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Example 21 with SpellKey

use of com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class Wand method loadProperties.

public void loadProperties() {
    locked = getBoolean("locked", locked);
    lockedAllowUpgrades = getBoolean("locked_allow_upgrades", false);
    consumeReduction = getFloat("consume_reduction");
    cooldownReduction = getFloat("cooldown_reduction");
    costReduction = getFloat("cost_reduction");
    power = getFloat("power");
    ConfigurationSection protectionConfig = getConfigurationSection("protection");
    if (protectionConfig == null && hasProperty("protection")) {
        migrateProtection("protection", "overall");
        migrateProtection("protection_physical", "physical");
        migrateProtection("protection_projectiles", "projectile");
        migrateProtection("protection_falling", "fall");
        migrateProtection("protection_fire", "fire");
        migrateProtection("protection_explosions", "explosion");
        protectionConfig = getConfigurationSection("protection");
    if (protectionConfig != null) {
        protection = new HashMap<>();
        for (String protectionKey : protectionConfig.getKeys(false)) {
            protection.put(protectionKey, protectionConfig.getDouble(protectionKey));
    hasId = getBoolean("unique", false);
    blockChance = getFloat("block_chance");
    blockReflectChance = getFloat("block_reflect_chance");
    blockFOV = getFloat("block_fov");
    blockMageCooldown = getInt("block_mage_cooldown");
    blockCooldown = getInt("block_cooldown");
    manaPerDamage = getFloat("mana_per_damage");
    spMultiplier = getFloat("sp_multiplier", 1);
    String singleClass = getString("class");
    if (singleClass != null && !singleClass.isEmpty()) {
        mageClassKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    } else {
        mageClassKeys = getStringList("classes");
    // Check for single-use wands
    uses = getInt("uses");
    hasUses = uses > 0;
    // Convert some legacy properties to potion effects
    float healthRegeneration = getFloat("health_regeneration", 0);
    float hungerRegeneration = getFloat("hunger_regeneration", 0);
    float speedIncrease = getFloat("haste", 0);
    if (speedIncrease > 0) {
        potionEffects.put(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 1);
    if (healthRegeneration > 0) {
        potionEffects.put(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION, 1);
    if (hungerRegeneration > 0) {
        potionEffects.put(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 1);
    // This overrides the value loaded in CasterProperties
    if (!regenWhileInactive) {
        setProperty("mana_timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis());
    if (hasProperty("effect_color")) {
    id = getString("id");
    isUpgrade = getBoolean("upgrade");
    quietLevel = getInt("quiet");
    effectBubbles = getBoolean("effect_bubbles");
    keep = getBoolean("keep");
    passive = getBoolean("passive");
    indestructible = getBoolean("indestructible");
    superPowered = getBoolean("powered");
    superProtected = getBoolean("protected");
    glow = getBoolean("glow");
    undroppable = getBoolean("undroppable");
    isHeroes = getBoolean("heroes");
    bound = getBoolean("bound");
    forceUpgrade = getBoolean("force");
    autoOrganize = getBoolean("organize");
    autoAlphabetize = getBoolean("alphabetize");
    autoFill = getBoolean("fill");
    rename = getBoolean("rename");
    renameDescription = getBoolean("rename_description");
    enchantCount = getInt("enchant_count");
    maxEnchantCount = getInt("max_enchant_count");
    inventoryRows = getInt("inventory_rows", 5);
    if (inventoryRows <= 0)
        inventoryRows = 1;
    if (hasProperty("effect_particle")) {
        effectParticle = ConfigurationUtils.toParticleEffect(getString("effect_particle"));
        effectParticleData = 0;
    } else {
        effectParticle = null;
    if (hasProperty("effect_sound")) {
        effectSound = ConfigurationUtils.toSoundEffect(getString("effect_sound"));
    } else {
        effectSound = null;
    activeEffectsOnly = getBoolean("active_effects");
    effectParticleData = getFloat("effect_particle_data");
    effectParticleCount = getInt("effect_particle_count");
    effectParticleRadius = getDouble("effect_particle_radius");
    effectParticleOffset = getDouble("effect_particle_offset");
    effectParticleInterval = getInt("effect_particle_interval");
    effectParticleMinVelocity = getDouble("effect_particle_min_velocity");
    effectSoundInterval = getInt("effect_sound_interval");
    castLocation = getVector("cast_location");
    castInterval = getInt("cast_interval");
    castMinVelocity = getDouble("cast_min_velocity");
    castVelocityDirection = getVector("cast_velocity_direction");
    castSpell = getString("cast_spell");
    String castParameterString = getString("cast_parameters", null);
    if (castParameterString != null && !castParameterString.isEmpty()) {
        castParameters = new MemoryConfiguration();
        ConfigurationUtils.addParameters(StringUtils.split(castParameterString, ' '), castParameters);
    } else {
        castParameters = null;
    WandMode newMode = parseWandMode(getString("mode"), controller.getDefaultWandMode());
    if (newMode != mode) {
        if (isInventoryOpen()) {
        mode = newMode;
    brushMode = parseWandMode(getString("brush_mode"), controller.getDefaultBrushMode());
    // Backwards compatibility
    if (getBoolean("mode_drop", false)) {
        dropAction = WandAction.TOGGLE;
        swapAction = WandAction.CYCLE_HOTBAR;
        rightClickAction = WandAction.NONE;
        quickCast = true;
        // This is to turn the redundant spell lore off
        quickCastDisabled = true;
        manualQuickCastDisabled = false;
    } else if (mode == WandMode.CAST) {
        leftClickAction = WandAction.CAST;
        rightClickAction = WandAction.CAST;
        swapAction = WandAction.NONE;
        dropAction = WandAction.NONE;
    } else if (mode == WandMode.CYCLE) {
        leftClickAction = WandAction.CAST;
        rightClickAction = WandAction.NONE;
        swapAction = WandAction.NONE;
        dropAction = WandAction.CYCLE;
    } else {
        leftClickAction = WandAction.NONE;
        rightClickAction = WandAction.NONE;
        dropAction = WandAction.NONE;
        swapAction = WandAction.NONE;
        quickCast = false;
        quickCastDisabled = false;
        manualQuickCastDisabled = false;
    String quickCastType = getString("quick_cast", getString("mode_cast"));
    if (quickCastType != null) {
        if (quickCastType.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            quickCast = true;
            // This is to turn the redundant spell lore off
            quickCastDisabled = true;
            manualQuickCastDisabled = false;
        } else if (quickCastType.equalsIgnoreCase("manual")) {
            quickCast = false;
            quickCastDisabled = true;
            manualQuickCastDisabled = false;
        } else if (quickCastType.equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) {
            quickCast = false;
            quickCastDisabled = true;
            manualQuickCastDisabled = true;
        } else {
            quickCast = false;
            quickCastDisabled = false;
            manualQuickCastDisabled = false;
    leftClickAction = parseWandAction(getString("left_click"), leftClickAction);
    rightClickAction = parseWandAction(getString("right_click"), rightClickAction);
    dropAction = parseWandAction(getString("drop"), dropAction);
    swapAction = parseWandAction(getString("swap"), swapAction);
    owner = getString("owner");
    ownerId = getString("owner_id");
    template = getString("template");
    upgradeTemplate = getString("upgrade_template");
    path = getString("path");
    activeSpell = getString("active_spell");
    if (activeSpell != null && activeSpell.contains("|")) {
        SpellKey activeKey = new SpellKey(activeSpell);
        activeSpell = activeKey.getBaseKey();
        setProperty("active_spell", activeSpell);
    alternateSpell = getString("alternate_spell");
    alternateSpell2 = getString("alternate_spell2");
    activeBrush = getString("active_brush", getString("active_material"));
    if (hasProperty("hotbar")) {
        currentHotbar = getInt("hotbar");
    if (hasProperty("page")) {
        int page = getInt("page");
        if (page != openInventoryPage) {
            openInventoryPage = page;
    // Default to template names, override with localizations and finally with wand data
    wandName = controller.getMessages().get("wand.default_name");
    description = "";
    // Check for migration information in the template config
    ConfigurationSection templateConfig = null;
    if (template != null && !template.isEmpty()) {
        templateConfig = controller.getWandTemplateConfiguration(template);
        if (templateConfig != null) {
            wandName = templateConfig.getString("name", wandName);
            description = templateConfig.getString("description", description);
            int templateUses = templateConfig.getInt("uses");
            isSingleUse = templateUses == 1;
            hasUses = hasUses || templateUses > 0;
        wandName = controller.getMessages().get("wands." + template + ".name", wandName);
        description = controller.getMessages().get("wands." + template + ".description", description);
    wandName = getString("name", wandName);
    description = getString("description", description);
    WandTemplate wandTemplate = getTemplate();
    // Add vanilla attributes
    InventoryUtils.applyAttributes(item, getConfigurationSection("item_attributes"), getString("item_attribute_slot", getString("attribute_slot")));
    // Add unstashable and unmoveable tags
    if (getBoolean("unstashable") || (undroppable && Unstashable)) {
        InventoryUtils.setMetaBoolean(item, "unstashable", true);
    } else {
        InventoryUtils.removeMeta(item, "unstashable");
    if (getBoolean("unmoveable")) {
        InventoryUtils.setMetaBoolean(item, "unmoveable", true);
    } else {
        InventoryUtils.removeMeta(item, "unmoveable");
    if (undroppable) {
        InventoryUtils.setMetaBoolean(item, "undroppable", true);
    } else {
        InventoryUtils.removeMeta(item, "undroppable");
    if (keep) {
        InventoryUtils.setMetaBoolean(item, "keep", true);
    } else {
        InventoryUtils.removeMeta(item, "keep");
    // Add vanilla enchantments
    ConfigurationSection enchantments = getConfigurationSection("enchantments");
    InventoryUtils.applyEnchantments(item, enchantments);
    // Add enchantment glow
    if (enchantments == null || enchantments.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) {
        if (glow) {
        } else {
    if (hasProperty("icon_inactive")) {
        String iconKey = getString("icon_inactive");
        if (wandTemplate != null) {
            iconKey = wandTemplate.migrateIcon(iconKey);
        if (iconKey != null) {
            inactiveIcon = new MaterialAndData(iconKey);
    } else {
        inactiveIcon = null;
    if (inactiveIcon != null && (inactiveIcon.getMaterial() == null || inactiveIcon.getMaterial() == Material.AIR)) {
        inactiveIcon = null;
    inactiveIconDelay = getInt("icon_inactive_delay");
    randomizeOnActivate = randomizeOnActivate && hasProperty("randomize_icon");
    if (randomizeOnActivate) {
        String randomizeIcon = getString("randomize_icon");
        setIcon(new MaterialAndData(randomizeIcon));
        if (item == null) {
            controller.getLogger().warning("Invalid randomize_icon in wand '" + template + "' config: " + randomizeIcon);
    } else if (hasProperty("icon")) {
        String iconKey = getString("icon");
        if (wandTemplate != null) {
            iconKey = wandTemplate.migrateIcon(iconKey);
        if (iconKey.contains(",")) {
            Random r = new Random();
            String[] keys = StringUtils.split(iconKey, ',');
            iconKey = keys[r.nextInt(keys.length)];
        // Port old custom wand icons
        if (templateConfig != null && iconKey.contains("")) {
            iconKey = templateConfig.getString("icon");
        setIcon(new MaterialAndData(iconKey));
        if (item == null) {
            controller.getLogger().warning("Invalid icon in wand '" + template + "' config: " + iconKey);
    } else if (isUpgrade) {
        setIcon(new MaterialAndData(DefaultUpgradeMaterial));
    } else {
        setIcon(new MaterialAndData(DefaultWandMaterial));
    if (hasProperty("upgrade_icon")) {
        upgradeIcon = new MaterialAndData(getString("upgrade_icon"));
    // Check for path-based migration, may update icons
    com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.wand.WandUpgradePath upgradePath = getPath();
    if (upgradePath != null) {
        hasSpellProgression = upgradePath.getSpells().size() > 0 || upgradePath.getExtraSpells().size() > 0 || upgradePath.getRequiredSpells().size() > 0;
    } else {
        hasSpellProgression = false;
    if (isHeroes) {
        hasSpellProgression = true;
    limitSpellsToPath = getBoolean("limit_spells_to_path");
    limitBrushesToPath = getBoolean("limit_brushes_to_path");
    // Load spell levels
    Object spellLevelsRaw = getObject("spell_levels");
    if (spellLevelsRaw != null) {
        // Not sure this will ever appear as a Map, but just in case
        if (spellLevelsRaw instanceof Map) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Integer> spellLevels = (Map<String, Integer>) spellLevelsRaw;
        } else if (spellLevelsRaw instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
            loadSpellLevels(NMSUtils.getMap((ConfigurationSection) spellLevelsRaw));
    Object brushInventoryRaw = getObject("brush_inventory");
    if (brushInventoryRaw != null) {
        // Not sure this will ever appear as a Map, but just in case
        if (brushInventoryRaw instanceof Map) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Integer> brushInventory = (Map<String, Integer>) brushInventoryRaw;
        } else if (brushInventoryRaw instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
            loadBrushInventory(NMSUtils.getMap((ConfigurationSection) brushInventoryRaw));
    Object spellInventoryRaw = getObject("spell_inventory");
    if (spellInventoryRaw != null) {
        // Not sure this will ever appear as a Map, but just in case
        if (spellInventoryRaw instanceof Map) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Integer> spellInventory = (Map<String, Integer>) spellInventoryRaw;
        } else if (spellInventoryRaw instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
            loadSpellInventory(NMSUtils.getMap((ConfigurationSection) spellInventoryRaw));
    } else {
        // Spells may have contained an inventory from migration or templates with a spell@slot format.
    castOverrides = null;
    if (hasProperty("overrides")) {
        castOverrides = null;
        Object overridesGeneric = getObject("overrides");
        if (overridesGeneric != null) {
            castOverrides = new HashMap<>();
            if (overridesGeneric instanceof String) {
                String overrides = (String) overridesGeneric;
                if (!overrides.isEmpty()) {
                    // Support YML-List-As-String format
                    // May not really need this anymore.
                    overrides = overrides.replaceAll("[\\]\\[]", "");
                    String[] pairs = StringUtils.split(overrides, ',');
                    for (String override : pairs) {
            } else if (overridesGeneric instanceof List) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> overrideList = (List<String>) overridesGeneric;
                for (String override : overrideList) {
            } else if (overridesGeneric instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
                ConfigurationSection overridesSection = (ConfigurationSection) overridesGeneric;
                Set<String> keys = overridesSection.getKeys(true);
                for (String key : keys) {
                    Object leaf = overridesSection.get(key);
                    if (!(leaf instanceof ConfigurationSection) && !(leaf instanceof Map)) {
                        castOverrides.put(key, leaf.toString());
    if (hasProperty("potion_effects")) {
        addPotionEffects(potionEffects, getString("potion_effects", null));
    // so try to keep defaults as 0/0.0/false.
    if (effectSound == null) {
        effectSoundInterval = 0;
    } else {
        effectSoundInterval = (effectSoundInterval == 0) ? 5 : effectSoundInterval;
    if (effectParticle == null) {
        effectParticleInterval = 0;
Also used : MemoryConfiguration(org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration) SpellKey(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey) Random(java.util.Random) MaterialAndData(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.block.MaterialAndData) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConfigurationSection(org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)

Example 22 with SpellKey

use of com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class Wand method updateSlot.

protected boolean updateSlot(int slot, ItemStack item) {
    if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR)
        return true;
    String spellKey = getSpell(item);
    if (spellKey != null) {
        SpellKey key = new SpellKey(spellKey);
        spellInventory.put(key.getBaseKey(), slot);
    } else {
        String brushKey = getBrush(item);
        if (brushKey != null) {
            brushInventory.put(brushKey, slot);
        } else if (mage != null) {
            // Must have been an item inserted directly into player's inventory?
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : SpellKey(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey)

Example 23 with SpellKey

use of com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class Wand method removeSpell.

public boolean removeSpell(String spellName) {
    if (!isModifiable())
        return false;
    if (!super.removeSpell(spellName))
        return false;
    SpellKey spellKey = new SpellKey(spellName);
    if (activeSpell != null) {
        SpellKey activeKey = new SpellKey(activeSpell);
        if (spellKey.getBaseKey().equals(activeKey.getBaseKey())) {
    if (activeSpell == null && spells.size() > 0) {
    return true;
Also used : SpellKey(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey)

Example 24 with SpellKey

use of com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class Wand method addItem.

public boolean addItem(ItemStack item) {
    if (isUpgrade)
        return false;
    if (isModifiable() && isSpell(item) && !isSkill(item)) {
        String spell = getSpell(item);
        SpellKey spellKey = new SpellKey(spell);
        Integer currentLevel = spellLevels.get(spellKey.getBaseKey());
        if ((currentLevel == null || currentLevel < spellKey.getLevel()) && addSpell(spell)) {
            return true;
    } else if (isModifiable() && isBrush(item)) {
        String materialKey = getBrush(item);
        Set<String> materials = getBrushes();
        if (!materials.contains(materialKey) && addBrush(materialKey)) {
            return true;
    } else if (isUpgrade(item)) {
        Wand wand = controller.getWand(item);
        return this.add(wand);
    if (mage != null && !mage.isAtMaxSkillPoints() && controller.skillPointItemsEnabled()) {
        Integer sp = getSP(item);
        if (sp != null) {
            int amount = (int) Math.floor(mage.getSPMultiplier() * sp * item.getAmount());
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) MaterialSet(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.magic.MaterialSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) SpellKey(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey)

Example 25 with SpellKey

use of com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey in project MagicPlugin by elBukkit.

the class Wand method forceAddSpell.

public boolean forceAddSpell(String spellName) {
    if (!super.addSpell(spellName)) {
        return false;
    SpellTemplate template = controller.getSpellTemplate(spellName);
    ItemStack spellItem = createSpellIcon(template);
    if (spellItem == null) {
        return false;
    SpellKey spellKey = template.getSpellKey();
    int level = spellKey.getLevel();
    int inventoryCount = inventories.size();
    int spellCount = spells.size();
    // Look for existing spells for spell upgrades
    Integer inventorySlot = spellInventory.get(spellKey.getBaseKey());
    SpellTemplate currentSpell = getBaseSpell(spellKey);
    setSpellLevel(spellKey.getBaseKey(), level);
    if (activeSpell == null || activeSpell.isEmpty()) {
    addToInventory(spellItem, inventorySlot);
    if (mage != null) {
        if (spells.size() != spellCount) {
            if (spellCount == 0) {
                if (leftClickAction == WandAction.CAST) {
                    String message = getMessage("spell_instructions", "").replace("$wand", getName());
                    mage.sendMessage(message.replace("$spell", template.getName()));
            } else if (spellCount == 1) {
                String controlKey = getControlKey(WandAction.TOGGLE);
                String inventoryMessage = null;
                switch(getMode()) {
                    case INVENTORY:
                        inventoryMessage = "inventory_instructions";
                    case CHEST:
                        inventoryMessage = "chest_instructions";
                    case SKILLS:
                        inventoryMessage = "skills_instructions";
                    case CYCLE:
                        inventoryMessage = "cycle_instructions";
                        if (controlKey == null) {
                            controlKey = getControlKey(WandAction.CYCLE);
                    case CAST:
                    case NONE:
                        // Ignore
                if (controlKey != null && inventoryMessage != null) {
                    controlKey = controller.getMessages().get("controls." + controlKey);
                    mage.sendMessage(getMessage(inventoryMessage, "").replace("$wand", getName()).replace("$toggle", controlKey).replace("$cycle", controlKey));
            if (inventoryCount == 1 && inventories.size() > 1) {
                mage.sendMessage(getMessage("page_instructions", "").replace("$wand", getName()));
    return true;
Also used : ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) SpellKey(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey) SpellTemplate(com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellTemplate)


SpellKey (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellKey)30 SpellTemplate (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.SpellTemplate)9 ConfigurationSection (org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)6 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 List (java.util.List)4 Mage (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.magic.Mage)3 MageController (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.magic.MageController)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 CastingCost (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.CastingCost)2 Spell (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.spell.Spell)2 MemoryConfiguration (org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration)2 Inventory (org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)2 MaterialAndData (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.block.MaterialAndData)1 UndoList (com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.api.block.UndoList)1 SpellData (