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Example 1 with TypeCodec

use of com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec in project cassandra by apache.

the class CQLSSTableWriterTest method testWritesWithUdts.

public void testWritesWithUdts() throws Exception {
    final String KS = "cql_keyspace3";
    final String TABLE = "table3";
    final String schema = "CREATE TABLE " + KS + "." + TABLE + " (" + "  k int," + "  v1 list<frozen<tuple2>>," + "  v2 frozen<tuple3>," + "  PRIMARY KEY (k)" + ")";
    File tempdir = Files.createTempDir();
    File dataDir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + KS + File.separator + TABLE);
    assert dataDir.mkdirs();
    CQLSSTableWriter writer = CQLSSTableWriter.builder().inDirectory(dataDir).withType("CREATE TYPE " + KS + ".tuple2 (a int, b int)").withType("CREATE TYPE " + KS + ".tuple3 (a int, b int, c int)").forTable(schema).using("INSERT INTO " + KS + "." + TABLE + " (k, v1, v2) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)").build();
    UserType tuple2Type = writer.getUDType("tuple2");
    UserType tuple3Type = writer.getUDType("tuple3");
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        writer.addRow(i, ImmutableList.builder().add(tuple2Type.newValue().setInt("a", i * 10).setInt("b", i * 20)).add(tuple2Type.newValue().setInt("a", i * 30).setInt("b", i * 40)).build(), tuple3Type.newValue().setInt("a", i * 100).setInt("b", i * 200).setInt("c", i * 300));
    loadSSTables(dataDir, KS);
    UntypedResultSet resultSet = QueryProcessor.executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KS + "." + TABLE);
    TypeCodec collectionCodec = UDHelper.codecFor(DataType.CollectionType.frozenList(tuple2Type));
    TypeCodec tuple3Codec = UDHelper.codecFor(tuple3Type);
    assertEquals(resultSet.size(), 100);
    int cnt = 0;
    for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : resultSet) {
        assertEquals(cnt, row.getInt("k"));
        List<UDTValue> values = (List<UDTValue>) collectionCodec.deserialize(row.getBytes("v1"), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED);
        assertEquals(values.get(0).getInt("a"), cnt * 10);
        assertEquals(values.get(0).getInt("b"), cnt * 20);
        assertEquals(values.get(1).getInt("a"), cnt * 30);
        assertEquals(values.get(1).getInt("b"), cnt * 40);
        UDTValue v2 = (UDTValue) tuple3Codec.deserialize(row.getBytes("v2"), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED);
        assertEquals(v2.getInt("a"), cnt * 100);
        assertEquals(v2.getInt("b"), cnt * 200);
        assertEquals(v2.getInt("c"), cnt * 300);
Also used : UDTValue(com.datastax.driver.core.UDTValue) TypeCodec(com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec) ImmutableList( File( UserType(com.datastax.driver.core.UserType) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with TypeCodec

use of com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec in project cassandra by apache.

the class CQLSSTableWriterTest method testWritesWithDependentUdts.

public void testWritesWithDependentUdts() throws Exception {
    final String KS = "cql_keyspace4";
    final String TABLE = "table4";
    final String schema = "CREATE TABLE " + KS + "." + TABLE + " (" + "  k int," + "  v1 frozen<nested_tuple>," + "  PRIMARY KEY (k)" + ")";
    File tempdir = Files.createTempDir();
    File dataDir = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + KS + File.separator + TABLE);
    assert dataDir.mkdirs();
    CQLSSTableWriter writer = CQLSSTableWriter.builder().inDirectory(dataDir).withType("CREATE TYPE " + KS + ".nested_tuple (c int, tpl frozen<tuple2>)").withType("CREATE TYPE " + KS + ".tuple2 (a int, b int)").forTable(schema).using("INSERT INTO " + KS + "." + TABLE + " (k, v1) " + "VALUES (?, ?)").build();
    UserType tuple2Type = writer.getUDType("tuple2");
    UserType nestedTuple = writer.getUDType("nested_tuple");
    TypeCodec tuple2Codec = UDHelper.codecFor(tuple2Type);
    TypeCodec nestedTupleCodec = UDHelper.codecFor(nestedTuple);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        writer.addRow(i, nestedTuple.newValue().setInt("c", i * 100).set("tpl", tuple2Type.newValue().setInt("a", i * 200).setInt("b", i * 300), tuple2Codec));
    loadSSTables(dataDir, KS);
    UntypedResultSet resultSet = QueryProcessor.executeInternal("SELECT * FROM " + KS + "." + TABLE);
    assertEquals(resultSet.size(), 100);
    int cnt = 0;
    for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : resultSet) {
        assertEquals(cnt, row.getInt("k"));
        UDTValue nestedTpl = (UDTValue) nestedTupleCodec.deserialize(row.getBytes("v1"), ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED);
        assertEquals(nestedTpl.getInt("c"), cnt * 100);
        UDTValue tpl = nestedTpl.getUDTValue("tpl");
        assertEquals(tpl.getInt("a"), cnt * 200);
        assertEquals(tpl.getInt("b"), cnt * 300);
Also used : UDTValue(com.datastax.driver.core.UDTValue) TypeCodec(com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec) File( UserType(com.datastax.driver.core.UserType) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with TypeCodec

use of com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec in project nifi by apache.

the class AbstractCassandraProcessor method getCassandraObject.

protected static Object getCassandraObject(Row row, int i, DataType dataType) {
    if (dataType.equals(DataType.blob())) {
        return row.getBytes(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.varint()) || dataType.equals(DataType.decimal())) {
        // AvroRuntimeException such as: "Unknown datum type: java.math.BigDecimal: 38"
        return row.getObject(i).toString();
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.cboolean())) {
        return row.getBool(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.cint())) {
        return row.getInt(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.bigint()) || dataType.equals(DataType.counter())) {
        return row.getLong(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.ascii()) || dataType.equals(DataType.text()) || dataType.equals(DataType.varchar())) {
        return row.getString(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.cfloat())) {
        return row.getFloat(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.cdouble())) {
        return row.getDouble(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.timestamp())) {
        return row.getTimestamp(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals( {
        return row.getDate(i);
    } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.time())) {
        return row.getTime(i);
    } else if (dataType.isCollection()) {
        List<DataType> typeArguments = dataType.getTypeArguments();
        if (typeArguments == null || typeArguments.size() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column[" + i + "] " + dataType.getName() + " is a collection but no type arguments were specified!");
        // Get the first type argument, to be used for lists and sets (and the first in a map)
        DataType firstArg = typeArguments.get(0);
        TypeCodec firstCodec = codecRegistry.codecFor(firstArg);
        if (dataType.equals(DataType.set(firstArg))) {
            return row.getSet(i, firstCodec.getJavaType());
        } else if (dataType.equals(DataType.list(firstArg))) {
            return row.getList(i, firstCodec.getJavaType());
        } else {
            // Must be an n-arg collection like map
            DataType secondArg = typeArguments.get(1);
            TypeCodec secondCodec = codecRegistry.codecFor(secondArg);
            if (dataType.equals(, secondArg))) {
                return row.getMap(i, firstCodec.getJavaType(), secondCodec.getJavaType());
    } else {
        // than numbers or booleans to strings by using the toString() method.
        return row.getObject(i).toString();
    return null;
Also used : TypeCodec(com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec) DataType(com.datastax.driver.core.DataType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 4 with TypeCodec

use of com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec in project nifi by apache.

the class PutCassandraQL method setStatementObject.

 * Determines how to map the given value to the appropriate Cassandra data type and returns the object as
 * represented by the given type. This can be used in a Prepared/BoundStatement.
 * @param statement  the BoundStatement for setting objects on
 * @param paramIndex the index of the parameter at which to set the object
 * @param attrName   the name of the attribute that the parameter is coming from - for logging purposes
 * @param paramValue the value of the CQL parameter to set
 * @param paramType  the Cassandra data type of the CQL parameter to set
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the PreparedStatement throws a CQLException when calling the appropriate setter
protected void setStatementObject(final BoundStatement statement, final int paramIndex, final String attrName, final String paramValue, final String paramType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (paramValue == null) {
    } else if (paramType == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter type for " + attrName + " cannot be null");
    } else {
        // Parse the top-level type and any parameterized types (for collections)
        final Matcher matcher = CQL_TYPE_PATTERN.matcher(paramType);
        // If the matcher doesn't match, this should fall through to the exception at the bottom
        if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 1) {
            String mainTypeString =;
            DataType mainType = getPrimitiveDataTypeFromString(mainTypeString);
            if (mainType != null) {
                TypeCodec typeCodec = codecRegistry.codecFor(mainType);
                // Need the right statement.setXYZ() method
                if (mainType.equals(DataType.ascii()) || mainType.equals(DataType.text()) || mainType.equals(DataType.varchar()) || mainType.equals(DataType.timeuuid()) || mainType.equals(DataType.uuid()) || mainType.equals(DataType.inet()) || mainType.equals(DataType.varint())) {
                    // These are strings, so just use the paramValue
                    statement.setString(paramIndex, paramValue);
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.cboolean())) {
                    statement.setBool(paramIndex, (boolean) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.cint())) {
                    statement.setInt(paramIndex, (int) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.bigint()) || mainType.equals(DataType.counter())) {
                    statement.setLong(paramIndex, (long) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.cfloat())) {
                    statement.setFloat(paramIndex, (float) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.cdouble())) {
                    statement.setDouble(paramIndex, (double) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.blob())) {
                    statement.setBytes(paramIndex, (ByteBuffer) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
                } else if (mainType.equals(DataType.timestamp())) {
                    statement.setTimestamp(paramIndex, (Date) typeCodec.parse(paramValue));
            } else {
                // Get the first parameterized type
                if (matcher.groupCount() > 2) {
                    String firstParamTypeName =;
                    DataType firstParamType = getPrimitiveDataTypeFromString(firstParamTypeName);
                    if (firstParamType == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nested collections are not supported");
                    // Check for map type
                    if (DataType.Name.MAP.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(mainTypeString)) {
                        if (matcher.groupCount() > 4) {
                            String secondParamTypeName =;
                            DataType secondParamType = getPrimitiveDataTypeFromString(secondParamTypeName);
                            DataType mapType =, secondParamType);
                            statement.setMap(paramIndex, (Map) codecRegistry.codecFor(mapType).parse(paramValue));
                    } else {
                        // Must be set or list
                        if (DataType.Name.SET.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(mainTypeString)) {
                            DataType setType = DataType.set(firstParamType);
                            statement.setSet(paramIndex, (Set) codecRegistry.codecFor(setType).parse(paramValue));
                        } else if (DataType.Name.LIST.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(mainTypeString)) {
                            DataType listType = DataType.list(firstParamType);
                            statement.setList(paramIndex, (List) codecRegistry.codecFor(listType).parse(paramValue));
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collection type " + mainTypeString + " needs parameterized type(s), such as set<text>");
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create object of type " + paramType + " using input " + paramValue);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) TypeCodec(com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec) DataType(com.datastax.driver.core.DataType) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 5 with TypeCodec

use of com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec in project apex-malhar by apache.

the class AbstractUpsertOutputOperator method registerCodecs.

private void registerCodecs() {
    complexTypeCodecs = getCodecsForUserDefinedTypes();
    if (complexTypeCodecs != null) {
        CodecRegistry registry = cluster.getConfiguration().getCodecRegistry();
        if (cluster.getConfiguration().getProtocolOptions().getProtocolVersion().toInt() < 4) {
            LOG.error("Custom codecs are not supported for protocol version < 4");
            throw new RuntimeException("Custom codecs are not supported for protocol version < 4");
        for (String typeCodecStr : complexTypeCodecs.keySet()) {
            TypeCodec codec = complexTypeCodecs.get(typeCodecStr);
            userDefinedTypesClass.put(typeCodecStr, codec.getJavaType().getRawType());
    } else {
        complexTypeCodecs = new HashMap<>();
Also used : TypeCodec(com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec) CodecRegistry(com.datastax.driver.core.CodecRegistry)


TypeCodec (com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec)6 UDTValue (com.datastax.driver.core.UDTValue)3 UserType (com.datastax.driver.core.UserType)3 CodecRegistry (com.datastax.driver.core.CodecRegistry)2 DataType (com.datastax.driver.core.DataType)2 File ( Test (org.junit.Test)2 ImmutableList ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 List (java.util.List)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1