use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method propertyNode.
public String propertyNode(int ident, Element n, boolean canBeSubMapped, String className, String objectName) throws UserException, ParseException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String propertyName = n.getAttribute("name");
String direction = n.getAttribute("direction");
String type = n.getAttribute("type");
String subtype = n.getAttribute("subtype");
String lengthStr = n.getAttribute("length");
int length = ((lengthStr != null && !lengthStr.equals("")) ? Integer.parseInt(lengthStr) : -1);
String value = n.getAttribute("value");
String description = n.getAttribute("description");
String cardinality = n.getAttribute("cardinality");
String condition = n.getAttribute("condition");
String key = n.getAttribute("key");
String reference = n.getAttribute("reference");
String extendsProp = n.getAttribute("extends");
String bindProp = n.getAttribute("bind");
String methodProp = n.getAttribute("method");
value = (value == null) || (value.equals("")) ? "" : value;
type = (type == null) ? "" : type;
subtype = (subtype == null) ? "" : subtype;
description = (description == null) ? "" : description;
cardinality = (cardinality == null || cardinality.equals("")) ? "1" : cardinality;
condition = (condition == null) ? "" : condition;
methodProp = (methodProp == null) ? "" : methodProp;
boolean conditionClause = false;
if (!condition.equals("")) {
conditionClause = true;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(condition) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) { \n");
ident += 2;
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
boolean hasChildren = false;
boolean isSelection = false;
boolean isMapped = false;
Element mapNode = null;
StringBuilder optionItems = new StringBuilder();
int exprCount = countNodes(children, "expression");
if ("".equals(value)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "matchingConditions = false;\n");
Class localContextClass = null;
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
hasChildren = true;
// Has condition
if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("expression")) {
result.append(expressionNode(ident, (Element) children.item(i), --exprCount, className, objectName));
} else if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("option")) {
isSelection = true;
String optionCondition = ((Element) children.item(i)).getAttribute("condition");
String optionName = ((Element) children.item(i)).getAttribute("name");
String optionValue = ((Element) children.item(i)).getAttribute("value");
String selectedValue = ((Element) children.item(i)).getAttribute("selected");
type = "selection";
String selected = selectedValue;
if (!(selected.equals("0") || selected.equals("1"))) {
selected = "Expression.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(selectedValue) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg, currentSelection, null,getEvaluationParams()).value";
// Created condition statement if condition is given!
String conditional = (optionCondition != null && !optionCondition.equals("")) ? "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(optionCondition) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access))\n" : "";
optionItems.append(conditional + "p.addSelection(NavajoFactory.getInstance().createSelection(access.getOutputDoc(), \"" + optionName + "\", \"" + optionValue + "\", " + selected + "));\n");
} else if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("map")) {
// property!!!
if (!canBeSubMapped) {
throw new ParseException("This property can not be submapped: " + propertyName);
if (!type.equals("selection")) {
throw new ParseException("Only selection properties can be submapped: " + propertyName);
mapNode = (Element) children.item(i);
isMapped = true;
isSelection = true;
} else if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
String tagValue = "<" + n.getNodeName() + " name=\"" + propertyName + "\">";
throw new ParseException("Illegal child tag <" + children.item(i).getNodeName() + "> in " + tagValue + " (Check your script) ");
if (!hasChildren || isSelection) {
if (!isSelection) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "sValue = new StringLiteral(\"" + value + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "matchingConditions = true;\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "sValue = new String(\"" + value + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "type = \"" + type + "\";\n");
} else {
if (!Property.EXPRESSION_LITERAL_PROPERTY.equals(type) && !Property.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY.equals(type)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "type = (sValue != null) ? MappingUtils.determineNavajoType(sValue) : \"" + type + "\";\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "type = \"" + type + "\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "subtype = \"" + subtype + "\";\n");
if (n.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p = MappingUtils.setProperty(false, currentOutMsg, \"" + propertyName + "\", sValue, type, subtype, \"" + direction + "\", \"" + description + "\", " + length + ", access.getOutputDoc(), access.getInDoc(), !matchingConditions);\n");
if (!"".equals(key)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p.setKey(\"" + key + "\");\n");
if (!"".equals(reference)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p.setReference(\"" + reference + "\");\n");
if (!"".equals(extendsProp)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p.setExtends(\"" + extendsProp + "\");\n");
if (!"".equals(bindProp)) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p.setBind(\"" + bindProp + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "p.setMethod(\"" + methodProp + "\");\n");
} else {
// parameter
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "MappingUtils.setProperty(true, currentParamMsg, \"" + propertyName + "\", sValue, type, subtype, \"" + direction + "\", \"" + description + "\", " + length + ", access.getOutputDoc(), access.getInDoc(), !matchingConditions);\n");
if (isMapped) {
try {
localContextClass = Class.forName(className, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ParseException("Could not find adapter: " + className);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + className + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + className);
if (mapNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected null mapNode");
String ref = mapNode.getAttribute("ref");
if (ref != null && !"".equals(ref)) {
// replace $ for refs.
ref = ref.replaceAll("\\$", "");
String filter = mapNode.getAttribute("filter");
String mappableArrayName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + mappableArrayName + " = " + objectName + ".get" + ((ref.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + ref.substring(1)) + "();\n");
String mappableArrayDefinition = "Object [] " + mappableArrayName + " = null;\n";
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "for (int i" + (ident + 2) + " = 0; i" + (ident + 2) + " < " + mappableArrayName + ".length; i" + (ident + 2) + "++) {\n if (!kill) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, " + mappableArrayName + "[i" + (ident + 2) + "], true);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
// If filter is specified, evaluate filter first (31/1/2007)
if (!filter.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(filter) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) {\n");
ident += 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "String optionName = \"\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "String optionValue = \"\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "boolean optionSelected = false;\n");
children = mapNode.getChildNodes();
String subClassName = MappingUtils.getFieldType(localContextClass, ref);
String subClassObjectName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + subClassObjectName + " = (" + subClassName + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
String objectDefinition = subClassName + " " + subClassObjectName + " = null;\n";
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("property")) {
Element elt = (Element) children.item(i);
String subPropertyName = elt.getAttribute("name");
if (!(subPropertyName.equals("name") || subPropertyName.equals("value") || subPropertyName.equals("selected"))) {
throw new ParseException("Only 'name' or 'value' named properties expected when submapping a 'selection' property");
NodeList expressions = elt.getChildNodes();
int leftOver = countNodes(expressions, "expression");
for (int j = 0; j < expressions.getLength(); j++) {
if ((expressions.item(j) instanceof Element) && expressions.item(j).getNodeName().equals("expression")) {
result.append(expressionNode(ident + 4, (Element) expressions.item(j), --leftOver, subClassName, subClassObjectName));
if (subPropertyName.equals("name")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "optionName = (sValue != null) ? sValue + \"\" : \"\";\n");
} else if (subPropertyName.equals("value")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "optionValue = (sValue != null) ? sValue + \"\" : \"\";\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "optionSelected = (sValue != null) ? ((Boolean) sValue).booleanValue() : false;\n");
} else if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("debug")) {
result.append(debugNode(ident, (Element) children.item(i)));
} else if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("param")) {
result.append(propertyNode(ident, (Element) children.item(i), false, className, objectName));
} else if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
throw new ParseException("<property> tag expected while sub-mapping a selection property: " + children.item(i).getNodeName());
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "p.addSelection(NavajoFactory.getInstance().createSelection(access.getOutputDoc(), optionName, optionValue, optionSelected));\n");
// If filter is specified add closing bracket (31/1/2007)
if (!filter.equals("")) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\ncurrentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n} // EOF Array map result to property\n");
if (isSelection) {
// Set selection property stuff.
if (n.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
result.append("p.setCardinality(\"" + cardinality + "\");\n");
if (conditionClause) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} // EOF property condition \n");
return result.toString();
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method includeNode.
* Resolve include nodes in the script: <include
* script="[name of script to be included]"/>
* @param scriptPath
* @param n
* @param parent
* @param deps
* @throws MetaCompileException
* @throws IOException
* @throws KeywordException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws Exception
private final void includeNode(String scriptPath, Node n, Document parent, String tenant, List<Dependency> deps) throws UserException, ClassNotFoundException, KeywordException, IOException, MetaCompileException {
if (included > 1000) {
throw new UserException(-1, "Too many included scripts!!!");
String script = ((Element) n).getAttribute("script");
if (script == null || script.equals("")) {
throw new UserException(-1, "No script name found in include tag (" + "missing or empty script attribute): " + n);
// Construct scriptName:
// First try if applicationGroup specific script exists.
String fileName = script + "_" + tenant;
Document includeDoc = null;
String includeFileName = fetchScriptFileName(scriptPath + "/" + fileName);
File includedFile = null;
if (includeFileName != null) {
includedFile = new File(includeFileName);
includeDoc = XMLDocumentUtils.createDocument(new FileInputStream(includeFileName), false);
} else {
// no tenant specific include found. Try non-tenant include instead.
fileName = script;
includeFileName = fetchScriptFileName(scriptPath + "/" + fileName);
if (includeFileName != null) {
includedFile = new File(includeFileName);
if (includeFileName.endsWith(".ns")) {
// It's an NS3 based script
NS3ToNSXML nstoxml = new NS3ToNSXML();
try {
String content =;
String tslResult = MapMetaData.getInstance().parse(scriptPath + "/" + fileName + ".ns", nstoxml.parseNavascript(content));
includeDoc = XMLDocumentUtils.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(tslResult.getBytes()), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UserException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} else {
// It's an XML based script
includeDoc = XMLDocumentUtils.createDocument(new FileInputStream(includedFile), false);
if (includedFile == null) {
logger.error("Could not file include file: {}", script);
throw new UserException("Could not find include file for script: " + script);
// Add dependency.
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new IncludeDependency( Long.valueOf(\"" + IncludeDependency.getFileTimeStamp(includedFile) + "\"), \"" + fileName + "\"));\n", "INCLUDE" + script);
deps.add(new IncludeDependency(IncludeDependency.getFileTimeStamp(includedFile), fileName, fileName));
if (includeDoc.getElementsByTagName("tsl").item(0) == null) {
// Maybe
// it is
// navascript??
String tslResult = MapMetaData.getInstance().parse(scriptPath + "/" + fileName + ".xml");
includeDoc = XMLDocumentUtils.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(tslResult.getBytes()), false);
NodeList content = includeDoc.getElementsByTagName("tsl").item(0).getChildNodes();
Node nextNode = n.getNextSibling();
while (nextNode != null && !(nextNode instanceof Element)) {
nextNode = nextNode.getNextSibling();
if (nextNode == null || !(nextNode instanceof Element)) {
nextNode = n;
Node parentNode = nextNode.getParentNode();
for (int i = 0; i < content.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = content.item(i);
Node imported = parent.importNode(child.cloneNode(true), true);
parentNode.insertBefore(imported, nextNode);
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method mapNode.
public String mapNode(int ident, Element n, List<Dependency> deps, String tenant) throws ParseException, ClassNotFoundException, KeywordException, UserException, IOException, MetaCompileException, MappingException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String object = n.getAttribute("object");
String condition = n.getAttribute("condition");
// If name, is specified it could be an AsyncMap.
String name = n.getAttribute("name");
boolean asyncMap = false;
condition = (condition == null) ? "" : condition;
boolean conditionClause = false;
if (!condition.equals("")) {
conditionClause = true;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(condition) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) { \n");
ident += 2;
String className = object;
if (className.equals("")) {
throw new ParseException("Error in reading Map xml - found map with empty object! Line " + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ":" + n.getAttribute("startoffset"));
if (contextClass != null) {
contextClass = Class.forName(className, false, loader);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + className + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + className);
if (!name.equals("")) {
// We have a potential async mappable object.
if (contextClass.getSuperclass().getName().equals("com.dexels.navajo.mapping.AsyncMappable")) {
asyncMap = true;
} else {
asyncMap = false;
if (asyncMap) {
String aoName = "ao" + asyncMapCounter;
String headerName = "h" + asyncMapCounter;
String asyncMapFinishedName = "asyncMapFinished" + asyncMapCounter;
String callbackRefName = "callbackRef" + asyncMapCounter;
String interruptTypeName = "interruptType" + asyncMapCounter;
String asyncMapName = "asyncMap" + asyncMapCounter;
String asyncStatusName = "asyncStatus" + asyncMapCounter;
String resumeAsyncName = "resumeAsync" + asyncMapCounter;
variableClipboard.add("boolean " + asyncMapName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("Header " + headerName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("String " + callbackRefName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add(className + " " + aoName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("boolean " + asyncMapFinishedName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("boolean " + resumeAsyncName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("String " + asyncStatusName + ";\n");
variableClipboard.add("String " + interruptTypeName + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + asyncMapName + " = true;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + headerName + " = access.getInDoc().getHeader();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + callbackRefName + " = " + headerName + ".getCallBackPointer(\"" + name + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + aoName + " = null;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + asyncMapFinishedName + " = false;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + resumeAsyncName + " = false;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + asyncStatusName + " = \"request\";\n\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (" + callbackRefName + " != null) {\n");
ident += 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + aoName + " = (" + className + ") DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().getInstance(" + callbackRefName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + interruptTypeName + " = " + headerName + ".getCallBackInterupt(\"" + name + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " if (" + aoName + " == null) {\n " + " throw new UserException( -1, \"Asynchronous object reference instantiation error: no sych instance (perhaps cleaned up?)\");\n}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (" + interruptTypeName + ".equals(\"kill\")) { // Kill thread upon client request.\n" + " " + aoName + ".stop();\n" + " DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().removeInstance(" + callbackRefName + ");\n" + " return;\n" + "} else if ( " + aoName + ".isKilled() ) " + "{ " + " DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().removeInstance(" + callbackRefName + ");\n" + " throw new UserException(-1, " + aoName + ".getException().getMessage()," + aoName + ".getException());\n" + "} else if (" + interruptTypeName + ".equals(\"interrupt\")) {\n" + " " + aoName + ".interrupt();\n " + " return;\n" + "} else if (" + interruptTypeName + ".equals(\"resume\")) { " + " " + aoName + ".resume();\n" + "return;\n" + "}\n");
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} else { // New instance!\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + aoName + " = (" + className + ") classLoader.getClass(\"" + object + "\").newInstance();\n" + " // Call load method for async map in advance:\n" + " " + aoName + ".load(access);\n" + " " + callbackRefName + " = DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().addInstance( " + aoName + ", access );\n" + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, " + aoName + ", false);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " = \"" + name + "\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap.ref = " + callbackRefName + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + aoName + ".afterReload(\"" + name + "\", " + callbackRefName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "try {\n");
ident += 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + asyncMapFinishedName + " = " + aoName + ".isFinished(access.getOutputDoc(), access);\n");
NodeList response = n.getElementsByTagName("response");
boolean hasResponseNode = false;
if (response.getLength() > 0) {
hasResponseNode = true;
NodeList running = n.getElementsByTagName("running");
boolean hasRunningNode = false;
if (running.getLength() > 0) {
hasRunningNode = true;
NodeList request = n.getElementsByTagName("request");
boolean whileRunning = ((Element) response.item(0)).getAttribute("while_running").equals("true");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (" + asyncMapFinishedName + " || (" + aoName + ".isActivated() && " + hasResponseNode + " && " + whileRunning + ")) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + asyncStatusName + " = \"response\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + aoName + ".beforeResponse(access);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " if (" + aoName + ".isActivated() && " + whileRunning + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + resumeAsyncName + " = true;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " }\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} else if (!" + aoName + ".isActivated()) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + asyncStatusName + " = \"request\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} else if (" + hasRunningNode + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + asyncStatusName + " = \"running\";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " " + resumeAsyncName + " = true;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
NodeList children = null;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (" + asyncStatusName + ".equals(\"response\")) {\n");
children = response.item(0).getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), className, aoName, deps, tenant));
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} else if (" + asyncStatusName + ".equals(\"request\")) {\n");
children = request.item(0).getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), className, aoName, deps, tenant));
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} else if (" + asyncStatusName + ".equals(\"running\")) {\n");
children = running.item(0).getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), className, aoName, deps, tenant));
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if ((currentMap.myObject != null)) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "if (!" + asyncMapFinishedName + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "if (" + resumeAsyncName + ") { " + aoName + ".afterResponse(); } else { " + aoName + ".afterRequest(); " + aoName + ".runThread(); }\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "} else {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(currentMap.myObject);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().removeInstance(currentMap.ref);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} catch (Exception e" + ident + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " MappingUtils.callKillOrStoreMethod(currentMap.myObject, e" + ident + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig().getAsyncStore().removeInstance(currentMap.ref);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " throw e" + ident + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, classLoader.getClass(\"" + object + "\").newInstance(), false);\n");
result.append("currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
String objectName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident) + objectName + " = (" + className + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
boolean objectMappable = false;
try {
objectMappable = MappingUtils.isObjectMappable(className);
} catch (UserException e) {
objectMappable = MappingUtils.isObjectMappable(className, loader);
if (objectMappable) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + objectName + ".load(access);\n");
String objectDefinition = className + " " + objectName + " = null;\n";
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "try {\n");
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), className, objectName, deps, tenant));
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} catch (Exception e" + ident + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "MappingUtils.callKillOrStoreMethod( " + objectName + ", e" + ident + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + " throw e" + ident + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(" + objectName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\ncurrentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
if (conditionClause) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} // EOF map condition \n");
if (!contextClassStack.isEmpty()) {
contextClass = contextClassStack.pop();
} else {
contextClass = null;
return result.toString();
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class MappingUtils method isObjectMappable.
public static final boolean isObjectMappable(String className, ClassLoader cls) throws UserException {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(className, true, cls);
Class mappable = Class.forName("com.dexels.navajo.script.api.Mappable", true, cls);
return (mappable.isAssignableFrom(c));
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new UserException(-1, "Could not handle class as either mappable or POJO bean: " + className + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class MappingUtils method getAttributeObject.
private static final Object getAttributeObject(MappableTreeNode o, String name, Object[] arguments) throws UserException, MappingException {
Object result = null;
String methodName = "";
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method m = o.getMethodReference(name, arguments);
result = m.invoke(o.myObject, arguments);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new MappingException(methodName + " illegally accessed in mappable class: " + o.myObject.getClass().getName());
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
Throwable t = ite.getTargetException();
if (t instanceof UserException) {
throw (UserException) t;
} else {
throw new MappingException("Error getting attribute: " + name + " of object: " + o, ite);
return result;