use of com.emc.storageos.model.file.ExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VNXUnityFileStorageDevice method deleteExportRules.
public BiosCommandResult deleteExportRules(StorageSystem storage, FileDeviceInputOutput args) {
List<ExportRule> allExports = args.getExistingDBExportRules();
String subDir = args.getSubDirectory();
boolean allDirs = args.isAllDir();
VNXeCommandJob job = null;
VNXeFileTaskCompleter completer = null;
boolean isFile = args.getFileOperation();
boolean ifRulePresent = false;
String exportPath;
String subDirExportPath = "";
subDir = args.getSubDirectory();
if (!args.getFileOperation()) {
exportPath = args.getSnapshotPath();
if (subDir != null && subDir.length() > 0) {
subDirExportPath = args.getSnapshotPath() + "/" + subDir;
} else {
exportPath = args.getFs().getPath();
if (subDir != null && subDir.length() > 0) {
subDirExportPath = args.getFs().getPath() + "/" + subDir;
}"exportPath : {}", exportPath);
args.setExportPath(exportPath);"Number of existing exports found {}", allExports.size());
try {
VNXeApiClient apiClient = getVnxUnityClient(storage);
if (allDirs) {
// ALL EXPORTS"Deleting all exports specific to filesystem at device and rules from DB including sub dirs rules and exports");
for (ExportRule rule : allExports) {
FileShareExport fsExport = null;
if (args.getFileObjExports() != null) {
Collection<FileExport> expList = args.getFileObjExports().values();
Iterator<FileExport> it = expList.iterator();
FileExport exp = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
FileExport export =;
if (export.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(rule.getExportPath())) {
exp = export;
fsExport = new FileShareExport(exp);
String vnxeShareId = rule.getDeviceExportId();"Delete UnityExport id {} for path {}", rule.getDeviceExportId(), rule.getExportPath());
if (isFile) {
String fsId = args.getFs().getNativeId();
job = apiClient.removeNfsShare(vnxeShareId, fsId);
} else {
job = apiClient.deleteNfsShareForSnapshot(vnxeShareId);
if (job != null) {
if (isFile) {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(FileShare.class, args.getFsId(), args.getOpId());
} else {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(Snapshot.class, args.getSnapshotId(), args.getOpId());
VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob unexportFSJob = new VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob(job.getId(), storage.getId(), completer, fsExport, rule.getExportPath(), isFile);
ControllerServiceImpl.enqueueJob(new QueueJob(unexportFSJob));
} else {
_logger.error("No job returned from exportFileSystem");
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.vnxe.jobFailed("DeleteFileSystem", "No Job returned from deleteFileSystem");
return BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(error);
} else if (subDir != null && !subDir.isEmpty()) {
// Filter for a specific Sub Directory export"Deleting all subdir exports rules at ViPR and sub directory export at device {}", subDir);
FileShareExport fsExport = null;
String vnxeShareId = null;
if (args.getFileObjExports() != null) {
Collection<FileExport> expList = args.getFileObjExports().values();
Iterator<FileExport> it = expList.iterator();
FileExport exp = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
FileExport export =;
if (export.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(subDirExportPath)) {
exp = export;
fsExport = new FileShareExport(exp);
for (ExportRule rule : allExports) {"Delete UnityExport id for path {} f containing subdirectory {}", rule.getDeviceExportId() + ":" + rule.getExportPath(), subDir);
if (rule.getExportPath().equalsIgnoreCase(subDirExportPath)) {
ifRulePresent = true;
vnxeShareId = rule.getDeviceExportId();
if (!ifRulePresent) {
if (fsExport != null) {
vnxeShareId = fsExport.getIsilonId();
}"Delete UnityExport id {} for path {}", vnxeShareId, subDirExportPath);
if (isFile) {
String fsId = args.getFs().getNativeId();
job = apiClient.removeNfsShare(vnxeShareId, fsId);
} else {
job = apiClient.deleteNfsShareForSnapshot(vnxeShareId);
if (job != null) {
if (isFile) {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(FileShare.class, args.getFsId(), args.getOpId());
} else {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(Snapshot.class, args.getSnapshotId(), args.getOpId());
VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob unexportFSJob = new VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob(job.getId(), storage.getId(), completer, fsExport, subDirExportPath, isFile);
ControllerServiceImpl.enqueueJob(new QueueJob(unexportFSJob));
} else {
_logger.error("No job returned from exportFileSystem");
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.vnxe.jobFailed("DeleteFileSystem", "No Job returned from deleteFileSystem");
return BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(error);
} else {
// Filter for No SUBDIR - main export rules with no sub dirs"Deleting all export rules from DB and export at device not included sub dirs");
FileShareExport fsExport = null;
String vnxeShareId = null;
if (args.getFileObjExports() != null) {
Collection<FileExport> expList = args.getFileObjExports().values();
Iterator<FileExport> it = expList.iterator();
FileExport exp = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
FileExport export =;
if (export.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(exportPath)) {
exp = export;
fsExport = new FileShareExport(exp);
for (ExportRule rule : allExports) {
if (rule.getExportPath().equalsIgnoreCase(exportPath)) {
ifRulePresent = true;
vnxeShareId = rule.getDeviceExportId();
if (!ifRulePresent) {
if (fsExport != null) {
vnxeShareId = fsExport.getIsilonId();
}"Delete UnityExport id {} for path {}", vnxeShareId, fsExport.getPath());
if (isFile) {
String fsId = args.getFs().getNativeId();
job = apiClient.removeNfsShare(vnxeShareId, fsId);
} else {
job = apiClient.deleteNfsShareForSnapshot(vnxeShareId);
if (job != null) {
if (isFile) {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(FileShare.class, args.getFsId(), args.getOpId());
} else {
completer = new VNXeFileTaskCompleter(Snapshot.class, args.getSnapshotId(), args.getOpId());
VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob unexportFSJob = new VNXeUnexportFileSystemJob(job.getId(), storage.getId(), completer, fsExport, fsExport.getPath(), isFile);
ControllerServiceImpl.enqueueJob(new QueueJob(unexportFSJob));
} else {
_logger.error("No job returned from exportFileSystem");
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.vnxe.jobFailed("DeleteFileSystem", "No Job returned from deleteFileSystem");
return BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(error);
} catch (VNXeException e) {
_logger.error("Unexport file system got the exception", e);
if (completer != null) {
completer.error(dbClient, e);
return BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(e);
} catch (Exception ex) {
_logger.error("Delete file system got the exception", ex);
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.vnxe.jobFailed("DeleteFileSystem", ex.getMessage());
if (completer != null) {
completer.error(dbClient, error);
return BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(error);
if (job != null) {
StringBuilder logMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("Unexport filesystem job submitted - Array:%s, fileSystem: %s", storage.getSerialNumber(), args.getFsName()));;
return BiosCommandResult.createPendingResult();
} else {
StringBuilder logMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("No export found - Array:%s, fileSystem: %s", storage.getSerialNumber(), args.getFsName()));;
return BiosCommandResult.createSuccessfulResult();
use of com.emc.storageos.model.file.ExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class NetAppClusterApi method deleteNFSShare.
public Boolean deleteNFSShare(String fsName, String qtreeName, ExportRule oldRule, String mountPath) throws NetAppCException {
try {
netAppClusterFacade = new NetAppClusterFacade(_ipAddress, _portNumber, _userName, _password, _https, true, _svmName);
List<com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule> netAppCompatableRules = new ArrayList<>();
com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule netAppOldRule = new com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule();
copyPropertiesToSave(netAppOldRule, oldRule);
netAppClusterFacade.deleteNFSShare(fsName, qtreeName, netAppOldRule, mountPath);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw NetAppCException.exceptions.deleteNFSFailed(mountPath, _ipAddress, e.getMessage());
use of com.emc.storageos.model.file.ExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class NetAppClusterApi method addNFSShare.
public Boolean addNFSShare(String fsName, String qtreeName, String exportPath, ExportRule newRule) throws NetAppCException {
try {
netAppClusterFacade = new NetAppClusterFacade(_ipAddress, _portNumber, _userName, _password, _https, true, _svmName);"NetApp Inputs for modifyNFSShare exportPath: {} ", exportPath);
List<com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule> netAppCompatableRules = new ArrayList<>();
com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule netAppNewRule = new com.iwave.ext.netapp.utils.ExportRule();
copyPropertiesToSave(netAppNewRule, newRule);
netAppClusterFacade.addNFSShare(fsName, qtreeName, exportPath, netAppNewRule);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.error("Error Occured {} ", e.getMessage(), e);
throw NetAppCException.exceptions.exportFSFailed(exportPath, exportPath, e.getMessage());
return true;
use of com.emc.storageos.model.file.ExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class NetAppClusterModeDevice method deleteExportRules.
public BiosCommandResult deleteExportRules(StorageSystem storage, FileDeviceInputOutput args) {
BiosCommandResult result = new BiosCommandResult();
String portGroup = findSVMName(args.getFs());
NetAppClusterApi ncApi = new NetAppClusterApi.Builder(storage.getIpAddress(), storage.getPortNumber(), storage.getUsername(), storage.getPassword()).https(true).svm(portGroup).build();
List<ExportRule> allExports = args.getExistingDBExportRules();
String subDir = args.getSubDirectory();
boolean allDirs = args.isAllDir();
String exportPath;
String qtreePath = "";
if (!args.getFileOperation()) {
_log.error("NetAppClusterModeDevice::doUnexport {} : Snapshot unexport is not Supported", args.getSnapshotId());
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerErrors.netappc.unableToUnexportSnapshot();
serviceError.setMessage(genDetailedMessage("doUnExport", args.getSnapshotId().toString(), "Snapshot unexport is not Supported"));
result = BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(serviceError);
return result;
} else {
exportPath = args.getFs().getPath();
qtreePath = exportPath;
if (subDir != null && subDir.length() > 0) {
exportPath = args.getFs().getPath() + "/" + subDir;
if (ncApi.isQtree(args.getFsName(), subDir)) {
qtreePath = constructQtreePath(args.getFsName(), subDir);
} else {
_log.error("NetAppClusterModeDevice::doUnexport {} : Sub-directory unexport is not Supported", args.getFsId());
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerErrors.netappc.unableToExportFileSystem();
serviceError.setMessage(genDetailedMessage("doUnExport", args.getFsId().toString(), "Sub-directory unexport is not Supported"));
result = BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(serviceError);
return result;
}"exportPath : {}", exportPath);
args.setExportPath(exportPath);"Number of existing exports found {}", allExports.size());
try {
if (allDirs) {
Set<String> allPaths = new HashSet<String>();
// ALL EXPORTS"Deleting all exports specific to filesystem at device and rules from DB including sub dirs rules and exports");
for (ExportRule rule : allExports) {
for (String path : allPaths) {
boolean isSubDir = checkIfSubDirectory(args.getFsMountPath(), path);
if (isSubDir) {
subDir = getSubDirectory(args.getFsMountPath(), path);
if (ncApi.isQtree(args.getFsName(), subDir)) {
path = constructQtreePath(args.getFsName(), subDir);
}"deleting export path : {} ", path);
} else if (subDir != null && !subDir.isEmpty()) {
// Filter for a specific Sub Directory export"Deleting all subdir exports rules at ViPR and sub directory export at device {}", subDir);
for (ExportRule rule : allExports) {
if (rule.getExportPath().endsWith("/" + subDir)) {
} else {
// Filter for No SUBDIR - main export rules with no sub dirs"Deleting all export rules from DB and export at device not included sub dirs");
} catch (NetAppCException e) {"Exception:" + e.getMessage());
throw new DeviceControllerException("Exception while performing export for {0} ", new Object[] { args.getFsId() });
}"NetAppClusterModeDevice unexportFS {} - complete", args.getFsId());
return result;
use of com.emc.storageos.model.file.ExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VNXFileStorageDeviceXML method updateExportRules.
public BiosCommandResult updateExportRules(StorageSystem storage, FileDeviceInputOutput args) throws ControllerException {
XMLApiResult result = null;
ApplicationContext context = null;
// Requested Export Rules
List<ExportRule> exportAdd = args.getExportRulesToAdd();
List<ExportRule> exportDelete = args.getExportRulesToDelete();
List<ExportRule> exportModify = args.getExportRulesToModify();
// To be processed export rules
List<ExportRule> exportsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
List<ExportRule> exportsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
String exportPath;
String subDir = args.getSubDirectory();
if (!args.getFileOperation()) {
exportPath = args.getSnapshotPath();
if (subDir != null && subDir.length() > 0) {
exportPath = args.getSnapshotPath() + "/" + subDir;
} else {
exportPath = args.getFs().getPath();
if (subDir != null && subDir.length() > 0) {
exportPath = args.getFs().getPath() + "/" + subDir;
}"exportPath : {}", exportPath);
try {
// add the new export rule from the array into the update request.
Map<String, ExportRule> arrayExportRuleMap = extraExportRuleFromArray(storage, args);
if (!arrayExportRuleMap.isEmpty()) {
if (exportModify != null) {
// merge the end point for which sec flavor is common.
for (ExportRule exportRule : exportModify) {
ExportRule arrayExportRule = arrayExportRuleMap.remove(exportRule.getSecFlavor());
if (arrayExportRule != null) {
if (exportRule.getReadOnlyHosts() != null) {
} else {
if (exportRule.getReadWriteHosts() != null) {
} else {
if (exportRule.getRootHosts() != null) {
} else {
// now add the remaining export rule
} else {
// if exportModify is null then create a new export rule and add
exportModify = new ArrayList<ExportRule>();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
_log.error("Not able to fetch latest Export rule from backend array.", e);
List<ExportRule> existingDBExportRule = args.getExistingDBExportRules();
List<ExportRule> exportsToprocess = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExportRule rule : existingDBExportRule) {
if (rule.getExportPath().equalsIgnoreCase(exportPath)) {
}"Number of existng Rules found {}", exportsToprocess.size());
// If there are no Export rules and add is allowed
if (!exportsToprocess.isEmpty() || (exportAdd != null && !exportAdd.isEmpty())) {
for (ExportRule existingRule : exportsToprocess) {
for (ExportRule modifiedrule : exportModify) {
if (modifiedrule.getSecFlavor().equals(existingRule.getSecFlavor())) {"Modifying Export Rule from {}, To {}", existingRule, modifiedrule);
// use a separate list to avoid concurrent modifications for now.
// Handle Add export Rules
if (exportAdd != null && !exportAdd.isEmpty()) {
for (ExportRule newExport : exportAdd) {"Adding Export Rule {}", newExport);
// Handle Delete export Rules
if (exportDelete != null && !exportDelete.isEmpty()) {
for (ExportRule existingRule : exportsToprocess) {
for (ExportRule oldExport : exportDelete) {
if (oldExport.getSecFlavor().equals(existingRule.getSecFlavor())) {"Deleting Export Rule {}", existingRule);
// No of exports found to remove from the list"No of exports found to remove from the existing exports list {}", exportsToRemove.size());
exportsToprocess.removeAll(exportsToRemove);"No of exports found to add to the existing exports list {}", exportsToAdd.size());
// Figure out mounted or not
SMBShareMap shares = args.getFs().getSMBFileShares();
boolean isMounted = true;
if (exportsToprocess.isEmpty() && (shares == null || (shares != null && shares.isEmpty()))) {
isMounted = false;
// Mounting is only necessary for FileSystem and not snapshot for the first time export
if (!args.getFileOperation()) {
isMounted = false;
// To be compatible with existing export creating an empty list
List<String> newPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
context = loadContext();
VNXFileCommApi vnxComm = loadVNXFileCommunicationAPIs(context);
if (null == vnxComm) {
throw VNXException.exceptions.communicationFailed(VNXCOMM_ERR_MSG);
// Get DataMover Name and whether it is virtual
StorageHADomain dm = this.getDataMover(args.getFs());
if (dm == null) {
Exception e = new Exception("VNX File Export Failed Data Mover not found");
throw VNXException.exceptions.createExportFailed("VNX File Export Failed Data Mover not found", e);
List<VNXFileExport> exportList = new ArrayList<VNXFileExport>();
for (ExportRule rule : exportsToprocess) {
VNXFileExport vnxExp = null;
// update the comment
String comments = rule.getComments();
String protocol = "nfs";
if (rule.getReadOnlyHosts() != null && !rule.getReadOnlyHosts().isEmpty()) {
vnxExp = new VNXFileExport(new ArrayList<String>(rule.getReadOnlyHosts()), dm.getName(), exportPath, rule.getSecFlavor(), "ro", rule.getAnon(), protocol, args.getFs().getStoragePort().toString(), subDir, comments);
if (rule.getReadWriteHosts() != null && !rule.getReadWriteHosts().isEmpty()) {
vnxExp = new VNXFileExport(new ArrayList<String>(rule.getReadWriteHosts()), dm.getName(), exportPath, rule.getSecFlavor(), "rw", rule.getAnon(), protocol, args.getFs().getStoragePort().toString(), subDir, comments);
if (rule.getRootHosts() != null && !rule.getRootHosts().isEmpty()) {
vnxExp = new VNXFileExport(new ArrayList<String>(rule.getRootHosts()), dm.getName(), exportPath, rule.getSecFlavor(), "root", rule.getAnon(), protocol, args.getFs().getStoragePort().toString(), subDir, comments);
// existing VNXComm API. This is required to read the subsequent information down the line.
if ((exportList != null && exportList.isEmpty()) && (exportsToRemove != null && !exportsToRemove.isEmpty())) {"Requested to remove all export rules");
VNXFileExport vnxExp = new VNXFileExport(new ArrayList<String>(), dm.getName(), exportPath, "", "root", "", "", args.getFs().getStoragePort().toString(), subDir, "");
// List<VNXFileExport> vnxExports = getVNXFileExports(newExpList);
if (args.getFileOperation()) {
// Perform FileSystem export
result = vnxComm.doExport(storage, dm, exportList, newPaths, args.getFileObj(), args.getFsNativeId(), isMounted);
} else {
// perform Snapshot export
result = vnxComm.doExport(storage, dm, exportList, newPaths, args.getFileObj(), args.getSnapNativeId(), isMounted);
if (result.isCommandSuccess()) {"updateExportRules result.isCommandSuccess true");
} catch (VNXException e) {
throw VNXException.exceptions.createExportFailed("VNX File Export Failed", e);
} finally {
BiosCommandResult cmdResult = null;
if (result.isCommandSuccess()) {
cmdResult = BiosCommandResult.createSuccessfulResult();
} else {
cmdResult = BiosCommandResult.createErrorResult(DeviceControllerErrors.vnx.unableToUpdateExport(result.getMessage()));
return cmdResult;