use of com.codename1.ui.TextSelection.Spans in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class DefaultLookAndFeel method calculateTextFieldSpan.
public Spans calculateTextFieldSpan(TextSelection sel, TextArea ta) {
// setFG(g, ta);
Span out = sel.newSpan(ta);
// display ******** if it is a password field
String displayText = getTextFieldString(ta);
Style style = ta.getStyle();
int x = 0;
// ta.getCursorX();
int cursorCharPosition = ta.hasFocus() ? ta.getCursorPosition() : 0;
Font f = style.getFont();
int cursorX = 0;
int xPos = 0;
int align = reverseAlignForBidi(ta);
int displayX = 0;
String inputMode = ta.getInputMode();
int inputModeWidth = f.stringWidth(inputMode);
// QWERTY devices don't quite have an input mode hide it also when we have a VK
if (!Display.getInstance().platformUsesInputMode() || ta.isQwertyInput() || Display.getInstance().isVirtualKeyboardShowing()) {
inputMode = "";
inputModeWidth = 0;
if (ta.isSingleLineTextArea()) {
// there is currently no support for CENTER aligned text fields
if (align == Component.LEFT) {
if (cursorCharPosition > 0) {
cursorCharPosition = Math.min(displayText.length(), cursorCharPosition);
xPos = f.stringWidth(displayText.substring(0, cursorCharPosition));
cursorX = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) + xPos;
// no point in showing the input mode when there is only one input mode...
if (inputModeWidth > 0 && ta.getInputModeOrder() != null && ta.getInputModeOrder().length == 1) {
inputModeWidth = 0;
if (ta.isEnableInputScroll()) {
if (ta.getWidth() > (f.getHeight() * 2) && cursorX >= ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL())) {
if (x + xPos >= ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) * 2) {
x = ta.getWidth() - inputModeWidth - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) * 2 - xPos - 1;
displayX = ta.getX() + x + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
} else {
x = 0;
cursorX = getTextFieldCursorX(ta);
int baseX = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL() + inputModeWidth;
int endX = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingRightNoRTL();
if (cursorX < baseX) {
x = baseX - cursorX;
} else {
if (cursorX > endX) {
x = endX - cursorX;
displayX = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingRightNoRTL() - style.getPaddingLeftNoRTL() - f.stringWidth(displayText) + x;
// int cx = g.getClipX();
// int cy = g.getClipY();
// int cw = g.getClipWidth();
// int ch = g.getClipHeight();
// int clipx = ta.getX() + style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
// int clipw = ta.getWidth() - style.getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL()) - style.getPaddingRight(ta.isRTL());
// g.pushClip();
// g.clipRect(clipx, cy, clipw, ch);
// int xOffset = 0;
// int len = displayText.length();
// int charH = f.getHeight();
int h = getSelectionHeight(f);
switch(ta.getVerticalAlignment()) {
case Component.BOTTOM:
// g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() - style.getPaddingBottom() - f.getHeight(), style.getTextDecoration());
append(sel, ta, out, displayText, f, 0, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() - style.getPaddingBottom() - h, h);
// c = sel.newChar(i, charX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() - style.getPaddingBottom() - f.getHeight(), charW , charH);
case Component.CENTER:
// g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() / 2 - f.getHeight() / 2, style.getTextDecoration());
// c = sel.newChar(i, charX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() / 2 - f.getHeight() / 2, charW, charH);
append(sel, ta, out, displayText, f, 0, displayX, ta.getY() + ta.getHeight() / 2 - h / 2, h);
// g.drawString(displayText, displayX, ta.getY() + style.getPaddingTop(), style.getTextDecoration());
// c = sel.newChar(i, charX, ta.getY() + style.getPaddingTop(), charW, charH);
append(sel, ta, out, displayText, f, 0, displayX, ta.getY() + style.getPaddingTop(), h);
// g.setClip(cx, cy, cw, ch);
// g.popClip();
out = out.translate(ta.getAbsoluteX() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteX() - ta.getX(), ta.getAbsoluteY() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteY() - ta.getY());
Spans spansOut = sel.newSpans();
return spansOut;
} else {
// drawTextArea(g, ta);
return calculateTextAreaSpan(sel, ta);
use of com.codename1.ui.TextSelection.Spans in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class DefaultLookAndFeel method calculateTextAreaSpan.
public Spans calculateTextAreaSpan(TextSelection sel, TextArea ta) {
Spans out = sel.newSpans();
// setFG(g, ta);
// Span out = sel.newSpan(ta);
int line = ta.getLines();
// int oX = g.getClipX();
// int oY = g.getClipY();
// int oWidth = g.getClipWidth();
// int oHeight = g.getClipHeight();
Font f = ta.getStyle().getFont();
int fontHeight = f.getHeight();
int align = reverseAlignForBidi(ta);
int leftPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingLeft(ta.isRTL());
int rightPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingRight(ta.isRTL());
int topPadding = ta.getStyle().getPaddingTop();
switch(ta.getVerticalAlignment()) {
case Component.CENTER:
topPadding += Math.max(0, (ta.getInnerHeight() - (ta.getRowsGap() + fontHeight) * line) / 2);
case Component.BOTTOM:
topPadding += Math.max(0, (ta.getInnerHeight() - (ta.getRowsGap() + fontHeight) * line));
// boolean shouldBreak = false;
int posOffset = 0;
int lastRowBottom = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < line; i++) {
Span rowSpan = sel.newSpan(ta);
int x = ta.getX() + leftPadding;
int y = ta.getY() + topPadding + (ta.getRowsGap() + fontHeight) * i;
int adjustedY = Math.max(y, lastRowBottom);
int yDiff = adjustedY - y;
y = adjustedY;
// if(Rectangle.intersects(x, y, ta.getWidth(), fontHeight, oX, oY, oWidth, oHeight)) {
String rowText = (String) ta.getTextAt(i);
// display ******** if it is a password field
String displayText = "";
if ((ta.getConstraint() & TextArea.PASSWORD) != 0) {
int rlen = rowText.length();
for (int j = 0; j < rlen; j++) {
displayText += passwordChar;
} else {
displayText = rowText;
posOffset = ta.getText().indexOf(rowText, posOffset);
switch(align) {
case Component.RIGHT:
x = ta.getX() + ta.getWidth() - rightPadding - f.stringWidth(displayText);
case Component.CENTER:
x += (ta.getWidth() - leftPadding - rightPadding - f.stringWidth(displayText)) / 2;
// add "..." at the last row
if (ta.isEndsWith3Points() && ta.getGrowLimit() == (i + 1) && ta.getGrowLimit() != line) {
if (displayText.length() > 3) {
displayText = displayText.substring(0, displayText.length() - 3);
// g.drawString(displayText + "...", x, y ,ta.getStyle().getTextDecoration());
append(sel, ta, rowSpan, displayText + "...", f, posOffset, x, y, getSelectionHeight(f) - yDiff);
lastRowBottom = rowSpan.getBounds().getY() + rowSpan.getBounds().getHeight();
rowSpan = rowSpan.translate(ta.getAbsoluteX() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteX() - ta.getX(), ta.getAbsoluteY() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteY() - ta.getY());
return out;
} else {
// g.drawString(displayText, x, y ,ta.getStyle().getTextDecoration());
append(sel, ta, rowSpan, displayText, f, posOffset, x, y, getSelectionHeight(f) - yDiff);
lastRowBottom = rowSpan.getBounds().getY() + rowSpan.getBounds().getHeight();
rowSpan = rowSpan.translate(ta.getAbsoluteX() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteX() - ta.getX(), ta.getAbsoluteY() - sel.getSelectionRoot().getAbsoluteY() - ta.getY());
posOffset += displayText.length();
// shouldBreak = true;
// }else{
// if(shouldBreak){
// break;
// }
// }
return out;
use of com.codename1.ui.TextSelection.Spans in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class TextSelection method update.
* Updates the text selected spans based on the selected bounds.
public void update() {
if (selectionRoot == null) {
selectionRoot = root;
final TreeSet<Component> selectedComponents = new TreeSet<Component>(ltr ? LTRComparator : RTLComparator);
$("*", selectionRoot).each(new ComponentClosure() {
public void call(Component c) {
TextSelectionSupport ts = c.getTextSelectionSupport();
if (ts != null && ts.isTextSelectionEnabled(TextSelection.this)) {
Spans spans = selectedSpans;
for (Component cmp : selectedComponents) {
TextSelectionSupport st = cmp.getTextSelectionSupport();
if (st == null) {
if (isVerticallyCoveredByBounds(cmp, selectedBounds)) {
// When selecting scrollable components, we need to adjust the bounds
// so that we get the entire contents - not just the visible viewport
selectedBounds.setX(getX(cmp, selectionRoot));
selectedBounds.setY(getY(cmp, selectionRoot));
selectedBounds.setWidth(Math.max(cmp.getScrollDimension().getWidth(), cmp.getWidth()));
selectedBounds.setHeight(Math.max(cmp.getScrollDimension().getHeight(), cmp.getHeight()));
spans.add(st.getTextSelectionForBounds(this, selectedBounds));
// In case selectedBounds was changed we reset