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Example 1 with FunctionalAPIImpl

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClientFactory method getClient.

 * Static method to manage Recover Point connections via the RecoverPointClient class.
 * When a valid connection is created the RecoverPointClient object is kept in a ConcurrentHashMap
 * and referenced by a unique key combination comprised of the endpoint + username + password.
 * If a connection key exists, a handle to an existing RecoverPointClient object will
 * be returned instead of creating a brand new connection. Otherwise, a new connection will be created
 * and stored (if valid).
 * If the connection info is invalid, an exception will be thrown and the object will not be stored.
 * The method can potentially be called by multiple threads, therefore synchronization is required
 * to maintain thread safety. ConcurrentHashMap is, by default, thread safe which is why
 * it is being used to store valid connections.
 * @param protectionSystem for a unique key, if we connect using a secondary address, keep using that address.
 * @param endpoints URI to the RecoverPoint System
 * @param username Username to log into the RecoverPoint System
 * @param password Password to log into the RecoverPoint System
 * @return RecoverPointClient with a connection to the RPA.
 * @throws RecoverPointException
public static synchronized RecoverPointClient getClient(URI protectionSystem, List<URI> endpoints, String username, String password) throws RecoverPointException {"Attempting to get RecoverPointClient connection...");
    // Throw an exception if null credentials are passed in.
    if (endpoints == null || username == null || password == null) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.invalidCrendentialsPassedIn(username, password);
    // Unique key to identify RP connections for different Protection Systems
    String key = String.valueOf(protectionSystem) + username + password;
    // See if there is an existing valid RecoverPointClient using the protection system key
    RecoverPointClient existingClient = clientMap.get(key);
    if (existingClient != null) {"Existing RecoverPointClient connection found. Re-using connection: " + existingClient.getEndpoint().toString());
        try {
            // Do a ping check. If this fails, try the other IP addresses.
            return existingClient;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Received " + e.toString() + ".  Failed to ping Mgmt IP: " + existingClient.getEndpoint().toString() + ", Cause: " + RecoverPointClient.getCause(e));
            // remove the protection system's connection from the factory, and the endpoint from the endpoints list
    // Now go through the endpoints and try to create a new RP client connection.
    Iterator<URI> endpointIter = endpoints.iterator();
    while (endpointIter.hasNext()) {
        URI endpoint =;
        // Throw an exception if the endpoint can not be resolved to an ASCII string
        String mgmtIPAddress = endpoint.toASCIIString();
        if (mgmtIPAddress == null) {
            throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.noRecoverPointEndpoint();
        }"Creating new RecoverPointClient connection to: " + mgmtIPAddress);
        // If we don't have an existing RecoverPointClient, create a new one and add it to the client map only
        // if the connection is valid.
        RecoverPointClient newRecoverpointClient = new RecoverPointClient(endpoint, username, password);
        FunctionalAPIImpl impl = null;
        try {
            // Create the connection
            impl = new RecoverPointConnection().connect(endpoint, username, password);
  "New RecoverPointClient connection created to: " + mgmtIPAddress);
            // Add the new RecoverPointConnection to the RecoverPointClient
            // We just connected but to be safe, lets do a quick ping to confirm that
            // we can reach the new RecoverPoint client
            // Update the client map
            clientMap.put(key, newRecoverpointClient);
            return newRecoverpointClient;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Received " + e.toString() + ". Failed to create new RP connection: " + endpoint.toString() + ", Cause: " + RecoverPointClient.getCause(e));
            // Remove invalid entry
            if (endpointIter.hasNext()) {
      "Trying a different IP address to contact RP...");
            } else {
                throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToPingMgmtIP(mgmtIPAddress, RecoverPointClient.getCause(e));
    // You'll never get here.
    return null;
Also used : RecoverPointClient(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.impl.RecoverPointClient) URI( FunctionalAPIImpl( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)

Example 2 with FunctionalAPIImpl

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method reconnect.

 * Method to refresh the connection of this RPClient to the Recover Point System
 * via FAPI. Used just in case the connection has become stale.
public void reconnect() {"Attempt to refresh connection to RecoverPoint at %s", this.getEndpoint()));
    try {
        // Remove existing FAPI reference
        // Create the connection
        FunctionalAPIImpl impl = new RecoverPointConnection().connect(this.getEndpoint(), this.getUsername(), this.getPassword());
        // Add the new FAPI instance to the RecoverPointClient
        // We just connected but to be safe, lets do a quick ping to confirm that
        // we can reach the new RecoverPoint client;"Connection refreshed.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Received " + e.toString() + ". Failed to refresh RP connection: " + this.getEndpoint().toString() + ", Cause: " + RecoverPointClient.getCause(e));
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToPingMgmtIP(this.getEndpoint().toString(), RecoverPointClient.getCause(e));
Also used : RecoverPointConnection(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.utils.RecoverPointConnection) FunctionalAPIImpl( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)

Example 3 with FunctionalAPIImpl

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointConnection method connect.

 * Connect to RP and return a handle that can be used for FAPI calls
 * @param endpoint - Address to connect to
 * @param username - Username for credentials
 * @param password - Password for credentials
 * @return FunctionalAPIImpl - A handle for FAPI access
public FunctionalAPIImpl connect(URI endpoint, String username, String password) {
    try {
    // interceptCertificates();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // so what?
    String destAddress = endpoint.toASCIIString();
    try {
        URL baseUrl = FunctionalAPIImplService.class.getResource(".");
        URL url = new URL(baseUrl, destAddress);
        final String finalUser = username;
        final String finalPassword = password;
        // Modify the System Property for Max Redirects to a smaller number so we don't hammer
        // the device over and over unnecessarily with bad credentials (if they're bad) as this
        // takes a long time. Default is 20 redirects.
        // However we will save the old redirect value and restore it after we're done.
        String oldMaxRedirectsValue = null;
        try {
            oldMaxRedirectsValue = System.getProperty(SYSPROPS_HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS);
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.warn("The System property " + SYSPROPS_HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS + " does not already exist for some reason.");
        // Set the Property for http.maxRedirects to 2 to prevent unnecessary retries
        // If we're creating a new connection, we want to clear the cache as it may be holding
        // onto a previously valid connection.
        AuthCacheValue.setAuthCache(new AuthCacheImpl());
        // Create a PasswordAuthentication so when the request is asked via HTTP for authentication,
        // the below will be automatically returned. This is set here, but invoked behind the scenes.
        Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {

            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(finalUser, finalPassword.toCharArray());
        });"Attempting to connect to service " + FAPI_SERVICENAME + " at url " + FAPI_URL + " using auth credentials for: " + finalUser);
        // Connect to the service
        FunctionalAPIImplService service = new FunctionalAPIImplService(url, new QName(FAPI_URL, FAPI_SERVICENAME));
        FunctionalAPIImpl impl = service.getFunctionalAPIImplPort();
        BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) impl;
        Map<String, Object> map = bp.getRequestContext();"RecoverPoint service: Dest: " + destAddress + ", user: " + username);
        map.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, destAddress);
        map.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
        map.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password);
        // Reset the System Property for http.maxRedirects, but only if an existing value was present
        if (oldMaxRedirectsValue != null && !oldMaxRedirectsValue.isEmpty()) {
            System.setProperty(SYSPROPS_HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS, oldMaxRedirectsValue);
        return impl;
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to create URL for the wsdl Location: " + destAddress);
        return null;
Also used : AuthCacheImpl( MalformedURLException( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) BindingProvider( FunctionalAPIImplService( KeyStoreException( MalformedURLException( IOException( KeyManagementException( CertificateException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( NoSuchProviderException( URL( FunctionalAPIImpl( Authenticator( PasswordAuthentication(


FunctionalAPIImpl ( RecoverPointException (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)2 FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception ( FunctionalAPIImplService ( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception ( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception ( RecoverPointClient (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.impl.RecoverPointClient)1 RecoverPointConnection (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.utils.RecoverPointConnection)1 IOException ( Authenticator ( MalformedURLException ( PasswordAuthentication ( URI ( URL ( KeyManagementException ( KeyStoreException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( NoSuchProviderException ( CertificateException ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)1