use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class StorageScheduler method prepareFullCopyVolumeFromVolume.
private static Volume prepareFullCopyVolumeFromVolume(DbClient dbClient, String name, Volume sourceVolume, VolumeRecommendation recommendation, int volumeCounter, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, Boolean createInactive) {
long size = sourceVolume.getCapacity();
long preAllocateSize = 0;
if (null != sourceVolume.getThinVolumePreAllocationSize()) {
preAllocateSize = sourceVolume.getThinVolumePreAllocationSize();
NamedURI projectUri = sourceVolume.getProject();
Project project = dbClient.queryObject(Project.class, projectUri);
URI vArrayUri = sourceVolume.getVirtualArray();
VirtualArray vArray = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, vArrayUri);
URI vPoolUri = sourceVolume.getVirtualPool();
VirtualPool vPool = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, vPoolUri);
String label = name + (volumeCounter > 0 ? ("-" + volumeCounter) : "");
Volume volume = prepareVolume(dbClient, null, size, preAllocateSize, project, vArray, vPool, recommendation, label, null, capabilities, createInactive);
// Since this is a full copy, update it with URI of the source volume
StringSet associatedFullCopies = sourceVolume.getFullCopies();
if (associatedFullCopies == null) {
associatedFullCopies = new StringSet();
addVolumeCapacityToReservedCapacityMap(dbClient, volume);
return volume;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPBlockServiceApiImpl method upgradeToMetroPointVolume.
* Upgrade a local block volume to a protected RP volume
* @param volume the existing volume being protected.
* @param newVpool the requested virtual pool
* @param taskId the task identifier
* @throws InternalException
private void upgradeToMetroPointVolume(Volume volume, VirtualPool newVpool, VirtualPoolChangeParam vpoolChangeParam, String taskId) throws InternalException {"Upgrade [%s] to MetroPoint", volume.getLabel()));
Project project = _dbClient.queryObject(Project.class, volume.getProject());
// Now that we have a handle on the current vpool, let's set the new vpool on the volume.
// The volume will not be persisted just yet but we need to have the new vpool to
// properly make placement decisions and to add reference to the new vpool to the
// recommendation objects that will be created.
URI currentVpool = volume.getVirtualPool();
List<Recommendation> recommendations = getRecommendationsForVirtualPoolChangeRequest(volume, newVpool, vpoolChangeParam, null);
if (recommendations.isEmpty()) {
throw APIException.badRequests.noStorageFoundForVolume();
// Get the volume's varray
VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, volume.getVirtualArray());
// Generate a VolumeCreate object that contains the information that createVolumes likes to consume.
VolumeCreate param = new VolumeCreate(volume.getLabel(), String.valueOf(volume.getCapacity()), 1, newVpool.getId(), volume.getVirtualArray(), volume.getProject().getURI());
VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities = new VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper();
capabilities.put(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.RESOURCE_COUNT, 1);
capabilities.put(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.BLOCK_CONSISTENCY_GROUP, volume.getConsistencyGroup());
TaskList taskList = new TaskList();
createTaskForVolume(volume, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CHANGE_BLOCK_VOLUME_VPOOL, taskList, taskId);
Map<VpoolUse, List<Recommendation>> recommendationMap = new HashMap<VpoolUse, List<Recommendation>>();
recommendationMap.put(VpoolUse.ROOT, recommendations);
createVolumes(param, project, varray, newVpool, recommendationMap, taskList, taskId, capabilities);
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class TenantsService method createProject.
* Worker method for create project. Allows external requests (REST) as well as
* internal requests that may not have a security context.
* @param id tenant id
* @param param project params
* @param owner name of owner of the request
* @param ownerTenantId tenant id of the owner
* @return project details
public ProjectElement createProject(URI id, ProjectParam param, String owner, String ownerTenantId) {
TenantOrg tenant = getTenantById(id, true);
if (param.getName() != null && !param.getName().isEmpty()) {
checkForDuplicateName(param.getName(), Project.class, id, "tenantOrg", _dbClient);
Project project = new Project();
project.setTenantOrg(new NamedURI(tenant.getId(), project.getLabel()));
// set owner acl
project.addAcl(new PermissionsKey(PermissionsKey.Type.SID, owner, ownerTenantId).toString(), ACL.OWN.toString());
recordTenantEvent(OperationTypeEnum.CREATE_PROJECT, tenant.getId(), project.getId());
return new ProjectElement(project.getId(), toLink(ResourceTypeEnum.PROJECT, project.getId()), project.getLabel());
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class TenantsService method listProjects.
* List projects the user is authorized to see
* @param id the URN of a ViPR Tenant/Subtenant
* @prereq none
* @brief List projects
* @return List of projects
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public ProjectList listProjects(@PathParam("id") URI id) {
TenantOrg tenant = getTenantById(id, false);
StorageOSUser user = getUserFromContext();
NamedElementQueryResultList projects = new NamedElementQueryResultList();
if (_permissionsHelper.userHasGivenRole(user, tenant.getId(), Role.SYSTEM_MONITOR, Role.TENANT_ADMIN, Role.SECURITY_ADMIN)) {
// list all
_dbClient.queryByConstraint(ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getTenantOrgProjectConstraint(tenant.getId()), projects);
} else {
// list only projects that the user has access to
if (!id.equals(URI.create(user.getTenantId()))) {
throw APIException.forbidden.insufficientPermissionsForUser(user.getName());
Map<URI, Set<String>> allMyProjects = _permissionsHelper.getAllPermissionsForUser(user, tenant.getId(), null, false);
if (!allMyProjects.keySet().isEmpty()) {
List<Project> project_list = _dbClient.queryObjectField(Project.class, "label", new ArrayList<URI>(allMyProjects.keySet()));
List<NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement> elements = new ArrayList<NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement>(project_list.size());
for (Project p : project_list) {
elements.add(NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement.createElement(p.getId(), p.getLabel()));
} else {
// empty list
projects.setResult(new ArrayList<NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement>().iterator());
ProjectList list = new ProjectList();
for (NamedElementQueryResultList.NamedElement el : projects) {
list.getProjects().add(toNamedRelatedResource(ResourceTypeEnum.PROJECT, el.getId(), el.getName()));
return list;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VPlexDeviceController method addStepsForMigrateVolumes.
* Adds steps in the passed workflow to migrate a volume.
* @param workflow
* @param vplexURI
* @param virtualVolumeURI
* @param targetVolumeURIs
* @param migrationsMap
* @param poolVolumeMap
* @param newVpoolURI
* @param newVarrayURI
* @param suspendBeforeCommit
* @param suspendBeforeDeleteSource
* @param opId
* @param waitFor
* @return
* @throws InternalException
public String addStepsForMigrateVolumes(Workflow workflow, URI vplexURI, URI virtualVolumeURI, List<URI> targetVolumeURIs, Map<URI, URI> migrationsMap, Map<URI, URI> poolVolumeMap, URI newVpoolURI, URI newVarrayURI, boolean suspendBeforeCommit, boolean suspendBeforeDeleteSource, String opId, String waitFor) throws InternalException {
try {"VPlex controller migrate volume {} on VPlex {}", virtualVolumeURI, vplexURI);
String volumeUserLabel = "Label Unknown";
Volume virtualVolume = getDataObject(Volume.class, virtualVolumeURI, _dbClient);
if (virtualVolume != null && virtualVolume.getDeviceLabel() != null && virtualVolume.getLabel() != null) {
volumeUserLabel = virtualVolume.getLabel() + " (" + virtualVolume.getDeviceLabel() + ")";
// Get the VPlex storage system
StorageSystem vplexSystem = getDataObject(StorageSystem.class, vplexURI, _dbClient);"Got VPlex system");
// Create a step to validate the volume and prevent migration if the
// the ViPR DB does not properly reflect the actual backend volumes.
// A successful migration will delete the backend source volumes. If
// the ViPR DB does not correctly reflect the actual backend volume,
// we could delete a backend volume used by some other VPLEX volume.
waitFor = createWorkflowStepToValidateVPlexVolume(workflow, vplexSystem, virtualVolumeURI, waitFor);
Map<URI, Volume> volumeMap = new HashMap<URI, Volume>();
Map<URI, StorageSystem> storageSystemMap = new HashMap<URI, StorageSystem>();
for (URI volumeURI : targetVolumeURIs) {
Volume volume = getDataObject(Volume.class, volumeURI, _dbClient);
volumeMap.put(volumeURI, volume);
StorageSystem storageSystem = getDataObject(StorageSystem.class, volume.getStorageController(), _dbClient);
storageSystemMap.put(volume.getStorageController(), storageSystem);
// Set the project and tenant.
Volume firstVolume = volumeMap.values().iterator().next();
Project vplexProject = VPlexUtil.lookupVplexProject(firstVolume, vplexSystem, _dbClient);
URI tenantURI = vplexProject.getTenantOrg().getURI();"Project is {}, Tenant is {}", vplexProject.getId(), tenantURI);
waitFor = createWorkflowStepsForBlockVolumeExport(workflow, vplexSystem, storageSystemMap, volumeMap, vplexProject.getId(), tenantURI, waitFor);"Created workflow steps for volume export.");
// Now make a migration Step for each passed target to which data
// for the passed virtual volume will be migrated. The migrations
// will be done from this controller.
Iterator<URI> targetVolumeIter = targetVolumeURIs.iterator();
while (targetVolumeIter.hasNext()) {
URI targetVolumeURI =;"Target volume is {}", targetVolumeURI);
URI migrationURI = migrationsMap.get(targetVolumeURI);"Migration is {}", migrationURI);
String stepId = workflow.createStepId();"Migration opId is {}", stepId);
Workflow.Method vplexExecuteMethod = new Workflow.Method(MIGRATE_VIRTUAL_VOLUME_METHOD_NAME, vplexURI, virtualVolumeURI, targetVolumeURI, migrationURI, newVarrayURI);
Workflow.Method vplexRollbackMethod = new Workflow.Method(RB_MIGRATE_VIRTUAL_VOLUME_METHOD_NAME, vplexURI, migrationURI, stepId);"Creating workflow migration step");
workflow.createStep(MIGRATION_CREATE_STEP, String.format("VPlex %s migrating to target volume %s.", vplexSystem.getId().toString(), targetVolumeURI.toString()), waitFor, vplexSystem.getId(), vplexSystem.getSystemType(), getClass(), vplexExecuteMethod, vplexRollbackMethod, stepId);"Created workflow migration step");
// Once the migrations complete, we will commit the migrations.
// So, now we create the steps to commit the migrations.
List<URI> migrationURIs = new ArrayList<URI>(migrationsMap.values());
List<URI> migrationSources = new ArrayList<URI>();
Iterator<URI> migrationsIter = migrationsMap.values().iterator();
while (migrationsIter.hasNext()) {
URI migrationURI =;"Migration is {}", migrationURI);
Migration migration = getDataObject(Migration.class, migrationURI, _dbClient);
// The migration source volume may be null for ingested volumes
// for which we do not know anything about the backend volumes.
// If we don't know the source, we know we are migrating an
// ingested volume and we will not want to do any renaming
// after the commit as we do when migration ViPR create volumes,
// which adhere to a standard naming convention.
Boolean rename = Boolean.TRUE;
if (migration.getSource() != null) {
} else {
rename = Boolean.FALSE;
}"Added migration source {}", migration.getSource());
String stepId = workflow.createStepId();"Commit operation id is {}", stepId);
Workflow.Method vplexExecuteMethod = new Workflow.Method(COMMIT_MIGRATION_METHOD_NAME, vplexURI, virtualVolumeURI, migrationURI, rename, newVpoolURI, newVarrayURI);
Workflow.Method vplexRollbackMethod = new Workflow.Method(RB_COMMIT_MIGRATION_METHOD_NAME, migrationURIs, newVpoolURI, newVarrayURI, stepId);"Creating workflow step to commit migration");
String stepDescription = String.format("migration commit step on VPLEX %s of volume %s", vplexSystem.getSerialNumber(), volumeUserLabel);
waitForStep = workflow.createStep(MIGRATION_COMMIT_STEP, stepDescription, waitForStep, vplexSystem.getId(), vplexSystem.getSystemType(), getClass(), vplexExecuteMethod, vplexRollbackMethod, suspendBeforeCommit, stepId);
workflow.setSuspendedStepMessage(stepId, COMMIT_MIGRATION_SUSPEND_MESSAGE);"Created workflow step to commit migration");
// Create a step that creates a sub workflow to delete the old
// migration source volumes, which are no longer used by the
// virtual volume. We also update the virtual volume CoS. If
// we make it to this step, then all migrations were committed.
// We do this in a sub workflow because we don't won't to
// initiate rollback regardless of success or failure.
String stepId = workflow.createStepId();
Workflow.Method vplexExecuteMethod = new Workflow.Method(DELETE_MIGRATION_SOURCES_METHOD, vplexURI, virtualVolumeURI, newVpoolURI, newVarrayURI, migrationSources);
List<String> migrationSourceLabels = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<Volume> volumeIter = _dbClient.queryIterativeObjects(Volume.class, migrationSources);
while (volumeIter.hasNext()) {
String stepDescription = String.format("post-migration delete of original source backing volumes [%s] associated with virtual volume %s", Joiner.on(',').join(migrationSourceLabels), volumeUserLabel);
workflow.createStep(DELETE_MIGRATION_SOURCES_STEP, stepDescription, waitForStep, vplexSystem.getId(), vplexSystem.getSystemType(), getClass(), vplexExecuteMethod, null, suspendBeforeDeleteSource, stepId);
workflow.setSuspendedStepMessage(stepId, DELETE_MIGRATION_SOURCES_SUSPEND_MESSAGE);"Created workflow step to create sub workflow for source deletion");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw VPlexApiException.exceptions.addStepsForChangeVirtualPoolFailed(e);