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Example 1 with BuildUpdateActionException

use of com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException in project commercetools-sync-java by commercetools.

the class AssetsUpdateActionUtils method buildAssetsUpdateActionsWithNewAssetDrafts.

 * Compares a list of {@link Asset}s with a list of {@link AssetDraft}s. The method serves as a
 * generic implementation for assets syncing. The method takes in functions for building the
 * required update actions ( AddAsset, RemoveAsset, ChangeAssetOrder and 1-1 update actions on
 * assets (e.g. changeAssetName, setAssetDescription, etc..) for the required resource.
 * @param oldAssets the old list of assets.
 * @param newAssetDrafts the new list of asset drafts.
 * @param assetActionFactory factory responsible for building asset update actions.
 * @param <T> the type of the resource the asset update actions are built for.
 * @param syncOptions responsible for supplying the sync options to the sync utility method. It is
 *     used for triggering the warn callback within the utility
 * @return a list of asset update actions on the resource of type T if the list of assets is not
 *     identical. Otherwise, if the assets are identical, an empty list is returned.
 * @throws BuildUpdateActionException in case there are asset drafts with duplicate keys.
private static <T extends Resource, D> List<UpdateAction<T>> buildAssetsUpdateActionsWithNewAssetDrafts(@Nonnull final D newResource, @Nonnull final List<Asset> oldAssets, @Nonnull final List<AssetDraft> newAssetDrafts, @Nonnull final AssetActionFactory<T, D> assetActionFactory, @Nonnull final BaseSyncOptions syncOptions) throws BuildUpdateActionException {
    // Asset set that has only the keys of the assets which should be removed, this is used in the
    // method
    // #buildChangeAssetOrderUpdateAction in order to compare the state of the asset lists after the
    // remove actions
    // have already been applied.
    final HashSet<String> removedAssetKeys = new HashSet<>();
    final Map<String, Asset> oldAssetsKeyMap = new HashMap<>();
    oldAssets.forEach(asset -> {
        String assetKey = asset.getKey();
        if (isNotBlank(assetKey)) {
            oldAssetsKeyMap.put(assetKey, asset);
        } else {
            syncOptions.applyWarningCallback(new SyncException(format(ASSET_KEY_NOT_SET, "id: " + asset.getId())), asset, null);
    final Map<String, AssetDraft> newAssetDraftsKeyMap = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        newAssetDrafts.forEach(newAsset -> {
            String assetKey = newAsset.getKey();
            if (isNotBlank(assetKey)) {
                newAssetDraftsKeyMap.merge(assetKey, newAsset, (assetDraftA, assetDraftB) -> {
                    throw new DuplicateKeyException("Supplied asset drafts have duplicate keys. Asset keys are" + " expected to be unique inside their container (a product variant or a category).");
            } else {
                syncOptions.applyWarningCallback(new SyncException(format(ASSET_KEY_NOT_SET, "name: " + newAsset.getName())), null, newAsset);
    } catch (final DuplicateKeyException exception) {
        throw new BuildUpdateActionException(exception);
    // It is important to have a changeAssetOrder action before an addAsset action, since
    // changeAssetOrder requires
    // asset ids for sorting them, and new assets don't have ids yet since they are generated
    // by CTP after an asset is created. Therefore, the order of update actions must be:
    // 1. Remove or compare if matching.
    final List<UpdateAction<T>> updateActions = buildRemoveAssetOrAssetUpdateActions(newResource, oldAssets, removedAssetKeys, newAssetDraftsKeyMap, assetActionFactory);
    // 2. Compare ordering of assets and add a ChangeAssetOrder action if needed.
    buildChangeAssetOrderUpdateAction(oldAssets, newAssetDrafts, removedAssetKeys, assetActionFactory).ifPresent(updateActions::add);
    // For every new asset draft, If it doesn't exist in the old assets, then add an AddAsset action
    // to the list
    // of update actions.
    updateActions.addAll(buildAddAssetUpdateActions(newAssetDrafts, oldAssetsKeyMap, assetActionFactory));
    return updateActions;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) UpdateAction(io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction) CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction(com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction) SyncException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.SyncException) BuildUpdateActionException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException) DuplicateKeyException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.DuplicateKeyException) AssetDraft(io.sphere.sdk.models.AssetDraft) Asset(io.sphere.sdk.models.Asset) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 2 with BuildUpdateActionException

use of com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException in project commercetools-sync-java by commercetools.

the class FieldDefinitionsUpdateActionUtils method buildUpdateActions.

 * Compares a list of {@link FieldDefinition}s with a list of {@link FieldDefinition}s. The method
 * serves as an implementation for field definitions syncing and building the required update
 * actions (AddFieldDefinition, RemoveFieldDefinition, ChangeFieldDefinitionOrder) and 1-1 update
 * actions on field definitions (e.g. changeFieldDefinitionLabel, etc..) for the required
 * resource.
 * @param oldFieldDefinitions the old list of field definitions.
 * @param newFieldDefinitions the new list of field definitions drafts.
 * @return a list of field definitions update actions if the list of field definitions is not
 *     identical. Otherwise, if the field definitions are identical, an empty list is returned.
 * @throws BuildUpdateActionException in case there are field definitions with duplicate names or
 *     enums duplicate keys.
private static List<UpdateAction<Type>> buildUpdateActions(@Nonnull final List<FieldDefinition> oldFieldDefinitions, @Nonnull final List<FieldDefinition> newFieldDefinitions) throws BuildUpdateActionException {
    try {
        final List<UpdateAction<Type>> updateActions = buildRemoveFieldDefinitionOrFieldDefinitionUpdateActions(oldFieldDefinitions, newFieldDefinitions);
        updateActions.addAll(buildAddFieldDefinitionUpdateActions(oldFieldDefinitions, newFieldDefinitions));
        buildChangeFieldDefinitionOrderUpdateAction(oldFieldDefinitions, newFieldDefinitions).ifPresent(updateActions::add);
        return updateActions;
    } catch (final DuplicateNameException | DuplicateKeyException exception) {
        throw new BuildUpdateActionException(exception);
Also used : UpdateAction(io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction) CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction(com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction) DuplicateNameException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.DuplicateNameException) BuildUpdateActionException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException) DuplicateKeyException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.DuplicateKeyException) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 3 with BuildUpdateActionException

use of com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException in project commercetools-sync-java by commercetools.

the class ProductVariantAttributeUpdateActionUtils method buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction.

 * Compares the attributes of a {@link AttributeDraft} and a {@link Attribute} to build either a
 * {@link io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttribute} or a {@link
 * io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttributeInAllVariants}.
 * <p>If the attribute is sameForAll a {@link
 * io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttributeInAllVariants} is built. Otherwise, a
 * {@link io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttribute} is built.
 * <p>If both the {@link AttributeDraft} and the {@link Attribute} have identical values, then no
 * update action is needed and hence an empty {@link List} is returned.
 * @param variantId the id of the variant of that the attribute belong to. It is used only in the
 *     error messages if any.
 * @param oldProductVariantAttribute the {@link Attribute} which should be updated.
 * @param newProductVariantAttribute the {@link AttributeDraft} where we get the new value.
 * @param attributesMetaData a map of attribute name -&gt; {@link AttributeMetaData}; which
 *     defines attribute information: its name and whether it has the constraint "SameForAll" or
 *     not.
 * @return A filled optional with the update action or an empty optional if the attributes are
 *     identical.
 * @throws BuildUpdateActionException thrown if attribute as not found in the {@code
 *     attributeMetaData} or if the attribute is required and the new value is null.
public static Optional<UpdateAction<Product>> buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction(final int variantId, @Nullable final Attribute oldProductVariantAttribute, @Nonnull final AttributeDraft newProductVariantAttribute, @Nonnull final Map<String, AttributeMetaData> attributesMetaData) throws BuildUpdateActionException {
    final String newProductVariantAttributeName = newProductVariantAttribute.getName();
    final JsonNode newProductVariantAttributeValue = newProductVariantAttribute.getValue();
    final JsonNode oldProductVariantAttributeValue = oldProductVariantAttribute != null ? oldProductVariantAttribute.getValueAsJsonNode() : null;
    final AttributeMetaData attributeMetaData = attributesMetaData.get(newProductVariantAttributeName);
    if (attributeMetaData == null) {
        final String errorMessage = format(ATTRIBUTE_NOT_IN_ATTRIBUTE_METADATA, newProductVariantAttributeName);
        throw new BuildUpdateActionException(errorMessage);
    return attributeMetaData.isSameForAll() ? buildUpdateAction(oldProductVariantAttributeValue, newProductVariantAttributeValue, () -> SetAttributeInAllVariants.of(newProductVariantAttribute, true)) : buildUpdateAction(oldProductVariantAttributeValue, newProductVariantAttributeValue, () -> SetAttribute.of(variantId, newProductVariantAttribute, true));
Also used : AttributeMetaData(com.commercetools.sync.products.AttributeMetaData) JsonNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode) BuildUpdateActionException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 4 with BuildUpdateActionException

use of com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException in project commercetools-sync-java by commercetools.

the class ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils method buildProductVariantAttributesUpdateActions.

 * Compares the attributes of a {@link ProductVariantDraft} and a {@link ProductVariant} to build
 * either {@link io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttribute} or {@link
 * io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttributeInAllVariants} update actions. If
 * both the {@link ProductVariantDraft} and the {@link ProductVariant} have identical list of
 * attributes, then no update action is needed and hence an empty {@link List} is returned.
 * @param oldProduct the product that the variants belong to. It is used only in the error
 *     messages if any.
 * @param newProduct the new product draft.
 * @param oldProductVariant the {@link ProductVariant} which should be updated.
 * @param newProductVariant the {@link ProductVariantDraft} where we get the new list of
 *     attributes.
 * @param attributesMetaData a map of attribute name -&gt; {@link AttributeMetaData}; which
 *     defines attribute information: its name, whether a value is required or not and whether it
 *     has the constraint "SameForAll" or not.
 * @param syncOptions the sync options wrapper which contains options related to the sync process
 *     supplied by the user. For example, custom callbacks to call in case of warnings or errors
 *     occurring on the build update action process. And other options (See {@link
 *     ProductSyncOptions} for more info).
 * @return a list that contains all the update actions needed, otherwise an empty list if no
 *     update actions are needed.
public static List<UpdateAction<Product>> buildProductVariantAttributesUpdateActions(@Nonnull final ProductProjection oldProduct, @Nonnull final ProductDraft newProduct, @Nonnull final ProductVariant oldProductVariant, @Nonnull final ProductVariantDraft newProductVariant, @Nonnull final Map<String, AttributeMetaData> attributesMetaData, @Nonnull final ProductSyncOptions syncOptions) {
    final String productKey = oldProduct.getKey();
    final Integer oldProductVariantId = oldProductVariant.getId();
    final List<AttributeDraft> newProductVariantAttributes = newProductVariant.getAttributes();
    final List<Attribute> oldProductVariantAttributes = oldProductVariant.getAttributes();
    final List<UpdateAction<Product>> updateActions = buildRemoveUpdateActions(oldProductVariantAttributes, newProductVariantAttributes, Attribute::getName, AttributeDraft::getName, attribute -> {
        try {
            return buildUnSetAttribute(oldProductVariantId, attribute.getName(), attributesMetaData);
        } catch (final BuildUpdateActionException buildUpdateActionException) {
            final String errorMessage = format(FAILED_TO_BUILD_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_ACTION, attribute.getName(), newProductVariant.getKey(), productKey, buildUpdateActionException.getMessage());
            syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(new SyncException(errorMessage, new BuildUpdateActionException(errorMessage, buildUpdateActionException)), oldProduct, newProduct, null);
            return null;
    final Map<String, Attribute> oldAttributesMap = collectionToMap(oldProductVariantAttributes, Attribute::getName);
    emptyIfNull(newProductVariantAttributes).forEach(newAttribute -> {
        if (newAttribute == null) {
            final String errorMessage = format(FAILED_TO_BUILD_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_ACTION, null, newProductVariant.getKey(), productKey, NULL_PRODUCT_VARIANT_ATTRIBUTE);
            syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(new SyncException(errorMessage, new BuildUpdateActionException(errorMessage)), oldProduct, newProduct, updateActions);
        } else {
            final String newAttributeName = newAttribute.getName();
            final Attribute matchingOldAttribute = oldAttributesMap.get(newAttributeName);
            try {
                buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction(oldProductVariantId, matchingOldAttribute, newAttribute, attributesMetaData).ifPresent(updateActions::add);
            } catch (final BuildUpdateActionException buildUpdateActionException) {
                final String errorMessage = format(FAILED_TO_BUILD_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_ACTION, newAttributeName, newProductVariant.getKey(), productKey, buildUpdateActionException.getMessage());
                syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(new SyncException(errorMessage, new BuildUpdateActionException(errorMessage, buildUpdateActionException)));
    return updateActions;
Also used : AttributeDraft(io.sphere.sdk.products.attributes.AttributeDraft) Attribute(io.sphere.sdk.products.attributes.Attribute) SetAttribute(io.sphere.sdk.products.commands.updateactions.SetAttribute) UpdateAction(io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction) ProductVariantAttributeUpdateActionUtils.buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction(com.commercetools.sync.products.utils.ProductVariantAttributeUpdateActionUtils.buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction) CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction(com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction) BuildUpdateActionException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException) SyncException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.SyncException) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 5 with BuildUpdateActionException

use of com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException in project commercetools-sync-java by commercetools.

the class CustomUpdateActionUtils method buildCustomUpdateActions.

 * Compares the {@link CustomFields} of an old resource {@code T} (for example {@link Category},
 * {@link io.sphere.sdk.products.Product}, etc..), to the {@link CustomFieldsDraft}, of a new
 * resource draft {@code S} (for example {@link CategoryDraft}, {@link
 * io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductVariantDraft}, etc..), and returns a {@link List}&lt;{@link
 * UpdateAction}&gt; as a result. If no update action is needed, for example in the case where
 * both the {@link CustomFields} and the {@link CustomFieldsDraft} are null, an empty {@link
 * List}&lt;{@link UpdateAction}&gt; is returned. A {@link BaseSyncOptions} instance is injected
 * into the method which is responsible for supplying the sync options to the sync utility method.
 * For example, custom error callbacks for errors. The {@link TypeService} is injected also for
 * fetching the key of the old resource type from it's cache (see {@link
 * CustomUpdateActionUtils#buildNonNullCustomFieldsUpdateActions(CustomFields, CustomFieldsDraft,
 * Custom, GenericCustomActionBuilder, Integer, Function, Function, Function, BaseSyncOptions)}).
 * <p>An update action will be added to the result list in the following cases:-
 * <ol>
 *   <li>If the new resources's custom type is set, but old resources's custom type is not. A
 *       "setCustomType" update actions is added, which sets the custom type (and all it's fields
 *       to the old resource).
 *   <li>If the new resource's custom type is not set, but the old resource's custom type is set.
 *       A "setCustomType" update action is added, which removes the type set on the old resource.
 *   <li>If both the resources custom types are the same and the custom fields are both set. The
 *       custom field values of both resources are then calculated. (see {@link
 *       CustomUpdateActionUtils#buildSetCustomFieldsUpdateActions(Map, Map, Custom,
 *       GenericCustomActionBuilder, Integer, Function)} )})
 *   <li>If the keys of both custom types are different, then a "setCustomType" update action is
 *       added, where the old resource's custom type is set to be as the new one's.
 *   <li>If both resources custom type keys are identical but the custom fields of the new
 *       resource's custom type is not set.
 * </ol>
 * <p>An update action will <b>not</b> be added to the result list in the following cases:-
 * <ol>
 *   <li>If both the resources' custom types are not set.
 *   <li>If both the resources' custom type keys are not set.
 *   <li>Custom fields are both empty.
 *   <li>Custom field JSON values have different ordering.
 *   <li>Custom field values are identical.
 * </ol>
 * @param <D> the type of the new {@link Resource} which is the super {@link Resource} of the
 *     Resource to update.
 * @param <T> the type of the old {@link Resource} which has the custom fields.
 * @param <S> the type of the new resource {@link CustomDraft}.
 * @param <U> the type of the resource in which the update actions will be applied on.
 * @param newMainResourceDraft the main resource of the resource draft where we get the new custom
 *     fields.
 * @param oldResource the resource which should be updated.
 * @param newResourceDraft the resource draft where we get the new custom fields.
 * @param customActionBuilder the builder instance responsible for building the custom update
 *     actions.
 * @param variantId optional field representing the variant id in case the oldResource is an
 *     asset.
 * @param resourceIdGetter a function used to get the id of the resource being updated.
 * @param resourceTypeIdGetter a function used to get the Type id of the resource being updated.
 * @param updateIdGetter a function used to get the id/key needed for updating the resource that
 *     has the custom fields.
 * @param syncOptions responsible for supplying the sync options to the sync utility method.
 * @return a list that contains all the update actions needed, otherwise an empty list if no
 *     update actions are needed.
public static <D, T extends Custom, S extends CustomDraft, U extends ResourceView> List<UpdateAction<U>> buildCustomUpdateActions(@Nullable final D newMainResourceDraft, @Nonnull final T oldResource, @Nonnull final S newResourceDraft, @Nonnull final GenericCustomActionBuilder<U> customActionBuilder, @Nullable final Integer variantId, @Nonnull final Function<T, String> resourceIdGetter, @Nonnull final Function<T, String> resourceTypeIdGetter, @Nonnull final Function<T, String> updateIdGetter, @Nonnull final BaseSyncOptions syncOptions) {
    final CustomFields oldResourceCustomFields = oldResource.getCustom();
    final CustomFieldsDraft newResourceCustomFields = newResourceDraft.getCustom();
    if (oldResourceCustomFields != null && newResourceCustomFields != null) {
        try {
            return buildNonNullCustomFieldsUpdateActions(oldResourceCustomFields, newResourceCustomFields, oldResource, customActionBuilder, variantId, resourceIdGetter, resourceTypeIdGetter, updateIdGetter, syncOptions);
        } catch (BuildUpdateActionException exception) {
            final String errorMessage = format(CUSTOM_FIELDS_UPDATE_ACTIONS_BUILD_FAILED, resourceTypeIdGetter.apply(oldResource), resourceIdGetter.apply(oldResource), exception.getMessage());
            syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(new SyncException(errorMessage, exception), oldResource, newMainResourceDraft != null ? newMainResourceDraft : newResourceDraft, null);
    } else {
        if (oldResourceCustomFields == null) {
            if (newResourceCustomFields != null) {
                // New resource's custom fields are set, but old resources's custom fields are not set. So
                // we
                // should set the custom type and fields of the new resource to the old one.
                final String newCustomFieldsTypeId = newResourceCustomFields.getType().getId();
                if (isBlank(newCustomFieldsTypeId)) {
                    final String errorMessage = format(CUSTOM_FIELDS_UPDATE_ACTIONS_BUILD_FAILED, resourceTypeIdGetter.apply(oldResource), resourceIdGetter.apply(oldResource), CUSTOM_TYPE_ID_IS_BLANK);
                    syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(new SyncException(errorMessage, null), oldResource, newMainResourceDraft != null ? newMainResourceDraft : newResourceDraft, null);
                } else {
                    final Map<String, JsonNode> newCustomFieldsJsonMap = newResourceCustomFields.getFields();
                    final Optional<UpdateAction<U>> updateAction = buildTypedSetCustomTypeUpdateAction(newCustomFieldsTypeId, newCustomFieldsJsonMap, oldResource, customActionBuilder, variantId, resourceIdGetter, resourceTypeIdGetter, updateIdGetter, syncOptions);
        } else {
            return singletonList(customActionBuilder.buildRemoveCustomTypeAction(variantId, updateIdGetter.apply(oldResource)));
    return Collections.emptyList();
Also used : CustomFields(io.sphere.sdk.types.CustomFields) UpdateAction(io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction) GenericUpdateActionUtils.buildTypedSetCustomTypeUpdateAction(com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.GenericUpdateActionUtils.buildTypedSetCustomTypeUpdateAction) JsonNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode) BuildUpdateActionException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException) SyncException(com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.SyncException) Collections(java.util.Collections) CustomFieldsDraft(io.sphere.sdk.types.CustomFieldsDraft) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


BuildUpdateActionException (com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.BuildUpdateActionException)7 UpdateAction (io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction)6 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)6 SyncException (com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.SyncException)4 CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction (com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CommonTypeUpdateActionUtils.buildUpdateAction)4 DuplicateKeyException (com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.DuplicateKeyException)3 JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)3 DuplicateNameException (com.commercetools.sync.commons.exceptions.DuplicateNameException)2 Asset (io.sphere.sdk.models.Asset)2 AssetDraft (io.sphere.sdk.models.AssetDraft)2 CustomFields (io.sphere.sdk.types.CustomFields)2 CustomFieldsDraft (io.sphere.sdk.types.CustomFieldsDraft)2 CategorySyncOptions (com.commercetools.sync.categories.CategorySyncOptions)1 CategorySyncOptionsBuilder (com.commercetools.sync.categories.CategorySyncOptionsBuilder)1 CategoryCustomActionBuilder (com.commercetools.sync.categories.helpers.CategoryCustomActionBuilder)1 CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildCustomUpdateActions (com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildCustomUpdateActions)1 CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildNonNullCustomFieldsUpdateActions (com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildNonNullCustomFieldsUpdateActions)1 CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildSetCustomFieldsUpdateActions (com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.CustomUpdateActionUtils.buildSetCustomFieldsUpdateActions)1 GenericUpdateActionUtils.buildTypedSetCustomTypeUpdateAction (com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.GenericUpdateActionUtils.buildTypedSetCustomTypeUpdateAction)1 AttributeMetaData (com.commercetools.sync.products.AttributeMetaData)1