use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPDeviceController method createSnapshot.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.emc.storageos.protectioncontroller.RPController#createSnapshot(,, java.util.List,
* java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.String)
public void createSnapshot(URI protectionDevice, URI storageURI, List<URI> snapshotList, Boolean createInactive, Boolean readOnly, String opId) throws InternalException {
TaskCompleter completer = new BlockSnapshotCreateCompleter(snapshotList, opId);
// if snapshot is part of a CG, add CG id to the completer
List<BlockSnapshot> snapshots = _dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshotList);
ControllerUtils.checkSnapshotsInConsistencyGroup(snapshots, _dbClient, completer);
Map<URI, Integer> snapshotMap = new HashMap<URI, Integer>();
try {
ProtectionSystem system = null;
system = _dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, protectionDevice);
// Verify non-null storage device returned from the database client.
if (system == null) {
throw DeviceControllerExceptions.recoverpoint.failedConnectingForMonitoring(protectionDevice);
// Make sure we have at least 1 snap/bookmark otherwise there is nothing to create
if (snapshotList == null || snapshotList.isEmpty()) {
throw DeviceControllerExceptions.recoverpoint.failedToFindExpectedBookmarks();
// A temporary date/time stamp
String snapshotName = VIPR_SNAPSHOT_PREFIX + new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd-HHmmss").format(new java.util.Date());
Set<String> volumeWWNs = new HashSet<String>();
boolean rpBookmarkOnly = false;
for (URI snapshotID : snapshotList) {
// create a snapshot map, a map is required to re-use the existing enable image access method.
// using a lun number of -1 for all snaps, this value is not used, hence ok to use that value.
snapshotMap.put(snapshotID, ExportGroup.LUN_UNASSIGNED);
// Get the volume associated with this snapshot.
// Note we could have multiple snapshots in this request depending on the number of targets for the
// source. We only need 1 of the snapshots to create the bookmark on RP. So just grab the
// first one in the list.
BlockSnapshot snapshot = _dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshotList.get(0));
if (snapshot.getEmName() != null) {
rpBookmarkOnly = true;
snapshotName = snapshot.getEmName();
Volume volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, snapshot.getParent().getURI());
// if not, then the "volume" object is a regular block volume that is RP protected.
if (Volume.checkForVplexBackEndVolume(_dbClient, volume)) {
volumeWWNs.add(RPHelper.getRPWWn(Volume.fetchVplexVolume(_dbClient, volume).getId(), _dbClient));
} else {
volumeWWNs.add(RPHelper.getRPWWn(volume.getId(), _dbClient));
// Create a new token/taskid and use that in the workflow.
// Multiple threads entering this method might collide with each others workflows in cassandra if the taskid
// is not unique.
String newToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Set up workflow steps.
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, "createSnapshot", true, newToken);
// Step 1 - Create a RP bookmark
String waitFor = addCreateBookmarkStep(workflow, snapshotList, system, snapshotName, volumeWWNs, rpBookmarkOnly, null);
if (!rpBookmarkOnly) {
// Local array snap, additional steps required for snap operation
// Step 2 - Enable image access
waitFor = addEnableImageAccessStep(workflow, system, snapshotMap, waitFor);
// Step 3 - Invoke block storage doCreateSnapshot
waitFor = addCreateBlockSnapshotStep(workflow, waitFor, storageURI, snapshotList, createInactive, readOnly, system);
// Step 4 - Disable image access
addBlockSnapshotDisableImageAccessStep(workflow, waitFor, snapshotList, system);
} else {"RP Bookmark only requested...");
String successMessage = String.format("Successfully created snapshot for %s", Joiner.on(",").join(snapshotList));
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage);
} catch (InternalException e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (completer != null) {
completer.error(_dbClient, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (completer != null) {
completer.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e));
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPDeviceController method exportGroupDelete.
* RPDeviceController.exportGroupDelete()
* This method is a mini-orchestration of all of the steps necessary to delete an export group.
* This controller does not service block devices for export, only RP bookmark snapshots.
* The method is responsible for performing the following steps:
* - Call the block controller to delete the export of the target volumes
* - Disable the bookmarks associated with the snapshots.
* @param protectionDevice The RP System used to manage the protection
* @param exportgroupID The export group
* @param token The task object associated with the volume creation task that we piggy-back our events on
public void exportGroupDelete(URI protectionDevice, URI exportGroupID, String token) throws InternalException {
TaskCompleter taskCompleter = null;
try {
// Grab the RP System information; we'll need it to talk to the RP client
ProtectionSystem rpSystem = getRPSystem(protectionDevice);
taskCompleter = new RPCGExportDeleteCompleter(exportGroupID, token);
// Create a new token/taskid and use that in the workflow. Multiple threads entering this method might
// collide with each others
// workflows in cassandra if the taskid is not unique.
String newToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Set up workflow steps.
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, "exportGroupDelete", true, newToken);
// Task 1: deactivate the bookmarks
// Disable image access on the target volumes
// This is important to do first because:
// After the export group is deleted (in the next step), we may not have access to the object.
// If export delete itself were to fail, it's good that we at least got this step done. Easier to remediate.
addDisableImageAccessSteps(workflow, rpSystem, exportGroupID);
// Task 2: Export Delete Volumes
// Delete of the export group with the volumes associated with the snapshots to the host
addExportSnapshotDeleteSteps(workflow, rpSystem, exportGroupID);
// Execute the plan and allow the WorkflowExecutor to fire the taskCompleter.
String successMessage = String.format("Workflow of Export Group %s Delete successfully created", exportGroupID);
workflow.executePlan(taskCompleter, successMessage);
} catch (InternalException e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (taskCompleter != null) {
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (taskCompleter != null) {
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e));
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPDeviceController method exportGroupCreate.
* RPDeviceController.exportGroupCreate()
* This method is a mini-orchestration of all of the steps necessary to create an export based on
* a Bourne Snapshot object associated with a RecoverPoint bookmark.
* This controller does not service block devices for export, only RP bookmark snapshots.
* The method is responsible for performing the following steps:
* - Enable the volumes to a specific bookmark.
* - Call the block controller to export the target volume
* @param protectionDevice The RP System used to manage the protection
* @param exportgroupID The export group
* @param snapshots snapshot list
* @param initatorURIs initiators to send to the block controller
* @param token The task object
public void exportGroupCreate(URI protectionDevice, URI exportGroupID, List<URI> initiatorURIs, Map<URI, Integer> snapshots, String token) throws ControllerException {
TaskCompleter taskCompleter = null;
try {
// Grab the RP System information; we'll need it to talk to the RP client
ProtectionSystem rpSystem = getRPSystem(protectionDevice);
taskCompleter = new RPCGExportCompleter(exportGroupID, token);
// Ensure the bookmarks actually exist before creating the export group
searchForBookmarks(protectionDevice, snapshots.keySet());
// Create a new token/taskid and use that in the workflow. Multiple threads entering this method might
// collide with each others
// workflows in cassandra if the taskid is not unique.
String newToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Set up workflow steps.
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, "exportGroupCreate", true, newToken);
// Tasks 1: Activate the bookmarks
// Enable image access on the target volumes
addEnableImageAccessStep(workflow, rpSystem, snapshots, null);
// Tasks 2: Export Volumes
// Export the volumes associated with the snapshots to the host
addExportSnapshotSteps(workflow, rpSystem, exportGroupID, snapshots, initiatorURIs);
// Execute the plan and allow the WorkflowExecutor to fire the taskCompleter.
String successMessage = String.format("Workflow of Export Group %s successfully created", exportGroupID);
workflow.executePlan(taskCompleter, successMessage);
} catch (InternalException e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (taskCompleter != null) {
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Operation failed with Exception: ", e);
if (taskCompleter != null) {
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e));
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPDeviceController method exportOrchestrationSteps.
* @param volumeDescriptors
* - Volume descriptors
* @param rpSystemId
* - RP system
* @param taskId
* - task ID
* @return - True on success, false otherwise
* @throws InternalException
public boolean exportOrchestrationSteps(List<VolumeDescriptor> volumeDescriptors, URI rpSystemId, String taskId) throws InternalException {
List<URI> volUris = VolumeDescriptor.getVolumeURIs(volumeDescriptors);
RPCGExportOrchestrationCompleter completer = new RPCGExportOrchestrationCompleter(volUris, taskId);
Workflow workflow = null;
boolean lockException = false;
Map<URI, Set<URI>> exportGroupVolumesAdded = new HashMap<URI, Set<URI>>();
exportGroupsCreated = new ArrayList<URI>();
final String COMPUTE_RESOURCE_CLUSTER = "cluster";
try {
final String workflowKey = "rpExportOrchestration";
if (!WorkflowService.getInstance().hasWorkflowBeenCreated(taskId, workflowKey)) {
// Generate the Workflow.
workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, EXPORT_ORCHESTRATOR_WF_NAME, true, taskId);
// the wait for key returned by previous call
String waitFor = null;
ProtectionSystem rpSystem = _dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, rpSystemId);
// Get the CG Params based on the volume descriptors
CGRequestParams params = this.getCGRequestParams(volumeDescriptors, rpSystem);
updateCGParams(params);"Start adding RP Export Volumes steps....");
// Get the RP Exports from the CGRequestParams object
Collection<RPExport> rpExports = generateStorageSystemExportMaps(params, volumeDescriptors);
Map<String, Set<URI>> rpSiteInitiatorsMap = getRPSiteInitiators(rpSystem, rpExports);
// Acquire all the RP lock keys needed for export before we start assembling the export groups.
acquireRPLockKeysForExport(taskId, rpExports, rpSiteInitiatorsMap);
// or create a new one.
for (RPExport rpExport : rpExports) {
URI storageSystemURI = rpExport.getStorageSystem();
String internalSiteName = rpExport.getRpSite();
URI varrayURI = rpExport.getVarray();
List<URI> volumes = rpExport.getVolumes();
List<URI> initiatorSet = new ArrayList<URI>();
String rpSiteName = (rpSystem.getRpSiteNames() != null) ? rpSystem.getRpSiteNames().get(internalSiteName) : internalSiteName;
StorageSystem storageSystem = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemURI);
VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, varrayURI);"--------------------");"RP Export: StorageSystem = [%s] RPSite = [%s] VirtualArray = [%s]", storageSystem.getLabel(), rpSiteName, varray.getLabel()));
boolean isJournalExport = rpExport.getIsJournalExport();
String exportGroupGeneratedName = RPHelper.generateExportGroupName(rpSystem, storageSystem, internalSiteName, varray, isJournalExport);
// Setup the export group - we may or may not need to create it, but we need to have everything ready in case we do
ExportGroup exportGroup = RPHelper.createRPExportGroup(exportGroupGeneratedName, varray, _dbClient.queryObject(Project.class, params.getProject()), 0, isJournalExport);
// Get the initiators of the RP Cluster (all of the RPAs on one side of a configuration)
Map<String, Map<String, String>> rpaWWNs = RPHelper.getRecoverPointClient(rpSystem).getInitiatorWWNs(internalSiteName);
if (rpaWWNs == null || rpaWWNs.isEmpty()) {
throw DeviceControllerExceptions.recoverpoint.noInitiatorsFoundOnRPAs();
// Convert to initiator object
List<Initiator> initiators = new ArrayList<Initiator>();
for (String rpaId : rpaWWNs.keySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> rpaWWN : rpaWWNs.get(rpaId).entrySet()) {
Initiator initiator = ExportUtils.getInitiator(rpaWWN.getKey(), _dbClient);
// We need to find and distill only those RP initiators that correspond to the network of the
// storage
// system and
// that network has front end port from the storage system.
// In certain lab environments, its quite possible that there are 2 networks one for the storage
// system
// FE ports and one for
// the BE ports.
// In such configs, RP initiators will be spread across those 2 networks. RP controller does not
// care
// about storage system
// back-end ports, so
// we will ignore those initiators that are connected to a network that has only storage system back
// end
// port connectivity.
Map<URI, Set<Initiator>> rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap = new HashMap<URI, Set<Initiator>>();
Set<URI> rpSiteInitiatorUris = rpSiteInitiatorsMap.get(internalSiteName);
if (rpSiteInitiatorUris != null) {
for (URI rpSiteInitiatorUri : rpSiteInitiatorUris) {
Initiator rpSiteInitiator = _dbClient.queryObject(Initiator.class, rpSiteInitiatorUri);
URI rpInitiatorNetworkURI = getInitiatorNetwork(exportGroup, rpSiteInitiator);
if (rpInitiatorNetworkURI != null) {
if (rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap.get(rpInitiatorNetworkURI) == null) {
rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap.put(rpInitiatorNetworkURI, new HashSet<Initiator>());
rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap.get(rpInitiatorNetworkURI).add(rpSiteInitiator);"RP Initiator [%s] found on network: [%s]", rpSiteInitiator.getInitiatorPort(), rpInitiatorNetworkURI.toASCIIString()));
} else {"RP Initiator [%s] was not found on any network. Excluding from automated exports", rpSiteInitiator.getInitiatorPort()));
// Compute numPaths. This is how its done:
// We know the RP site and the Network/TransportZone it is on.
// Determine all the storage ports for the storage array for all the networks they are on.
// Next, if we find the network for the RP site in the above list, return all the storage ports
// corresponding to that.
// For RP we will try and use as many Storage ports as possible.
Map<URI, List<StoragePort>> initiatorPortMap = getInitiatorPortsForArray(rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap, storageSystemURI, varrayURI, rpSiteName);
for (URI networkURI : initiatorPortMap.keySet()) {
for (StoragePort storagePort : initiatorPortMap.get(networkURI)) {"Network : [%s] - Port : [%s]", networkURI.toString(), storagePort.getLabel()));
int numPaths = computeNumPaths(initiatorPortMap, varrayURI, storageSystem);"Total paths = " + numPaths);
// Stems from above comment where we distill the RP network and the initiators in that network.
List<Initiator> initiatorList = new ArrayList<Initiator>();
for (URI rpNetworkURI : rpNetworkToInitiatorsMap.keySet()) {
if (initiatorPortMap.containsKey(rpNetworkURI)) {
for (Initiator initiator : initiatorList) {
// See if the export group already exists
ExportGroup exportGroupInDB = exportGroupExistsInDB(exportGroup);
boolean addExportGroupToDB = false;
if (exportGroupInDB != null) {
exportGroup = exportGroupInDB;
// If the export already exists, check to see if any of the volumes have already been exported.
// No
// need to
// re-export volumes.
List<URI> volumesToRemove = new ArrayList<URI>();
for (URI volumeURI : volumes) {
if (exportGroup.getVolumes() != null && !exportGroup.getVolumes().isEmpty() && exportGroup.getVolumes().containsKey(volumeURI.toString())) {"Volume [%s] already exported to export group [%s], " + "it will be not be re-exported", volumeURI.toString(), exportGroup.getGeneratedName()));
// Remove volumes if they have already been exported
if (!volumesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
// nothing else needs to be done here.
if (volumes.isEmpty()) {"No volumes needed to be exported to export group [%s], continue", exportGroup.getGeneratedName()));
} else {
addExportGroupToDB = true;
// Add volumes to the export group
Map<URI, Integer> volumesToAdd = new HashMap<URI, Integer>();
for (URI volumeID : volumes) {
exportGroup.addVolume(volumeID, ExportGroup.LUN_UNASSIGNED);
volumesToAdd.put(volumeID, ExportGroup.LUN_UNASSIGNED);
// Keep track of volumes added to export group
if (!volumesToAdd.isEmpty()) {
exportGroupVolumesAdded.put(exportGroup.getId(), volumesToAdd.keySet());
// volume
if (rpExport.getComputeResource() != null) {
URI computeResource = rpExport.getComputeResource();"RP Export: ComputeResource : %s", computeResource.toString()));
if (computeResource.toString().toLowerCase().contains(COMPUTE_RESOURCE_CLUSTER)) {
Cluster cluster = _dbClient.queryObject(Cluster.class, computeResource);
} else {
Host host = _dbClient.queryObject(Host.class, rpExport.getComputeResource());
// Persist the export group
if (addExportGroupToDB) {
// Keep track of newly created EGs in case of rollback
} else {
// If the export group already exists, add the volumes to it, otherwise create a brand new
// export group.
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
if (!addExportGroupToDB) {
buffer.append(String.format("Adding volumes to existing Export Group for Storage System [%s], RP Site [%s], Virtual Array [%s]%n", storageSystem.getLabel(), rpSiteName, varray.getLabel()));
buffer.append(String.format("Export Group name is : [%s]%n", exportGroup.getGeneratedName()));
buffer.append(String.format("Export Group will have these volumes added: [%s]%n", Joiner.on(',').join(volumes)));
waitFor = _exportWfUtils.generateExportGroupAddVolumes(workflow, STEP_EXPORT_GROUP, waitFor, storageSystemURI, exportGroup.getId(), volumesToAdd);"Added Export Group add volumes step in workflow");
} else {
buffer.append(String.format("Creating new Export Group for Storage System [%s], RP Site [%s], Virtual Array [%s]%n", storageSystem.getLabel(), rpSiteName, varray.getLabel()));
buffer.append(String.format("Export Group name is: [%s]%n", exportGroup.getGeneratedName()));
buffer.append(String.format("Export Group will have these initiators: [%s]%n", Joiner.on(',').join(initiatorSet)));
buffer.append(String.format("Export Group will have these volumes added: [%s]%n", Joiner.on(',').join(volumes)));
String exportStep = workflow.createStepId();
initTaskStatus(exportGroup, exportStep, Operation.Status.pending, "create export");
waitFor = _exportWfUtils.generateExportGroupCreateWorkflow(workflow, STEP_EXPORT_GROUP, waitFor, storageSystemURI, exportGroup.getId(), volumesToAdd, initiatorSet);"Added Export Group create step in workflow. New Export Group Id: " + exportGroup.getId());
String successMessage = "Export orchestration completed successfully";
// Finish up and execute the plan.
// The Workflow will handle the TaskCompleter
Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[] { volUris };
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage, new WorkflowCallback(), callbackArgs, null, null);
// Mark this workflow as created/executed so we don't do it again on retry/resume
WorkflowService.getInstance().markWorkflowBeenCreated(taskId, workflowKey);
} catch (LockRetryException ex) {
* Added this catch block to mark the current workflow as completed so that lock retry will not get exception while creating new
* workflow using the same taskid.
_log.warn(String.format("Lock retry exception key: %s remaining time %d", ex.getLockIdentifier(), ex.getRemainingWaitTimeSeconds()));
if (workflow != null && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(workflow.getWorkflowURI()) && workflow.getWorkflowState() == WorkflowState.CREATED) {
com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow wf = _dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
if (!wf.getCompleted()) {
_log.error("Marking the status to completed for the newly created workflow {}", wf.getId());
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.error("Could not create volumes: " + volUris, ex);
// Rollback ViPR level RP export group changes
if (workflow != null) {
String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CREATE_BLOCK_VOLUME.getName();
ServiceError serviceError = null;
if (lockException) {
serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.createVolumesAborted(volUris.toString(), ex);
} else {
serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.createVolumesFailed(volUris.toString(), opName, ex);
completer.error(_dbClient, _locker, serviceError);
return false;
}"End adding RP Export Volumes steps.");
return true;
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPDeviceController method addPreVolumeExpandSteps.
* RP specific workflow steps required prior to expanding the underlying volume are added here.
* Ex. RP CG remove replication sets.
* @param workflow
* @param volURI
* @param expandVolURIs
* @param taskId
* @return
* @throws WorkflowException
public String addPreVolumeExpandSteps(Workflow workflow, List<VolumeDescriptor> volumeDescriptors, String taskId) throws WorkflowException {
// Just grab a legit target volume that already has an assigned protection controller.
// This will work for all operations, adding, removing, vpool change, etc.
List<VolumeDescriptor> protectionControllerDescriptors = VolumeDescriptor.filterByType(volumeDescriptors, new VolumeDescriptor.Type[] { VolumeDescriptor.Type.RP_TARGET, VolumeDescriptor.Type.RP_VPLEX_VIRT_TARGET }, new VolumeDescriptor.Type[] {});
// If there are no RP volumes, just return
if (protectionControllerDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// Grab any volume from the list so we can grab the protection system, which will be the same for all volumes.
Volume volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, protectionControllerDescriptors.get(0).getVolumeURI());
ProtectionSystem rpSystem = _dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, volume.getProtectionController());
// Get only the RP volumes from the descriptors.
List<VolumeDescriptor> volumeDescriptorsTypeFilter = VolumeDescriptor.filterByType(volumeDescriptors, new VolumeDescriptor.Type[] { VolumeDescriptor.Type.RP_SOURCE, VolumeDescriptor.Type.RP_EXISTING_SOURCE, VolumeDescriptor.Type.RP_VPLEX_VIRT_SOURCE }, new VolumeDescriptor.Type[] {});
// If there are no RP volumes, just return
if (volumeDescriptorsTypeFilter.isEmpty()) {
return null;
for (VolumeDescriptor descriptor : volumeDescriptorsTypeFilter) {
URI volURI = descriptor.getVolumeURI();
ProtectionSystem rp = _dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, volume.getProtectionController());
Map<String, RecreateReplicationSetRequestParams> rsetParams = new HashMap<String, RecreateReplicationSetRequestParams>();
RecreateReplicationSetRequestParams rsetParam = getReplicationSettings(rpSystem, volURI);
rsetParams.put(RPHelper.getRPWWn(volURI, _dbClient), rsetParam);
String stepId = workflow.createStepId();
Workflow.Method deleteRsetExecuteMethod = new Workflow.Method(METHOD_DELETE_RSET_STEP, rpSystem.getId(), Arrays.asList(volURI));
Workflow.Method deleteRsetRollbackeMethod = new Workflow.Method(METHOD_DELETE_RSET_ROLLBACK_STEP, rpSystem.getId(), Arrays.asList(volURI), rsetParams);
workflow.createStep(STEP_PRE_VOLUME_EXPAND, "Pre volume expand, delete replication set subtask for RP: " + volURI.toString(), null, rpSystem.getId(), rp.getSystemType(), this.getClass(), deleteRsetExecuteMethod, deleteRsetRollbackeMethod, stepId);"addPreVolumeExpandSteps Replication Set in workflow");