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Example 1 with Person

use of com.codename1.rad.schemas.Person in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class ResultParserTest method simpleJSONTest.

private void simpleJSONTest() throws Exception {
    EntityType personType = new EntityTypeBuilder().string(;
    ResultParser parser = new ResultParser(personType).property("name","email","dob", Person.birthDate, dateStr -> {
        if (!(dateStr instanceof String)) {
            return null;
        String str = (String) dateStr;
        if (str.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy");
        try {
            return fmt.parse(str);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            return null;
    String json = "{\"name\":\"Paul\", \"email\":\"\", \"dob\" : \"December 27, 1978\"}";
    Entity person = parser.parseRow(Result.fromContent(json, Result.JSON), personType.newInstance());
    assertEqual("Paul", person.getEntity().getText(;
    assertEqual("", person.getEntity().getText(;
Also used : Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) ResultParser( ParseException(com.codename1.l10n.ParseException) SimpleDateFormat(com.codename1.l10n.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 2 with Person

use of com.codename1.rad.schemas.Person in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class ResultParserTest method dateFormatXMLTest.

private void dateFormatXMLTest() throws Exception {
    EntityType personType = new EntityTypeBuilder().string(;
    ResultParser parser = new ResultParser(personType).property("/person/name","/person/email","/person/dob", Person.birthDate, new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy"));
    String json = "<person><name>Paul</name> <email></email> <dob>December 27, 1978</dob></person>";
    XMLParser xparser = new XMLParser();
    Element root = xparser.parse(new StringReader("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" + json));
    Entity person = parser.parseRow(Result.fromContent(root), personType.newInstance());
    assertEqual("Paul", person.getEntity().getText(;
    assertEqual("", person.getEntity().getText(;
Also used : Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) Element(com.codename1.xml.Element) StringReader( ResultParser( XMLParser(com.codename1.xml.XMLParser) SimpleDateFormat(com.codename1.l10n.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 3 with Person

use of com.codename1.rad.schemas.Person in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class ResultParserTest method dateFormatTest.

private void dateFormatTest() throws Exception {
    EntityType personType = new EntityTypeBuilder().string(;
    ResultParser parser = new ResultParser(personType).property("name","email","dob", Person.birthDate, new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy"));
    String json = "{\"name\":\"Paul\", \"email\":\"\", \"dob\" : \"December 27, 1978\"}";
    Entity person = parser.parseRow(Result.fromContent(json, Result.JSON), personType.newInstance());
    assertEqual("Paul", person.getEntity().getText(;
    assertEqual("", person.getEntity().getText(;
Also used : Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) ResultParser( SimpleDateFormat(com.codename1.l10n.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 4 with Person

use of com.codename1.rad.schemas.Person in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class RADActionBoundUIIDSample method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    Form hi = new Form("Toggled Actions Sample", new BorderLayout());
    // Create a tag fo the online status property.
    Tag TAG_ONLINE = new Tag("online");
    // Create an action that will indicte the online/offline status
    ActionNode status = UI.action(// on state of TAG_ONLINE property.
    UI.label(person -> {
        if (person.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE)) {
            return "Offline";
        } else {
            return "Online";
    }), // Depending on state of TAG_ONLINE property
    UI.uiid(person -> {
        if (person.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE)) {
            return "LoggedOutStatusButton";
        } else {
            return "LoggedInStatusButton";
    }), // Icon for the action
    UI.icon(FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON), // define it to always return true so action is always visible.
    UI.condition(person -> {
        return true;
    // A User entity we use for the models.
    class User extends Entity {
    entityTypeBuilder(User.class).Boolean(TAG_ONLINE).string( -> {
        return new User();
    // Create an entity list that will hold several users.
    EntityList el = new EntityList();
    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
        User u = new User();
        u.set(, "User " + i);
        u.set(TAG_ONLINE, i % 2 == 0);
    // The ListNode is a wrapper that will be passed to our View so that
    // they can access our action.
    ListNode node = new ListNode(// for each row.
    UI.actions(ProfileListView.ACCOUNT_LIST_ROW_ACTIONS, status));
    // Use a ProfileListView to display all of the users
    ProfileListView plv = new ProfileListView(el, node, 8);
    // In order to respond to events raised by the action, our view needs to be wrapped
    // in a controller.  Normally our form would have a FormViewController so we could
    // just use FormController, but this sample is compressed to be inside
    // a single method here so we'll create a dedicated ViewController for the list
    ViewController ctrl = new ViewController(null);
    ctrl.addActionListener(status, evt -> {
        // The action was pressed by the user
        // Update the model's online status
        User u = (User) evt.getEntity();
        u.set(TAG_ONLINE, u.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE));
    // This will trigger a property change in the model which will update the view.
    hi.add(CENTER, plv);;
Also used : ViewNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ViewNode) Toolbar(com.codename1.ui.Toolbar) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) NetworkEvent( ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode) Display(com.codename1.ui.Display) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) CN(com.codename1.ui.CN) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) UI(com.codename1.rad.ui.UI) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) Tag(com.codename1.rad.models.Tag) Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) IOException( ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) Log( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) UIManager(com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) Thing(com.codename1.rad.schemas.Thing) EntityListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.EntityListView) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) Tag(com.codename1.rad.models.Tag) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)

Example 5 with Person

use of com.codename1.rad.schemas.Person in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class RADEntityListAddRemoveInvalidateSample method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    // An entity for the rows our our list view.
    class Person extends Entity {
    entityTypeBuilder(Person.class).string( -> {
        return new Person();
    // A remove row action that will be added to each row
    ActionNode removeRow = UI.action(UI.icon(FontImage.MATERIAL_DELETE));
    // An internal list we will use to store the rows of the entitylist
    ArrayList internalList = new ArrayList();
    EntityList profileList = new EntityList() {

         * Override createInternalList() so that we can use our own data structure
         * for storing this list.  This is contrived to allow us to test the
         * invalidate() method.
        protected List createInternalList() {
            return internalList;
    // A list node to wrap our action and pass it to our view
    ListNode node = new ListNode(// of the list.
    UI.actions(ProfileListView.ACCOUNT_LIST_ROW_ACTIONS, removeRow));
    // A ProfileListView to render the list.
    // See
    ProfileListView listView = new ProfileListView(profileList, node, 10);
    // Create a controller for the ProfileListView so that we can handle actions fired by the view.
    // Normally we'd do this in the FormController but since this sample doesn't have one
    // we create a ViewController for the ProfileListView directly.
    ViewController controller = new ViewController(null);
    // Button to add rows to the list
    Button addRow = new Button(FontImage.MATERIAL_ADD);
    // Button to clear the list
    Button clear = new Button("Clear");
    addRow.addActionListener(evt -> {
        // "Add" button clicked.
        // Create new person and add to the list
        Person p = new Person();
        p.set(, "Row " + profileList.size());
    // This will trigger an EntityAddedEvent which will allow
    // the ProfileListView to synchronize
    clear.addActionListener(evt -> {
        // "Clear" button clicked
        // We could have called profileList.clear()
        // but this would send EntityRemoved events for each row removed
        // which is inefficient.  Instead we'll clear the elements in
        // the internal list directly, and then call invalidate()
        // so that the ProfileListView knows to resynchronize its state.
    controller.addActionListener(removeRow, evt -> {
        // The "Remove" button was clicked on a row.
    Form hi = new Form("Hi World", new BorderLayout());
    hi.add(NORTH, GridLayout.encloseIn(2, clear, addRow));
    hi.add(CENTER, listView);;
Also used : Toolbar(com.codename1.ui.Toolbar) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) NetworkEvent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode) GridLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout) Display(com.codename1.ui.Display) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) CN(com.codename1.ui.CN) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) UI(com.codename1.rad.ui.UI) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) IOException( ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) Log( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) UIManager(com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager) List(java.util.List) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) Thing(com.codename1.rad.schemas.Thing) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)


Entity (com.codename1.rad.models.Entity)9 SimpleDateFormat (com.codename1.l10n.SimpleDateFormat)6 ResultParser ( Element (com.codename1.xml.Element)6 XMLParser (com.codename1.xml.XMLParser)6 StringReader ( Thing (com.codename1.rad.schemas.Thing)4 Log ( EntityList (com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList)3 Result (com.codename1.rad.processing.Result)3 ProfileListView (com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView)3 BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)3 List (java.util.List)3 NetworkEvent ( ParseException (com.codename1.l10n.ParseException)2 ViewController (com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController)2 BaseEntity.entityTypeBuilder (com.codename1.rad.models.BaseEntity.entityTypeBuilder)2 EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder (com.codename1.rad.models.EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder)2 ActionNode (com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode)2 ListNode (com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)2