Search in sources :

Example 11 with ExportPathParams

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class BlockStorageScheduler method calculateExportPathParamForVolumes.

 * Given a collection of volume URIs, generates the ExportPathParam
 * values for all volumes (block objects)
 * in the collection. These are assumed to belong to (or about to belong to) one ExportMask.
 * The maxPath value from any of the volumes will be returned, along with
 * the corresponding pathsPerInitiator.
 * @param blockObjectURIs Collection<URI>
 * @param overrideNumPaths - if greater than zero, will override the calculation and be returned.
 * @return numPaths
// public ExportPathParams calculateExportPathParmForVolumes(Collection<URI> blockObjectURIs,
// Integer overrideNumPaths) {
// return calculateExportPathParamForVolumes(blockObjectURIs, overrideNumPaths, null);
// }
 * Given a collection of volume URIs, generates the ExportPathParam
 * values for all volumes (block objects) in the collection.
 * These are assumed to belong to (or about to belong to) one ExportMask.
 * The maxPath value from any of the volumes will be returned, along with
 * the corresponding pathsPerInitiator.
 * @param blockObjectURIs Collection<URI>
 * @param overrideNumPaths - if greater than zero, will override the calculation and be returned.
 * @param storageSystemURI URI of Storage System, if not null, filters out
 *            BlockObjects created on other systems
 * @param exportGroupURI exportGroupURI
 * @return numPaths
public ExportPathParams calculateExportPathParamForVolumes(Collection<URI> blockObjectURIs, Integer overrideNumPaths, URI storageSystemURI, URI exportGroupURI) {
    ExportPathParams param = new ExportPathParams(0, 0, 0);
    // Look up the exportGroup
    ExportGroup exportGroup = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, exportGroupURI);
    // If overrideNumPaths is set, do that with pathsPerInitiator=2
    if (overrideNumPaths != null && overrideNumPaths > 0) {
        param = new ExportPathParams(overrideNumPaths, 0, 0);
        return param;
    if (blockObjectURIs != null) {
        for (URI uri : blockObjectURIs) {
            BlockObject blockObject = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, uri);
            if (blockObject == null) {
            if (storageSystemURI != null && !storageSystemURI.equals(blockObject.getStorageController())) {
            ExportPathParams volParam = null;
            if (exportGroup != null) {
                // Check to see if the ExportGroup has path parameters for volume
                if (exportGroup.getPathParameters().containsKey(uri.toString())) {
                    URI exportPathParamsUri = URI.create(exportGroup.getPathParameters().get(uri.toString()));
                    volParam = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportPathParams.class, exportPathParamsUri);
            if (volParam == null || volParam.getMaxPaths() == null || volParam.getMaxPaths() == 0) {
                // Otherwise check use the Vpool path parameters
                URI vPoolURI = getBlockObjectVPoolURI(blockObject, _dbClient);
                URI pgURI = null;
                if (volParam != null) {
                    pgURI = volParam.getPortGroup();
                volParam = getExportPathParam(blockObject, vPoolURI, _dbClient);
                if (pgURI != null) {
            if (volParam.getMaxPaths() > param.getMaxPaths()) {
                param = volParam;
    if (param.getMaxPaths() == 0) {
        param = ExportPathParams.getDefaultParams();
    return param;
Also used : ExportGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportGroup) URI( BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject) ExportPathParams(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams)

Example 12 with ExportPathParams

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class ExportPathUpdater method validateChangePathParams.

 * This routine is called by the API service to validate that the change path parameters
 * call will succeed. For now only the following are allowed:
 * A. Increasing maxPaths with pathsPerInitiator the same.
 * The following are disallowed:
 * X. Decreasing maxPaths
 * Y. Changing pathsPerInitiator.
 * @param storageURI
 * @param exportGroupURI
 * @param volume (BlockObject)
 * @param newParam ExportPathParam new parameters being proposed
private void validateChangePathParams(URI storageURI, URI exportGroupURI, BlockObject volume, ExportPathParams newParam) {
    ExportGroup exportGroup = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, exportGroupURI);"Validating path parameters for volume %s (%s)", volume.getLabel(), volume.getId()));
    Set<URI> volumeURISet = new HashSet<URI>();
    // Check that the ExportGroup has not overridden the Vpool path parameters.
    if (exportGroup.getPathParameters().containsKey(volume.getId().toString())) {
        // Cannot do a Vpool path change because parameters have been set in Export Group"No changes will be made to ExportGroup %s (%s) because it has explicit path parameters overiding the Vpool", exportGroup.getLabel(), exportGroup.getId()));
    // Search through the Export Masks looking for any containing this Volume.
    // We only process ViPR created Export Masks, others are ignored.
    List<ExportMask> masks = ExportMaskUtils.getExportMasks(_dbClient, exportGroup, storageURI);
    for (ExportMask mask : masks) {
        if (!mask.hasVolume(volume.getId())) {
        if (mask.getCreatedBySystem() == false || mask.getZoningMap() == null) {
  "ExportMask %s not ViPR created, and will be ignored", mask.getMaskName()));
        ExportPathParams maskParam = BlockStorageScheduler.calculateExportPathParamForExportMask(_dbClient, mask);
        if (newParam.getPathsPerInitiator() > maskParam.getPathsPerInitiator()) {
            // We want to increase pathsPerInitiator
            throw APIException.badRequests.cannotChangeVpoolPathsPerInitiator(exportGroup.getLabel(), mask.getMaskName());
        } else if (newParam.getMaxPaths() < maskParam.getMaxPaths()) {
            // We want to decreates maxPaths
            throw APIException.badRequests.cannotReduceVpoolMaxPaths(exportGroup.getLabel(), mask.getMaskName());
Also used : ExportGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportGroup) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) URI( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ExportPathParams(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams)

Example 13 with ExportPathParams

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class ExportPathUpdater method generateExportGroupChangePathParamsWorkflow.

 * Generates the workflow steps to change path parameters of an ExportGroup.
 * The volume is used to determine the path parameters (from its Vpool).
 * @param workflow
 * @param blockScheduler
 * @param orchestrator
 * @param storage -- StorageSystem
 * @param exportGroup
 * @param volume
 * @param token -- Task token
 * @throws Exception
public void generateExportGroupChangePathParamsWorkflow(Workflow workflow, BlockStorageScheduler blockScheduler, MaskingOrchestrator orchestrator, StorageSystem storage, ExportGroup exportGroup, BlockObject volume, String token) throws Exception {
    Set<URI> volumeURISet = new HashSet<URI>();
    // Check that the ExportGroup has not overridden the Vpool path parameters.
    if (exportGroup.getPathParameters().containsKey(volume.getId().toString())) {
        // Cannot do a Vpool path change because parameters have been set in Export Group"No changes will be made to ExportGroup %s (%s) because it has explicit path parameters overiding the Vpool", exportGroup.getLabel(), exportGroup.getId()));
    ExportPathParams newParam = blockScheduler.calculateExportPathParamForVolumes(volumeURISet, 0, storage.getId(), exportGroup.getId());"New path parameters requested: " + newParam.toString());
    // Search through the Export Masks looking for any containing this Volume.
    // We only process ViPR created Export Masks, others are ignored.
    List<ExportMask> masks = ExportMaskUtils.getExportMasks(_dbClient, exportGroup, storage.getId());
    for (ExportMask mask : masks) {
        if (!mask.hasVolume(volume.getId())) {
        // introduced until ViPR 1.1.
        if (mask.getCreatedBySystem() == false || mask.getZoningMap() == null) {
  "ExportMask %s not ViPR created, and will be ignored", mask.getMaskName()));
        ExportPathParams maskParam = BlockStorageScheduler.calculateExportPathParamForExportMask(_dbClient, mask);"Existing mask %s (%s) path parameters: %s", mask.getMaskName(), mask.getId(), maskParam.toString()));
        if (newParam.getPathsPerInitiator() > maskParam.getPathsPerInitiator()) {
  "Increase paths per initiator not supported");
        // We want to increase paths per initiator
        // Not supported yet, code will be added here.
        } else if (newParam.getMaxPaths() > maskParam.getMaxPaths()) {
            // We want to increase MaxPaths.
            // Determine the currently unused Initiators.
            List<URI> unusedInitiators = getUnusedInitiators(exportGroup, mask);
            if (!unusedInitiators.isEmpty()) {
      "Increasing max_paths from %d to %d", maskParam.getMaxPaths(), newParam.getMaxPaths()));
                orchestrator.increaseMaxPaths(workflow, storage, exportGroup, mask, unusedInitiators, token);
        } else if (newParam.getMaxPaths() < maskParam.getMaxPaths()) {
  "Decrease max paths not supported");
        // We want to lower MaxPaths. See if no other volume has a higher MaxPaths.
        // Not supported yet, code will be added here.
Also used : ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) URI( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ExportPathParams(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams)

Example 14 with ExportPathParams

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class StoragePortsAssignerTest method testAllocationAssignment.

 * Test port allocation and assignment.
 * @param contexts -- Array of PortAllocationContext structures, one for each Network.
 * @param hostToNetToInitiators -- Map of host to map of network URI to Initiators
 * @param maxPaths -- max_paths variable
 * @param minPaths -- mininmum number of paths to provision
 * @param pathsPerInitiator -- desired number of paths per initiator
 * @param initiatorsPerPort -- maximum number of initiators in a host using same port
 * @param arrayType -- String array type
 * @param existingAssignments - previously assigned Initiator to StoragePort list mappings
public static Map<Initiator, List<StoragePort>> testAllocationAssignment(PortAllocationContext[] contexts, Map<URI, Map<URI, List<Initiator>>> hostToNetToInitiators, int maxPaths, int minPaths, int pathsPerInitiator, int initiatorsPerPort, String arrayType, Map<Initiator, List<StoragePort>> existingAssignments) throws Exception {
    Map<URI, List<Initiator>> net2InitiatorsMap = makeNet2InitiatorsMap(hostToNetToInitiators);
    Map<Initiator, List<StoragePort>> assignments = new HashMap<Initiator, List<StoragePort>>();
    if (pathsPerInitiator > maxPaths) {
        return assignments;
    ExportPathParams pathParams = new ExportPathParams(maxPaths, minPaths, pathsPerInitiator);
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
        Map<URI, PortAllocationContext> net2ContextMap = new HashMap<URI, PortAllocationContext>();
        for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
            PortAllocationContext context = contexts[i];
            net2ContextMap.put(context._initiatorNetwork.getId(), context);
        // Map the existing (already allocated) StoragePorts to their Networks.
        Map<URI, Set<StoragePort>> existingPortsMap = generateNetworkToStoragePortsMap(existingAssignments);
        // Make a Map of Network to existing Initiators
        Map<URI, Set<Initiator>> existingInitiatorsMap = generateNetworkToInitiatorsMap(existingAssignments);
        // Compute the number of Ports needed for each Network
        StoragePortsAssigner assigner = StoragePortsAssignerFactory.getAssigner(arrayType);
        List<URI> networkOrder = new ArrayList<URI>();
        Map<URI, Integer> net2PortsNeeded = assigner.getPortsNeededPerNetwork(net2InitiatorsMap, pathParams, existingPortsMap, existingInitiatorsMap, false, networkOrder);
        // For each Network, allocate the ports required, and then assign the ports.
        StoragePortsAllocator allocator = new StoragePortsAllocator();
        Map<URI, List<StoragePort>> netToPortsAllocated = new HashMap<URI, List<StoragePort>>();
        PortAllocationContext previousContext = null;
        for (URI netURI : networkOrder) {
            Integer portsNeeded = net2PortsNeeded.get(netURI);
            if (portsNeeded == 0) {
                System.out.println("No ports to be assigned for net: " + netURI);
            // Get the context for this network.
            PortAllocationContext context = net2ContextMap.get(netURI);
            // Copy context from the previous allocation.
            if (previousContext != null) {
            previousContext = context;
            List<StoragePort> portsAllocated = allocator.allocatePortsForNetwork(portsNeeded, context, false, existingPortsMap.get(netURI), true, null);
            netToPortsAllocated.put(netURI, portsAllocated);
        // Now for each host, do the port assignment.
        for (Map.Entry<URI, Map<URI, List<Initiator>>> entry : hostToNetToInitiators.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println("Assign ports for host " + entry.getKey());
            assigner.assignPortsToHost(assignments, entry.getValue(), netToPortsAllocated, pathParams, existingAssignments, entry.getKey(), null, null, null);
        List<String> assignmentStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Initiator initiator : assignments.keySet()) {
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append(initiator.getHostName() + "-" + initiator.getInitiatorPort() + " -> ");
            List<StoragePort> ports = assignments.get(initiator);
            if (ports == null) {
            } else {
                for (StoragePort port : assignments.get(initiator)) {
                    buf.append(port.getPortName() + " ");
            buf.append(" ");
        for (String line : assignmentStrings) {
        verifyAssignments(assignments, arrayType, maxPaths, pathsPerInitiator, initiatorsPerPort, net2InitiatorsMap, existingAssignments);
    } catch (PlacementException ex) {
        System.out.println("PlacementException: " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("ERROR: " + ex.getMessage());
        throw ex;
    return assignments;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( Initiator(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) StoragePort(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePort) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ExportPathParams(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams) PortAllocationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.placement.StoragePortsAllocator.PortAllocationContext)

Example 15 with ExportPathParams

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VPlexDeviceController method checkForExistingStorageViews.

 * Checks for the existence of an existing Storage View on the VPLEX device based
 * on the host's initiator ports. Returns a flag indicating whether or not a
 * storage view was actually found on the device.
 * @param client
 *            a VPLEX API client instance
 * @param targetPortToPwwnMap
 *            cached storage port data from the VPLEX API
 * @param vplexSystem
 *            a StorageSystem object representing the VPLEX system
 * @param vplexCluster
 *            a String indicating which VPLEX question to look at
 * @param inits
 *            the host initiators of the host in question
 * @param exportGroup
 *            the ViPR export group
 * @param varrayUri
 *            -- NOTE! The varrayUri may not be the same as the one in ExportGroup
 * @param blockObjectMap
 *            the map of URIs to block volumes for export
 * @param exportMasksToUpdateOnDevice
 *            collection of ExportMasks to update
 * @param exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithInitiators
 *            a map of ExportMasks to initiators
 * @param exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithStoragePorts
 *            a map of ExportMasks to storage ports
 * @param opId
 *            the workflow step id used to find the workflow to store/load zoning map
 * @return whether or not a storage view was actually found on the device
private boolean checkForExistingStorageViews(VPlexApiClient client, Map<String, String> targetPortToPwwnMap, StorageSystem vplexSystem, String vplexCluster, List<Initiator> inits, ExportGroup exportGroup, URI varrayUri, Map<URI, Integer> blockObjectMap, List<ExportMask> exportMasksToUpdateOnDevice, Map<URI, List<Initiator>> exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithInitiators, Map<URI, List<URI>> exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithStoragePorts, Boolean[] doInitiatorRefresh, String opId) throws Exception {
    boolean foundMatchingStorageView = false;
    List<String> initiatorNames = getInitiatorNames(vplexSystem.getSerialNumber(), vplexCluster, client, inits.iterator(), doInitiatorRefresh);
    long start = new Date().getTime();
    List<VPlexStorageViewInfo> storageViewInfos = client.getStorageViewsContainingInitiators(vplexCluster, initiatorNames);
    long elapsed = new Date().getTime() - start;"TIMER: finding storage views containing initiators took {} ms", elapsed);
    if (storageViewInfos.size() > 1) {
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (VPlexStorageViewInfo info : storageViewInfos) {
        // list of storage view names and initiators.
        throw VPlexApiException.exceptions.tooManyExistingStorageViewsFound(Joiner.on(", ").join(names), Joiner.on(", ").join(initiatorNames));
    } else if (storageViewInfos.size() == 1) {"a matching storage view was found on the VPLEX device, so ViPR will import it.");
        VPlexStorageViewInfo storageView = storageViewInfos.get(0);
        foundMatchingStorageView = true;
        // Grab the storage ports that have been allocated for this
        // existing mask.
        List<String> storagePorts = storageView.getPorts();
        if (storagePorts != null && storagePorts.isEmpty()) {
            _log.warn("No storage ports were found in the existing storage view {}, cannot reuse.", storageView.getName());
            return false;
        // convert storage view target ports like P0000000046E01E80-A0-FC02
        // to port wwn format that ViPR better understands like 0x50001442601e8002
        List<String> portWwns = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String storagePort : storagePorts) {
            if (targetPortToPwwnMap.keySet().contains(storagePort)) {
                portWwns.add(WwnUtils.convertWWN(targetPortToPwwnMap.get(storagePort), WwnUtils.FORMAT.COLON));
        List<String> storagePortURIs = ExportUtils.storagePortNamesToURIs(_dbClient, portWwns);"this storage view contains storage port URIs: " + storagePortURIs);
        // storageview is from.
        if (storagePortURIs == null || storagePortURIs.isEmpty()) {
            _log.warn("No storage ports managed by ViPR were found in the existing storage view {}, cannot reuse", storageView.getName());
            return false;
        List<String> initiatorPorts = storageView.getInitiatorPwwns();
        for (Initiator init : inits) {
            String port = init.getInitiatorPort();
            String normalizedName = Initiator.normalizePort(port);
  "   looking at initiator " + normalizedName + " host " + VPlexUtil.getInitiatorHostResourceName(init));
            if (initiatorPorts.contains(normalizedName)) {
      "      found a matching initiator for " + normalizedName + " host " + VPlexUtil.getInitiatorHostResourceName(init) + " in storage view " + storageView.getName());
        ExportMask exportMask = new ExportMask();
        List<Initiator> initsToAdd = new ArrayList<Initiator>();
        for (Initiator init : inits) {
            // add all the the initiators the user has requested to add
            // to the exportMask initiators list
            String normalInit = Initiator.normalizePort(init.getInitiatorPort());
            if (!storageView.getInitiatorPwwns().contains(normalInit)) {
        // Update the tracking containers
        // Create zoningMap for the matched initiators and storagePorts
        _networkDeviceController.updateZoningMapForInitiators(exportGroup, exportMask, false);
        if (!initsToAdd.isEmpty()) {
            ExportPathParams pathParams = _blockScheduler.calculateExportPathParamForVolumes(blockObjectMap.keySet(), exportGroup.getNumPaths(), vplexSystem.getId(), exportGroup.getId());
            // Try to assign new ports by passing in existingMap
            Map<URI, List<URI>> assignments = _blockScheduler.assignStoragePorts(vplexSystem, exportGroup, initsToAdd, exportMask.getZoningMap(), pathParams, null, _networkDeviceController, varrayUri, opId);
            // Consolidate the prezoned ports with the new assignments to get the total ports needed in the mask
            if (assignments != null && !assignments.isEmpty()) {
                // Update zoningMap if there are new assignments
                exportMask = ExportUtils.updateZoningMap(_dbClient, exportMask, assignments, exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithStoragePorts);
        // add the initiators to the map for the exportMask that do not exist
        // already in the storage view as to create steps to add those initiators
        exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithInitiators.put(exportMask.getId(), initsToAdd);
        // Storage ports that needs to be added will be calculated in the
        // add storage ports method from the zoning Map.
        exportMasksToUpdateOnDeviceWithStoragePorts.put(exportMask.getId(), new ArrayList<URI>());
        /*currently the Export Mask is added to the Export Group after all the hosts are being processed
              Change made for COP-31815
              This is so that ViPR can discover this ExportMask in the function:
    return foundMatchingStorageView;
Also used : VPlexStorageViewInfo(com.emc.storageos.vplex.api.VPlexStorageViewInfo) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NamedURI(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI) URI( Date(java.util.Date) Initiator(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator) ApplicationAddVolumeList(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.ApplicationAddVolumeList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map) OpStatusMap(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.OpStatusMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StringMap(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap) ExportPathParams(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams)


ExportPathParams (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportPathParams)39 URI ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 List (java.util.List)21 URIQueryResultList (com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList)17 Initiator (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator)17 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)17 ExportMask (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask)13 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)13 ExportGroup (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportGroup)12 NamedURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI)12 Map (java.util.Map)11 StringMap (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap)8 StoragePortGroup (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePortGroup)6 StringSet (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet)6 DeviceControllerException (com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException)6 ApplicationAddVolumeList (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.ApplicationAddVolumeList)6 Workflow (com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow)6 BlockObject (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject)5 StoragePort (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePort)5