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Example 21 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class CheckoutEncoder method encodeCheckout.

 * This method will encode a checkout with as little overhead as possible (as opposed to JSON
 * serialization). This method is used for QR serialization to minimize the data transfer, since
 * compression isn't supported well by QR. This could be expanded for the whole project, but isn't really versatile enough yet.
 * @return The encoded string
public String encodeCheckout(String nameTag, RCheckout checkout) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    // Checkout components
    // Team meta
    // Tabs!
    for (RTab tab : checkout.getTeam().getTabs()) {
        // Edits
        if (tab.getEdits() != null) {
            for (Object o : tab.getEdits().keySet()) {
                if (o.toString().equals(""))
                // EDITS,will:120391823,john,12039123
        // -RDivider and RCalculation don't need to be encoded since they don't contain any user information
        for (RMetric metric : tab.getMetrics()) {
            if (metric instanceof RBoolean)
                builder.append(((RBoolean) metric).isValue());
            else if (metric instanceof RCheckbox) {
                if (((RCheckbox) metric).getValues() != null) {
                    for (Object o : ((RCheckbox) metric).getValues().keySet()) {
                        // :(title,value):(title,value):
                        builder.append("(").append(o.toString()).append(",").append(((RCheckbox) metric).getValues().get(o.toString())).append(")").append(DELIMITER);
            } else if (metric instanceof RChooser) {
                builder.append(((RChooser) metric).getSelectedIndex()).append(DELIMITER);
                if (((RChooser) metric).getValues() != null) {
                    for (String s : ((RChooser) metric).getValues()) {
                        // :1:option:option:option:
            } else if (metric instanceof RCounter)
                builder.append(((RCounter) metric).isVerboseInput()).append(DELIMITER).append(((RCounter) metric).getValue()).append(DELIMITER).append(((RCounter) metric).getIncrement());
            else if (metric instanceof RSlider)
                builder.append(((RSlider) metric).getValue()).append(DELIMITER).append(((RSlider) metric).getMin()).append(DELIMITER).append(((RSlider) metric).getMax());
            else if (metric instanceof RStopwatch) {
                builder.append(((RStopwatch) metric).getTime()).append(DELIMITER);
                if (((RStopwatch) metric).getTimes() != null) {
                    for (Double t : ((RStopwatch) metric).getTimes()) {
                        // :curr:1:2:3:
            } else if (metric instanceof RTextfield)
                builder.append(((RTextfield) metric).getText());
    return builder.toString();
Also used : RBoolean(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean) RChooser(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RTextfield(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) RStopwatch(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch) RCheckbox(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox) RSlider(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider) RCounter(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)

Example 22 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class EventMergeTask method run.

public void run() {
    try {
        // Load teams for each event
        RTeam[] localTeams = io.loadTeams(localEventID);
        RTeam[] targetTeams = io.loadTeams(targetEventID);
        RForm localForm = io.loadForm(localEventID);
        RForm targetForm = io.loadForm(targetEventID);
        for (RTeam team : localTeams) team.verify(localForm);
        for (RTeam team : targetTeams) team.verify(targetForm);
        // Start merging
        for (RTeam local : localTeams) {
            // Find the team
            for (RTeam target : targetTeams) {
                if (local.getNumber() == target.getNumber()) {
                    for (RTab localTab : local.getTabs()) {
                        // Find tab
                        for (RTab targetTab : target.getTabs()) {
                            if (targetTab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(localTab.getTitle())) {
                                // Match found, start merging metrics
                                for (RMetric localMetric : localTab.getMetrics()) {
                                    // Find metric
                                    for (RMetric targetMetric : targetTab.getMetrics()) {
                                         * Okay, the forms might be different, so we need to run some checks before we override the localMetric:
                                         * -Same instanceof type (obviously)
                                         * -Same title (within reason, do a little trimming, and ignore caps)
                                         * -ID - ID should not be considered, they might not be equal
                                         * If we find a good candidate for the metric, override the local. Conditions
                                         * -Target is not modified: do nothing
                                         * -Target is modified: overwrite if local not modified
                                         * -Both modified: Compare team last edit time stamp
                                        if ((localMetric.getClass().equals(targetMetric.getClass())) && localMetric.getTitle().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "").equals(targetMetric.getTitle().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", ""))) {
                                            if (localMetric instanceof RGallery) {
                                                // Just add the images
                                                if (((RGallery) localMetric).getPictureIDs() == null)
                                                    ((RGallery) localMetric).setPictureIDs(new ArrayList<Integer>());
                                                if (((RGallery) localMetric).getImages() != null) {
                                                    // Add images to the current gallery
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < ((RGallery) targetMetric).getImages().size(); i++) {
                                                        ((RGallery) localMetric).getPictureIDs().add(io.savePicture(localEventID, ((RGallery) targetMetric).getImages().get(i)));
                                                // Don't forget to clear the pictures from memory after they've been merged
                                                ((RGallery) targetMetric).setImages(null);
                                            } else // Alright, looks like we can do the checks now
                                            if (targetMetric.isModified() && !localMetric.isModified()) {
                                                int tabIndex = local.getTabs().indexOf(localTab);
                                                int metricIndex = local.getTabs().get(tabIndex).getMetrics().indexOf(localMetric);
                                                local.getTabs().get(tabIndex).getMetrics().set(metricIndex, targetMetric);
                                            } else if (targetMetric.isModified() && localMetric.isModified() && target.getLastEdit() > local.getLastEdit()) {
                                                int tabIndex = local.getTabs().indexOf(localTab);
                                                int metricIndex = local.getTabs().get(tabIndex).getMetrics().indexOf(localMetric);
                                                local.getTabs().get(tabIndex).getMetrics().set(metricIndex, targetMetric);
            io.saveTeam(localEventID, local);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d("RBS", "Error occurred in EventMergeTask: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : RForm(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm) RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RGallery(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)

Example 23 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class Utils method createEmpty.

 * Creates an empty form for an event (not technically empty).
 * Makes sure that nothing is null and that we have the required
 * team name and team number fields
 * @return creates an empty RForm
public static RForm createEmpty() {
    ArrayList<RMetric> pit = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<RMetric> matches = new ArrayList<>();
    RTextfield name = new RTextfield(0, "Team name", false, true, "");
    RTextfield number = new RTextfield(1, "Team number", true, true, "");
    return new RForm(pit, matches);
Also used : RForm(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm) RTextfield(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)

Example 24 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class SyncHelper method mergeCheckout.

 * Merges the checkout with the active event.
 * Creates new team / match if they don't already exist
 * @param checkout the checkout to merge
public void mergeCheckout(RCheckout checkout) {
    // Verify the target checkout, to make sure it's in sync with the local form
    // Check to see if there is a local team matching this checkout
    RTeam team = io.loadTeam(activeEvent.getID(), checkout.getTeam().getID());
    // The team was found, so do a merge
    if (team != null) {
        boolean shouldOverrideLastEdited = false;
        for (RTab downloadedTab : checkout.getTeam().getTabs()) {
            boolean matchLocated = false;
            for (RTab localTab : team.getTabs()) {
                // Found the match, start merging
                if (localTab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(downloadedTab.getTitle())) {
                         * Copy over the edit tabs
                    if (downloadedTab.getEdits() != null)
                    for (RMetric downloadedMetric : downloadedTab.getMetrics()) {
                        if (!(downloadedMetric instanceof RCalculation) && !(downloadedMetric instanceof RFieldData) && downloadedMetric.isModified())
                            shouldOverrideLastEdited = true;
                        for (RMetric localMetric : localTab.getMetrics()) {
                            // Found the metric, determine if a merge needs to occur
                            if (downloadedMetric.getID() == localMetric.getID()) {
                                // Ignore imports from this metric
                                if (downloadedMetric instanceof RFieldData)
                                     * We have to deal with one special case scenario - the gallery.
                                     * The gallery should never be overrided, just added to
                                if (downloadedMetric instanceof RGallery && localMetric instanceof RGallery) {
                                    if (((RGallery) localMetric).getPictureIDs() == null)
                                        ((RGallery) localMetric).setPictureIDs(new ArrayList<Integer>());
                                    if (((RGallery) downloadedMetric).getImages() != null) {
                                        // Add images to the current gallery
                                        for (int i = 0; i < ((RGallery) downloadedMetric).getImages().size(); i++) {
                                            ((RGallery) localMetric).getPictureIDs().add(io.savePicture(activeEvent.getID(), ((RGallery) downloadedMetric).getImages().get(i)));
                                    // Don't forget to clear the pictures from memory after they've been merged
                                    ((RGallery) downloadedMetric).setImages(null);
                                // If the local metric is already edited, keep whichever data is newest
                                if (localMetric.isModified()) {
                                    if (checkout.getTeam().getLastEdit() >= team.getLastEdit()) {
                                        int replaceIndex = localTab.getMetrics().indexOf(localMetric);
                                        localTab.getMetrics().set(replaceIndex, downloadedMetric);
                                } else // Otherwise, just do a straight override
                                    int replaceIndex = localTab.getMetrics().indexOf(localMetric);
                                    localTab.getMetrics().set(replaceIndex, downloadedMetric);
                    matchLocated = true;
            if (!matchLocated) {
                // Add as a new match if a merge wasn't performed
        if (shouldOverrideLastEdited)
    } else // The team was not found locally, create a new one
        Log.d("RBS", "Team was not found, creating a new one.");
        team = new RTeam(checkout.getTeam().getName(), checkout.getTeam().getNumber(), checkout.getTeam().getID());
        if (checkout.getTeam().getTabs().size() > 1) {
            // this means the downloaded team was a PIT tab, so override the new team's tabs
        } else {
            // otherwise just add them
    // Save the team
    io.saveTeam(activeEvent.getID(), team);
    // Request a UI refresh
    Utils.requestTeamViewerRefresh(context, team.getID());
    Log.d("RBS-Service", "Merged the team: " + checkout.getTeam().getName());
Also used : RTeam(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam) RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RGallery(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery) RFieldData(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric) RCalculation(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCalculation)

Example 25 with RMetric

use of com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric in project Roblu by wdavies973.

the class FieldData method generateSheet.

public void generateSheet(XSSFSheet sheet, REvent event, RForm form, RTeam[] teams, ArrayList<RCheckout> checkouts) {
    Row one = createRow(sheet);
    createCell(one, 0, "Team#");
    createCell(one, 1, "Match#");
    // Find a random RFieldData reference
    RFieldData fieldData = null;
    try {
        mainLoop: for (RTab tab : teams[0].getTabs()) {
            if (tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("PIT") || tab.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("PREDICTIONS"))
            for (RMetric metric2 : tab.getMetrics()) {
                if (metric2 instanceof RFieldData) {
                    fieldData = (RFieldData) metric2;
                    break mainLoop;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // }
    // Copy the metrics over
    int index = 2;
    for (Object key : fieldData.getData().keySet()) {
        createCell(one, index, key.toString());
    // Start copying data
    for (RCheckout checkout : checkouts) {
        if (!checkout.getTeam().getTabs().get(0).getTitle().startsWith("Quals"))
        Row row = createRow(sheet);
        createCell(row, 0, String.valueOf(checkout.getTeam().getNumber()));
        createCell(row, 1, checkout.getTeam().getTabs().get(0).getTitle());
        index = 0;
        mainLoop: for (RTab tab : checkout.getTeam().getTabs()) {
            for (RMetric metric2 : tab.getMetrics()) {
                if (metric2 instanceof RFieldData) {
                    try {
                        for (Object key : ((RFieldData) metric2).getData().keySet()) {
                            createCell(row, index + 2, ((RFieldData) metric2).getData().get(key).get(tab.isRedAlliance() ? 0 : 1).toString());
                        break mainLoop;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : RTab(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab) RFieldData(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData) RCheckout(com.cpjd.roblu.models.RCheckout) Row( RMetric(com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)


RMetric (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RMetric)26 RTab (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTab)12 RTeam (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RTeam)10 RStopwatch (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RStopwatch)10 RTextfield (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RTextfield)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 RCounter (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCounter)9 RGallery (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RGallery)9 IO ( RCheckbox (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCheckbox)8 RChooser (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RChooser)8 RSlider (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RSlider)8 RForm (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RForm)7 RBoolean (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RBoolean)7 RFieldData (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RFieldData)7 RCalculation (com.cpjd.roblu.models.metrics.RCalculation)6 RCheckout (com.cpjd.roblu.models.RCheckout)5 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)5 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)4 View (android.view.View)4