use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method prepareLinkSettings.
* Prepares the link settings between the new production copy and all other copies.
* @param newProductionCopyUID the failover/new production copy
* @throws RecoverPointException
private void prepareLinkSettings(ConsistencyGroupCopyUID newProductionCopyUID) throws RecoverPointException {"Preparing link settings between new production copy and local/remote copies after failover.");
String cgName = null;
String newProductionCopyName = null;
try {
ConsistencyGroupSettings groupSettings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(newProductionCopyUID.getGroupUID());
List<ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings> cgLinkSettings = groupSettings.getActiveLinksSettings();
List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = groupSettings.getProductionCopiesUIDs();
newProductionCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(newProductionCopyUID);
cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(newProductionCopyUID.getGroupUID());
// Go through the existing production copies
for (ConsistencyGroupCopyUID existingProductionCopyUID : productionCopiesUIDs) {
List<ConsistencyGroupCopySettings> copySettings = groupSettings.getGroupCopiesSettings();
ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings linkSettings = null;
for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings copySetting : copySettings) {
// are identified by not being the existing production copy or the new production copy.
if (!RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(copySetting.getCopyUID(), existingProductionCopyUID) && !RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(copySetting.getCopyUID(), newProductionCopyUID)) {
String copyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(copySetting.getCopyUID());"Checking to see if there is an active link between %s and %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName));
// Check to see if a link setting already exists for the link between the 2 copies
linkSettings = findLinkSettings(cgLinkSettings, newProductionCopyUID.getGlobalCopyUID(), copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID(), newProductionCopyName, copyName);
if (linkSettings == null) {
// Link settings for the source/target copies does not exist so we need to create one. Just grab the
// first link settings that's available and base the new link off of that.
linkSettings = cgLinkSettings.get(0);
if (linkSettings != null) {
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID firstCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID secondCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
String firstCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(firstCopyUID);
String secondCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(secondCopyUID);"Generating new link settings between [%s] and [%s] based on existing link settings between copy [%s] and [%s].", newProductionCopyName, copyName, firstCopyName, secondCopyName));
ConsistencyGroupLinkUID cgLinkUID = linkSettings.getGroupLinkUID();
// Set the link copies appropriately
GlobalCopyUID sourceCopy = newProductionCopyUID.getGlobalCopyUID();
GlobalCopyUID targetCopy = copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID();
ConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy linkPolicy = linkSettings.getLinkPolicy();
// Check the copy cluster information to determine if this is a local or remote copy
if (sourceCopy.getClusterUID().getId() == targetCopy.getClusterUID().getId()) {
// local copy"Creating new local copy link settings between %s and %s, for consistency group %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName, cgName));
} else {
// remote copy"Creating new remote copy link settings between %s and %s, for consistency group %s.", newProductionCopyName, copyName, cgName));
functionalAPI.addConsistencyGroupLink(cgLinkUID, linkPolicy);
} catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToFailoverCopy(newProductionCopyName, cgName, e);
} catch (FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToFailoverCopy(newProductionCopyName, cgName, e);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method addReplicationSetsToCG.
* Updates an existing CG by adding new replication sets.
* @param request - contains all the information required to create the consistency group
* @param attachAsClean attach as clean can be true if source and target are guaranteed to be the same (as in create
* new volume). for change vpool, attach as clean should be false
* @return RecoverPointCGResponse - response as to success or fail of creating the consistency group
* @throws RecoverPointException
public RecoverPointCGResponse addReplicationSetsToCG(CGRequestParams request, boolean metropoint, boolean attachAsClean) throws RecoverPointException {
if (null == _endpoint.toASCIIString()) {
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.noRecoverPointEndpoint();
RecoverPointCGResponse response = new RecoverPointCGResponse();
List<ConsistencyGroupCopySettings> groupCopySettings = null;
ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = null;
try {
// Make sure the CG name is unique.
List<ConsistencyGroupUID> allCgs = functionalAPI.getAllConsistencyGroups();
for (ConsistencyGroupUID cg : allCgs) {
ConsistencyGroupSettings settings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cg);
if (settings.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(request.getCgName())) {
cgUID = settings.getGroupUID();
groupCopySettings = settings.getGroupCopiesSettings();
if (cgUID == null) {
// The CG does not exist so we cannot add replication sets
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddReplicationSetCgDoesNotExist(request.getCgName());
// caches site names to cluster id's to reduce calls to fapi for the same information
Map<String, ClusterUID> clusterIdCache = new HashMap<String, ClusterUID>();
// prodSites is used for logging and to determine if a non-production copy is local or remote
List<ClusterUID> prodSites = new ArrayList<ClusterUID>();
// used to set the copy uid on the rset volume when adding rsets
Map<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUID = new HashMap<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID>();
Map<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> nonProductionCopiesUID = new HashMap<Long, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID>();
// get a list of CG production copies so we can determine which copies are production and which
// are not.
List<ConsistencyGroupCopyUID> productionCopiesUIDs = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgUID).getProductionCopiesUIDs();
for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings copySettings : groupCopySettings) {
GlobalCopyUID globalCopyUID = copySettings.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID();
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID copyUID = copySettings.getCopyUID();
if (RecoverPointUtils.isProductionCopy(copyUID, productionCopiesUIDs)) {
productionCopiesUID.put(Long.valueOf(globalCopyUID.getClusterUID().getId()), copySettings.getCopyUID());
} else {
nonProductionCopiesUID.put(Long.valueOf(globalCopyUID.getClusterUID().getId()), copySettings.getCopyUID());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (ClusterUID prodSite : prodSites) {
sb.append(" ");
}"RecoverPointClient: Adding replication set(s) to consistency group " + request.getCgName() + " for endpoint: " + _endpoint.toASCIIString() + " and production sites: " + sb.toString());
ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam cgSettingsParam = configureCGSettingsChangeParams(request, cgUID, prodSites, clusterIdCache, productionCopiesUID, nonProductionCopiesUID, attachAsClean);"Adding journals and rsets for CG " + request.getCgName());
// Sometimes the CG is still active when we start polling for link state and then
// starts initializing some time afterwards. Adding this sleep to make sure the CG
// starts initializing before we check the link states
RecoverPointImageManagementUtils rpiMgmt = new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils();"Waiting for links to become active for CG " + request.getCgName());
// Wait for the CG link state to be active or paused. We can add replication sets to a CG that has a target
// copy in DIRECT_ACCESS mode. In this image access mode, the link state is PAUSED and is therefore a valid
// link state.
rpiMgmt.waitForCGLinkState(functionalAPI, cgUID, RecoverPointImageManagementUtils.getPipeActiveState(functionalAPI, cgUID), PipeState.PAUSED);"Replication sets have been added to consistency group %s.", request.getCgName()));
return response;
} catch (Exception e) {"Failed to add replication set(s) to CG");
throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToAddReplicationSetToConsistencyGroup(request.getCgName(), getCause(e));
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method createCgCopyUid.
* Fetch ConsistencyGroupCopyUID
* @param cgUID the CG
* @param clusterUid
* @param copyType Production, Local or Remote
* @return ConsistencyGroupCopyUID
private ConsistencyGroupCopyUID createCgCopyUid(ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID, ClusterUID clusterUid, RecoverPointCGCopyType copyType) {
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID standBycopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
GlobalCopyUID globalCopyUID = new GlobalCopyUID();
return standBycopyUID;
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointClient method getStandbyCopyLinkSettings.
* in a Metropoint environment, fetches link(s) between the primary copy(s) and the remote/DR copy
* @param activeProdCopy the CG copy uid of the active production copy
* @param standbyProdCopy the CG copy uid of the standby production copy
* @throws FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception
* @throws FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception
* @throws FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception
* @throws RecoverPointException
private List<ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings> getStandbyCopyLinkSettings(ConsistencyGroupCopyUID activeProdCopy, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID standbyProdCopy, String standbyCgCopyName) throws FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception, FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception, FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception {"Preparing link settings between standby production copy and remote copy after Metropoint swap production copies.");
ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings standByCopyLinkSettings = new ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings();
List<ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings> cgLinkSettings = new ArrayList<ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings>();
String activeCgCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(activeProdCopy);
String cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(activeProdCopy.getGroupUID());
ConsistencyGroupSettings groupSettings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(activeProdCopy.getGroupUID());
// find the remote copy; with metropoint, you're only allowed one remote copy
// so it must be the one with cluster id not equal to the active or standby cluster ids
ClusterUID activeClusterId = activeProdCopy.getGlobalCopyUID().getClusterUID();
ClusterUID standbyClusterId = standbyProdCopy.getGlobalCopyUID().getClusterUID();
for (ConsistencyGroupCopySettings copySetting : groupSettings.getGroupCopiesSettings()) {
// see if this is the remote copy; that is it's not the active and not the standby
ClusterUID copyClusterId = copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID().getClusterUID();
if (copyClusterId.getId() != activeClusterId.getId() && copyClusterId.getId() != standbyClusterId.getId()) {
String targetCopyName = functionalAPI.getGroupCopyName(copySetting.getCopyUID());
// get the link settings for the active production copy and remote copy
ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings linkSettings = findLinkSettings(groupSettings.getActiveLinksSettings(), activeProdCopy.getGlobalCopyUID(), copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID(), activeCgCopyName, targetCopyName);
if (linkSettings != null) {"Generate new link settings between %s and %s based on existing link settings between the current production copy %s and %s.", standbyCgCopyName, targetCopyName, activeCgCopyName, targetCopyName));
ConsistencyGroupLinkUID cgLinkUID = linkSettings.getGroupLinkUID();
// Set the link copies appropriately
GlobalCopyUID standbyCopyUid = standbyProdCopy.getGlobalCopyUID();
GlobalCopyUID remoteTargetCopyUid = copySetting.getCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID();
ConsistencyGroupLinkPolicy linkPolicy = linkSettings.getLinkPolicy();
// Build the link between the standby production copy and the remote copy
// this has to be a remote copy"Build new remote copy link settings between %s and %s, for consistency group %s.", standbyCgCopyName, targetCopyName, cgName));
return cgLinkSettings;
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointUtils method mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID.
* @param rpProtectionInfo
* @return
public static ConsistencyGroupCopyUID mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID(RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo rpProtectionInfo) {
ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
if (rpProtectionInfo != null) {
cgCopyUID.setGlobalCopyUID(new GlobalCopyUID());
ClusterUID ClusterUID = new ClusterUID();
return cgCopyUID;