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Example 1 with ComponentContextPair

use of com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair in project apex-core by apache.

the class StreamingContainer method deployInputStreams.

private void deployInputStreams(List<OperatorDeployInfo> operatorList, HashMap<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> newStreams) throws UnknownHostException {
     * collect any input operators along with their smallest window id,
     * those are subsequently used to setup the window generator
    ArrayList<OperatorDeployInfo> inputNodes = new ArrayList<>();
    long smallestCheckpointedWindowId = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    //a simple map which maps the oio node to it's the node which owns the thread.
    Map<Integer, Integer> oioNodes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
     * Hook up all the downstream ports. There are 2 places where we deal with more than 1
     * downstream ports. The first one follows immediately for WindowGenerator. The second
     * case is when source for the input port of some node in this container is in another
     * container. So we need to create the stream. We need to track this stream along with
     * other streams,and many such streams may exist, we hash them against buffer server
     * info as we did for outputs but throw in the sinkid in the mix as well.
    for (OperatorDeployInfo ndi : operatorList) {
        if (ndi.inputs == null || ndi.inputs.isEmpty()) {
         * This has to be InputNode, so let's hook the WindowGenerator to it.
         * A node which does not take any input cannot exist in the DAG since it would be completely
         * unaware of the windows. So for that reason, AbstractInputNode allows Component.INPUT port.
         * When we activate the window Generator, we plan to activate it only from required windowId.
            ndi.checkpoint = getFinishedCheckpoint(ndi);
            if (ndi.checkpoint.windowId < smallestCheckpointedWindowId) {
                smallestCheckpointedWindowId = ndi.checkpoint.windowId;
        } else {
            Node<?> node = nodes.get(;
            for (OperatorDeployInfo.InputDeployInfo nidi : ndi.inputs) {
                if (nidi.streamCodecs.size() != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Only one input codec configuration should be present");
                Map.Entry<Integer, StreamCodec<?>> entry = nidi.streamCodecs.entrySet().iterator().next();
                Integer streamCodecIdentifier = entry.getKey();
                StreamCodec<?> streamCodec = entry.getValue();
                String sourceIdentifier = Integer.toString(nidi.sourceNodeId).concat(Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR).concat(nidi.sourcePortName);
                String sinkIdentifier = Integer.toString(;
                int queueCapacity = getValue(PortContext.QUEUE_CAPACITY, nidi, ndi);
                Checkpoint checkpoint = getFinishedCheckpoint(ndi);
                ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext> pair = streams.get(sourceIdentifier);
                if (pair == null) {
                    pair = newStreams.get(sourceIdentifier);
                if (pair == null) {
             * We connect to the buffer server for the input on this port.
             * We have already placed all the output streams for all the operators in this container.
             * Yet, there is no stream which can source this port so it has to come from the buffer
             * server, so let's make a connection to it.
                    assert (nidi.locality != Locality.CONTAINER_LOCAL && nidi.locality != Locality.THREAD_LOCAL);
                    StreamContext context = new StreamContext(nidi.declaredStreamId);
                    context.setBufferServerAddress(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(nidi.bufferServerHost, nidi.bufferServerPort));
                    InetAddress inetAddress = context.getBufferServerAddress().getAddress();
                    if (inetAddress != null && NetUtils.isLocalAddress(inetAddress)) {
                        context.setBufferServerAddress(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(null), nidi.bufferServerPort));
                    context.put(StreamContext.BUFFER_SERVER_TOKEN, nidi.bufferServerToken);
                    String connIdentifier = sourceIdentifier + Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR + streamCodecIdentifier;
                    context.put(StreamContext.CODEC, streamCodec);
                    context.put(StreamContext.EVENT_LOOP, eventloop);
                    context.setPartitions(nidi.partitionMask, nidi.partitionKeys);
                    BufferServerSubscriber subscriber = fastPublisherSubscriber ? new FastSubscriber("tcp://".concat(nidi.bufferServerHost).concat(":").concat(String.valueOf(nidi.bufferServerPort)).concat("/").concat(connIdentifier), queueCapacity) : new BufferServerSubscriber("tcp://".concat(nidi.bufferServerHost).concat(":").concat(String.valueOf(nidi.bufferServerPort)).concat("/").concat(connIdentifier), queueCapacity);
                    if (streamCodec instanceof StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance) {
                        subscriber.acquireReservoirForPersistStream(sinkIdentifier, queueCapacity, streamCodec);
                    SweepableReservoir reservoir = subscriber.acquireReservoir(sinkIdentifier, queueCapacity);
                    if (checkpoint.windowId >= 0) {
                        node.connectInputPort(nidi.portName, new WindowIdActivatedReservoir(sinkIdentifier, reservoir, checkpoint.windowId));
                    node.connectInputPort(nidi.portName, reservoir);
                    newStreams.put(sinkIdentifier, new ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>(subscriber, context));
                    logger.debug("put input stream {} against key {}", subscriber, sinkIdentifier);
                } else {
                    assert (nidi.locality == Locality.CONTAINER_LOCAL || nidi.locality == Locality.THREAD_LOCAL);
                    /* we are still dealing with the MuxStream originating at the output of the source port */
                    StreamContext inlineContext = new StreamContext(nidi.declaredStreamId);
                    Stream stream;
                    SweepableReservoir reservoir;
                    switch(nidi.locality) {
                        case CONTAINER_LOCAL:
                            int outputQueueCapacity = getOutputQueueCapacity(operatorList, nidi.sourceNodeId, nidi.sourcePortName);
                            if (outputQueueCapacity > queueCapacity) {
                                queueCapacity = outputQueueCapacity;
                            stream = new InlineStream(queueCapacity);
                            reservoir = ((InlineStream) stream).getReservoir();
                            if (checkpoint.windowId >= 0) {
                                node.connectInputPort(nidi.portName, new WindowIdActivatedReservoir(sinkIdentifier, reservoir, checkpoint.windowId));
                        case THREAD_LOCAL:
                            stream = new OiOStream();
                            reservoir = ((OiOStream) stream).getReservoir();
                            ((OiOStream.OiOReservoir) reservoir).setControlSink(((OiONode) node).getControlSink(reservoir));
                            oioNodes.put(, nidi.sourceNodeId);
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Locality can be either ContainerLocal or ThreadLocal");
                    node.connectInputPort(nidi.portName, reservoir);
                    newStreams.put(sinkIdentifier, new ComponentContextPair<>(stream, inlineContext));
                    if (!(pair.component instanceof Stream.MultiSinkCapableStream)) {
                        String originalSinkId = pair.context.getSinkId();
                        /* we come here only if we are trying to augment the dag */
                        StreamContext muxContext = new StreamContext(nidi.declaredStreamId);
                        MuxStream muxStream = new MuxStream();
                        muxStream.setSink(originalSinkId, pair.component);
                        streams.put(originalSinkId, pair);
                        Node<?> sourceNode = nodes.get(nidi.sourceNodeId);
                        sourceNode.connectOutputPort(nidi.sourcePortName, muxStream);
                        newStreams.put(sourceIdentifier, pair = new ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>(muxStream, muxContext));
                    /* here everything should be multisink capable */
                    if (streamCodec instanceof StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance) {
                        PartitionAwareSinkForPersistence pas;
                        if (nidi.partitionKeys == null) {
                            pas = new PartitionAwareSinkForPersistence((StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance<Object>) streamCodec, nidi.partitionMask, stream);
                        } else {
                            pas = new PartitionAwareSinkForPersistence((StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance<Object>) streamCodec, nidi.partitionKeys, nidi.partitionMask, stream);
                        ((Stream.MultiSinkCapableStream) pair.component).setSink(sinkIdentifier, pas);
                    } else if (nidi.partitionKeys == null || nidi.partitionKeys.isEmpty()) {
                        ((Stream.MultiSinkCapableStream) pair.component).setSink(sinkIdentifier, stream);
                    } else {
               * generally speaking we do not have partitions on the inline streams so the control should not
               * come here but if it comes, then we are ready to handle it using the partition aware streams.
                        PartitionAwareSink<Object> pas = new PartitionAwareSink<>(streamCodec == null ? nonSerializingStreamCodec : (StreamCodec<Object>) streamCodec, nidi.partitionKeys, nidi.partitionMask, stream);
                        ((Stream.MultiSinkCapableStream) pair.component).setSink(sinkIdentifier, pas);
                    String streamSinkId = pair.context.getSinkId();
                    if (streamSinkId == null) {
                    } else {
                        pair.context.setSinkId(streamSinkId.concat(", ").concat(sinkIdentifier));
    if (!inputNodes.isEmpty()) {
        WindowGenerator windowGenerator = setupWindowGenerator(smallestCheckpointedWindowId);
        for (OperatorDeployInfo ndi : inputNodes) {
            generators.put(, windowGenerator);
            Node<?> node = nodes.get(;
            SweepableReservoir reservoir = windowGenerator.acquireReservoir(String.valueOf(, 1024);
            if (ndi.checkpoint.windowId >= 0) {
                node.connectInputPort(Node.INPUT, new WindowIdActivatedReservoir(Integer.toString(, reservoir, ndi.checkpoint.windowId));
            node.connectInputPort(Node.INPUT, reservoir);
Also used : InetSocketAddress( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StreamCodec(com.datatorrent.api.StreamCodec) BufferServerSubscriber( PartitionAwareSinkForPersistence( StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance(com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance) ComponentContextPair(com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair) FastSubscriber( InlineStream( OiOStream( InlineStream( MuxStream( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) PartitionAwareSink( OperatorDeployInfo(com.datatorrent.stram.api.OperatorDeployInfo) Checkpoint(com.datatorrent.stram.api.Checkpoint) Checkpoint(com.datatorrent.stram.api.Checkpoint) MuxStream( OiOStream( Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InetAddress(

Example 2 with ComponentContextPair

use of com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair in project apex-core by apache.

the class StreamingContainer method deploy.

private synchronized void deploy(List<OperatorDeployInfo> nodeList) throws Exception {
     * A little bit of up front sanity check would reduce the percentage of deploy failures later.
    for (OperatorDeployInfo ndi : nodeList) {
        if (nodes.containsKey( {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Node with id: " + + " already present in container " + containerId + "!");
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> groupedInputStreams = new HashMap<>();
    for (OperatorDeployInfo ndi : nodeList) {
        groupInputStreams(groupedInputStreams, ndi);
    HashMap<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> newStreams = deployOutputStreams(nodeList, groupedInputStreams);
    deployInputStreams(nodeList, newStreams);
    for (ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext> pair : newStreams.values()) {
    HashMap<Integer, OperatorDeployInfo> operatorMap = new HashMap<>(nodeList.size());
    for (OperatorDeployInfo o : nodeList) {
        operatorMap.put(, o);
    activate(operatorMap, newStreams);
Also used : OperatorDeployInfo(com.datatorrent.stram.api.OperatorDeployInfo) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ComponentContextPair(com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair) OiOStream( InlineStream( MuxStream(

Example 3 with ComponentContextPair

use of com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair in project apex-core by apache.

the class StreamingContainer method deployOutputStreams.

private HashMap<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> deployOutputStreams(List<OperatorDeployInfo> nodeList, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> groupedInputStreams) throws Exception {
    HashMap<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> newStreams = new HashMap<>();
     * We proceed to deploy all the output streams. At the end of this block, our streams collection
     * will contain all the streams which originate at the output port of the operators. The streams
     * are generally mapped against the "nodename.portname" string. But the BufferServerPublishers which
     * share the output port with other inline streams are mapped against the Buffer Server port to
     * avoid collision and at the same time keep track of these buffer streams.
    for (OperatorDeployInfo ndi : nodeList) {
        Node<?> node = nodes.get(;
        long checkpointWindowId = ndi.checkpoint.windowId;
        for (OperatorDeployInfo.OutputDeployInfo nodi : ndi.outputs) {
            String sourceIdentifier = Integer.toString(;
            int queueCapacity = getValue(PortContext.QUEUE_CAPACITY, nodi, ndi);
            logger.debug("for stream {} the queue capacity is {}", sourceIdentifier, queueCapacity);
            ArrayList<String> collection = groupedInputStreams.get(sourceIdentifier);
            Map<Integer, StreamCodec<?>> streamCodecs = nodi.streamCodecs;
            if ((collection == null) && (streamCodecs.size() == 1)) {
                assert (nodi.bufferServerHost != null) : "resulting stream cannot be inline: " + nodi;
           * Let's create a stream to carry the data to the Buffer Server.
           * Nobody in this container is interested in the output placed on this stream, but
           * this stream exists. That means someone outside of this container must be interested.
                Map.Entry<Integer, StreamCodec<?>> entry = streamCodecs.entrySet().iterator().next();
                StreamCodec<?> streamCodec = entry.getValue();
                Integer streamCodecIdentifier = entry.getKey();
                String connIdentifier = sourceIdentifier + Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR + streamCodecIdentifier;
                SimpleEntry<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> deployBufferServerPublisher = deployBufferServerPublisher(connIdentifier, streamCodec, checkpointWindowId, queueCapacity, nodi);
                newStreams.put(sourceIdentifier, deployBufferServerPublisher.getValue());
                node.connectOutputPort(nodi.portName, deployBufferServerPublisher.getValue().component);
            } else {
           * In this case we have 2 possibilities, either we have 1 inline or multiple streams.
           * Since we cannot tell at this point, we assume that we will have multiple streams and
           * plan accordingly. we possibly will come to this code block multiple times. We create
           * the MuxStream only the first time and use it for subsequent calls of this block.
           * There is also the possibility that we have a stream with multiple sinks having distinct codecs
                ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext> pair = newStreams.get(sourceIdentifier);
                if (pair == null) {
             * Let's multiplex the output placed on this stream.
             * This container itself contains more than one parties interested.
                    StreamContext context = new StreamContext(nodi.declaredStreamId);
                    Stream stream = new MuxStream();
                    newStreams.put(sourceIdentifier, pair = new ComponentContextPair<>(stream, context));
                    node.connectOutputPort(nodi.portName, stream);
                if (nodi.bufferServerHost != null) {
             * Although there is a node in this container interested in output placed on this stream, there
             * seems to at least one more party interested but placed in a container other than this one.
                    for (Map.Entry<Integer, StreamCodec<?>> entry : streamCodecs.entrySet()) {
                        Integer streamCodecIdentifier = entry.getKey();
                        StreamCodec<?> streamCodec = entry.getValue();
                        String connIdentifier = sourceIdentifier + Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR + streamCodecIdentifier;
                        SimpleEntry<String, ComponentContextPair<Stream, StreamContext>> deployBufferServerPublisher = deployBufferServerPublisher(connIdentifier, streamCodec, checkpointWindowId, queueCapacity, nodi);
                        newStreams.put(deployBufferServerPublisher.getKey(), deployBufferServerPublisher.getValue());
                        String sinkIdentifier = pair.context.getSinkId();
                        if (sinkIdentifier == null) {
                        } else {
                            pair.context.setSinkId(sinkIdentifier.concat(", ").concat(deployBufferServerPublisher.getKey()));
                        ((Stream.MultiSinkCapableStream) pair.component).setSink(deployBufferServerPublisher.getKey(), deployBufferServerPublisher.getValue().component);
    return newStreams;
Also used : OperatorDeployInfo(com.datatorrent.stram.api.OperatorDeployInfo) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StreamCodec(com.datatorrent.api.StreamCodec) Checkpoint(com.datatorrent.stram.api.Checkpoint) ComponentContextPair(com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair) MuxStream( OiOStream( InlineStream( MuxStream( Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


ComponentContextPair (com.datatorrent.stram.ComponentContextPair)3 OperatorDeployInfo (com.datatorrent.stram.api.OperatorDeployInfo)3 InlineStream ( MuxStream ( OiOStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)3 StreamCodec (com.datatorrent.api.StreamCodec)2 Checkpoint (com.datatorrent.stram.api.Checkpoint)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance (com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.StreamCodecWrapperForPersistance)1 BufferServerSubscriber ( FastSubscriber ( PartitionAwareSink ( PartitionAwareSinkForPersistence ( InetAddress ( InetSocketAddress (