use of com.ebicep.warlords.util.warlords.GameRunnable in project Warlords by ebicep.
the class HolyRadianceProtector method chain.
public void chain(WarlordsPlayer wp, Player player) {
for (WarlordsPlayer markTarget : PlayerFilter.entitiesAround(player, markRadius, markRadius, markRadius).aliveTeammatesOfExcludingSelf(wp).lookingAtFirst(wp).limit(1)) {
if (Utils.isLookingAtMark(player, markTarget.getEntity()) && Utils.hasLineOfSight(player, markTarget.getEntity())) {
for (WarlordsPlayer healTarget : PlayerFilter.playingGame(wp.getGame()).excluding(getPlayersHit()).aliveTeammatesOf(wp)) {
markTarget.addHealingInstance(wp, name, minDamageHeal, maxDamageHeal, critChance, critMultiplier, false, false);
Utils.playGlobalSound(player.getLocation(), "paladin.consecrate.activation", 2, 0.65f);
PacketPlayOutAnimation playOutAnimation = new PacketPlayOutAnimation(((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle(), 0);
((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(playOutAnimation);
// chain particles
EffectUtils.playParticleLinkAnimation(player.getLocation(), markTarget.getLocation(), 0, 255, 70, 1);
EffectUtils.playChainAnimation(wp.getLocation(), markTarget.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.RED_ROSE), 8);
HolyRadianceProtector tempMark = new HolyRadianceProtector(minDamageHeal, maxDamageHeal, cooldown, energyCost, critChance, critMultiplier);
markTarget.getCooldownManager().addRegularCooldown(name, "PROT MARK", HolyRadianceProtector.class, tempMark, wp, CooldownTypes.BUFF, cooldownManager -> {
ParticleEffect.SPELL.display(1, 1, 1, 0.06F, 12, markTarget.getLocation(), 500);
Utils.playGlobalSound(markTarget.getLocation(), "paladin.holyradiance.activation", 2, 0.95f);
for (WarlordsPlayer waveTarget : PlayerFilter.entitiesAround(markTarget, 6, 6, 6).aliveTeammatesOf(markTarget)) {
wp.getGame().registerGameTask(new FlyingArmorStand(markTarget.getLocation(), waveTarget, wp, 1.1, minDamageHeal * 0.5f, maxDamageHeal * 0.5f).runTaskTimer(Warlords.getInstance(), 1, 1));
}, markDuration * 20);
player.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + ChatColor.GRAY + " You have marked " + ChatColor.GREEN + markTarget.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + "!");
markTarget.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + ChatColor.GRAY + " You have been granted " + ChatColor.GREEN + "Protector's Mark" + ChatColor.GRAY + " by " + wp.getName() + "!");
new GameRunnable(wp.getGame()) {
public void run() {
if (markTarget.getCooldownManager().hasCooldown(tempMark)) {
Location playerLoc = markTarget.getLocation();
Location particleLoc = playerLoc.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
double angle = j / 9D * Math.PI * 2;
double width = 1;
particleLoc.setX(playerLoc.getX() + Math.sin(angle) * width);
particleLoc.setY(playerLoc.getY() + i / 6D);
particleLoc.setZ(playerLoc.getZ() + Math.cos(angle) * width);
ParticleEffect.REDSTONE.display(new ParticleEffect.OrdinaryColor(0, 255, 70), particleLoc, 500);
} else {
}.runTaskTimer(0, 10);
} else {
player.sendMessage("§cYour mark was out of range or you did not target a player!");
use of com.ebicep.warlords.util.warlords.GameRunnable in project Warlords by ebicep.
the class IceBarrier method onActivate.
public boolean onActivate(WarlordsPlayer wp, Player player) {
IceBarrier tempIceBarrier = new IceBarrier(damageReductionPercent);
wp.getCooldownManager().addCooldown(new RegularCooldown<IceBarrier>(name, "ICE", IceBarrier.class, tempIceBarrier, wp, CooldownTypes.ABILITY, cooldownManager -> {
}, duration * 20) {
public float modifyDamageAfterInterveneFromSelf(WarlordsDamageHealingEvent event, float currentDamageValue) {
float newDamageValue = currentDamageValue * getDamageReduction();
event.getPlayer().addAbsorbed(Math.abs(currentDamageValue - newDamageValue));
return newDamageValue;
Utils.playGlobalSound(player.getLocation(), "mage.icebarrier.activation", 2, 1);
new GameRunnable(wp.getGame()) {
public void run() {
if (wp.getCooldownManager().hasCooldown(tempIceBarrier)) {
Location location = wp.getLocation();
location.add(0, 1.5, 0);
ParticleEffect.CLOUD.display(0.2F, 0.2F, 0.2F, 0.001F, 1, location, 500);
ParticleEffect.FIREWORKS_SPARK.display(0.3F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.0001F, 1, location, 500);
} else {
}.runTaskTimer(0, 5);
return true;
use of com.ebicep.warlords.util.warlords.GameRunnable in project Warlords by ebicep.
the class Intervene method onActivate.
public boolean onActivate(@Nonnull WarlordsPlayer wp, @Nonnull Player player) {
for (WarlordsPlayer vt : PlayerFilter.entitiesAround(wp, radius, radius, radius).aliveTeammatesOfExcludingSelf(wp).requireLineOfSightIntervene(wp).lookingAtFirst(wp).limit(1)) {
// Green line / Sound
EffectUtils.playParticleLinkAnimation(wp.getLocation(), vt.getLocation(), ParticleEffect.VILLAGER_HAPPY);
Utils.playGlobalSound(wp.getLocation(), "warrior.intervene.impact", 1, 1);
// New cooldown, both players have the same instance of intervene.
Intervene tempIntervene = new Intervene();
// Removing all other intervenes
wp.getCooldownManager().getCooldowns().removeIf(cd -> cd.getCooldownClass() == Intervene.class && vt.getCooldownManager().hasCooldown(cd.getCooldownObject()));
vt.getCooldownManager().getCooldowns().removeIf(cd -> {
if (cd.getCooldownClass() == Intervene.class) {
cd.getFrom().sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.GIVE_ARROW + " " + cd.getFrom().getName() + "'s " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Intervene " + ChatColor.GRAY + "has expired!");
vt.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.GIVE_ARROW + " " + cd.getFrom().getName() + "'s " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Intervene " + ChatColor.GRAY + "has expired!");
return true;
} else {
return false;
wp.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + "§7 You are now protecting " + vt.getName() + " with your §eIntervene!");
wp.getCooldownManager().addRegularCooldown(name, "VENE", Intervene.class, tempIntervene, wp, CooldownTypes.ABILITY, cooldownManager -> {
}, duration * 20);
vt.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + "§7 " + wp.getName() + " is shielding you with their " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Intervene" + ChatColor.GRAY + "!");
vt.getCooldownManager().addRegularCooldown(name, "VENE", Intervene.class, tempIntervene, wp, CooldownTypes.ABILITY, cooldownManager -> {
}, duration * 20);
wp.getSpec().getBlue().setCurrentCooldown((float) (cooldown * wp.getCooldownModifier()));
new GameRunnable(wp.getGame()) {
public void run() {
Optional<RegularCooldown> optionalRegularCooldown = new CooldownFilter<>(vt, RegularCooldown.class).filterCooldownObject(tempIntervene).findFirst();
if (optionalRegularCooldown.isPresent()) {
RegularCooldown interveneRegularCooldown = optionalRegularCooldown.get();
if (interveneRegularCooldown.getTicksLeft() <= 20)
vt.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + wp.getName() + "'s §eIntervene §7will expire in §6" + (int) (interveneRegularCooldown.getTicksLeft() / 20 + .5) + "§7 second!");
vt.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.RECEIVE_ARROW + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + wp.getName() + "'s §eIntervene §7will expire in §6" + (int) (interveneRegularCooldown.getTicksLeft() / 20 + .5) + "§7 seconds!");
} else {
}.runTaskTimer(0, 20);
new GameRunnable(wp.getGame()) {
public void run() {
Optional<RegularCooldown> optionalRegularCooldown = new CooldownFilter<>(vt, RegularCooldown.class).filterCooldownObject(tempIntervene).findFirst();
if (wp.isDead() || tempIntervene.damagePrevented >= (maxDamagePrevented / 2) || !optionalRegularCooldown.isPresent() || vt.getLocation().distanceSquared(optionalRegularCooldown.get().getFrom().getEntity().getLocation()) > breakRadius * breakRadius) {
wp.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.GIVE_ARROW + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + wp.getName() + "'s " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Intervene " + ChatColor.GRAY + "has expired!");
vt.sendMessage(WarlordsPlayer.GIVE_ARROW + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + wp.getName() + "'s " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Intervene " + ChatColor.GRAY + "has expired!");
}.runTaskTimer(0, 0);
return true;
return false;
use of com.ebicep.warlords.util.warlords.GameRunnable in project Warlords by ebicep.
the class LightInfusion method onActivate.
public boolean onActivate(WarlordsPlayer wp, Player player) {
Runnable cancelSpeed = wp.getSpeed().addSpeedModifier("Infusion", speedBuff, duration * 20, "BASE");
LightInfusion tempLightInfusion = new LightInfusion(cooldown, energyCost);
wp.getCooldownManager().addRegularCooldown(name, "INF", LightInfusion.class, tempLightInfusion, wp, CooldownTypes.ABILITY, cooldownManager -> {
}, duration * 20);
Utils.playGlobalSound(player.getLocation(), "paladin.infusionoflight.activation", 2, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Location particleLoc = player.getLocation().add(0, 1.5, 0);
ParticleEffect.SPELL.display(1, 0F, 1, 0.3F, 3, particleLoc, 500);
new GameRunnable(wp.getGame()) {
public void run() {
if (wp.getCooldownManager().hasCooldown(tempLightInfusion)) {
Location location = wp.getLocation();
location.add(0, 1.2, 0);
ParticleEffect.SPELL.display(0.3F, 0.1F, 0.3F, 0.2F, 2, location, 500);
} else {;
}.runTaskTimer(0, 4);
return true;
use of com.ebicep.warlords.util.warlords.GameRunnable in project Warlords by ebicep.
the class InterchangeModeOption method start.
public void start(@Nonnull Game game) {
// saving player info as it will be modified during the game
game.getPlayers().forEach((uuid, team) -> {
PlayerSettings playerSettings = Warlords.getPlayerSettings(uuid);
previousSelectedClasses.put(uuid, playerSettings.getSelectedClass());
previousSelectedSkillBoosts.put(uuid, playerSettings.getClassesSkillBoosts());
previousSelectedWeaponSkins.put(uuid, playerSettings.getWeaponSkins());
previousSelectedHelmets.put(uuid, ArmorManager.Helmets.getSelected(uuid));
previousSelectedArmorSets.put(uuid, ArmorManager.ArmorSets.getSelected(uuid));
new GameRunnable(game) {
int secondsPast = 0;
public void run() {
if (game.getState() instanceof EndState) {
if (secondsPast >= secondsUntilNextSwap) {
secondsPast = 0;
}.runTaskTimer(GameRunnable.SECOND, GameRunnable.SECOND);