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Example 1 with RetryException

use of com.dropbox.core.RetryException in project dropbox-sdk-java by dropbox.

the class Main method chunkedUploadFile.

 * Uploads a file in chunks using multiple requests. This approach is preferred for larger files
 * since it allows for more efficient processing of the file contents on the server side and
 * also allows partial uploads to be retried (e.g. network connection problem will not cause you
 * to re-upload all the bytes).
 * @param dbxClient Dropbox user authenticated client
 * @param localFIle local file to upload
 * @param dropboxPath Where to upload the file to within Dropbox
private static void chunkedUploadFile(DbxClientV2 dbxClient, File localFile, String dropboxPath) {
    long size = localFile.length();
    // below to simplify the logic.
        System.err.println("File too small, use upload() instead.");
    long uploaded = 0L;
    DbxException thrown = null;
    // Chunked uploads have 3 phases, each of which can accept uploaded bytes:
    // (1)  Start: initiate the upload and get an upload session ID
    // (2) Append: upload chunks of the file to append to our session
    // (3) Finish: commit the upload and close the session
    // We track how many bytes we uploaded to determine which phase we should be in.
    String sessionId = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNKED_UPLOAD_MAX_ATTEMPTS; ++i) {
        if (i > 0) {
            System.out.printf("Retrying chunked upload (%d / %d attempts)\n", i + 1, CHUNKED_UPLOAD_MAX_ATTEMPTS);
        try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(localFile)) {
            // if this is a retry, make sure seek to the correct offset
            // (1) Start
            if (sessionId == null) {
                sessionId = dbxClient.files().uploadSessionStart().uploadAndFinish(in, CHUNKED_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE).getSessionId();
                uploaded += CHUNKED_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE;
                printProgress(uploaded, size);
            UploadSessionCursor cursor = new UploadSessionCursor(sessionId, uploaded);
            // (2) Append
            while ((size - uploaded) > CHUNKED_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE) {
                dbxClient.files().uploadSessionAppendV2(cursor).uploadAndFinish(in, CHUNKED_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE);
                uploaded += CHUNKED_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE;
                printProgress(uploaded, size);
                cursor = new UploadSessionCursor(sessionId, uploaded);
            // (3) Finish
            long remaining = size - uploaded;
            CommitInfo commitInfo = CommitInfo.newBuilder(dropboxPath).withMode(WriteMode.ADD).withClientModified(new Date(localFile.lastModified())).build();
            FileMetadata metadata = dbxClient.files().uploadSessionFinish(cursor, commitInfo).uploadAndFinish(in, remaining);
        } catch (RetryException ex) {
            thrown = ex;
            // RetryExceptions are never automatically retried by the client for uploads. Must
            // catch this exception even if DbxRequestConfig.getMaxRetries() > 0.
        } catch (NetworkIOException ex) {
            thrown = ex;
            // network issue with Dropbox (maybe a timeout?) try again
        } catch (UploadSessionLookupErrorException ex) {
            if (ex.errorValue.isIncorrectOffset()) {
                thrown = ex;
                // server offset into the stream doesn't match our offset (uploaded). Seek to
                // the expected offset according to the server and try again.
                uploaded = ex.errorValue.getIncorrectOffsetValue().getCorrectOffset();
            } else {
                // Some other error occurred, give up.
                System.err.println("Error uploading to Dropbox: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (UploadSessionFinishErrorException ex) {
            if (ex.errorValue.isLookupFailed() && ex.errorValue.getLookupFailedValue().isIncorrectOffset()) {
                thrown = ex;
                // server offset into the stream doesn't match our offset (uploaded). Seek to
                // the expected offset according to the server and try again.
                uploaded = ex.errorValue.getLookupFailedValue().getIncorrectOffsetValue().getCorrectOffset();
            } else {
                // some other error occurred, give up.
                System.err.println("Error uploading to Dropbox: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (DbxException ex) {
            System.err.println("Error uploading to Dropbox: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            System.err.println("Error reading from file \"" + localFile + "\": " + ex.getMessage());
    // if we made it here, then we must have run out of attempts
    System.err.println("Maxed out upload attempts to Dropbox. Most recent error: " + thrown.getMessage());
Also used : FileInputStream( InputStream( FileMetadata(com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FileMetadata) NetworkIOException(com.dropbox.core.NetworkIOException) IOException( RetryException(com.dropbox.core.RetryException) FileInputStream( Date(java.util.Date) NetworkIOException(com.dropbox.core.NetworkIOException) UploadSessionLookupErrorException(com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionLookupErrorException) UploadSessionFinishErrorException(com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionFinishErrorException) UploadSessionCursor(com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionCursor) CommitInfo(com.dropbox.core.v2.files.CommitInfo) DbxException(com.dropbox.core.DbxException)


DbxException (com.dropbox.core.DbxException)1 NetworkIOException (com.dropbox.core.NetworkIOException)1 RetryException (com.dropbox.core.RetryException)1 CommitInfo (com.dropbox.core.v2.files.CommitInfo)1 FileMetadata (com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FileMetadata)1 UploadSessionCursor (com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionCursor)1 UploadSessionFinishErrorException (com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionFinishErrorException)1 UploadSessionLookupErrorException (com.dropbox.core.v2.files.UploadSessionLookupErrorException)1 FileInputStream ( IOException ( InputStream ( Date (java.util.Date)1