use of com.devonfw.cobigen.impl.config.constant.ContextConfigurationVersion in project cobigen by devonfw.
the class ContextConfigurationReader method readConfiguration.
* Reads the context configuration.
private void readConfiguration() {
// workaround to make JAXB work in OSGi context by
final ClassLoader orig = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (JvmUtil.isRunningJava9OrLater()) {
this.contextConfigurations = new HashMap<>();
for (Path contextFile : this.contextFiles) {
try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(contextFile)) {
Unmarshaller unmarschaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(ContextConfiguration.class).createUnmarshaller();
// Unmarshal without schema checks for getting the version attribute of the root node.
// This is necessary to provide an automatic upgrade client later on
Object rootNode = unmarschaller.unmarshal(in);
if (rootNode instanceof ContextConfiguration) {
BigDecimal configVersion = ((ContextConfiguration) rootNode).getVersion();
if (configVersion == null) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(contextFile, "The required 'version' attribute of node \"contextConfiguration\" has not been set");
} else {
VersionValidator validator = new VersionValidator(Type.CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION, MavenMetadata.VERSION);
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(contextFile, "Unknown Root Node. Use \"contextConfiguration\" as root Node");
// If we reach this point, the configuration version and root node has been validated.
// Unmarshal with schema checks for checking the correctness and give the user more hints to
// correct his failures
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
ContextConfigurationVersion latestConfigurationVersion = ContextConfigurationVersion.getLatest();
try (InputStream schemaStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/schema/" + latestConfigurationVersion + "/contextConfiguration.xsd");
InputStream configInputStream = Files.newInputStream(contextFile)) {
Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new StreamSource(schemaStream));
rootNode = unmarschaller.unmarshal(configInputStream);
this.contextConfigurations.put(contextFile, (ContextConfiguration) rootNode);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
// try getting SAXParseException for better error handling and user support
Throwable parseCause = ExceptionUtil.getCause(e, SAXParseException.class, UnmarshalException.class);
String message = "";
if (parseCause != null && parseCause.getMessage() != null) {
message = parseCause.getMessage();
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(contextFile, "Could not parse configuration file:\n" + message, e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
// Should never occur. Programming error.
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not parse context configuration schema. Please state this as a bug.");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// So provide help
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid version number defined. The version of the context configuration should consist of 'major.minor' version.");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(contextFile, "Could not read context configuration file.", e);
} finally {
use of com.devonfw.cobigen.impl.config.constant.ContextConfigurationVersion in project cobigen by devonfw.
the class HealthCheckDialog method execute.
* Executes the simple health check, checking configuration project existence, validity of context configuration, as
* well as validity of the current workbench selection as generation input.
public void execute() {
String firstStep = "1. CobiGen configuration project '" + ResourceConstants.CONFIG_PROJECT_NAME + "'... ";
String secondStep = "\n2. CobiGen context configuration '" + ConfigurationConstants.CONTEXT_CONFIG_FILENAME + "'... ";
String healthyCheckMessage = "";
IProject generatorConfProj = null;
try {
// refresh and check context configuration
// check configuration project existence in workspace
generatorConfProj = ResourcesPluginUtil.getGeneratorConfigurationProject(); = performHealthCheckReport();
if (generatorConfProj != null && generatorConfProj.getLocationURI() != null) {
} else {
File templatesDirectory = CobiGenPaths.getTemplatesFolderPath().toFile();
File jarPath = TemplatesJarUtil.getJarFile(false, templatesDirectory);
boolean fileExists = jarPath.exists();
if (!fileExists) {
MessageDialog.openWarning(Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), "Warning", "Not Downloaded the CobiGen Template Jar");
healthyCheckMessage = firstStep + "OK.";
healthyCheckMessage += secondStep;
boolean healthyCheckWarning = false;
if ( == 0) {
healthyCheckMessage += "OK.";
} else {
healthyCheckMessage += "INVALID.";
healthyCheckWarning = true;
openSuccessDialog(healthyCheckMessage, healthyCheckWarning);
} catch (GeneratorProjectNotExistentException e) {
LOG.warn("Configuration project not found!", e);
healthyCheckMessage = firstStep + "NOT FOUND!\n" + "=> Please import the configuration project into your workspace as stated in the " + "documentation of CobiGen or in the one of your project.";
PlatformUIUtil.openErrorDialog(healthyCheckMessage, null);
} catch (ConfigurationConflictException e) {
healthyCheckMessage = "An unexpected error occurred! Templates were in a conflicted state.";
healthyCheckMessage += "\n\nNo automatic upgrade of the context configuration possible.";
PlatformUIUtil.openErrorDialog(healthyCheckMessage, e);
LOG.error(healthyCheckMessage, e);
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
// Won't be reached anymore
healthyCheckMessage = firstStep + "OK.";
healthyCheckMessage += secondStep + "INVALID!";
if (generatorConfProj != null && generatorConfProj.getLocationURI() != null) {
Path configurationProject = Paths.get(generatorConfProj.getLocationURI());
ContextConfigurationVersion currentVersion = new ContextConfigurationUpgrader().resolveLatestCompatibleSchemaVersion(configurationProject);
if (currentVersion != null) {
// upgrade possible
healthyCheckMessage += "\n\nAutomatic upgrade of the context configuration available.\n" + "Detected: " + currentVersion + " / Currently Supported: " + ContextConfigurationVersion.getLatest(); = openErrorDialogWithContextUpgrade(healthyCheckMessage, configurationProject, BackupPolicy.ENFORCE_BACKUP);
healthyCheckMessage = MessageUtil.enrichMsgIfMultiError(healthyCheckMessage,;
if (! {
// re-run Health Check
Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
healthyCheckMessage += "\n\nNo automatic upgrade of the context configuration possible. " + "Maybe just a mistake in the context configuration?";
healthyCheckMessage += "\n\n=> " + e.getMessage();
healthyCheckMessage = MessageUtil.enrichMsgIfMultiError(healthyCheckMessage,;
PlatformUIUtil.openErrorDialog(healthyCheckMessage, null);
} else {
healthyCheckMessage += "\n\nCould not find configuration.";
PlatformUIUtil.openErrorDialog(healthyCheckMessage, null);
LOG.warn(healthyCheckMessage, e);
} catch (Throwable e) {
healthyCheckMessage = "An unexpected error occurred! Templates were not found.";
if ( != null && healthyCheckMessage != null) {
healthyCheckMessage = MessageUtil.enrichMsgIfMultiError(healthyCheckMessage,;
PlatformUIUtil.openErrorDialog(healthyCheckMessage, e);
LOG.error(healthyCheckMessage, e);
use of com.devonfw.cobigen.impl.config.constant.ContextConfigurationVersion in project cobigen by devonfw.
the class ContextConfigurationUpgraderTest method testCorrectUpgrade_v2_0_TO_LATEST.
* Tests the valid upgrade of a context configuration from version v2.0 to latest version. Please make sure that
* .../ContextConfigurationUpgraderTest/valid-latest_version exists
* @throws Exception test fails
public void testCorrectUpgrade_v2_0_TO_LATEST() throws Exception {
// preparation
File tmpTargetConfig = this.tempFolder.newFile(ConfigurationConstants.CONTEXT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
File sourceTestdata = new File(testFileRootPath + "valid-v2.0/" + ConfigurationConstants.CONTEXT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
Files.copy(sourceTestdata, tmpTargetConfig);
ContextConfigurationUpgrader sut = new ContextConfigurationUpgrader();
ContextConfigurationVersion version = sut.resolveLatestCompatibleSchemaVersion(this.tempFolder.getRoot().toPath());
assertThat(version).as("Source Version").isEqualTo(ContextConfigurationVersion.v2_0);
sut.upgradeConfigurationToLatestVersion(this.tempFolder.getRoot().toPath(), BackupPolicy.ENFORCE_BACKUP);
version = sut.resolveLatestCompatibleSchemaVersion(this.tempFolder.getRoot().toPath());
assertThat(version).as("Target version").isEqualTo(ContextConfigurationVersion.getLatest());
new XMLTestCase() {
}.assertXMLEqual(new FileReader(testFileRootPath + "valid-" + ContextConfigurationVersion.getLatest() + "/" + ConfigurationConstants.CONTEXT_CONFIG_FILENAME), new FileReader(tmpTargetConfig));
use of com.devonfw.cobigen.impl.config.constant.ContextConfigurationVersion in project cobigen by devonfw.
the class ContextConfigurationUpgraderTest method testCorrectLatestSchemaDetection.
* Tests if latest context configuration is compatible to latest schema version.
* @throws Exception test fails
public void testCorrectLatestSchemaDetection() throws Exception {
// preparation
File targetConfig = new File(testFileRootPath + "valid-" + ContextConfigurationVersion.getLatest());
ContextConfigurationVersion version = new ContextConfigurationUpgrader().resolveLatestCompatibleSchemaVersion(targetConfig.toPath());