use of com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation in project torodb by torodb.
the class ContinuousOplogFetcher method fetch.
public OplogBatch fetch() throws StopReplicationException, RollbackReplicationException {
if (state.isClosed()) {
return FinishedOplogBatch.getInstance();
try {
return retrier.retry(() -> {
try {
if (state.isClosed()) {
return FinishedOplogBatch.getInstance();
MongoCursor<OplogOperation> cursor = state.getLastUsedMongoCursor();
Batch<OplogOperation> batch = cursor.tryFetchBatch();
if (batch == null || !batch.hasNext()) {
batch = cursor.tryFetchBatch();
if (batch == null || !batch.hasNext()) {
return NotReadyForMoreOplogBatch.getInstance();
List<OplogOperation> fetchedOps = null;
long fetchTime = 0;
* As we already modify the cursor by fetching the batch, we cannot retry the whole block
* (as the cursor would be reused and the previous batch will be discarted).
* Then, if we leave the following try section with an error, we need to discard the
* cursor, so the next iteration starts from the last batch we returned. On the other
* hand, if we finished successfully, then we need to update the state.
boolean successful = false;
try {
fetchedOps = batch.asList();
fetchTime = batch.getFetchTime();
postBatchChecks(cursor, fetchedOps);
OplogBatch result = new NormalOplogBatch(fetchedOps, true);
successful = true;
return result;
} finally {
if (!successful) {
} else {
assert fetchedOps != null;
assert fetchTime != 0;
state.updateState(fetchedOps, fetchTime);
} catch (RestartFetchException ex) {
//lets choose a new reader
//and then try again
throw new RollbackException(ex);
} catch (DeadCursorException ex) {
//lets retry the whole block with the same reader
throw new RollbackException(ex);
} catch (StopReplicationException | RollbackReplicationException ex) {
//do not try again
throw new RetrierAbortException(ex);
} catch (MongoServerException ex) {
//TODO: Fix this violation on the abstraction!
LOGGER.debug("Found an unwrapped MongodbServerException");
//lets choose a new reader
//rollback and hopefully use another member
throw new RollbackException(ex);
} catch (MongoException | MongoRuntimeException ex) {
LOGGER.warn("Catched an error while reading the remote " + "oplog: {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage());
//lets choose a new reader
//rollback and hopefully use another member
throw new RollbackException(ex);
} catch (RetrierGiveUpException ex) {
throw new StopReplicationException("Stopping replication after several attepts to " + "fetch the remote oplog", ex);
} catch (RetrierAbortException ex) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause != null) {
if (cause instanceof StopReplicationException) {
throw (StopReplicationException) cause;
if (cause instanceof RollbackReplicationException) {
throw (RollbackReplicationException) cause;
throw new StopReplicationException("Stopping replication after a unknown abort " + "exception", ex);
use of com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation in project torodb by torodb.
the class FilteredOplogFetcher method fetch.
public OplogBatch fetch() throws StopReplicationException, RollbackReplicationException {
OplogBatch batch = delegate.fetch();
List<OplogOperation> filteredBatch = batch.getOps().stream().filter(filter).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (filteredBatch.isEmpty()) {
if (batch.isLastOne()) {
return FinishedOplogBatch.getInstance();
} else {
return NotReadyForMoreOplogBatch.getInstance();
} else {
if (batch.isLastOne()) {
throw new AssertionError("Batchs produced by a finished oplog fetcher cannot " + "contain ops");
return new NormalOplogBatch(filteredBatch, batch.isReadyForMore());
use of com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation in project torodb by torodb.
the class SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutorTest method testVisit_CudAnalyzedOplog_Success.
public void testVisit_CudAnalyzedOplog_Success() throws Exception {
OplogOperation lastOp = mock(OplogOperation.class);
CudAnalyzedOplogBatch batch = mock(CudAnalyzedOplogBatch.class);
ApplierContext applierContext = new ApplierContext.Builder().setReapplying(true).setUpdatesAsUpserts(true).build();
given(batch.getOriginalBatch()).willReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mock(OplogOperation.class), mock(OplogOperation.class), mock(OplogOperation.class), lastOp));
Timer timer = mock(Timer.class);
Context context = mock(Context.class);
doNothing().when(executor).execute(eq(batch), any());
OplogOperation result = executor.visit(batch, applierContext);
then(executor).should(times(1)).execute(batch, applierContext);
assertEquals(lastOp, result);
use of com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation in project torodb by torodb.
the class SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutorTest method testVisit_SingleOp_NotRepyingRollback.
* Test the behaviour of the method
* {@link SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor#visit(com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.batch.SingleOpAnalyzedOplogBatch, com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.ApplierContext) that visits a single op}
* when
* {@link SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor#execute(com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation, com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.ApplierContext) the execution}
* fails until the given attempt.
* @param myRetrier
* @param atteptsToSucceed
* @return true if the execution finishes or false if it throw an exception.
* @throws Exception
private boolean testVisit_SingleOp_NotRepyingRollback(Retrier myRetrier, int atteptsToSucceed) throws Exception {
OplogOperation operation = mock(OplogOperation.class);
SingleOpAnalyzedOplogBatch batch = new SingleOpAnalyzedOplogBatch(operation);
ApplierContext applierContext = new ApplierContext.Builder().setReapplying(true).setUpdatesAsUpserts(false).build();
executor = spy(new SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor(metrics, applier, server, myRetrier, namespaceJobExecutor));
Timer timer = mock(Timer.class);
Context context = mock(Context.class);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
int attempts = 0;
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
try {
ApplierContext context = invocation.getArgument(1);
if (attempts == 0) {
assert !context.treatUpdateAsUpsert() : "on this test, first attept should be not trying updates as upserts";
throw new RollbackException("Forcing a rollback on the first attempt");
assert context.treatUpdateAsUpsert() : "on this test, only the first attept should be " + "not trying updates as upserts, but " + attempts + " is not trying updates as upserts";
if (attempts < (atteptsToSucceed - 1)) {
throw new RollbackException("forcing a rollback on the " + attempts + "th attempt");
return null;
} finally {
}).when(executor).execute(eq(operation), any());
try {
OplogOperation result = executor.visit(batch, applierContext);
then(executor).should(times(atteptsToSucceed)).execute(eq(operation), any());
assertEquals(operation, result);
return true;
} catch (RetrierGiveUpException ignore) {
return false;
} finally {
use of com.eightkdata.mongowp.server.api.oplog.OplogOperation in project torodb by torodb.
the class SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutorTest method testVisit_CudAnalyzedOplog_NotRepyingRollback.
* Test the behaviour of the method
* {@link SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor#visit(com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.batch.CudAnalyzedOplogBatch, com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.ApplierContext) that visits a cud batch}
* when
* {@link SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor#execute(com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.batch.CudAnalyzedOplogBatch, com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.ApplierContext) the execution}
* fails until the given attempt.
* @param myRetrier
* @param atteptsToSucceed
* @return true if the execution finishes or false if it throw an exception.
* @throws Exception
private boolean testVisit_CudAnalyzedOplog_NotRepyingRollback(Retrier myRetrier, int atteptsToSucceed) throws Exception {
OplogOperation lastOp = mock(OplogOperation.class);
CudAnalyzedOplogBatch batch = mock(CudAnalyzedOplogBatch.class);
ApplierContext applierContext = new ApplierContext.Builder().setReapplying(true).setUpdatesAsUpserts(false).build();
given(batch.getOriginalBatch()).willReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mock(OplogOperation.class), mock(OplogOperation.class), mock(OplogOperation.class), lastOp));
executor = spy(new SimpleAnalyzedOplogBatchExecutor(metrics, applier, server, myRetrier, namespaceJobExecutor));
Timer timer = mock(Timer.class);
Context context = mock(Context.class);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
int attempts = 0;
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
try {
ApplierContext context = invocation.getArgument(1);
if (attempts == 0) {
assert !context.treatUpdateAsUpsert() : "on this test, first attept should be not trying updates as upserts";
throw new RollbackException("Forcing a rollback on the first attempt");
assert context.treatUpdateAsUpsert() : "on this test, only the first attept should be " + "not trying updates as upserts, but " + attempts + " is not trying updates as upserts";
if (attempts < (atteptsToSucceed - 1)) {
throw new RollbackException("forcing a rollback on the " + attempts + "th attempt");
return null;
} finally {
}).when(executor).execute(eq(batch), any());
boolean success;
try {
OplogOperation result = executor.visit(batch, applierContext);
then(executor).should(times(atteptsToSucceed)).execute(eq(batch), any());
assertEquals(lastOp, result);
success = true;
} catch (RetrierGiveUpException ignore) {
success = false;
return success;