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Example 1 with VolumeDetailsCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class HP3PARCloneHelper method createVolumeClone.

public DriverTask createVolumeClone(List<VolumeClone> clones, StorageCapabilities capabilities, DriverTask task, Registry driverRegistry) {
    String storageSystemId = null;
    HP3PARApi hp3parApi = null;
    for (VolumeClone clone : clones) {
        try {
            // native id = null ,
  "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone for storage system native id {}, clone parent name {} , clone name {} - start", clone.toString(), clone.getParentId(), clone.getDisplayName());
            String localStorageSystemId = clone.getStorageSystemId();
            // get Api client
            if (storageSystemId == null || storageSystemId != localStorageSystemId) {
                storageSystemId = localStorageSystemId;
                hp3parApi = hp3parUtil.getHP3PARDeviceFromNativeId(localStorageSystemId, driverRegistry);
            VolumeDetailsCommandResult volResult = null;
            // Create volume clone
            hp3parApi.createPhysicalCopy(clone.getParentId(), clone.getDisplayName(), clone.getStoragePoolId());
            volResult = hp3parApi.getVolumeDetails(clone.getDisplayName());
            // Actual size of the volume in array
            clone.setProvisionedCapacity(volResult.getSizeMiB() * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
            // required for volume
            // delete
  "createVolumeClone for storage system native id {}, volume clone name {} - end", clone.getStorageSystemId(), clone.getDisplayName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = String.format("3PARDriver: createVolumeClone Unable to create volume clone name %s for parent base volume id %s whose storage system native id is %s; Error: %s.\n", clone.getDisplayName(), clone.getParentId(), clone.getStorageSystemId(), e.getMessage());
  "createVolumeClone exception message {} ", e.getMessage());
    return task;
Also used : VolumeClone(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.VolumeClone) VolumeDetailsCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult)

Example 2 with VolumeDetailsCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class HP3PARIngestHelper method getVolumeClones.

 * Identifying clones of the given parent base volume. NOTE: Intermediate
 * physical copies of 3PAR generated from other snapshots/clone are shown as
 * clone of base volume itself
public List<VolumeClone> getVolumeClones(StorageVolume volume, Registry registry) {"3PARDriver: getVolumeClones Running ");
    List<VolumeClone> clones = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        Map<String, List<String>> vvolAssociations = registry.getDriverAttributesForKey(HP3PARConstants.DRIVER_NAME, volume.getStorageSystemId() + "____VVOL_ASSOCIATIONS");
        _log.debug("vvolAssociations is {}", vvolAssociations.toString());
        HP3PARApi hp3parApi = hp3parUtil.getHP3PARDeviceFromNativeId(volume.getStorageSystemId(), registry);
        // VolumesCommandResult snapsResult =
        // hp3parApi.getClonesOfVolume(volume.getNativeId());
        ArrayList<String> listOfChildVols = null;
        listOfChildVols = (ArrayList<String>) vvolAssociations.get(volume.getNativeId());
        for (String childName : listOfChildVols) {
            // VolumeDetailsCommandResult is the data structure used for representation of
            // the HP3PAR virtual volume
            VolumeDetailsCommandResult objClone = hp3parApi.getVolumeDetails(childName);
            if (objClone.getCopyType() == copyType.PHYSICAL_COPY.getValue()) {
                // VolumeClone is the CoprHD southbound freamework's data
                // structure
                VolumeClone driverClone = new VolumeClone();
                if (volume.getConsistencyGroup() != null) {
                // Allocated capacity is the sum of user, snapshot and admin reserved space
                Long allocatedCapacity = objClone.getUserSpace().getReservedMiB();
                allocatedCapacity += objClone.getSnapshotSpace().getReservedMiB();
                allocatedCapacity += objClone.getAdminSpace().getReservedMiB();
                driverClone.setAllocatedCapacity(allocatedCapacity * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
                driverClone.setProvisionedCapacity(objClone.getSizeMiB() * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
        }"3PARDriver: getVolumeClones Leaving");
        return clones;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String msg = String.format("3PARDriver: Unable to get clone of volume with storage system %s and volume native id %s; Error: %s.\n", volume.getStorageSystemId(), volume.getNativeId(), e.getMessage());
    return null;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VirtualLunsList(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VirtualLunsList) List(java.util.List) VolumeClone(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.VolumeClone) VolumeDetailsCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult)

Example 3 with VolumeDetailsCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class HP3PARProvisioningHelper method createVolumes.

public DriverTask createVolumes(List<StorageVolume> volumes, StorageCapabilities capabilities, DriverTask task, Registry driverRegistry) {
    int volumesCreated = 0;
    boolean IsDeDupEnabled = false;
    // get deduplicationCapability
    CommonStorageCapabilities commonCapabilities = capabilities.getCommonCapabilitis();
    if (commonCapabilities != null) {
        List<DataStorageServiceOption> dataService = commonCapabilities.getDataStorage();
        if (dataService != null) {
            for (DataStorageServiceOption dataServiceOption : dataService) {
                List<CapabilityInstance> capabilityList = dataServiceOption.getCapabilities();
                if (capabilityList != null) {
                    for (CapabilityInstance ci : capabilityList) {
                        String provTypeValue = ci.getPropertyValue(;
                        if (provTypeValue != null && provTypeValue.equalsIgnoreCase(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) {
                            IsDeDupEnabled = true;
    // For each requested volume
    for (StorageVolume volume : volumes) {
        try {
  "3PARDriver:createVolumes for storage system native id {}, volume name {} - start", volume.getStorageSystemId(), volume.getDisplayName());
            // get Api client
            HP3PARApi hp3parApi = hp3parUtil.getHP3PARDeviceFromNativeId(volume.getStorageSystemId(), driverRegistry);
            // Create volume
            VolumeDetailsCommandResult volResult = null;
            Boolean isThin = volume.getThinlyProvisioned();
            if (IsDeDupEnabled) {
                isThin = false;
            hp3parApi.createVolume(volume.getDisplayName(), volume.getStoragePoolId(), isThin, IsDeDupEnabled, volume.getRequestedCapacity() / HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
            volResult = hp3parApi.getVolumeDetails(volume.getDisplayName());
            // Attributes of the volume in array
            volume.setProvisionedCapacity(volResult.getSizeMiB() * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
            // Allocated capacity is the sum of user, snapshot and admin reserved space
            Long allocatedCapacity = volResult.getUserSpace().getReservedMiB();
            allocatedCapacity += volResult.getSnapshotSpace().getReservedMiB();
            allocatedCapacity += volResult.getAdminSpace().getReservedMiB();
            volume.setAllocatedCapacity(allocatedCapacity * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
            // required for volume delete
            // Update Consistency Group
            String volumeCGName = volume.getConsistencyGroup();
            if (volumeCGName != null && !volumeCGName.isEmpty()) {
      "3PARDriver:createVolumes Adding volume {} to consistency group {} ", volume.getDisplayName(), volumeCGName);
                int addMember = 1;
                hp3parApi.updateVVset(volumeCGName, volume.getNativeId(), addMember);
  "3PARDriver:createVolumes for storage system native id {}, volume name {} - end", volume.getStorageSystemId(), volume.getDisplayName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = String.format("3PARDriver: Unable to create volume name %s with pool id %s for storage system native id %s; Error: %s.\n", volume.getDisplayName(), volume.getStoragePoolId(), volume.getStorageSystemId(), e);
    if (volumes.size() != 0) {
        if (volumesCreated == volumes.size()) {
        } else if (volumesCreated == 0) {
        } else {
    return task;
Also used : CommonStorageCapabilities(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.storagecapabilities.CommonStorageCapabilities) DataStorageServiceOption(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.storagecapabilities.DataStorageServiceOption) VolumeDetailsCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult) StorageVolume(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.StorageVolume) CapabilityInstance(com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.storagecapabilities.CapabilityInstance)

Example 4 with VolumeDetailsCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class HP3PARProvisioningHelper method expandVolume.

public DriverTask expandVolume(StorageVolume volume, long newCapacity, DriverTask task, Registry driverRegistry) {
    // For this volume
    try {"3PARDriver:expandVolume for storage system native id {}, volume name {} - start", volume.getStorageSystemId(), volume.getDisplayName());
        if (newCapacity < volume.getProvisionedCapacity()) {
            throw new HP3PARException("New capacity is less than original capcity");
        // get Api client
        HP3PARApi hp3parApi = hp3parUtil.getHP3PARDeviceFromNativeId(volume.getStorageSystemId(), driverRegistry);
        // expand volume
        Long additionalSize = newCapacity - volume.getProvisionedCapacity();
        hp3parApi.expandVolume(volume.getDisplayName(), additionalSize / HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
        // actual size of the volume in array
        VolumeDetailsCommandResult volResult = hp3parApi.getVolumeDetails(volume.getDisplayName());
        volume.setProvisionedCapacity(volResult.getSizeMiB() * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
        // Allocated capacity is the sum of user, snapshot and admin reserved space
        Long allocatedCapacity = volResult.getUserSpace().getReservedMiB();
        allocatedCapacity += volResult.getSnapshotSpace().getReservedMiB();
        allocatedCapacity += volResult.getAdminSpace().getReservedMiB();
        volume.setAllocatedCapacity(allocatedCapacity * HP3PARConstants.MEGA_BYTE);
        task.setStatus(DriverTask.TaskStatus.READY);"3PARDriver:expandVolumes for storage system native id {}, volume name {} - end", volume.getStorageSystemId(), volume.getDisplayName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String msg = String.format("3PARDriver: Unable to expand volume name %s with pool id %s for storage system native id %s; Error: %s.\n", volume.getDisplayName(), volume.getStoragePoolId(), volume.getStorageSystemId(), e);
    return task;
Also used : VolumeDetailsCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult)

Example 5 with VolumeDetailsCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class HP3PARApi method createPhysicalCopy.

 * Vipr UI doesn't provide offline (Attached volume) / online options while creating clone, so
 * below logic will be followed:
 * First, to check destination volume exists we execute create clone creation as offline volume.
 * if error, destination clone volume doesn't exist, so create a new volume with clone name by
 * using its base volume parameters like TPVV,CPG. Then create a offline
 * volume clone using newly created volume clone
 * Note: A offline clone creates a attached clone, which actually creates
 * a intermediate snapshot which can be utilized for restore/update.
 * We are not using online option, as it creates detached volume with no way to restore/update.
public void createPhysicalCopy(String baseVolumeName, String cloneName, String cloneCPG) throws Exception {"3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy enter");
    String baseVolumeSnapCPG = cloneCPG;
    String baseVolumeUserCPG = cloneCPG;
    ClientResponse clientResp = null;
    String payload = null;
    String secondPayload = null;
    // clone creation, check if destination volume exists as expected by this API
    payload = "{\"action\":\"createPhysicalCopy\", \"parameters\": { \"destVolume\": \"" + cloneName + "\" , \"saveSnapshot\": " + true + "} }";
    final String path = MessageFormat.format(URI_CREATE_VOLUME_CLONE, baseVolumeName);" 3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy uri = {} payload {} secondPayload {}", path, payload, secondPayload);
    try {
        // create clone considering destination volume already created
        clientResp = post(path, payload);
        if (clientResp == null || clientResp.getStatus() != 201) {
            if (clientResp != null) {
                String errResp = getResponseDetails(clientResp);
      " 3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy destination clone volume absent, hence creating new volume for clone. Error Info : {}", errResp);
            VolumeDetailsCommandResult volResult = null;
            try {
                volResult = getVolumeDetails(baseVolumeName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone the specified volume {} for clone creation not found, its parent {}; continue with clone creation: {}.\n", baseVolumeName, cloneName, e.getMessage());
            if (volResult != null) {
                // UserCPG will be absent for clones, hence using snapCPG here. We might need to re-look CPG selection later
                baseVolumeUserCPG = volResult.getUserCPG();
                baseVolumeSnapCPG = volResult.getSnapCPG();
                Boolean tpvv = true;
                Boolean tdvv = false;
                if (volResult.getProvisioningType() == 6) {
                    tdvv = true;
                    tpvv = false;
      "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone base volume exists, id {}, baseVolumeSnapCPG {} , baseVolumeUserCPG {} , copyOf {}, copyType {} , name {}, volume type {} - ", baseVolumeName, baseVolumeSnapCPG, baseVolumeUserCPG, volResult.getCopyOf(), volResult.getCopyType(), volResult.getName(), volResult.getProvisioningType());
                createVolume(cloneName, baseVolumeSnapCPG, tpvv, tdvv, volResult.getSizeMiB());
                try {
                    volResult = getVolumeDetails(baseVolumeName);
                } catch (Exception e) {
          "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone the specified clone volume {} not created successfully yet. error {}", cloneName, e.getMessage());
                if (volResult != null) {
                    clientResp = post(path, payload);
                } else {
          "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone unable to find the newly created volume, volResult is null");
            } else {
      "3PARDriver: createVolumeClone base volume not found, volResult is null");
        if (clientResp == null) {
            _log.error("3PARDriver:There is no response from 3PAR");
            throw new HP3PARException("There is no response from 3PAR");
        } else if (clientResp.getStatus() != 201) {
            String errResp = getResponseDetails(clientResp);
  "3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy error resopnse : {} ", errResp);
            throw new HP3PARException(errResp);
        } else {
  "3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy success");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
        if (clientResp != null) {
        }"3PARDriver: createPhysicalCopy leave");
// end try/catch/finally
Also used : ClientResponse(com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse) VolumeDetailsCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult)


VolumeDetailsCommandResult (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumeDetailsCommandResult)14 VolumeClone (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.VolumeClone)4 ClientResponse (com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 List (java.util.List)4 VirtualLunsList (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VirtualLunsList)3 VolumeSnapshot (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.VolumeSnapshot)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 VVSetVolumeClone (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VVSetCloneList.VVSetVolumeClone)2 VolumesCommandResult (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.VolumesCommandResult)2 StorageVolume (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.StorageVolume)2 CapabilityInstance (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.storagecapabilities.CapabilityInstance)2 Gson ( CPGCommandResult (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.CPGCommandResult)1 CPGMember (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.CPGMember)1 CPGSpaceCommandResult (com.emc.storageos.hp3par.command.CPGSpaceCommandResult)1 DriverTask (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.DriverTask)1 StoragePool (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.StoragePool)1 Protocols (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.StoragePool.Protocols)1 RaidLevels (com.emc.storageos.storagedriver.model.StoragePool.RaidLevels)1