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Example 1 with BiosCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RPHelper method cleanupSnapshots.

 * Validate Block snapshots that correspond to RP bookmarks. Some may no longer exist in the RP system, and we
 * need to mark them as invalid.
 * The strategy is as follows:
 * 1. Get all of the protection sets associated with the protection system
 * 2. Are there any Block Snapshots of type RP? (if not, don't bother cleaning up)
 * 3. Query the RP Appliance for all bookmarks for that CG (protection set)
 * 4. Find each block snapshot of type RP for each site
 * 5. If you can't find the bookmark in the RP list, move the block snapshot to inactive
 * @param protectionSystem Protection System
public static void cleanupSnapshots(DbClient dbClient, ProtectionSystem protectionSystem) throws RecoverPointException {
    // 1. Get all of the protection sets associated with the protection system
    Set<URI> protectionSetIDs = new HashSet<URI>();
    Set<Integer> cgIDs = new HashSet<Integer>();
    URIQueryResultList list = new URIQueryResultList();
    Constraint constraint = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getProtectionSystemProtectionSetConstraint(protectionSystem.getId());
    dbClient.queryByConstraint(constraint, list);
    Iterator<URI> it = list.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        URI protectionSetId =;
        // Get all snapshots that are part of this protection set.
        URIQueryResultList plist = new URIQueryResultList();
        Constraint pconstraint = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getProtectionSetBlockSnapshotConstraint(protectionSetId);
        dbClient.queryByConstraint(pconstraint, plist);
        if (plist.iterator().hasNext()) {
            // OK, we know there are snapshots for this protection set/CG.
            // Retrieve all of the bookmarks associated with this protection set/CG later on by adding to the list now
            ProtectionSet protectionSet = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSet.class, protectionSetId);
            if (protectionSet != null && !protectionSet.getInactive()) {
    // 2. No reason to bother the RPAs if there are no protection sets for this protection system.
    if (protectionSetIDs.isEmpty()) {"Block Snapshot of RP Bookmarks cleanup not run for this protection system. No Protections or RP Block Snapshots found on protection system: " + protectionSystem.getLabel());
    // 3. Query the RP appliance for all of the bookmarks for these CGs in one call
    BiosCommandResult result = getRPBookmarks(protectionSystem, cgIDs);
    GetBookmarksResponse bookmarkMap = (GetBookmarksResponse) result.getObjectList().get(0);
    // 4. Go through each protection set's snapshots and see if they're there.
    it = protectionSetIDs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        URI protectionSetId =;
        ProtectionSet protectionSet = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSet.class, protectionSetId);
        // The map should have an entry for that CG with an empty list if it looked and couldn't find any. (a successful empty set)
        if (protectionSet.getProtectionId() != null && bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap() != null && bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap().containsKey(new Integer(protectionSet.getProtectionId()))) {
            // list to avoid issues further down.
            if (bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap().get(new Integer(protectionSet.getProtectionId())) == null) {
                bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap().put(new Integer(protectionSet.getProtectionId()), new ArrayList<RPBookmark>());
            // Get all snapshots that are part of this protection set.
            URIQueryResultList plist = new URIQueryResultList();
            Constraint pconstraint = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getProtectionSetBlockSnapshotConstraint(protectionSetId);
            dbClient.queryByConstraint(pconstraint, plist);
            Iterator<URI> snapshotIter = plist.iterator();
            while (snapshotIter.hasNext()) {
                URI snapshotId =;
                BlockSnapshot snapshot = dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshotId);
                boolean deleteSnapshot = true;
                if (snapshot.getInactive()) {
                    // Don't bother deleting or processing if the snapshot is already on its way out.
                    deleteSnapshot = false;
                } else if (snapshot.getEmCGGroupCopyId() == null) {
                    // If something bad happened and we weren't able to get the site information off of the snapshot
          "Found that ViPR Snapshot corresponding to RP Bookmark is missing Site information, thus not analyzing for automated deletion. " + snapshot.getId() + " - " + protectionSet.getLabel() + ":" + snapshot.getEmInternalSiteName() + ":" + snapshot.getEmName());
                    deleteSnapshot = false;
                } else if (!bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap().get(Integer.valueOf(protectionSet.getProtectionId())).isEmpty()) {
                    for (RPBookmark bookmark : bookmarkMap.getCgBookmarkMap().get(Integer.valueOf(protectionSet.getProtectionId()))) {
                        // bookmark (from RP) vs. snapshot (from ViPR)
                        if (snapshot.getEmName().equalsIgnoreCase(bookmark.getBookmarkName()) && snapshot.getEmCGGroupCopyId().equals(bookmark.getCGGroupCopyUID().getGlobalCopyUID().getCopyUID())) {
                            deleteSnapshot = false;
                  "Found that ViPR Snapshot corresponding to RP Bookmark still exists, thus saving in ViPR: " + snapshot.getId() + " - " + protectionSet.getLabel() + ":" + snapshot.getEmInternalSiteName() + ":" + snapshot.getEmCGGroupCopyId() + ":" + snapshot.getEmName());
                } else {
                    // Just for debugging, otherwise useless
                    _log.debug("Found that ViPR Snapshot corresponding to RP Bookmark doesn't exist, thus going to delete from ViPR: " + snapshot.getId() + " - " + protectionSet.getLabel() + ":" + snapshot.getEmInternalSiteName() + ":" + snapshot.getEmCGGroupCopyId() + ":" + snapshot.getEmName());
                if (deleteSnapshot) {
                    // 5. We couldn't find the bookmark, and the query for it was successful, so it's time to mark it as gone
          "Found that ViPR Snapshot corresponding to RP Bookmark no longer exists, thus deleting in ViPR: " + snapshot.getId() + " - " + protectionSet.getLabel() + ":" + snapshot.getEmInternalSiteName() + ":" + snapshot.getEmCGGroupCopyId() + ":" + snapshot.getEmName());
        } else if (protectionSet.getProtectionId() == null) {
            _log.error("Can not determine the consistency group ID of protection set: " + protectionSet.getLabel() + ", can not perform any cleanup of snapshots.");
        } else {
  "No consistency groups were found associated with protection system: " + protectionSystem.getLabel() + ", can not perform cleanup of snapshots.");
Also used : GetBookmarksResponse(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.responses.GetBookmarksResponse) Constraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.Constraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) ProtectionSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet) UnManagedProtectionSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedProtectionSet) BlockSnapshot(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockSnapshot) NamedURI(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI) URI( URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) BiosCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult) RPBookmark(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.objectmodel.RPBookmark) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with BiosCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RPHelper method getRPBookmarks.

 * For an RP configuration, get all RP bookmarks for the CGs provided
 * @param system RP system
 * @param cgIDs IDs of the consistency groups to get the bookmarks
 * @return command result object, object list [0] has GetBookmarksResponse
 * @throws RecoverPointException
private static BiosCommandResult getRPBookmarks(ProtectionSystem system, Set<Integer> cgIDs) throws RecoverPointException {"getRPBookmarks {} - start", system.getId());
    RecoverPointClient rp = RPHelper.getRecoverPointClient(system);
    GetBookmarksResponse bookmarkResponse = rp.getRPBookmarks(cgIDs);"getRPBookmarks {} - complete", system.getId());
    BiosCommandResult result = BiosCommandResult.createSuccessfulResult();
    List<Object> returnList = new ArrayList<Object>();
    return result;
Also used : GetBookmarksResponse(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.responses.GetBookmarksResponse) BiosCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult) RecoverPointClient(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.impl.RecoverPointClient) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 3 with BiosCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class NetworkDeviceController method zoneRollback.

 * Rollback any of the zoning operations.
 * @param exportGroupURI
 *            -- The ExportGroup URI
 * @param contextKey
 *            -- The context which indicates what zones were configured on the device.
 * @param taskId
 *            -- String task identifier for WorkflowTaskCompleter.
 * @return
 * @throws DeviceControllerException
public boolean zoneRollback(URI exportGroupURI, String contextKey, String taskId) throws DeviceControllerException {
    TaskCompleter taskCompleter = null;
    try {
        NetworkFCContext context = (NetworkFCContext) WorkflowService.getInstance().loadStepData(contextKey);
        if (context == null) {
            _log.warn("No zone rollback information for Step: " + contextKey + " , Export Group: " + exportGroupURI.toString() + ", and Task: " + taskId + ". The zoning step either did not complete or encountered an error.");
            return true;
        WorkflowStepCompleter.stepExecuting(taskId);"Beginning zone rollback");"context.isAddingZones -{}", context.isAddingZones());
        // Determine what needs to be rolled back.
        List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> lastReferenceZoneInfo = new ArrayList<NetworkFCZoneInfo>();
        List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> rollbackList = new ArrayList<NetworkFCZoneInfo>();
        for (NetworkFCZoneInfo info : context.getZoneInfos()) {
            if (info.canBeRolledBack()) {
                // We should not blindly set last reference to true, removed code which does that earlier.
            } else {
                // Even though we cannot rollback the zone (because we didn't create it, it previously existed,
                // must remove the FCZoneReference that we created.
        // Update the zone infos with the correct lastRef setting for those zones that can be rolled back
        taskCompleter = new ZoneReferencesRemoveCompleter(NetworkUtil.getFCZoneReferences(rollbackList), context.isAddingZones(), taskId);
        // Changed this parameter to true, so that the last reference validation runs all the time in placeZones()
        BiosCommandResult result = addRemoveZones(exportGroupURI, rollbackList, true);
        if (result.isCommandSuccess() && !lastReferenceZoneInfo.isEmpty()) {
  "There seems to be last reference zones that were removed, clean those zones from the zoning map.");
            updateZoningMap(lastReferenceZoneInfo, exportGroupURI, null);
        completeWorkflowState(taskCompleter, taskId, "ZoneRollback", result, null);
        return result.isCommandSuccess();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        _log.error("Exception occurred while doing zone rollback", ex);
        ServiceError svcError = NetworkDeviceControllerException.errors.zoneRollbackFailedExc(exportGroupURI.toString(), ex);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, svcError);
        WorkflowStepCompleter.stepFailed(taskId, svcError);
        return false;
Also used : ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) NetworkFCZoneInfo(com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.NetworkFCZoneInfo) BiosCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TaskCompleter(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.TaskCompleter) NetworkFCContext(com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.NetworkFCContext) ZoneReferencesRemoveCompleter(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.block.taskcompleter.ZoneReferencesRemoveCompleter) DatabaseException(com.emc.storageos.db.exceptions.DatabaseException) DeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException) ControllerException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.ControllerException) NetworkDeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException)

Example 4 with BiosCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class NetworkDeviceController method addRemoveZones.

 * Adds/removes a bunch of zones based on their NetworkFCZoneInfo structures.
 * They are split into groups and subgroups, first by the device/networkSystem used for zoning, and then by the fabricId to be zoned.
 * Then each subgroup is processed separately.
 * @param exportGroupUri
 * @param fabricInfos
 * @return BiosCommandResult
 * @throws ControllerException
public BiosCommandResult addRemoveZones(URI exportGroupUri, List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> fabricInfos, boolean doRemove) throws ControllerException {
    // Group the fabric infos together based on which devices should zone them.
    Map<URI, NetworkSystem> networkSystemId2NetworkSystem = new HashMap<URI, NetworkSystem>();
    Map<URI, List<NetworkFCZoneInfo>> networkSystemId2NetworkFabricInfos = new HashMap<>();
    for (NetworkFCZoneInfo fabricInfo : fabricInfos) {
        URI networkSystemId = fabricInfo.getNetworkDeviceId();
        URI altNetworkSystemId = fabricInfo.getAltNetworkDeviceId();
        NetworkSystem networkSystem = null;
        // Determine network system. The network system structures are cached in networkSystemId2NetworkSystem
        networkSystem = networkSystemId2NetworkSystem.get(networkSystemId);
        if (networkSystem == null) {
            networkSystem = getNetworkSystemObject(networkSystemId);
            if (networkSystem != null && networkSystem.getInactive() == false) {
                networkSystemId2NetworkSystem.put(networkSystemId, networkSystem);
            } else if (altNetworkSystemId != null) {
                networkSystem = networkSystemId2NetworkSystem.get(altNetworkSystemId);
                if (networkSystem == null) {
                    networkSystem = getNetworkSystemObject(altNetworkSystemId);
                    if (networkSystem != null && networkSystem.getInactive() == false) {
                        networkSystemId2NetworkSystem.put(altNetworkSystemId, networkSystem);
        if (networkSystem == null) {
            throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.addRemoveZonesFailedNoDev(networkSystemId.toString());
        List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> finfos = networkSystemId2NetworkFabricInfos.get(networkSystem.getId());
        if (finfos == null) {
            finfos = new ArrayList<NetworkFCZoneInfo>();
            networkSystemId2NetworkFabricInfos.put(networkSystem.getId(), finfos);
    // Now loop through each network system, splitting the collection of fabric infos by fabric ID/WWN.
    StringBuilder messageBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (URI deviceId : networkSystemId2NetworkFabricInfos.keySet()) {
        NetworkSystem device = networkSystemId2NetworkSystem.get(deviceId);
        Map<String, List<NetworkFCZoneInfo>> fabric2FabricInfos = new HashMap<String, List<NetworkFCZoneInfo>>();
        Map<String, NetworkLite> fabricId2Network = new HashMap<String, NetworkLite>();
        List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> finfos = networkSystemId2NetworkFabricInfos.get(deviceId);
        for (NetworkFCZoneInfo fabricInfo : finfos) {
            String fabricId = fabricInfo.getFabricId();
            String fabricWwn = fabricInfo.getFabricWwn();
            String key = (fabricWwn != null) ? fabricWwn : fabricId;
            updateAltDeviceid(fabricInfo, fabricId, fabricWwn, key, fabricId2Network);
            List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> singleFabricInfos = fabric2FabricInfos.get(key);
            if (singleFabricInfos == null) {
                singleFabricInfos = new ArrayList<NetworkFCZoneInfo>();
                fabric2FabricInfos.put(key, singleFabricInfos);
        // Now for each fabric, do the zoning.
        for (String key : fabric2FabricInfos.keySet()) {
            List<NetworkFCZoneInfo> singleFabricInfos = fabric2FabricInfos.get(key);
            String fabricId = singleFabricInfos.get(0).getFabricId();
            String fabricWwn = singleFabricInfos.get(0).getFabricWwn();
            BiosCommandResult rslt = addRemoveZones(device, fabricId, fabricWwn, exportGroupUri, singleFabricInfos, doRemove, true);
            if (messageBuffer.length() > 0) {
                messageBuffer.append("; ");
    BiosCommandResult result = BiosCommandResult.createSuccessfulResult();
    return result;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NetworkLite(com.emc.storageos.util.NetworkLite) NetworkSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NetworkSystem) URI( NetworkFCZoneInfo(com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.NetworkFCZoneInfo) BiosCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList)

Example 5 with BiosCommandResult

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class NetworkDeviceController method connectNetwork.

public void connectNetwork(URI network) throws ControllerException {
    BiosCommandResult result = doConnect(network);
    boolean failed = false;
    if (!result.isCommandSuccess()) {
        _log.error("Connect failed to {}", network);
        failed = true;
    // To Do - mark device inactive or take in status to set failure.
    } else {
        String msg = MessageFormat.format("Connected to Network Device {0} at {1}", result.getMessage(), new Date());;
    // Update status on the NetworkSystem
    NetworkSystem networkObj = getNetworkSystemObject(network);
    networkObj.setCompatibilityStatus(failed ? :;
Also used : BiosCommandResult(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult) NetworkSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NetworkSystem) Date(java.util.Date)


BiosCommandResult (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.BiosCommandResult)135 DeviceControllerException (com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException)76 ServiceError (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError)69 ControllerException (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.ControllerException)64 NetAppException (com.emc.storageos.netapp.NetAppException)34 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)34 NetworkDeviceControllerException (com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException)28 NetAppCException (com.emc.storageos.netappc.NetAppCException)19 DatabaseException (com.emc.storageos.db.exceptions.DatabaseException)18 NetAppApi (com.emc.storageos.netapp.NetAppApi)18 NetAppClusterApi (com.emc.storageos.netappc.NetAppClusterApi)18 URI ( VNXException (com.emc.storageos.vnx.xmlapi.VNXException)15 XMLApiResult (com.emc.storageos.vnx.xmlapi.XMLApiResult)15 VNXFileCommApi (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.plugins.provisioning.VNXFileCommApi)15 ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)15 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ( FileShare (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.FileShare)14 SMBFileShare (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.SMBFileShare)14 NetworkSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NetworkSystem)11