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Example 1 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class MetricEditor method buildConfigLayout.

 * Adds the config text fields below the metric preview
private void buildConfigLayout() {
    // clear old config items (don't clear toolbar, preview metric, or metric type selector)
    for (int i = 3; i < this.layout.getChildCount(); i++) {
    RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(this);
    layout.addView(getConfigField("Title", layout, 0));
    if (metric instanceof RCheckbox || metric instanceof RChooser) {
        layout.addView(getConfigField("Comma separated list", layout, 1));
    } else if (metric instanceof RCounter) {
        final TextInputLayout til = getConfigField("Increment", layout, 1);
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
        params.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, til.getId());
        CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(getApplicationContext());
        checkBox.setText("Verbose input");
        checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {

            public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
                ((RCounter) metric).setVerboseInput(isChecked);
        ColorStateList colorStateList = new ColorStateList(new int[][] { // unchecked
        new int[] { -android.R.attr.state_checked }, // checked
        new int[] { android.R.attr.state_checked } }, new int[] { rui.getButtons(), rui.getAccent() });
        CompoundButtonCompat.setButtonTintList(checkBox, colorStateList);
    } else if (metric instanceof RSlider) {
        layout.addView(getConfigField("Minimum", layout, 1));
        layout.addView(getConfigField("Maximum", layout, 2));
    } else if (metric instanceof RCalculation) {
        final TextInputLayout til = getConfigField("Calculation", layout, 1);
        // Also add a button for inputting metric names
        Button b = new Button(getApplicationContext());
        b.setText("Add metric");
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
        params.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, til.getId());
        b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                final Dialog d = new Dialog(MetricEditor.this);
                d.setTitle("Pick metric:");
                final Spinner spinner = d.findViewById(;
                String[] values;
                final ArrayList<RMetric> metrics;
                if (tab == 0)
                    metrics = form.getPit();
                    metrics = form.getMatch();
                // Remove all but counters, stopwatches, and sliders
                for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
                    if (!(metrics.get(i) instanceof RCounter) && !(metrics.get(i) instanceof RStopwatch && !(metrics.get(i) instanceof RSlider)) && !(metrics.get(i) instanceof RCalculation)) {
                values = new String[metrics.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
                    values[i] = metrics.get(i).getTitle();
                ArrayAdapter<String> adp = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, values);
                Button button = d.findViewById(;
                button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        try {
                            RMetric m = new ArrayList<>(metrics).get(spinner.getSelectedItemPosition());
                            til.getEditText().setText(til.getEditText().getText().toString() + " " + m.getTitle());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.d("RBS", "Failed to select metric");
                        } finally {
                if (d.getWindow() != null)
                    d.getWindow().getAttributes().windowAnimations = new IO(getApplicationContext()).loadSettings().getRui().getAnimation();
Also used : Spinner(android.widget.Spinner) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ColorStateList(android.content.res.ColorStateList) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) RCalculation(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCalculation) RCheckbox(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox) Button(android.widget.Button) CompoundButton(android.widget.CompoundButton) Dialog( RSlider(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider) TextInputLayout( RChooser(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser) IO( View(android.view.View) AdapterView(android.widget.AdapterView) CardView( TextView(android.widget.TextView) RStopwatch(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch) CheckBox(android.widget.CheckBox) RelativeLayout(android.widget.RelativeLayout) RCounter(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter) CompoundButton(android.widget.CompoundButton) ArrayAdapter(android.widget.ArrayAdapter)

Example 2 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class Match method changeMade.

 * This method is called when a change is made to a metric
 * @param metric the modified metric
public void changeMade(RMetric metric) {
         * Notify any calculation metrics that a change was made
    for (int i = 0; i < layout.getChildCount(); i++) {
        CardView cv = (CardView) layout.getChildAt(i);
        if (cv.getTag() != null && cv.getTag().toString().split(":")[0].equals("CALC")) {
            // We've discovered a calculation metric, we have access to the ID, so acquire a new copy of the view
            int ID = Integer.parseInt(cv.getTag().toString().split(":")[1]);
            for (RMetric m : {
                if (m.getID() == ID) {
                    // Get the calculation
                    String value = m.getTitle() + "\nValue: " + ((RCalculation) m).getValue(;
                    // Set the text
                    RelativeLayout rl = (RelativeLayout) cv.getChildAt(0);
                    TextView tv = (TextView) rl.getChildAt(0);
    // set the metric as modified - this is a critical line, otherwise scouting data will get deleted
         * Check the team name and team number metrics to see if the action bar needs to be updated
    // since team name and  team number are updated from the team model
    boolean init = false;
    // without the user's control, make sure not to update team's timestamp if it's only the team name or number metric
    if (metric instanceof RTextfield) {
        if (((RTextfield) metric).isOneLine() && ((RTextfield) metric).isNumericalOnly() && !((RTextfield) metric).getText().equals("")) {
            ((TeamViewer) getActivity()).setActionBarSubtitle("#" +;
            init = true;
        if (((RTextfield) metric).isOneLine() && !((RTextfield) metric).isNumericalOnly() && !((RTextfield) metric).getText().equals("")) {
            ((TeamViewer) getActivity()).setActionBarTitle(;
            init = true;
    if (!init) {;
        // Add local device to edit history list
        if (event.isCloudEnabled()) {
            LinkedHashMap<String, Long> edits =;
            if (edits == null)
       LinkedHashMap<String, Long>());
  "me", System.currentTimeMillis());
    // save the team
    new IO(view.getContext()).saveTeam(event.getID(),;
Also used : TeamViewer( RTextfield(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield) IO( CardView( RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) RelativeLayout(android.widget.RelativeLayout) TextView(android.widget.TextView)

Example 3 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class Overview method onCreateView.

public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.overview_tab, container, false);
    Bundle bundle = this.getArguments();
    layout = view.findViewById(;
    REvent event = (REvent) getArguments().getSerializable("event");
    RTeam team = new IO(getActivity()).loadTeam(event.getID(),;
    rMetricToUI = new RMetricToUI(getActivity(), new IO(getActivity()).loadSettings().getRui(), true);
    try {
         * Do statistics generation, this will generate graphs for certain metrics
        // Stores pie chart values, with the sub linked hash map <item,occurrences>, this will need to be processed later into a percent
        LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Double>> pieValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        // Stores line chart values, with the sub linked hash map <matchName,value>
        LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Double>> lineValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        // This isn't directly related, more of a side project
        ArrayList<RGallery> galleries = new ArrayList<>();
        for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
            // Rule out disallowed tabs
            if (tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("PIT"))
            // Start processing metrics
            for (RMetric metric : tab.getMetrics()) {
                if (metric instanceof RGallery) {
                    galleries.add((RGallery) metric);
                if (!metric.isModified())
                // Pie graph metrics, scan these here
                if (metric instanceof RBoolean) {
                    LinkedHashMap<String, Double> temp = pieValues.get(metric.getTitle());
                    if (temp == null)
                        temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    String key = ((RBoolean) metric).isValue() ? "Yes" : "No";
                    if (temp.get(key) == null)
                        temp.put(key, 1.0);
                        temp.put(key, temp.get(key) + 1);
                    pieValues.put(metric.getTitle(), temp);
                } else if (metric instanceof RCheckbox) {
                    if (((RCheckbox) metric).getValues() != null) {
                        for (Object key : ((RCheckbox) metric).getValues().keySet()) {
                            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> temp = pieValues.get(metric.getTitle());
                            if (temp == null)
                                temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                            if (temp.get(key.toString()) == null)
                                temp.put(key.toString(), 1.0);
                                temp.put(key.toString(), temp.get(key.toString()) + 1);
                            pieValues.put(metric.getTitle(), temp);
                } else if (metric instanceof RChooser) {
                    LinkedHashMap<String, Double> temp = pieValues.get(metric.getTitle());
                    if (temp == null)
                        temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    if (temp.get(metric.toString()) == null)
                        temp.put(metric.toString(), 1.0);
                        temp.put(metric.toString(), temp.get(metric.toString()) + 1);
                    pieValues.put(metric.getTitle(), temp);
                } else // Line chart metrics
                if (metric instanceof RCounter || metric instanceof RSlider || metric instanceof RStopwatch || metric instanceof RCalculation) {
                    LinkedHashMap<String, Double> temp = lineValues.get(metric.getTitle());
                    if (temp == null)
                        temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    temp.put(tab.getTitle(), Double.parseDouble(metric.toString()));
                    lineValues.put(metric.getTitle(), temp);
        // Add the divider metrics by position, -1 if no metric after it, or at the end
        ArrayList<RDivider> addedDividers = new ArrayList<>();
         * Add the charts!
        for (Object key : lineValues.keySet()) {
            if (lineValues.get(key.toString()).size() >= 2) {
                loop: for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < tab.getMetrics().size(); i++) {
                        if (tab.getMetrics().get(i).getTitle().equals(key.toString())) {
                            // See if there is a RDivider hiding above this metric
                            for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
                                if (tab.getMetrics().get(j) instanceof RDivider && !addedDividers.contains(tab.getMetrics().get(j))) {
                                    layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getDivider((RDivider) tab.getMetrics().get(j)));
                                    addedDividers.add((RDivider) tab.getMetrics().get(j));
                                    break loop;
                layout.addView(rMetricToUI.generateLineChart(key.toString(), lineValues.get(key.toString())));
        // Process the pie charts
        for (Object key : pieValues.keySet()) {
            if (pieValues.get(key.toString()).size() <= 1)
            int metricID = 0;
            loop: for (RTab tab : team.getTabs()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < tab.getMetrics().size(); i++) {
                    if (tab.getMetrics().get(i).getTitle().equals(key.toString())) {
                        metricID = tab.getMetrics().get(i).getID();
                        // See if there is a RDivider hiding above this metric
                        for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
                            if (tab.getMetrics().get(j) instanceof RDivider && !addedDividers.contains(tab.getMetrics().get(j))) {
                                layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getDivider((RDivider) tab.getMetrics().get(j)));
                                addedDividers.add((RDivider) tab.getMetrics().get(j));
                                break loop;
            for (Object key2 : pieValues.get(key.toString()).keySet()) {
                if (numModified(team.getTabs(), metricID) != 0)
                    pieValues.get(key.toString()).put(key2.toString(), pieValues.get(key.toString()).get(key2.toString()) / (double) numModified(team.getTabs(), metricID));
            layout.addView(rMetricToUI.generatePieChart(key.toString(), pieValues.get(key.toString())));
         * Find the image with the most entropy, and add
         * it as the "featured" image
        galleryLoop: for (int j = galleries.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            if (galleries.get(j).getImages() != null && galleries.get(j).getImages().size() > 0) {
                for (int i = galleries.get(j).getImages().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    try {
                        layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getImageView("Featured image", BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(galleries.get(j).getImages().get(i), 0, galleries.get(j).getImages().get(i).length)));
                        break galleryLoop;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.d("RBS", "Failed to load featured image: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d("RBS", "Failed to generate graphs for this team profile.");
         * Attempt to download TBA info for this team
    if (!team.hasTBAInfo()) {
        if (event.getKey() != null && event.getKey().length() >= 4)
            new TBATeamInfoTask(view.getContext(), team.getNumber(), event.getKey().substring(0, 4), this);
    } else {
        // TBA info card
        layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getInfoField(" information",,,, 0);
        if ( != null) {
            // Image view
            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(, 0,;
            layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getImageView("Robot", bitmap));
         * Add UI cards to the layout
    // "Other" card
    layout.addView(rMetricToUI.getInfoField("Other", "Last edited: " + Utils.convertTime(team.getLastEdit()) + "\nSize on disk: " + new IO(view.getContext()).getTeamSize(bundle.getInt("eventID"), team.getID()) + " KB", "", 0));
    return view;
Also used : RBoolean(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean) RDivider(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RDivider) RGallery(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) RCalculation(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCalculation) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Bitmap( RCheckbox(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox) RSlider(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider) REvent(com.cpjd.roblu.models.REvent) TBATeamInfoTask( RChooser(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser) RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) IO( View(android.view.View) RStopwatch(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch) RCounter(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter) RMetricToUI(com.cpjd.roblu.ui.forms.RMetricToUI)

Example 4 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class UnpackTBAEvent method doInBackground.

protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
         * No teams were contained within the event, so exit, nothing here is relevant
         * to a TBA event that doesn't contain any team models
    if (event.teams == null || event.teams.length == 0)
        return null;
         * Create an array of team models from the ones contained in the event
    ArrayList<RTeam> teams = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < event.teams.length; i++) {
        // i can be used as the ID because we are creating a fresh event, io.getNewTeamID is irrelevant
        teams.add(new RTeam(event.teams[i].nickname, (int) event.teams[i].team_number, i));
         * Sort the matches in the event
         * Add the matches to the respective team models
    IO io = new IO(activityWeakReference.get());
    RForm form = io.loadForm(eventID);
    int result;
    for (RTeam t : teams) {
        for (int j = 0; j < event.matches.length; j++) {
            result = event.matches[j].doesMatchContainTeam(t.getNumber());
            if (result > 0) {
                String name = "Match";
                // process the correct match name
                switch(event.matches[j].comp_level) {
                    case "qm":
                        name = "Quals " + event.matches[j].match_number;
                    case "qf":
                        name = "Quarters " + event.matches[j].set_number + " Match " + event.matches[j].match_number;
                    case "sf":
                        name = "Semis " + event.matches[j].set_number + " Match " + event.matches[j].match_number;
                    case "f":
                        name = "Finals " + event.matches[j].match_number;
                boolean isRed = result == com.cpjd.main.Constants.CONTAINS_TEAM_RED;
                // add the match to the team, make sure to multiple the Event model's matches times by 1000 (seconds to milliseconds, Roblu works with milliseconds!)
                RTab tab = new RTab(t.getNumber(), name, Utils.duplicateRMetricArray(form.getMatch()), isRed, event.matches[j].isOnWinningAlliance(t.getNumber()), event.matches[j].time * 1000);
                // set the match position, if possible
                // Check for FieldData metrics
                if (tab.getMetrics() != null) {
                    for (RMetric metric : tab.getMetrics()) {
                        if (metric instanceof RFieldData) {
                            if (((RFieldData) metric).getData() == null)
                                ((RFieldData) metric).setData(new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<RMetric>>());
                            for (int i = 0; i < event.matches[j].scorableItems.length; i++) {
                                Log.d("RBS", "Metric name: " + event.matches[j].scorableItems[i] + ", " + "Red value: " + event.matches[j].redValues[i] + ", Blue value: " + event.matches[j].blueValues[i]);
                                ArrayList<RMetric> metrics = new ArrayList<>();
                                try {
                                    metrics.add(new RCounter(0, "", 0, Double.parseDouble(event.matches[j].redValues[i])));
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    metrics.add(new RTextfield(0, "", (event.matches[j].redValues[i])));
                                try {
                                    metrics.add(new RCounter(0, "", 0, Double.parseDouble(event.matches[j].blueValues[i])));
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    metrics.add(new RTextfield(0, "", (event.matches[j].blueValues[i])));
                                if (event.matches[j].scorableItems[i] != null && metrics.size() > 0)
                                    ((RFieldData) metric).getData().put(event.matches[j].scorableItems[i], metrics);
             * This is where the merge decision comes into play
        if (randomize) {
        io.saveTeam(eventID, t);
    return null;
Also used : RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) IO( RTextfield(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RFieldData(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) RForm(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm) RCounter(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)

Example 5 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class FormRecyclerTouchHelper method onSwiped.

 * Called when a form card is swiped in a certain direction
 * @param viewHolder the view holder containing the swiped card
 * @param direction the direction the card was swiped in
public void onSwiped(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int direction) {
    final RMetric metric = mMetricsAdapter.getMetrics().get(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition());
         * User wants to delete the RMetric
    if (direction == ItemTouchHelper.LEFT) {
             * Decide which delete message to display, if the user is deleting a form metric that contains scouting data somewhere else,
             * we'll want to notify them a bit more
        if (metric.getID() <= mMetricsAdapter.getInitID()) {
            new FastDialogBuilder().setTitle("Warning").setMessage("Deleting this metric will remove it and all its associated scouting data from ALL team profiles.").setPositiveButtonText("Delete").setNegativeButtonText("Cancel").setFastDialogListener(new FastDialogBuilder.FastDialogListener() {

                public void accepted() {

                public void denied() {

                public void neutral() {
        } else {
    } else /*
         * User wants to edit the RMetric, we can't actually handle that here, so pass it back tot he FormViewer activity
    if (direction == ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT) {
             * One quick thing - Intents have a payload maximum, galleries will trigger this easily
             * because of their size, so if the user requested a RGallery edit, remove all picture information
             * from the reference.
        if (metric instanceof RGallery)
            ((RGallery) metric).setImages(null);
Also used : FastDialogBuilder(com.cpjd.roblu.ui.dialogs.FastDialogBuilder) RGallery(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)


RMetric (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)26 RTab (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab)12 RTeam (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam)10 RStopwatch (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch)10 RTextfield (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 RCounter (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)9 RGallery (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery)9 IO ( RCheckbox (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox)8 RChooser (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser)8 RSlider (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider)8 RForm (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm)7 RBoolean (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean)7 RFieldData (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData)7 RCalculation (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCalculation)6 RCheckout (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RCheckout)5 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)5 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)4 View (android.view.View)4