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Example 1 with GroovitySourceLocator

use of com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator in project groovity by disney.

the class GroovityTestMojo method execute.

public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
    try {
        if (skip) {
        getLog().info("STARTING Groovity test");
        ClassLoader testLoader = createClassLoader(ClassLoaderScope.TEST);
        GroovityServletContainerBuilder builder = new GroovityServletContainerBuilder().setPort(Integer.valueOf(port)).setWebappDirectory(new File(project.getBasedir(), "src/main/webapp")).setClassLoader(testLoader);
        if (groovitySourceDirectory != null && groovitySourceDirectory.exists()) {
            builder.addSourceLocation(groovitySourceDirectory.toURI(), true);
        if (groovityTestDirectory != null && groovityTestDirectory.exists()) {
            builder.addSourceLocation(groovityTestDirectory.toURI(), true);
        if (sources != null) {
            for (File source : sources) {
                builder.addSourceLocation(source.toURI(), true);
        GroovityServletContainer container =;
        Groovity groovity = container.getGroovity();
        ArrayList<String> appSources = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            if (failOnError) {
            if (skipTests) {
            GroovitySourceLocator[] sourceLocators = groovity.getSourceLocators();
            for (GroovitySourceLocator locator : sourceLocators) {
                if (!interactive && ((FileGroovitySourceLocator) locator).getDirectory().equals(groovityTestDirectory)) {
                    if (path != null) {
                        String[] pathParts = path.split("\\s*,\\s*");
                        for (String pathPart : pathParts) {
                    } else {
                        for (GroovitySource source : locator) {
                            String scriptPath = source.getPath();
                            scriptPath = scriptPath.substring(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf("."));
                            String scriptName = scriptPath.substring(scriptPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                            if (scriptName.startsWith("test")) {
                if (((FileGroovitySourceLocator) locator).getDirectory().equals(groovitySourceDirectory)) {
                    for (GroovitySource source : locator) {
            if (interactive) {
                // in interactive mode we wait for instructions and compile each time to allow
                // real-time development
        } finally {
        Map<String, CodeCoverage> coverageMap = new TreeMap<String, GroovityTestMojo.CodeCoverage>();
        Collection<Class<Script>> scriptClasses = groovity.getGroovityScriptClasses();
        for (Class<Script> sc : scriptClasses) {
            String sourcePath = groovity.getSourcePath(sc);
            if (appSources.contains(sourcePath)) {
                String scriptLabel = sourcePath.substring(0, sourcePath.length() - 5);
                CodeCoverage cc = new CodeCoverage(sc, scriptLabel);
                if (cc.isCoverable()) {
                    coverageMap.put(scriptLabel, cc);
                for (Class<?> c : ((GroovityClassLoader) sc.getClassLoader()).getLoadedClasses()) {
                    if (!c.equals(sc) && !(Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) && !c.isInterface()) {
                        String cname = getClassLabel(c);
                        int p = 0;
                        if ((p = cname.indexOf("$Trait")) > 0) {
                            cname = cname.substring(0, p);
                        String classLabel = scriptLabel + "->" + cname;
                        CodeCoverage icc = new CodeCoverage(c, classLabel);
                        if (icc.isCoverable()) {
                            coverageMap.put(classLabel, icc);
        List<Statistics> stats = GroovityStatistics.getStatistics();
        for (Statistics stat : stats) {
            String sks = stat.key.toString();
            int dot = sks.indexOf(".");
            if (dot > 0) {
                String className = sks.substring(0, dot);
                String method = sks.substring(dot + 1);
                CodeCoverage cc = coverageMap.get(className);
                if (cc != null) {
                    if (method.equals("run()") && cc.runnable) {
                        cc.ran = true;
                    } else {
                        if (cc.methods.containsKey(method)) {
                            cc.methods.put(method, true);
        Collection<CodeCoverage> ccs = coverageMap.values();
        double total = 0;
        for (CodeCoverage cc : ccs) {
            total += cc.getCoverage();
        total /= ccs.size();
        getLog().info("TEST COVERAGE " + ((int) (100 * total)) + "% TOTAL");
        for (Entry<String, CodeCoverage> entry : coverageMap.entrySet()) {
            CodeCoverage cc = entry.getValue();
            double covered = cc.getCoverage();
            getLog().info(" " + ((int) (100 * covered)) + "% coverage for " + cc.label);
            if (covered < 1.0) {
                if (cc.runnable && !cc.ran) {
                    getLog().warn("   Script body did not run during tests");
                List<String> uncovered = cc.getUncoveredMethods();
                if (!uncovered.isEmpty()) {
                    for (String m : cc.getUncoveredMethods()) {
                        getLog().warn("   " + m + " did not execute during tests");
				for(String m: cc.getCoveredMethods()) {
					getLog().info("   " + m + " executed during tests");
    } catch (MojoFailureException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        getLog().error("ERROR in Groovity test", e);
        throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileGroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.FileGroovitySourceLocator) Groovity(com.disney.groovity.Groovity) GroovityClassLoader(com.disney.groovity.compile.GroovityClassLoader) GroovitySource(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySource) GroovityServletContainer(com.disney.groovity.servlet.container.GroovityServletContainer) Script(groovy.lang.Script) GroovityServletContainerBuilder(com.disney.groovity.servlet.container.GroovityServletContainerBuilder) MojoFailureException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException) GroovityClassLoader(com.disney.groovity.compile.GroovityClassLoader) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) GroovityStatistics(com.disney.groovity.stats.GroovityStatistics) Statistics(com.disney.groovity.stats.GroovityStatistics.Statistics) GatherStatistics(com.disney.groovity.compile.GatherStatistics) GroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator) FileGroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.FileGroovitySourceLocator) File(

Example 2 with GroovitySourceLocator

use of com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator in project groovity by disney.

the class Groovity method start.

protected void start() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {"Initializing Groovity");
    if (httpClient == null) {
        httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
    if (argsLookup == null) {
        argsLookup = new ArgsLookup();
    asyncExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(asyncThreads, new ThreadFactory() {

        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
            Thread t = new Thread(r);
            t.setName("Groovity Async " + t.getName());
            return t;
    cacheRefreshExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4, new ThreadFactory() {

        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
            Thread t = new Thread(r);
            t.setName("Groovity Cache " + t.getName());
            return t;
    cacheRefreshExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
    cacheTimeExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() {

        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
            Thread t = new Thread(r);
            t.setName("Groovity Cache Time " + t.getName());
            return t;
    cacheTimeExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            Caches.currentCacheTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
    }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    interruptFactory = new InterruptFactory();
    // intialize configurator first so class inits can pick up system properties
    if (configurator != null) {
    if (configurator != null) {
        // initialize configurator again to pick up any changes to system properties that happened during class init
        // schedule 10-second configuration refresh
        configExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() {

            public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                Thread t = new Thread(r);
                t.setName("Groovity Config Applier " + t.getName());
                return t;
        configExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error updating configuration ", e);
        }, 10, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // now start all scripts
    for (Class<?> c : getGroovityScriptClasses()) {
    // init locators AFTER compile, to avoid scheduled compilation starting before startup is complete
    if (sourceLocators != null && sourceLocators.length > 0) {
        for (GroovitySourceLocator locator : sourceLocators) {
Also used : ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) GroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator) InterruptFactory(com.disney.groovity.util.InterruptFactory) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) IOException( FileNotFoundException(

Example 3 with GroovitySourceLocator

use of com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator in project groovity by disney.

the class Groovity method getChangedSources.

public List<GroovitySource> getChangedSources() {
    ArrayList<GroovitySource> changedSources = new ArrayList<GroovitySource>();
    if (sourceLocators != null) {
        ArrayList<String> currentScripts = new ArrayList<String>(((Map<String, Long>) scriptDates).keySet());
        for (GroovitySourceLocator sourceLocator : sourceLocators) {
            for (GroovitySource source : sourceLocator) {
                String key = fixCase(source.getPath());
                if (key.endsWith(GROOVITY_SOURCE_EXTENSION)) {
                    key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 5);
                if (scriptDates.containsKey(key)) {
                    if (!source.exists() || source.getLastModified() != scriptDates.get(key)) {
                } else if (source.exists()) {
        for (final String script : currentScripts) {
            // these have been deleted
            Class<Script> delClass = scripts.get(script);
            final String path = getSourcePath(delClass);
            changedSources.add(new GroovitySource() {

                public String getSourceCode() throws IOException {
                    return "";

                public String getPath() {
                    return path;

                public long getLastModified() {
                    return System.currentTimeMillis();

                public boolean exists() {
                    return false;
    return changedSources;
Also used : Script(groovy.lang.Script) GroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GroovitySource(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySource) IOException(

Example 4 with GroovitySourceLocator

use of com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator in project groovity by disney.

the class Groovity method compileAll.

 * Compile all scripts known to the configured source locators
 * @param force if true, recompile all sources, if false recompile only changed sources
public void compileAll(boolean force, boolean init) {
    if (inCompile.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        try {
            List<GroovitySource> sources = new ArrayList<GroovitySource>();
            // track existing views so we can keep track of files that may have since been deleted
            HashSet<String> oldViews = new HashSet<String>(((Map<String, Class<Script>>) scripts).keySet());
            for (GroovitySourceLocator sourceLocator : sourceLocators) {
                for (GroovitySource source : sourceLocator) {
                    try {
                        Matcher matcher = sourcePattern.matcher(source.getPath());
                        if (matcher.matches()) {
                            String name =;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to load source " + source.getPath(), e);
            // remaining values in oldViews correspond to deleted files IF they are not embedded
            for (String del : oldViews) {
                Class<Script> cgs = scripts.get(del);
                final String path = getSourcePath(cgs);
                try {
                    sources.add(new GroovitySource() {

                        public String getSourceCode() throws IOException {
                            return "";

                        public String getPath() {
                            return path;

                        public long getLastModified() {
                            return System.currentTimeMillis();

                        public boolean exists() {
                            return false;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error deleting grvt " + del, e);
            compile(force, init, sources.toArray(new GroovitySource[0]));
        } finally {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Groovy compiler is already busy, please retry later");
Also used : Script(groovy.lang.Script) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) IOException( FileNotFoundException( GroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator) GroovitySource(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySource) GroovyClass( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with GroovitySourceLocator

use of com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator in project groovity by disney.

the class Groovity method compile.

 * Compile a named set of source paths; compilation also handles static init and destroy lifecycle
 * management and jar file creation
 * @param force if true, recompile all sources, if false recompile only changed sources
 * @param sourcePaths a list of source paths to compile
 * @throws Exception
public void compile(boolean force, boolean init, List<String> sourcePaths) throws Exception {
    if (inCompile.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        try {
            List<GroovitySource> sources = new ArrayList<GroovitySource>();
            for (int i = 0; i < sourcePaths.size(); i++) {
                String path = sourcePaths.get(i);
                try {
                    GroovitySource source = null;
                    Exception error = null;
                    for (GroovitySourceLocator sourceLocator : sourceLocators) {
                        try {
                            source = sourceLocator.getGroovityScriptSource(path);
                            if (source != null && source.exists()) {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            error = e;
                    if (source != null) {
                    } else if (error != null) {
                        throw error;
                    } else {
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to load source " + path, e);
            compile(force, init, sources.toArray(new GroovitySource[0]));
        } finally {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Groovy compiler is already busy, please retry later");
Also used : GroovitySourceLocator(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileNotFoundException( GroovitySource(com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySource) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) IOException( FileNotFoundException(


GroovitySourceLocator (com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySourceLocator)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 GroovitySource (com.disney.groovity.source.GroovitySource)5 IOException ( CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)4 FileGroovitySourceLocator (com.disney.groovity.source.FileGroovitySourceLocator)3 Script (groovy.lang.Script)3 File ( FileNotFoundException ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)3 ArgsLookup (com.disney.groovity.ArgsLookup)2 Groovity (com.disney.groovity.Groovity)2 URI ( BindingDecorator (com.disney.groovity.BindingDecorator)1 GroovityBuilder (com.disney.groovity.GroovityBuilder)1 GatherStatistics (com.disney.groovity.compile.GatherStatistics)1 GroovityClassLoader (com.disney.groovity.compile.GroovityClassLoader)1 Configurator (com.disney.groovity.conf.Configurator)1 MultiConfigurator (com.disney.groovity.conf.MultiConfigurator)1 PropertiesFileConfigurator (com.disney.groovity.conf.PropertiesFileConfigurator)1