use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretResource method secretListingExpiringForGroup.
* Retrieve listing of secrets expiring soon in a group
* @excludeParams automationClient
* @param time timestamp for farthest expiry to include
* @param name Group name
* @responseMessage 200 List of secrets expiring soon in group
public Iterable<String> secretListingExpiringForGroup(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("time") Long time, @PathParam("name") String name) {
Group group = groupDAO.getGroup(name).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);
List<SanitizedSecret> secrets = secretControllerReadOnly.getSanitizedSecrets(time, group);
use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretResource method deleteSecretSeries.
* Delete a secret series
* @excludeParams automationClient
* @param name Secret series name
* @responseMessage 204 Secret series deleted
* @responseMessage 404 Secret series not found
public Response deleteSecretSeries(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("name") String name) {
Secret secret = secretController.getSecretByName(name).orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("Secret series not found."));
// Get the groups for this secret so they can be restored manually if necessary
Set<String> groups = aclDAO.getGroupsFor(secret).stream().map(Group::getName).collect(toSet());
// Record the deletion in the audit log
Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
extraInfo.put("groups", groups.toString());
extraInfo.put("current version", secret.getVersion().toString());
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_DELETE, automationClient.getName(), name, extraInfo));
return Response.noContent().build();
use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretResource method modifySecretGroups.
* Modify the groups a secret is assigned to
* @excludeParams automationClient
* @param name Secret series name
* @param request JSON request to modify groups
* @responseMessage 201 Group membership changed
* @responseMessage 404 Secret series not found
public Iterable<String> modifySecretGroups(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @PathParam("name") String name, @Valid ModifyGroupsRequestV2 request) {
// TODO: Use latest version instead of non-versioned
Secret secret = secretController.getSecretByName(name).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);
String user = automationClient.getName();
long secretId = secret.getId();
Set<String> oldGroups = aclDAO.getGroupsFor(secret).stream().map(Group::getName).collect(toSet());
Set<String> groupsToAdd = Sets.difference(request.addGroups(), oldGroups);
Set<String> groupsToRemove = Sets.intersection(request.removeGroups(), oldGroups);
// TODO: should optimize AclDAO to use names and return only name column
groupsToGroupIds(groupsToAdd).forEach((maybeGroupId) -> maybeGroupId.ifPresent((groupId) -> aclDAO.findAndAllowAccess(secretId, groupId, auditLog, user, new HashMap<>())));
groupsToGroupIds(groupsToRemove).forEach((maybeGroupId) -> maybeGroupId.ifPresent((groupId) -> aclDAO.findAndRevokeAccess(secretId, groupId, auditLog, user, new HashMap<>())));
return aclDAO.getGroupsFor(secret).stream().map(Group::getName).collect(toSet());
use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretResource method resetSecretVersion.
* Reset the current version of the given secret to the given version index.
* @param request A request to update a given secret
* @excludeParams automationClient
* @responseMessage 201 Secret series current version updated successfully
* @responseMessage 400 Invalid secret version specified
* @responseMessage 404 Secret series not found
public Response resetSecretVersion(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient, @Valid SetSecretVersionRequestV2 request) {
secretDAO.setCurrentSecretVersionByName(, request.version());
// If the secret wasn't found or the request was misformed, setCurrentSecretVersionByName
// already threw an exception
Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
extraInfo.put("new version", Long.toString(request.version()));
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_CHANGEVERSION, automationClient.getName(),, extraInfo));
return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).build();
use of com.codahale.metrics.annotation.ExceptionMetered in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretsResource method resetSecretVersion.
* Rollback to a previous secret version
* @param secretName the name of the secret to rollback
* @param versionId the ID of the version to return to
* @excludeParams user
* @description Returns the previous versions of the secret if found Used by Keywhiz CLI.
* @responseMessage 200 Found and reset the secret to this version
* @responseMessage 404 Secret with given name not found or invalid version provided
public Response resetSecretVersion(@Auth User user, @PathParam("secretName") String secretName, @PathParam("versionId") LongParam versionId) {"User '{}' rolling back secret '{}' to version with ID '{}'.", user, secretName, versionId);
secretDAOReadWrite.setCurrentSecretVersionByName(secretName, versionId.get());
// If the secret wasn't found or the request was misformed, setCurrentSecretVersionByName
// already threw an exception
Map<String, String> extraInfo = new HashMap<>();
extraInfo.put("new version", versionId.toString());
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.SECRET_CHANGEVERSION, user.getName(), secretName, extraInfo));
// Send the new secret in response
URI uri = UriBuilder.fromResource(SecretsResource.class).path("rollback/{secretName}/{versionID}").build(secretName, versionId);
return Response.created(uri).entity(secretDetailResponseFromName(secretName)).build();