use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method resumeTransfer.
* Resume the consistency group protection specified by the input volume info.
* @param RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volumeInfo - Volume info for the CG to resume
* @return void
* @throws RecoverPointException
public void resumeTransfer(RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volumeInfo) throws RecoverPointException {
try {
ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
if (volumeInfo.getRpVolumeCurrentProtectionStatus() == RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo.volumeProtectionStatus.PROTECTED_SOURCE) {
// Resume the whole CG
String cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(cgUID);"Protection resumed on CG " + cgName);
} else {
// Resume the CG copy associated with the target
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopyUID = RecoverPointUtils.mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID(volumeInfo);
String cgCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(cgCopyUID);
String cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(cgCopyUID.getGroupUID());"Protection resumed on CG copy " + cgCopyName + " on CG " + cgName);
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToResumeProtection(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeGroupID(), e);
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToResumeProtection(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeGroupID(), e);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method enableProtection.
* Enable (start) the consistency group protection specified by the input volume info
* Requires a full sweep.
* @param RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volumeInfo - Volume info for the CG to enable
* @return void
* @throws RecoverPointException
public void enableProtection(RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volumeInfo) throws RecoverPointException {
try {
ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopyUID = null;
cgCopyUID = RecoverPointUtils.mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID(volumeInfo);
String cgCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(cgCopyUID);
String cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(cgUID);
if (volumeInfo.getRpVolumeCurrentProtectionStatus() == RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo.volumeProtectionStatus.PROTECTED_SOURCE) {
// Enable the whole CG."Enabling consistency group " + cgName);
functionalAPI.enableConsistencyGroup(cgUID, true);
// Make sure the CG is ready
RecoverPointImageManagementUtils imageManager = new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils();
imageManager.waitForCGLinkState(functionalAPI, cgUID, RecoverPointImageManagementUtils.getPipeActiveState(functionalAPI, cgUID));"Protection enabled on CG " + cgName);
} else {
// Enable the CG copy associated with the target"Enabling CG copy " + cgCopyName + " on CG " + cgName);
functionalAPI.enableConsistencyGroupCopy(cgCopyUID, true);
// Make sure the CG copy is stopped
RecoverPointImageManagementUtils imageManager = new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils();
imageManager.waitForCGCopyLinkState(functionalAPI, cgCopyUID, PipeState.ACTIVE);"Protection enabled on CG copy " + cgCopyName + " on CG " + cgName);
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToEnableProtection(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeGroupID(), e);
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToEnableProtection(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeGroupID(), e);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointBookmarkManagementUtils method mapCGsForWWNs.
* Take a list of WWNs for a RecoverPoint appliance and return consistency group information for the WWNs
* @param impl - RP handle to perform RP operations
* @param request - Input request of WWNs
* @param unmappedWWNs - WWNs that could not be mapped to a consistency group
* @return WWN to consistency group mappings
* @throws RecoverPointException
public Map<String, RPConsistencyGroup> mapCGsForWWNs(FunctionalAPIImpl impl, CreateBookmarkRequestParams request, Set<String> unmappedWWNs) throws RecoverPointException {
try {
Set<String> wwnList = request.getVolumeWWNSet();
if (wwnList.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Input WWN list size is 0");
return null;
Map<String, RPConsistencyGroup> returnMap = new HashMap<String, RPConsistencyGroup>();
Set<String> wwnListCopy = new HashSet<String>();
for (String wwn : wwnList) {
wwnListCopy.add(wwn.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));"Mapping source WWN " + wwn.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + " to RecoverPoint CG");
List<ConsistencyGroupSettings> cgSettings = impl.getAllGroupsSettings();
RPConsistencyGroup rpCG = null;
for (ConsistencyGroupSettings cgSetting : cgSettings) {
for (ReplicationSetSettings rsSetting : cgSetting.getReplicationSetsSettings()) {
// Only get the unique volumes from a replication set. In MetroPoint, a replication set will list the source volume
// twice. This is because in MetroPoint each VPLEX leg is considered a copy but the WWN/volume is the same.
Set<UserVolumeSettings> uvSettings = new HashSet<UserVolumeSettings>();
for (UserVolumeSettings uvSetting : uvSettings) {
String volUID = RecoverPointUtils.getGuidBufferAsString(uvSetting.getVolumeInfo().getRawUids(), false);
if (wwnListCopy.contains(volUID.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
// Remove the volUID from the list
// We are getting the index of the first production copy because we only need to
// get the cluster ID of the source. All source copies in a CG, across different Rsets, are on the same cluster.
// Hence we are ok fetching the first one and getting its cluster id and using it.
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID productionCopyUID = cgSetting.getProductionCopiesUIDs().get(0);
// Get the RecoverPoint CG name and ID
String cgName = cgSetting.getName();
ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = cgSetting.getGroupUID();
// Get the Copy information
RPCopy rpCopy = new RPCopy();
Set<RPCopy> copies = new HashSet<RPCopy>();
copies.add(rpCopy);"Source WWN: " + volUID + " is on RecoverPoint CG " + cgName + " with RecoverPoint CGID " + cgUID.getId());
rpCG = new RPConsistencyGroup();
returnMap.put(volUID, rpCG);
if (wwnListCopy.isEmpty()) {
for (String wwnMissing : wwnListCopy) {
logger.error("Could not map WWN: " + wwnMissing);
return returnMap;
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
return null;
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
return null;
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointBookmarkManagementUtils method getBookmarksForMostRecentBookmarkName.
* Find the most recent bookmarks that were created for a CG with a given name
* @param impl - RP handle to use for RP operations
* @param request - Information about the bookmark that was created on the CGs
* @param cgUID - The CG to look for bookmarks
* @return A set of RP bookmarks found on the CG
* @throws RecoverPointException
private Set<RPBookmark> getBookmarksForMostRecentBookmarkName(FunctionalAPIImpl impl, CreateBookmarkRequestParams request, ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID) throws RecoverPointException {
Set<RPBookmark> returnBookmarkSet = null;
try {
String bookmarkName = request.getBookmark();
Set<RPBookmark> bookmarkSet = new HashSet<RPBookmark>();
ConsistencyGroupSettings cgSettings = impl.getGroupSettings(cgUID);
List<ConsistencyGroupCopySettings> cgCopySettings = cgSettings.getGroupCopiesSettings();
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID prodCopyUID = cgSettings.getLatestSourceCopyUID();
for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings cgcopysetting : cgCopySettings) {
RPBookmark newEM = new RPBookmark();
logger.debug("Getting list of snapshots with event marker name: " + bookmarkName);
List<ConsistencyGroupCopySnapshots> cgCopySnapList = impl.getGroupSnapshots(cgUID).getCopiesSnapshots();
for (ConsistencyGroupCopySnapshots cgCopySnap : cgCopySnapList) {
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID copyUID = cgCopySnap.getCopyUID();
logger.debug("Found " + cgCopySnap.getSnapshots().size() + " snapshots on copy: " + copyUID.getGlobalCopyUID().getCopyUID());
for (Snapshot snapItem : cgCopySnap.getSnapshots()) {
if (snapItem.getDescription().equals(bookmarkName)) {
for (RPBookmark rpBookmark : bookmarkSet) {
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID rpBookmarkCopyCG = rpBookmark.getCGGroupCopyUID();
if (RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(copyUID, rpBookmarkCopyCG)) {
// Update record with bookmark time, and add back
Timestamp protectionTimeStr = new Timestamp(snapItem.getClosingTimeStamp().getTimeInMicroSeconds() / numMicroSecondsInMilli);
// Remove it, and add it back
RPBookmark updatedBookmark = new RPBookmark();
updatedBookmark.setCGGroupCopyUID(rpBookmark.getCGGroupCopyUID());"Found our bookmark with time: " + protectionTimeStr.toString() + " and group copy ID: " + rpBookmark.getCGGroupCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID().getCopyUID());
if (returnBookmarkSet == null) {
returnBookmarkSet = new HashSet<RPBookmark>();
// TODO: logic is suspect, need to revisit. Why are we removing and adding the same object??
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.exceptionLookingForBookmarks(e);
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.exceptionLookingForBookmarks(e);
logger.debug("Return set has " + ((returnBookmarkSet != null) ? returnBookmarkSet.size() : 0) + " items");
return ((returnBookmarkSet != null) ? returnBookmarkSet : null);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointImageManagementUtils method getCopyLinkState.
* Get the link state of a copy
* @param impl - RP handle
* @param cgCopy - CG Copy, contains CG
* @throws RecoverPointException
public ConsistencyGroupLinkState getCopyLinkState(FunctionalAPIImpl impl, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopy) throws RecoverPointException {
String cgCopyName = NAME_UNKNOWN;
String cgName = NAME_UNKNOWN;
try {
cgCopyName = impl.getGroupCopyName(cgCopy);
cgName = impl.getGroupName(cgCopy.getGroupUID());
ConsistencyGroupUID groupUID = cgCopy.getGroupUID();
ConsistencyGroupState groupState = impl.getGroupState(groupUID);
List<ConsistencyGroupLinkState> linkStates = groupState.getLinksStates();
for (ConsistencyGroupLinkState cgLinkState : linkStates) {
if ((RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(cgLinkState.getGroupLinkUID().getSecondCopy(), cgCopy.getGlobalCopyUID()) || (RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(cgLinkState.getGroupLinkUID().getFirstCopy(), cgCopy.getGlobalCopyUID())))) {
return cgLinkState;
return null;
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToEnableCopy(cgCopyName, cgName, e);
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToEnableCopy(cgCopyName, cgName, e);