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Example 6 with RTab

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class ManualScheduleImporter method run.

public void run() {
    RForm form = io.loadForm(eventID);
    RTeam[] teams = io.loadTeams(eventID);
    // Load the schedule
    ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        InputStream fis = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            Log.d("RBS", "Line: " + line);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        listener.error("File was not found on the system.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        listener.error("File contains syntax errors. Please double check it for accurate syntax.");
    if (lines.size() == 0) {
        listener.error("File contains no readable data. Please double check syntax.");
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        try {
            String[] tokens = lines.get(i).split(",");
            RTeam team = new RTeam(tokens[0], Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]), io.getNewTeamID(eventID));
                 * Only add the team if it hasn't been found already
            if (teams != null) {
                for (RTeam local : teams) {
                    // Compare name and number, since IDs will be different
                    if (local.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(team.getName()) && local.getNumber() == team.getNumber()) {
                        team = local;
            // Verify the team against the form
            // The team has been added (or found locally), start processing matches
            for (int j = 2; j < tokens.length; j++) {
                // use j = 2 to ignore name and number
                String name = expandMatchName(tokens[j]);
                boolean isRedAlliance = name.contains("R");
                name = name.replaceAll("B", "").replaceAll("R", "");
                RTab tab = new RTab(team.getNumber(), name, form.getMatch(), isRedAlliance, false, 0);
                // Search for it
                if (team.getTabs() != null) {
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (RTab local : team.getTabs()) {
                        if (local.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(tab.getTitle())) {
                            tab = local;
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) {
            io.saveTeam(eventID, team);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            listener.error("A syntax error occurred one line #" + (i + 1) + ". Please double check syntax.");
Also used : RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) InputStreamReader( RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) InputStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileNotFoundException( IOException( IOException( FileNotFoundException( RForm(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm) BufferedReader(

Example 7 with RTab

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class Utils method getMatchTitlesWithinEvent.

 * Returns the match titles within an REvent
 * @return a String[] containing ALL match titles within an REvent, may be null
public static String[] getMatchTitlesWithinEvent(Context context, int eventID) {
    RTeam[] local = new IO(context).loadTeams(eventID);
    // no teams found
    if (local == null || local.length == 0)
        return null;
    ArrayList<RTab> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
    RForm form = new IO(context).loadForm(eventID);
    for (RTeam team : local) {
        // check if the match already exists
        if (team.getTabs() == null || team.getTabs().size() == 0)
        for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
            if (tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("pit") || tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("predictions"))
            boolean found = false;
            for (RTab temp : tabs) {
                if (temp.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(tab.getTitle())) {
                    found = true;
            if (!found)
    if (tabs.size() == 0)
        return null;
    // Convert to String[]
    String[] values = new String[tabs.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) {
        values[i] = tabs.get(i).getTitle();
    return values;
Also used : RForm(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm) RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) IO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point(

Example 8 with RTab

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class Utils method randomizeTeamMetrics.

 * This code will randomize an event with random metric data for the purposes of show casing an app
 * or testing
public static void randomizeTeamMetrics(ArrayList<RTab> tabs) {
    Random r = new Random();
    if (tabs != null) {
        for (RTab tab : tabs) {
            for (RMetric metric : tab.getMetrics()) {
                if (metric instanceof RSlider) {
                    ((RSlider) metric).setMax(100);
                    ((RSlider) metric).setValue(r.nextInt(100));
                } else if (metric instanceof RCounter) {
                    ((RCounter) metric).setValue(r.nextDouble() * 100);
                } else if (metric instanceof RStopwatch) {
                    ((RStopwatch) metric).setTime(r.nextDouble() * 10);
                    ((RStopwatch) metric).setTimes(new ArrayList<Double>());
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.nextInt(5); i++) {
                        ((RStopwatch) metric).getTimes().add(Utils.round(r.nextDouble() * 8.2, 2));
                } else if (metric instanceof RBoolean) {
                    ((RBoolean) metric).setValue(r.nextDouble() <= 0.5);
                } else if (metric instanceof RCheckbox) {
                    for (Object o : ((RCheckbox) metric).getValues().keySet()) {
                        ((RCheckbox) metric).getValues().put(o.toString(), r.nextDouble() <= 0.50);
                } else if (metric instanceof RChooser) {
                    ((RChooser) metric).setSelectedIndex(r.nextInt(((RChooser) metric).getValues().length - 1));
                } else if (metric instanceof RTextfield) {
                    if (!((RTextfield) metric).isOneLine())
                        ((RTextfield) metric).setText("RTextfield has been randomized to: " + getSaltString());
Also used : RBoolean(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean) RChooser(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RTextfield(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) Point( RStopwatch(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch) Random(java.util.Random) RCheckbox(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox) RSlider(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider) RCounter(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)

Example 9 with RTab

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class MetricSortFragment method metricSelected.

 * This method is called when the user taps on a metric
 * @param v the View that the user tapped on (used for inferring the RMetric object)
public void metricSelected(View v) {
    final int position = rv.getChildLayoutPosition(v);
    if (metrics.get(position) instanceof RFieldData) {
        final Dialog d = new Dialog(getActivity());
        d.setTitle("Select sub metric");
        final Spinner spinner = d.findViewById(;
        // Attempt to load a team to get a list of values
        int id = 0;
        IO io = new IO(getActivity());
        RTeam team;
        do {
            team = io.loadTeam(eventID, id);
        } while (team == null && id < 100);
        RFieldData fieldData = null;
        try {
            mainLoop: for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
                if (tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("PIT") || tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("PREDICTIONS"))
                for (RMetric metric2 : tab.getMetrics()) {
                    if (metric2 instanceof RFieldData && metrics.get(position).getID() == metric2.getID() && ((RFieldData) metric2).getData() != null && ((RFieldData) metric2).getData().size() >= 1) {
                        fieldData = (RFieldData) metric2;
                        break mainLoop;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // }
        if (fieldData == null)
        final String[] values = Utils.depackFieldData(fieldData);
        if (values == null) {
            Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Error occurred while loading metrics.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        ArrayAdapter<String> adp = new ArrayAdapter<>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, values);
        Button button = d.findViewById(;
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent result = new Intent();
                result.putExtra("sortToken", TeamMetricProcessor.PROCESS_METHOD.MATCHES + ":" + metrics.get(position).getID() + ":" + values[spinner.getSelectedItemPosition()]);
                getActivity().setResult(Constants.CUSTOM_SORT_CONFIRMED, result);
        if (d.getWindow() != null)
            d.getWindow().getAttributes().windowAnimations = new IO(getActivity()).loadSettings().getRui().getAnimation();;
    } else // User selected the "In Match" option, now we have to display a list of all the matches within the event
    if (processMethod == TeamMetricProcessor.PROCESS_METHOD.OTHER && metrics.get(position).getID() == TeamMetricProcessor.PROCESS_METHOD.OTHER_METHOD.IN_MATCH) {
        final Dialog d = new Dialog(getActivity());
        d.setTitle("Select match");
        final Spinner spinner = d.findViewById(;
        TextView t = d.findViewById(;
        final String[] values = Utils.getMatchTitlesWithinEvent(getContext(), eventID);
        if (values == null) {
            Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Error occurred while loading matches. Do any matches exist?", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        ArrayAdapter<String> adp = new ArrayAdapter<>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, values);
        Button button = d.findViewById(;
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent result = new Intent();
                result.putExtra("sortToken", TeamMetricProcessor.PROCESS_METHOD.OTHER + ":" + TeamMetricProcessor.PROCESS_METHOD.OTHER_METHOD.IN_MATCH + ":" + values[spinner.getSelectedItemPosition()]);
                getActivity().setResult(Constants.CUSTOM_SORT_CONFIRMED, result);
        if (d.getWindow() != null)
            d.getWindow().getAttributes().windowAnimations = new IO(getActivity()).loadSettings().getRui().getAnimation();;
    String sortToken = processMethod + ":" + metrics.get(position).getID();
    Intent result = new Intent();
    result.putExtra("sortToken", sortToken);
    if (getActivity() != null) {
        getActivity().setResult(Constants.CUSTOM_SORT_CONFIRMED, result);
Also used : RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) Spinner(android.widget.Spinner) IO( RFieldData(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData) Intent(android.content.Intent) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) View(android.view.View) RecyclerView( TextView(android.widget.TextView) Button(android.widget.Button) Dialog( TextView(android.widget.TextView) ArrayAdapter(android.widget.ArrayAdapter)

Example 10 with RTab

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class EventCreateMethodPicker method onActivityResult.

 * Receives result data from child activities
 * @param requestCode the request code of the child activities
 * @param resultCode the result code of the child activity
 * @param data any result data returned from the activity
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
         * The user selected a backup file, let's attempt to import it here
    if (requestCode == Constants.FILE_CHOOSER) {
        // this means the user didn't select a file, no point in returning an error message
        if (data == null)
        try {
            IO io = new IO(getApplicationContext());
            RBackup backup = io.convertBackupFile(data.getData());
            if (!backup.getFileVersion().equals(IO.PREFIX)) {
                Utils.showSnackbar(findViewById(, getApplicationContext(), "Invalid backup file. Backup was created with an older version of Roblu.", true, rui.getPrimaryColor());
                 * Create the event, we're not gonna use an AsyncTask because the user is just
                 * watching the event import anyway, and it will only freeze the UI for a couple hundred
                 * milliseconds.
            REvent event = backup.getEvent();
            io.saveForm(event.getID(), backup.getForm());
            if (backup.getTeams() != null) {
                for (RTeam team : backup.getTeams()) {
                    for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
                        for (RMetric metric : tab.getMetrics()) {
                            if (metric instanceof RGallery && ((RGallery) metric).getImages() != null) {
                                // Add images to the current gallery
                                for (int i = 0; i < ((RGallery) metric).getImages().size(); i++) {
                                    ((RGallery) metric).getPictureIDs().add(io.savePicture(event.getID(), ((RGallery) metric).getImages().get(i)));
                                ((RGallery) metric).setImages(null);
                    io.saveTeam(event.getID(), team);
            Utils.showSnackbar(findViewById(, getApplicationContext(), "Successfully imported event from backup", false, rui.getPrimaryColor());
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("eventID", event.getID());
            setResult(Constants.NEW_EVENT_CREATED, intent);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Utils.showSnackbar(findViewById(, getApplicationContext(), "Invalid backup file", true, rui.getPrimaryColor());
    } else /*
         * The user created an event manually with EventEditor, we actually don't need to do anything but auto-finish our class
         * with a result code letting the TeamsView class now to refresh the event list
    if (resultCode == Constants.NEW_EVENT_CREATED) {
        Bundle b = data.getExtras();
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        if (b != null)
        setResult(Constants.NEW_EVENT_CREATED, intent);
Also used : RBackup(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RBackup) RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RGallery(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery) IO( Bundle(android.os.Bundle) REvent(com.cpjd.roblu.models.REvent) Intent(android.content.Intent) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)


RTab (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab)18 RTeam (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam)13 RMetric (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)12 IO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 RCheckout (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RCheckout)6 RForm (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm)6 RGallery (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery)6 RCounter (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)5 RFieldData (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData)5 REvent (com.cpjd.roblu.models.REvent)4 RBoolean (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean)4 RCheckbox (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox)4 RChooser (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser)4 RSlider (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider)4 RStopwatch (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch)4 RTextfield (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield)4 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)3 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 Intent (android.content.Intent)2