use of com.datastax.driver.core.TupleValue in project cassandra by apache.
the class TraceCqlTest method testCqlStatementTracing.
public void testCqlStatementTracing() throws Throwable {
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
try (Session session = sessionNet()) {
String cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql).enableTracing();
QueryTrace trace = session.execute(pstmt.bind(1)).getExecutionInfo().getQueryTrace();
assertEquals(cql, trace.getParameters().get("query"));
assertEquals("1", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_0_id"));
String cql2 = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id IN (?, ?, ?)";
pstmt = session.prepare(cql2).enableTracing();
trace = session.execute(pstmt.bind(19, 15, 16)).getExecutionInfo().getQueryTrace();
assertEquals(cql2, trace.getParameters().get("query"));
assertEquals("19", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_0_id"));
assertEquals("15", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_1_id"));
assertEquals("16", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_2_id"));
//some more complex tests for tables with map and tuple data types and long bound values
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 tuple<int, text, float>, v3 map<int, text>)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2, v3) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", 12, "mahdix", tuple(3, "bar", 2.1f), map(1290, "birthday", 39, "anniversary"));
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2, v3) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", 274, "CassandraRocks", tuple(9, "foo", 3.14f), map(9181, "statement", 716, "public speech"));
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2, v3 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE v2 = ? ALLOW FILTERING";
pstmt = session.prepare(cql).enableTracing();
TupleType tt = TupleType.of(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE, DataType.cint(), DataType.text(), DataType.cfloat());
TupleValue value = tt.newValue();
value.setInt(0, 3);
value.setString(1, "bar");
value.setFloat(2, 2.1f);
trace = session.execute(pstmt.bind(value)).getExecutionInfo().getQueryTrace();
assertEquals(cql, trace.getParameters().get("query"));
assertEquals("(3, 'bar', 2.1)", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_0_v2"));
cql2 = "SELECT id, v1, v2, v3 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE v3 CONTAINS KEY ? ALLOW FILTERING";
pstmt = session.prepare(cql2).enableTracing();
trace = session.execute(pstmt.bind(9181)).getExecutionInfo().getQueryTrace();
assertEquals(cql2, trace.getParameters().get("query"));
assertEquals("9181", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_0_key(v3)"));
String boundValue = "Indulgence announcing uncommonly met she continuing two unpleasing terminated. Now " + "busy say down the shed eyes roof paid her. Of shameless collected suspicion existence " + "in. Share walls stuff think but the arise guest. Course suffer to do he sussex it " + "window advice. Yet matter enable misery end extent common men should. Her indulgence " + "but assistance favourable cultivated everything collecting." + "On projection apartments unsatiable so if he entreaties appearance. Rose you wife " + "how set lady half wish. Hard sing an in true felt. Welcomed stronger if steepest " + "ecstatic an suitable finished of oh. Entered at excited at forming between so " + "produce. Chicken unknown besides attacks gay compact out you. Continuing no " + "simplicity no favourable on reasonably melancholy estimating. Own hence views two " + "ask right whole ten seems. What near kept met call old west dine. Our announcing " + "sufficient why pianoforte. Full age foo set feel her told. Tastes giving in passed" + "direct me valley as supply. End great stood boy noisy often way taken short. Rent the " + "size our more door. Years no place abode in no child my. Man pianoforte too " + "solicitude friendship devonshire ten ask. Course sooner its silent but formal she " + "led. Extensive he assurance extremity at breakfast. Dear sure ye sold fine sell on. " + "Projection at up connection literature insensible motionless projecting." + "Nor hence hoped her after other known defer his. For county now sister engage had " + "season better had waited. Occasional mrs interested far expression acceptance. Day " + "either mrs talent pulled men rather regret admire but. Life ye sake it shed. Five " + "lady he cold in meet up. Service get met adapted matters offence for. Principles man " + "any insipidity age you simplicity understood. Do offering pleasure no ecstatic " + "whatever on mr directly. ";
String cql3 = "SELECT id, v1, v2, v3 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE v3 CONTAINS ? ALLOW FILTERING";
pstmt = session.prepare(cql3).enableTracing();
trace = session.execute(pstmt.bind(boundValue)).getExecutionInfo().getQueryTrace();
assertEquals(cql3, trace.getParameters().get("query"));
//when tracing is done, this boundValue will be surrounded by single quote, and first 1000 characters
//will be filtered. Here we take into account single quotes by adding them to the expected output
assertEquals("'" + boundValue.substring(0, 999) + "...'", trace.getParameters().get("bound_var_0_value(v3)"));
use of com.datastax.driver.core.TupleValue in project cassandra by apache.
the class UFPureScriptTupleCollectionTest method testJavascriptTupleTypeCollection.
// Just JavaScript UDFs to check how UDF - especially security/class-loading/sandboxing stuff -
// behaves, if no Java UDF has been executed before.
// Do not add any other test here!
// See CASSANDRA-10141
public void testJavascriptTupleTypeCollection() throws Throwable {
String tupleTypeDef = "tuple<double, list<double>, set<text>, map<int, boolean>>";
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, tup frozen<" + tupleTypeDef + ">)");
String fTup1 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS tuple<double, list<double>, set<text>, map<int, boolean>> " + "LANGUAGE javascript\n" + "AS $$" + " tup;$$;");
String fTup2 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS double " + "LANGUAGE javascript\n" + "AS $$" + " tup.getDouble(0);$$;");
String fTup3 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS list<double> " + "LANGUAGE javascript\n" + "AS $$" + " tup.getList(1, java.lang.Double.class);$$;");
String fTup4 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS set<text> " + "LANGUAGE javascript\n" + "AS $$" + " tup.getSet(2, java.lang.String.class);$$;");
String fTup5 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS map<int, boolean> " + "LANGUAGE javascript\n" + "AS $$" + " tup.getMap(3, java.lang.Integer.class, java.lang.Boolean.class);$$;");
List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(1d, 2d, 3d);
Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("one", "three", "two"));
Map<Integer, Boolean> map = new TreeMap<>();
map.put(1, true);
map.put(2, false);
map.put(3, true);
Object t = tuple(1d, list, set, map);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, tup) VALUES (1, ?)", t);
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup1 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(t));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup2 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1d));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup3 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(list));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup4 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(set));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup5 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(map));
// same test - but via native protocol
// we use protocol V3 here to encode the expected version because the server
// always serializes Collections using V3 - see CollectionSerializer's
// serialize and deserialize methods.
TupleType tType = tupleTypeOf(ProtocolVersion.V3, DataType.cdouble(), DataType.list(DataType.cdouble()), DataType.set(DataType.text()),, DataType.cboolean()));
TupleValue tup = tType.newValue(1d, list, set, map);
for (ProtocolVersion version : PROTOCOL_VERSIONS) {
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup1 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(tup));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup2 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1d));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup3 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(list));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup4 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(set));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup5 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(map));
use of com.datastax.driver.core.TupleValue in project cassandra by apache.
the class UFJavaTest method testJavaTupleTypeCollection.
public void testJavaTupleTypeCollection() throws Throwable {
String tupleTypeDef = "tuple<double, list<double>, set<text>, map<int, boolean>>";
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, tup frozen<" + tupleTypeDef + ">)");
String fTup0 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS " + tupleTypeDef + ' ' + "LANGUAGE java\n" + "AS $$return " + " tup;$$;");
String fTup1 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS double " + "LANGUAGE java\n" + "AS $$return " + " Double.valueOf(tup.getDouble(0));$$;");
String fTup2 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS list<double> " + "LANGUAGE java\n" + "AS $$return " + " tup.getList(1, Double.class);$$;");
String fTup3 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS set<text> " + "LANGUAGE java\n" + "AS $$return " + " tup.getSet(2, String.class);$$;");
String fTup4 = createFunction(KEYSPACE_PER_TEST, tupleTypeDef, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( tup " + tupleTypeDef + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS map<int, boolean> " + "LANGUAGE java\n" + "AS $$return " + " tup.getMap(3, Integer.class, Boolean.class);$$;");
List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(1d, 2d, 3d);
Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("one", "three", "two"));
Map<Integer, Boolean> map = new TreeMap<>();
map.put(1, true);
map.put(2, false);
map.put(3, true);
Object t = tuple(1d, list, set, map);
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, tup) VALUES (1, ?)", t);
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup0 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(t));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup1 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1d));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup2 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(list));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup3 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(set));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fTup4 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(map));
// same test - but via native protocol
// we use protocol V3 here to encode the expected version because the server
// always serializes Collections using V3 - see CollectionSerializer's
// serialize and deserialize methods.
TupleType tType = tupleTypeOf(ProtocolVersion.V3, DataType.cdouble(), DataType.list(DataType.cdouble()), DataType.set(DataType.text()),, DataType.cboolean()));
TupleValue tup = tType.newValue(1d, list, set, map);
for (ProtocolVersion version : PROTOCOL_VERSIONS) {
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup0 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(tup));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup1 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1d));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup2 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(list));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup3 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(set));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fTup4 + "(tup) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(map));