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Example 1 with Field

use of in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class DefaultLookAndFeel method drawTextArea.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void drawTextArea(Graphics g, TextArea ta) {
    setFG(g, ta);
    int line = ta.getLines();
    int oX = g.getClipX();
    int oY = g.getClipY();
    int oWidth = g.getClipWidth();
    int oHeight = g.getClipHeight();
    Font f = ta.getStyle().getFont();
    int fontHeight = f.getHeight();
    int align = reverseAlignForBidi(ta);
    int leftPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
    int rightPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingRight(ta.isRTL());
    int topPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingTop();
    boolean shouldBreak = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < line; i++) {
        int x = ta.getX() + leftPadding;
        int y = ta.getY() + topPadding + (ta.getRowsGap() + fontHeight) * i;
        if (Rectangle.intersects(x, y, ta.getWidth(), fontHeight, oX, oY, oWidth, oHeight)) {
            String rowText = (String) ta.getTextAt(i);
            // display ******** if it is a password field
            String displayText = "";
            if ((ta.getConstraint() & TextArea.PASSWORD) != 0) {
                int rlen = rowText.length();
                for (int j = 0; j < rlen; j++) {
                    displayText += passwordChar;
            } else {
                displayText = rowText;
            switch(align) {
                case Component.RIGHT:
                    x = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - rightPadding - f.stringWidth(displayText);
                case Component.CENTER:
                    x += (ta.getWidth() - leftPadding - rightPadding - f.stringWidth(displayText)) / 2;
            int nextY = ta.getY() + topPadding + (ta.getRowsGap() + fontHeight) * (i + 2);
            // add "..." at the last row
            if (ta.isEndsWith3Points() && ta.getGrowLimit() == (i + 1) && ta.getGrowLimit() != line) {
                if (displayText.length() > 3) {
                    displayText = displayText.substring(0, displayText.length() - 3);
                g.drawString(displayText + "...", x, y, ta.getStyle().getTextDecoration());
            } else {
                g.drawString(displayText, x, y, ta.getStyle().getTextDecoration());
            shouldBreak = true;
        } else {
            if (shouldBreak) {
Also used : Font(com.codename1.ui.Font)

Example 2 with Field

use of in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class DefaultLookAndFeel method getTextAreaSize.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public Dimension getTextAreaSize(TextArea ta, boolean pref) {
    int prefW = 0;
    int prefH = 0;
    Style style = ta.getStyle();
    Font f = style.getFont();
    // if this is a text field the preferred size should be the text width
    if (ta.getRows() == 1) {
        prefW = f.stringWidth(ta.getText());
    } else {
        prefW = f.charWidth(TextArea.getWidestChar()) * ta.getColumns();
    int rows;
    if (pref) {
        rows = ta.getActualRows();
    } else {
        rows = ta.getLines();
    prefH = (f.getHeight() + ta.getRowsGap()) * rows;
    if (!ta.isActAsLabel()) {
        int columns = ta.getColumns();
        String str = "";
        for (int iter = 0; iter < columns; iter++) {
            str += TextArea.getWidestChar();
        if (columns > 0) {
            prefW = Math.max(prefW, f.stringWidth(str));
    prefH = Math.max(prefH, rows * f.getHeight());
    prefW += style.getPaddingRightNoRTL() + style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL();
    prefH += style.getPaddingTop() + style.getPaddingBottom();
    if (style.getBorder() != null) {
        prefW = Math.max(style.getBorder().getMinimumWidth(), prefW);
        prefH = Math.max(style.getBorder().getMinimumHeight(), prefH);
    if (isBackgroundImageDetermineSize() && style.getBgImage() != null) {
        prefW = Math.max(style.getBgImage().getWidth(), prefW);
        prefH = Math.max(style.getBgImage().getHeight(), prefH);
    return new Dimension(prefW, prefH);
Also used : Dimension(com.codename1.ui.geom.Dimension) Font(com.codename1.ui.Font)

Example 3 with Field

use of in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class DefaultLookAndFeel method drawTextField.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void drawTextField(Graphics g, TextArea ta) {
    setFG(g, ta);
    // display ******** if it is a password field
    String displayText = getTextFieldString(ta);
    Style style = ta.getStyle();
    int x = 0;
    // ta.getCursorX();
    int cursorCharPosition = ta.getCursorPosition();
    Font f = style.getFont();
    int cursorX = 0;
    int xPos = 0;
    int align = reverseAlignForBidi(ta);
    int displayX = 0;
    String inputMode = ta.getInputMode();
    int inputModeWidth = f.stringWidth(inputMode);
    // QWERTY devices don't quite have an input mode hide it also when we have a VK
    if (ta.isQwertyInput() || Display.getInstance().isVirtualKeyboardShowing()) {
        inputMode = "";
        inputModeWidth = 0;
    if (ta.isSingleLineTextArea()) {
        // there is currently no support for CENTER aligned text fields
        if (align == Component.LEFT) {
            if (cursorCharPosition > 0) {
                cursorCharPosition = Math.min(displayText.length(), cursorCharPosition);
                xPos = f.stringWidth(displayText.substring(0, cursorCharPosition));
                cursorX = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) + xPos;
                // no point in showing the input mode when there is only one input mode...
                if (inputModeWidth > 0 && ta.getInputModeOrder() != null && ta.getInputModeOrder().length == 1) {
                    inputModeWidth = 0;
                if (ta.isEnableInputScroll()) {
                    if (ta.getWidth() > (f.getHeight() * 2) && cursorX >= ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL())) {
                        if (x + xPos >= ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) * 2) {
                            x = ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) * 2 - xPos - 1;
            displayX = ta.getX() + x + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
        } else {
            x = 0;
            cursorX = getTextFieldCursorX(ta);
            int baseX = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL() + inputModeWidth;
            int endX = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingRightNoRTL();
            if (cursorX < baseX) {
                x = baseX - cursorX;
            } else {
                if (cursorX > endX) {
                    x = endX - cursorX;
            displayX = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingRightNoRTL() - style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL() - f.stringWidth(displayText) + x;
        int cx = g.getClipX();
        int cy = g.getClipY();
        int cw = g.getClipWidth();
        int ch = g.getClipHeight();
        int clipx = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
        int clipw = ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) - style.getPaddingRight(ta.isRTL());
        // g.pushClip();
        g.clipRect(clipx, cy, clipw, ch);
        switch(ta.getVerticalAlignment()) {
            case Component.BOTTOM:
                g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() - style.getPaddingBottom() - f.getHeight(), style.getTextDecoration());
            case Component.CENTER:
                g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() / 2 - f.getHeight() / 2, style.getTextDecoration());
                g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + style.getPaddingTop(), style.getTextDecoration());
        g.setClip(cx, cy, cw, ch);
    // g.popClip();
    } else {
        drawTextArea(g, ta);
    // no point in showing the input mode when there is only one input mode...
    if (inputModeWidth > 0 && ta.getInputModeOrder() != null && ta.getInputModeOrder().length > 1) {
        if (ta.handlesInput() && ta.getWidth() / 2 > inputModeWidth) {
            int drawXPos = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
            if ((!ta.isRTL() && style.getAlignment() == Component.LEFT) || (ta.isRTL() && style.getAlignment() == Component.RIGHT)) {
                drawXPos = drawXPos + ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingRightNoRTL() - style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL();
            int inputIndicatorY = ta.getY() + ta.getScrollY() + ta.getHeight() - style.getPaddingBottom() - f.getHeight();
            g.fillRect(drawXPos, inputIndicatorY, inputModeWidth, f.getHeight(), (byte) 140);
            g.drawString(inputMode, drawXPos, inputIndicatorY);
Also used : Font(com.codename1.ui.Font)

Example 4 with Field

use of in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class ResourceEditorView method duplicateItemActionPerformed.

// GEN-LAST:event_deleteUnusedImagesActionPerformed
private void duplicateItemActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // GEN-FIRST:event_duplicateItemActionPerformed
    if (selectedResource != null && loadedResources.containsResource(selectedResource)) {
        Box rename = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);
        rename.add(new JLabel("New Name: "));
        JTextField field = new JTextField(selectedResource, 20);
        int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(mainPanel, rename, "Duplicate", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
            String val = field.getText();
            if (loadedResources.containsResource(val)) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainPanel, "An Element By This Name Already Exists", "Rename", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            try {
                // this effectively creates a new instance of the object
                ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                boolean m = loadedResources.isModified();
                if (m) {
                EditableResources r = new EditableResources();
                r.openFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(bo.toByteArray()));
                loadedResources.addResourceObjectDuplicate(selectedResource, val, r.getResourceObject(selectedResource));
            } catch (IOException err) {
    } else {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainPanel, "An Element Must Be Selected", "Rename", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) JComboBox(javax.swing.JComboBox) Box(javax.swing.Box) JXComboBox(org.jdesktop.swingx.JXComboBox) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( JTextField(javax.swing.JTextField) EditableResources(com.codename1.ui.util.EditableResources)

Example 5 with Field

use of in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class ResetableTextWatcher method edit.

 * Entry point for using this class
 * @param impl The current running activity
 * @param component Any subclass of com.codename1.ui.TextArea
 * @param inputType One of the TextArea's input-type constants
public static void edit(final AndroidImplementation impl, final Component component, final int inputType) {
    if (impl.getActivity() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("activity is null");
    if (component == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("component is null");
    if (!(component instanceof TextArea)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("component must be instance of TextArea");
    final TextArea textArea = (TextArea) component;
    final String initialText = textArea.getText();
    textArea.putClientProperty("InPlaceEditView.initialText", initialText);
    // The very first time we try to edit a string, let's determine if the
    // system default is to do async editing.  If the system default
    // is not yet set, we set it here, and it will be used as the default from now on
    // We do this because the nativeInstance.isAsyncEditMode() value changes
    // to reflect the currently edited field so it isn't a good way to keep a
    // system default.
    String defaultAsyncEditingSetting = Display.getInstance().getProperty("android.VKBAlwaysOpen", null);
    if (defaultAsyncEditingSetting == null) {
        defaultAsyncEditingSetting = impl.isAsyncEditMode() ? "true" : "false";
        Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.VKBAlwaysOpen", defaultAsyncEditingSetting);
    boolean asyncEdit = "true".equals(defaultAsyncEditingSetting) ? true : false;
    // Check if the form has any setting for asyncEditing that should override
    // the application defaults.
    final Form parentForm = component.getComponentForm();
    if (parentForm == null) {"Attempt to edit text area that is not on a form.  This is not supported");
    if (parentForm.getClientProperty("asyncEditing") != null) {
        Object async = parentForm.getClientProperty("asyncEditing");
        if (async instanceof Boolean) {
            asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
        // Log.p("Form overriding asyncEdit due to asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
    if (parentForm.getClientProperty("android.asyncEditing") != null) {
        Object async = parentForm.getClientProperty("android.asyncEditing");
        if (async instanceof Boolean) {
            asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
        // Log.p("Form overriding asyncEdit due to ios.asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
    if (parentForm.isFormBottomPaddingEditingMode()) {
        asyncEdit = true;
    // then this will override all other settings.
    if (component.getClientProperty("asyncEditing") != null) {
        Object async = component.getClientProperty("asyncEditing");
        if (async instanceof Boolean) {
            asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
        // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to field asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
    if (component.getClientProperty("android.asyncEditing") != null) {
        Object async = component.getClientProperty("android.asyncEditing");
        if (async instanceof Boolean) {
            asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
        // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to field ios.asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
    // if true, then in async mode we are currently editing and are switching to another field
    final boolean isEditedFieldSwitch;
    // If we are already editing, we need to finish that up before we proceed to edit the next field.
    synchronized (editingLock) {
        if (mIsEditing) {
            if (impl.isAsyncEditMode()) {
                // Using isEditedFieldSwitch was causing issues with cursors not showing up.
                // Disabling this feature by default now, but can be re-enabled by setting
                // Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.reuseTextEditorOnSwitch", "true");
                // This editedFieldSwitch feature was added a while back to improve experience on older
                // Android devices where the field switching was going too slow.
                // This issue was resolved in this commit (
                // which was submitted as part of a pull request.  This fix has been the source of several
                // regressions, mostly related to properties not being propagated properly when a text field is changed
                // However, this issue (with the cursor not showing up), doesn't appear to have a simple solution
                // so, I'm disabling this feature for now.
                isEditedFieldSwitch = "true".equals(Display.getInstance().getProperty("android.reuseTextEditorOnSwitch", "false"));
                final String[] out = new String[1];
                TextArea prevTextArea = null;
                if (sInstance != null && sInstance.mLastEditText != null) {
                    prevTextArea = sInstance.mLastEditText.getTextArea();
                if (prevTextArea != null) {
                    final TextArea fPrevTextArea = prevTextArea;
                    final String retVal = sInstance.mLastEditText.getText().toString();
                    Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            Display.getInstance().onEditingComplete(fPrevTextArea, retVal);
                nextTextArea = null;
            } else {
                isEditedFieldSwitch = false;
                final InPlaceEditView instance = sInstance;
                if (instance != null && instance.mEditText != null && instance.mEditText.mTextArea == textArea) {
                if (!isClosing && sInstance != null && sInstance.mEditText != null) {
                    isClosing = true;
                    impl.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            instance.endEditing(REASON_UNDEFINED, true, 0);
                afterClose = new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        Display.getInstance().editString(component, textArea.getMaxSize(), inputType, textArea.getText());
        } else {
            isEditedFieldSwitch = false;
        mIsEditing = true;
        isClosing = false;
        afterClose = null;
    // textArea.setPreferredSize(prefSize);
    if (!impl.isAsyncEditMode() && textArea instanceof TextField) {
        ((TextField) textArea).setEditable(false);
    final boolean scrollableParent = isScrollableParent(textArea);
    // We wrap the text area so that we can safely pass data across to the
    // android UI thread.
    final TextAreaData textAreaData = new TextAreaData(textArea);
    impl.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            if (!isEditedFieldSwitch) {
                if (sInstance == null) {
                    sInstance = new InPlaceEditView(impl);
            // Let's try something new here
            // We'll ALWAYS try resize edit mode (since it just works better)
            // But we'll detect whether the field is still covered by the keyboard
            // and switch to pan mode if necessary.
            if (scrollableParent || parentForm.isFormBottomPaddingEditingMode()) {
            } else {
            sInstance.startEditing(impl.getActivity(), textAreaData, initialText, inputType, isEditedFieldSwitch);
    final String[] out = new String[1];
    // In order to reuse the code the runs after edit completion, we will wrap it in a runnable
    // For sync edit mode, we will just run at the end of this method.  For
    // Async mode we add the Runnable to the textarea as a client property, then run it
    // when editing eventually completes.
    Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            if (!impl.isAsyncEditMode() && textArea instanceof TextField) {
                ((TextField) textArea).setEditable(true);
            if (sInstance != null && sInstance.mLastEditText != null && sInstance.mLastEditText.mTextArea == textArea) {
                String retVal = sInstance.mLastEditText.getText().toString();
                if (!impl.isAsyncEditMode()) {
                    sInstance.mLastEditText = null;
                    impl.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                out[0] = retVal;
            } else {
                out[0] = initialText;
            Display.getInstance().onEditingComplete(component, out[0]);
            if (impl.isAsyncEditMode()) {
            } else {
                // lock.
                if (sInstance != null) {
                    Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            while (sInstance != null) {
            // Release the editing flag
            synchronized (editingLock) {
                mIsEditing = false;
            // as a runnable ... this should take priority over the "nextTextArea" setting
            if (afterClose != null) {
            } else if (nextTextArea != null) {
                final TextArea next = nextTextArea;
                nextTextArea = null;
                Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        Display.getInstance().editString(next, next.getMaxSize(), next.getConstraint(), next.getText());
    if (impl.isAsyncEditMode()) {
        component.putClientProperty("android.onAsyncEditingComplete", onComplete);
    // Make this call synchronous
    // We set this flag so that waitForEditCompletion can block on it.
    // The flag will be released inside the endEditing method which will
    // allow the method to proceed.
    waitingForSynchronousEditingCompletion = true;
Also used : TextArea(com.codename1.ui.TextArea) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) TextField(com.codename1.ui.TextField)


TextArea (com.codename1.ui.TextArea)9 Component (com.codename1.ui.Component)5 Font (com.codename1.ui.Font)4 Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)4 Paint ( PeerComponent (com.codename1.ui.PeerComponent)3 Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)2 Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)2 ActionEvent ( ActionListener ( Dimension (com.codename1.ui.geom.Dimension)2 InputFilter (android.text.InputFilter)1 ActionMode (android.view.ActionMode)1 ContextMenu (android.view.ContextMenu)1 ContextMenuInfo (android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo)1 Menu (android.view.Menu)1 MenuItem (android.view.MenuItem)1 View (android.view.View)1 AutoCompleteTextView (android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView)1 FrameLayout (android.widget.FrameLayout)1