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Example 46 with ExceptionMetered

use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.

the class AutomationGroupResource method deleteGroup.

 * Deletes a group
 * @param automationClient the client with automation access performing this operation
 * @param groupId the ID of the group to delete
 * @return 200 if the group was removed successfully, 404 if the group was not found
 * description Deletes a single group by id
 * responseMessage 200 Deleted group
 * responseMessage 404 Group not found by id
public Response deleteGroup(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("groupId") LongParam groupId) {
    Group group = groupDAO.getGroupById(groupId.get()).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);
    Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
    extraInfo.put("deprecated", "true");
    auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.GROUP_DELETE, automationClient.getName(), group.getName(), extraInfo));
    return Response.ok().build();
Also used : Group(keywhiz.api.model.Group) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NotFoundException( Event(keywhiz.log.Event) Path( DELETE( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) ExceptionMetered(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)

Example 47 with ExceptionMetered

use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.

the class AutomationGroupResource method getGroupById.

 * Retrieve Group by ID
 * @param automationClient the client with automation access performing this operation
 * @param groupId the ID of the group to retrieve
 * @return details on the specified group
 * description Returns a single Group if found
 * responseMessage 200 Found and retrieved Group with given ID
 * responseMessage 404 Group with given ID not Found
public GroupDetailResponse getGroupById(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("groupId") LongParam groupId) {
    Group group = groupDAO.getGroupById(groupId.get()).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);
    ImmutableList<Client> clients = ImmutableList.copyOf(aclDAO.getClientsFor(group));
    ImmutableList<SanitizedSecret> sanitizedSecrets = ImmutableList.copyOf(aclDAO.getSanitizedSecretsFor(group));
    return GroupDetailResponse.fromGroup(group, sanitizedSecrets, clients);
Also used : Group(keywhiz.api.model.Group) SanitizedSecret(keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret) NotFoundException( AutomationClient(keywhiz.api.model.AutomationClient) Client(keywhiz.api.model.Client) Path( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET( ExceptionMetered(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)

Example 48 with ExceptionMetered

use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.

the class SecretDeliveryResource method getSecret.

 * Retrieve Secret by name
 * @param secretName the name of the Secret to retrieve
 * @param client the client performing the retrieval
 * @return the secret with the specified name, if present and accessible to the client
 * responseMessage 200 Found and retrieved Secret with given name
 * responseMessage 403 Secret is not assigned to Client
 * responseMessage 404 Secret with given name not found
 * responseMessage 500 Secret response could not be generated for given Secret
public SecretDeliveryResponse getSecret(@NotEmpty @PathParam("secretName") String secretName, @Auth Client client) {
    Optional<SanitizedSecret> sanitizedSecret = aclDAO.getSanitizedSecretFor(client, secretName);
    Optional<Secret> secret = secretController.getSecretByName(secretName);
    if (!sanitizedSecret.isPresent()) {
        boolean clientExists = clientDAO.getClientByName(client.getName()).isPresent();
        boolean secretExists = secret.isPresent();
        if (clientExists && secretExists) {
            throw new ForbiddenException(format("Access denied: %s at '%s' by '%s'", client.getName(), "/secret/" + secretName, client));
        } else {
            if (clientExists) {
      "Client {} requested unknown secret {}", client.getName(), secretName);
            throw new NotFoundException();
    }"Client {} granted access to {}.", client.getName(), secretName);
    try {
        return SecretDeliveryResponse.fromSecret(secret.get());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        logger.error(format("Failed creating response for secret %s", secretName), e);
        throw new InternalServerErrorException();
Also used : Secret(keywhiz.api.model.Secret) SanitizedSecret(keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret) SanitizedSecret(keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret) ForbiddenException( NotFoundException( InternalServerErrorException( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET( ExceptionMetered(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)

Example 49 with ExceptionMetered

use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.

the class AutomationSecretResource method createSecret.

 * Create secret
 * @param automationClient the client with automation access performing this operation
 * @param request JSON request to formulate the secret
 * @return details on the newly created secret, or 409 if the secret name already exists
 * description Creates a secret with the name, content, and metadata from a valid secret request
 * responseMessage 200 Successfully created secret
 * responseMessage 409 Secret with given name already exists
public AutomationSecretResponse createSecret(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @Valid CreateSecretRequest request) {
    SecretController.SecretBuilder builder = secretController.builder(, request.content, automationClient.getName(), request.expiry).withDescription(nullToEmpty(request.description)).withOwnerName(request.owner);
    if (request.metadata != null) {
    Secret secret;
    try {
        secret = builder.create();
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {"Cannot create secret %s",, e);
        throw new ConflictException(format("Cannot create secret %s.",;
    ImmutableList<Group> groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(aclDAO.getGroupsFor(secret));
    Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
    extraInfo.put("deprecated", "true");
    if (request.description != null) {
        extraInfo.put("description", request.description);
    if (request.metadata != null) {
        extraInfo.put("metadata", request.metadata.toString());
    extraInfo.put("expiry", Long.toString(request.expiry));
    auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_CREATE, automationClient.getName(),, extraInfo));
    return AutomationSecretResponse.fromSecret(secret, groups);
Also used : Secret(keywhiz.api.model.Secret) SanitizedSecret(keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret) Group(keywhiz.api.model.Group) ConflictException(keywhiz.service.exceptions.ConflictException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Event(keywhiz.log.Event) SecretController(keywhiz.service.daos.SecretController) DataAccessException(org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException) POST( Consumes( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) ExceptionMetered(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)

Example 50 with ExceptionMetered

use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.

the class AutomationSecretResource method deleteSecretSeries.

 * Deletes all versions of a secret series
 * @param automationClient the client with automation access performing this operation
 * @param secretName the name of the secret series to delete
 * @return 200 if the deletion is successful, or 404 if the given secret was not found
 * description Deletes all versions of a secret series.  This will delete a single secret ID.
 * responseMessage 200 Deleted secret series
 * responseMessage 404 Secret series not Found
public Response deleteSecretSeries(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("secretName") String secretName) {
    Secret secret = secretController.getSecretByName(secretName).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("Secret series not found."));
    Set<String> groups = aclDAO.getGroupsFor(secret).stream().map(Group::getName).collect(toSet());
    // Record all groups to which this secret belongs, so they can be restored manually if necessary
    Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
    extraInfo.put("deprecated", "true");
    extraInfo.put("groups", groups.toString());
    extraInfo.put("current version", secret.getVersion().toString());
    auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_DELETE, automationClient.getName(), secretName, extraInfo));
    return Response.ok().build();
Also used : Secret(keywhiz.api.model.Secret) SanitizedSecret(keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NotFoundException( Event(keywhiz.log.Event) Path( DELETE( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) ExceptionMetered(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)


ExceptionMetered (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered)68 Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)66 Path ( Event (keywhiz.log.Event)38 POST ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)34 NotFoundException ( Consumes ( Produces ( SanitizedSecret (keywhiz.api.model.SanitizedSecret)21 DELETE ( GET ( Group (keywhiz.api.model.Group)18 Response ( ConflictException (keywhiz.service.exceptions.ConflictException)16 Secret (keywhiz.api.model.Secret)15 URI ( AutomationClient (keywhiz.api.model.AutomationClient)13 Client (keywhiz.api.model.Client)12 PUT (