nic> internalLbVmNics = _nicDao.listByVmId(profile.getId());
    for (final Nic internalLbVmNic : internalLbVmNics) {
        final Network network = _ntwkModel.getNetwork(internalLbVmNic.getNetworkId());
        if (network.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) {
    answer = cmds.getAnswer("getDomRVersion");
    if (answer != null && answer instanceof GetDomRVersionAnswer) {
        final GetDomRVersionAnswer versionAnswer = (GetDomRVersionAnswer) answer;
        if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to get the template/scripts version of internal LB VM " + internalLbVm.getInstanceName() + " due to: " + versionAnswer.getDetails());
            result = false;
        } else {
            internalLbVm = _internalLbVmDao.persist(internalLbVm, guestNetworks);
    } else {
        result = false;
    return result;
Also used : CheckSshAnswer( CheckSshAnswer( GetDomRVersionAnswer( Answer( Network( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Nic( GetDomRVersionAnswer( DomainRouterVO(

Example 40 with DomainRouterVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class InternalLoadBalancerVMManagerImpl method stopInternalLbVm.

public VirtualRouter stopInternalLbVm(final long vmId, final boolean forced, final Account caller, final long callerUserId) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final DomainRouterVO internalLbVm = _internalLbVmDao.findById(vmId);
    if (internalLbVm == null || internalLbVm.getRole() != Role.INTERNAL_LB_VM) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't find internal lb vm by id specified");
    // check permissions
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, internalLbVm);
    return stopInternalLbVm(internalLbVm, forced, caller, callerUserId);
Also used : InvalidParameterValueException( DomainRouterVO(


DomainRouterVO ( ResourceUnavailableException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)60 CloudRuntimeException ( DataCenterVO ( Network ( Test (org.junit.Test)32 NicProfile ( NetworkTopology ( Zone ( Account ( NetworkTopology ( Vpc ( ConcurrentOperationException ( VirtualMachineProfile ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 InsufficientCapacityException ( NetworkVO ( UserVmVO ( Answer (