use of com.emc.storageos.model.project.ProjectParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class AuthnConfigurationService method createTenantAndProjectForOpenstackTenant.
public void createTenantAndProjectForOpenstackTenant(OSTenant tenant) {
TenantCreateParam param = prepareTenantMappingForOpenstack(tenant);
// Create a tenant.
TenantOrgRestRep tenantOrgRestRep = _tenantsService.createSubTenant(_permissionsHelper.getRootTenant().getId(), param);
// Create a project.
ProjectParam projectParam = new ProjectParam(tenant.getName() + CinderConstants.PROJECT_NAME_SUFFIX);
ProjectElement projectElement = _tenantsService.createProject(tenantOrgRestRep.getId(), projectParam);
_keystoneUtils.tagProjectWithOpenstackId(projectElement.getId(), tenant.getOsId(), tenantOrgRestRep.getId().toString());
use of com.emc.storageos.model.project.ProjectParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FilePolicyApiTest method getDefaultProjectParam.
public ProjectParam getDefaultProjectParam(String projectName) {
ProjectParam param = new ProjectParam();
return param;
use of com.emc.storageos.model.project.ProjectParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class InternalApiTest method testFSReleaseUsingInternalClient.
public void testFSReleaseUsingInternalClient() throws Exception {
// get tenant
TenantResponse tenant = rSys.path("/tenant").get(TenantResponse.class);
// create a project to host a normal file system
ProjectParam projectParam = new ProjectParam();
projectParam.setName("test-internalapi-" + System.currentTimeMillis());
ProjectElement projectResp = rSys.path("/tenants/" + tenant.getTenant().toString() + "/projects").post(ProjectElement.class, projectParam);
// create a normal file system which we can then release
FileSystemParam fsparam = new FileSystemParam();
fsparam.setLabel("test-internalapi-" + System.currentTimeMillis());
TaskResourceRep taskResp = rSys.path("/file/filesystems").queryParam("project", projectResp.getId().toString()).post(TaskResourceRep.class, fsparam);
Assert.assertTrue(taskResp != null);
URI fsId = taskResp.getResource().getId();
String opId = taskResp.getOpId();
// get the file system object we just created
ClientResponse response = rSys.path("/file/filesystems/" + fsId.toString()).get(ClientResponse.class);
Assert.assertTrue(response != null);
Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
// wait for for the file system create to complete
int checkCount = 1200;
String status;
do {
// wait upto ~2 minute for fs creation
taskResp = rSys.path("/file/filesystems/" + fsId + "/tasks/" + opId).get(TaskResourceRep.class);
status = taskResp.getState();
} while (status.equals("pending") && checkCount-- > 0);
if (!status.equals("ready")) {
Assert.assertTrue("Fileshare create timed out", false);
// a normal file system should be present in the bulk results
BulkIdParam bulkIds = rSys.path("/file/filesystems/bulk").get(BulkIdParam.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("bulk ids should not be null", bulkIds);
FileShareBulkRep bulkFileShares = rSys.path("/file/filesystems/bulk").post(FileShareBulkRep.class, bulkIds);
Assert.assertNotNull("bulk response should not be null", bulkFileShares);
boolean found = false;
for (FileShareRestRep fs : bulkFileShares.getFileShares()) {
if (fs.getId().equals(fsId)) {
found = true;
Assert.assertTrue("unable to find public FileShare in the bulk results", found);
// only token is used in release file system operation and hence
// setting dummy strings for username and tenant ID do not matter
StorageOSUser user = new StorageOSUser("dummyUserName", "dummyTeneatId");
FileShareRestRep fileShareResponse = _internalFileClient.releaseFileSystem(fsId, user);
// after release, the file system should no longer be present in the bulk results
bulkFileShares = rSys.path("/file/filesystems/bulk").post(FileShareBulkRep.class, bulkIds);
Assert.assertNotNull("bulk response should not be null", bulkFileShares);
found = false;
for (FileShareRestRep fs : bulkFileShares.getFileShares()) {
if (fs.getId().equals(fsId)) {
found = true;
Assert.assertFalse("found internal FileShare in the bulk results", found);
// undo the release of the file system
fileShareResponse = _internalFileClient.undoReleaseFileSystem(fsId);
// release it again
fileShareResponse = _internalFileClient.releaseFileSystem(fsId, user);
// delete the file system via the internal api
FileSystemDeleteParam deleteParam = new FileSystemDeleteParam();
taskResp = _internalFileClient.deactivateFileSystem(fsId, _rootToken, deleteParam);
use of com.emc.storageos.model.project.ProjectParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ApiTestUserGroup method createTestProject.
private URI createTestProject(URI tenantId) {
ProjectParam createParam = apiTestTenants.getDefaultProjectParam("UserGroupProject");
ProjectElement resp = rSys.path(getProjectCreateApi(tenantId)).post(ProjectElement.class, createParam);
// Add the created project to cleanup list, so that at the end of this test
// the resource will be destroyed.
final String deleteObjectURL = getDeleteProjectApi(resp.getId());
CleanupResource projectToCleanup = new CleanupResource("post", deleteObjectURL, rSys, null);
return resp.getId();
use of com.emc.storageos.model.project.ProjectParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ApiTestTenants method getDefaultProjectParam.
public ProjectParam getDefaultProjectParam(String projectName) {
ProjectParam param = new ProjectParam();
return param;