Search in sources :

Example 1 with ConsistencyGroupSettings

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method getProtectionInfoForVolume.

 * The getProtectionInfoForVolume method takes the WWN, and looks for it in the RP site protection environment.
 * If it finds the WWN as a member of a consistency group, it fills in the information, and returns it to the caller.
 * If it does not find the WWN as a member of a consistency group, it returns null
 * @param String volumeWWN - The WWN being checked for RecoverPoint protection
 * @return RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo - description of protection information about the WWN, or null if not protected in CG
 * @throws RecoverPointException
public RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo getProtectionInfoForVolume(String volumeWWN) throws RecoverPointException {
    RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo protectionInfo = null;
    try {
        //"getProtectionInfoForVolume called for: " + volumeWWN);
        protectionInfo = new RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo();
        List<ConsistencyGroupSettings> cgsSettings = functionalAPI.getAllGroupsSettings();
        for (ConsistencyGroupSettings cgSettings : cgsSettings) {
            // See if it is a production source, or an RP target
            for (ReplicationSetSettings rsSettings : cgSettings.getReplicationSetsSettings()) {
                for (UserVolumeSettings uvSettings : rsSettings.getVolumes()) {
                    if (matchesVolumeWWN(uvSettings.getVolumeInfo(), volumeWWN)) {
                        ConsistencyGroupUID cgID = uvSettings.getGroupCopyUID().getGroupUID();
                        ConsistencyGroupState state = functionalAPI.getGroupState(cgID);
                        List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgID).getProductionCopiesUIDs();
                        String cgName = cgSettings.getName();
                        String cgCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(uvSettings.getGroupCopyUID());
                        if (RecoverPointUtils.isProductionCopy(uvSettings.getGroupCopyUID(), productionCopiesUIDs)) {
                            if (RecoverPointUtils.isStandbyProductionCopy(uvSettings.getGroupCopyUID(), state, productionCopiesUIDs)) {
                                // In the case of MetroPoint, we will have 2 production copies for the same volume (active and standby).
                                // We want to always match on the active production copy. If this is a MetroPoint CG, skip over the
                                // standby production copy.
                      "Found production volume %s on copy %s.  Skipping because it is not the active production copy.", volumeWWN, cgCopyName));
                  "Production volume: " + volumeWWN + " is on copy " + cgCopyName + " of CG " + cgName);
                        } else {
                  "Target volume: " + volumeWWN + " is on copy " + cgCopyName + " of CG " + cgName);
                        return protectionInfo;
            // See if it is a journal volume
            for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings cgCopySettings : cgSettings.getGroupCopiesSettings()) {
                ConsistencyGroupCopyJournal cgJournal = cgCopySettings.getJournal();
                List<JournalVolumeSettings> journalVolumeSettingsList = cgJournal.getJournalVolumes();
                for (JournalVolumeSettings journalVolumeSettings : journalVolumeSettingsList) {
                    if (matchesVolumeWWN(journalVolumeSettings.getVolumeInfo(), volumeWWN)) {
                        ConsistencyGroupUID cgID = journalVolumeSettings.getGroupCopyUID().getGroupUID();
                        List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgID).getProductionCopiesUIDs();
                        String cgName = cgSettings.getName();
                        String cgCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(journalVolumeSettings.getGroupCopyUID());
                        if (RecoverPointUtils.isProductionCopy(journalVolumeSettings.getGroupCopyUID(), productionCopiesUIDs)) {
                  "Production journal: " + volumeWWN + " is on copy " + cgCopyName + " of CG " + cgName);
                        } else {
                  "Target journal: " + volumeWWN + " is on copy " + cgCopyName + " of CG " + cgName);
                        return protectionInfo;
    } catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failureGettingProtectionInfoForVolume(volumeWWN, e);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failureGettingProtectionInfoForVolume(volumeWWN, e);
    throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failureGettingProtectionInfoForVolume(volumeWWN);
Also used : JournalVolumeSettings( UserVolumeSettings( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( ReplicationSetSettings( ConsistencyGroupState( ConsistencyGroupCopySettings( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID( RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.responses.RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo) FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( ConsistencyGroupUID( ConsistencyGroupCopyJournal( ConsistencyGroupSettings(

Example 2 with ConsistencyGroupSettings

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method addReplicationSetsToCG.

 * Updates an existing CG by adding new replication sets.
 * @param request - contains all the information required to create the consistency group
 * @param attachAsClean attach as clean can be true if source and target are guaranteed to be the same (as in create
 *            new volume). for change vpool, attach as clean should be false
 * @return RecoverPointCGResponse - response as to success or fail of creating the consistency group
 * @throws RecoverPointException
public RecoverPointCGResponse addReplicationSetsToCG(CGRequestParams request, boolean metropoint, boolean attachAsClean) throws RecoverPointException {
    if (null == _endpoint.toASCIIString()) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.noRecoverPointEndpoint();
    RecoverPointCGResponse response = new RecoverPointCGResponse();
    List<ConsistencyGroupCopySettings> groupCopySettings = null;
    ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = null;
    try {
        // Make sure the CG name is unique.
        List<ConsistencyGroupUID> allCgs = functionalAPI.getAllConsistencyGroups();
        for (ConsistencyGroupUID cg : allCgs) {
            ConsistencyGroupSettings settings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cg);
            if (settings.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(request.getCgName())) {
                cgUID = settings.getGroupUID();
                groupCopySettings = settings.getGroupCopiesSettings();
        if (cgUID == null) {
            // The CG does not exist so we cannot add replication sets
            throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddReplicationSetCgDoesNotExist(request.getCgName());
        // caches site names to cluster id's to reduce calls to fapi for the same information
        Map<String, ClusterUID> clusterIdCache = new HashMap<String, ClusterUID>();
        // prodSites is used for logging and to determine if a non-production copy is local or remote
        List<ClusterUID> prodSites = new ArrayList<ClusterUID>();
        // used to set the copy uid on the rset volume when adding rsets
        Map<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUID = new HashMap<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID>();
        Map<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> nonProductionCopiesUID = new HashMap<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID>();
        // get a list of CG production copies so we can determine which copies are production and which
        // are not.
        List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgUID).getProductionCopiesUIDs();
        for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings copySettings : groupCopySettings) {
            GlobalCopyUID globalCopyUID = copySettings.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID();
            ConsistencyGroupCopyUID copyUID = copySettings.getCopyUID();
            if (RecoverPointUtils.isProductionCopy(copyUID, productionCopiesUIDs)) {
                productionCopiesUID.put(Long.valueOf(globalCopyUID.getClusterUID().getId()), copySettings.getCopyUID());
            } else {
                nonProductionCopiesUID.put(Long.valueOf(globalCopyUID.getClusterUID().getId()), copySettings.getCopyUID());
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (ClusterUID prodSite : prodSites) {
            sb.append(" ");
        }"RecoverPointClient: Adding replication set(s) to consistency group " + request.getCgName() + " for endpoint: " + _endpoint.toASCIIString() + " and production sites: " + sb.toString());
        ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam cgSettingsParam = configureCGSettingsChangeParams(request, cgUID, prodSites, clusterIdCache, productionCopiesUID, nonProductionCopiesUID, attachAsClean);"Adding journals and rsets for CG " + request.getCgName());
        // Sometimes the CG is still active when we start polling for link state and then
        // starts initializing some time afterwards. Adding this sleep to make sure the CG
        // starts initializing before we check the link states
        RecoverPointImageManagementUtils rpiMgmt = new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils();"Waiting for links to become active for CG " + request.getCgName());
        // Wait for the CG link state to be active or paused. We can add replication sets to a CG that has a target
        // copy in DIRECT_ACCESS mode. In this image access mode, the link state is PAUSED and is therefore a valid
        // link state.
        rpiMgmt.waitForCGLinkState(functionalAPI, cgUID, RecoverPointImageManagementUtils.getPipeActiveState(functionalAPI, cgUID), PipeState.PAUSED);"Replication sets have been added to consistency group %s.", request.getCgName()));
        return response;
    } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to add replication set(s) to CG");
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddReplicationSetToConsistencyGroup(request.getCgName(), getCause(e));
Also used : RecoverPointCGResponse(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.responses.RecoverPointCGResponse) ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConsistencyGroupCopySettings( RecoverPointImageManagementUtils(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.utils.RecoverPointImageManagementUtils) FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException) ConsistencyGroupCopyUID( ClusterUID( GlobalCopyUID( ConsistencyGroupUID( ConsistencyGroupSettings(

Example 3 with ConsistencyGroupSettings

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method doesStandbyProdCopyExist.

 * Determines if the consistency group associated with the volume protection info contains
 * a standby production copy.
 * @param volume the volume protection information
 * @return true if the standby production copy exists, false otherwise
public boolean doesStandbyProdCopyExist(RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volume) {
    try {
        ConsistencyGroupUID cgID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
        ConsistencyGroupState state = functionalAPI.getGroupState(cgID);
        ConsistencyGroupSettings cgSettings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgID);
        ConsistencyGroupCopyUID standbyProdCopy = RecoverPointUtils.getStandbyProductionCopy(cgSettings, state);
        if (standbyProdCopy != null) {
            String standbyProdCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(standbyProdCopy);
  "Determined that standby production copy %s exists in CG %s.", standbyProdCopyName, volume.getRpProtectionName()));
            return true;
        }"Determined that no standby production copy exists in CG %s.", volume.getRpProtectionName()));
        return false;
    } catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedStandbyProdCopyLookup(volume.getRpProtectionName(), e);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedStandbyProdCopyLookup(volume.getRpProtectionName(), e);
Also used : FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( ConsistencyGroupUID( ConsistencyGroupSettings( ConsistencyGroupState( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID(

Example 4 with ConsistencyGroupSettings

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method addJournalVolumesToCG.

 * Operation to add journal volumes to an existing recoverpoint consistency group
 * @param request - contains both the consistency group
 *            and the journals to add to the consistency group
 * @param copyType - indicates whether the copy is production, local or remote
 * @return boolean indicating the result of the operation
public boolean addJournalVolumesToCG(CGRequestParams request, int copyType) {
    // Make sure the CG name is unique.
    ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = null;
    List<ConsistencyGroupUID> allCgs;
    String copyName = "not determined";
    Map<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID, DeviceUID> addedJournalVolumes = new HashMap<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID, DeviceUID>();
    try {
        allCgs = functionalAPI.getAllConsistencyGroups();
        for (ConsistencyGroupUID cg : allCgs) {
            ConsistencyGroupSettings settings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cg);
            if (settings.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(request.getCgName())) {
                cgUID = settings.getGroupUID();
        if (cgUID == null) {
            // The CG does not exist so we cannot add replication sets
            throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddReplicationSetCgDoesNotExist(request.getCgName());
        List<CreateCopyParams> copyParams = request.getCopies();
        // determine if the volumes are visible to the recoverpoint appliance
        Set<RPSite> allSites = scan(copyParams, null);
        for (CreateCopyParams copyParam : copyParams) {
            for (CreateVolumeParams journalVolume : copyParam.getJournals()) {
                copyName = journalVolume.getRpCopyName();
                ClusterUID clusterId = RecoverPointUtils.getRPSiteID(functionalAPI, journalVolume.getInternalSiteName());
                ConsistencyGroupCopyUID copyUID = getCGCopyUid(clusterId, getCopyType(copyType), cgUID);
                DeviceUID journalDevice = RecoverPointUtils.getDeviceID(allSites, journalVolume.getInternalSiteName(), journalVolume.getWwn());
                addedJournalVolumes.put(copyUID, journalDevice);
                functionalAPI.addJournalVolume(copyUID, journalDevice);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
        if (!addedJournalVolumes.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                for (Map.Entry<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID, DeviceUID> journalVolume : addedJournalVolumes.entrySet()) {
                    functionalAPI.removeJournalVolume(journalVolume.getKey(), journalVolume.getValue());
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                logger.error("Error removing journal volume from consistency group");
                logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
        logger.error("Error in attempting to add a journal volume to the recoverpoint consistency group");
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddJournalVolumeToConsistencyGroup(copyName, getCause(e));
    } catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
        if (!addedJournalVolumes.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                for (Map.Entry<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID, DeviceUID> journalVolume : addedJournalVolumes.entrySet()) {
                    functionalAPI.removeJournalVolume(journalVolume.getKey(), journalVolume.getValue());
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                logger.error("Error removing journal volume from consistency group");
                logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
        logger.error("Error in attempting to add a journal volume to the recoverpoint consistency group");
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToCreateConsistencyGroup(copyName, getCause(e));
    return true;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( DeviceUID( CreateVolumeParams(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.requests.CreateVolumeParams) FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException) ConsistencyGroupCopyUID( ClusterUID( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( ConsistencyGroupUID( RPSite(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.objectmodel.RPSite) CreateCopyParams(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.requests.CreateCopyParams) ConsistencyGroupSettings(

Example 5 with ConsistencyGroupSettings

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method prepareLinkSettings.

 * Prepares the link settings between the new production copy and all other copies.
 * @param newProductionCopyUID the failover/new production copy
 * @throws RecoverPointException
private void prepareLinkSettings(ConsistencyGroupCopyUID newProductionCopyUID) throws RecoverPointException {"Preparing link settings between new production copy and local/remote copies after failover.");
    String cgName = null;
    String newProductionCopyName = null;
    try {
        ConsistencyGroupSettings groupSettings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(newProductionCopyUID.getGroupUID());
        List<ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings> cgLinkSettings = groupSettings.getActiveLinksSettings();
        List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = groupSettings.getProductionCopiesUIDs();
        newProductionCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(newProductionCopyUID);
        cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(newProductionCopyUID.getGroupUID());
        // Go through the existing production copies
        for (ConsistencyGroupCopyUID existingProductionCopyUID : productionCopiesUIDs) {
            List<ConsistencyGroupCopySettings> copySettings = groupSettings.getGroupCopiesSettings();
            ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings linkSettings = null;
            for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings copySetting : copySettings) {
                // are identified by not being the existing production copy or the new production copy.
                if (!RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(copySetting.getCopyUID(), existingProductionCopyUID) && !RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(copySetting.getCopyUID(), newProductionCopyUID)) {
                    String copyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(copySetting.getCopyUID());
          "Checking to see if there is an active link between %s and %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName));
                    // Check to see if a link setting already exists for the link between the 2 copies
                    linkSettings = findLinkSettings(cgLinkSettings, newProductionCopyUID.getGlobalCopyUID(), copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID(), newProductionCopyName, copyName);
                    if (linkSettings == null) {
                        // Link settings for the source/target copies does not exist so we need to create one. Just grab the
                        // first link settings that's available and base the new link off of that.
                        linkSettings = cgLinkSettings.get(0);
                        if (linkSettings != null) {
                            ConsistencyGroupCopyUID firstCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
                            ConsistencyGroupCopyUID secondCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
                            String firstCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(firstCopyUID);
                            String secondCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(secondCopyUID);
                  "Generating new link settings between [%s] and [%s] based on existing link settings between copy [%s] and [%s].", newProductionCopyName, copyName, firstCopyName, secondCopyName));
                            ConsistencyGroupLinkUID cgLinkUID = linkSettings.getGroupLinkUID();
                            // Set the link copies appropriately
                            GlobalCopyUID sourceCopy = newProductionCopyUID.getGlobalCopyUID();
                            GlobalCopyUID targetCopy = copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID();
                            ConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy linkPolicy = linkSettings.getLinkPolicy();
                            // Check the copy cluster information to determine if this is a local or remote copy
                            if (sourceCopy.getClusterUID().getId() == targetCopy.getClusterUID().getId()) {
                                // local copy
                      "Creating new local copy link settings between %s and %s, for consistency group %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName, cgName));
                            } else {
                                // remote copy
                      "Creating new remote copy link settings between %s and %s, for consistency group %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName, cgName));
                            functionalAPI.addConsistencyGroupLink(cgLinkUID, linkPolicy);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToFailoverCopy(newProductionCopyName, cgName, e);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToFailoverCopy(newProductionCopyName, cgName, e);
Also used : FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings( ConsistencyGroupCopySettings( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID( GlobalCopyUID( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( ConsistencyGroupSettings( ConsistencyGroupLinkUID( FullConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy( ConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy(


ConsistencyGroupSettings ( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception ( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception ( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID ( ConsistencyGroupUID ( ReplicationSetSettings ( ConsistencyGroupCopySettings ( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception ( RecoverPointException (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)6 ConsistencyGroupState ( UserVolumeSettings ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 ClusterUID ( ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings ( GlobalCopyUID ( ReplicationSetUID ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 ConsistencyGroupCopyState ( ConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy (