use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class MDSDialog method zonesetActivate.
* zoneset activate name {zonesetName} vsan {vsanId}
* no zoneset activate name {zonesetName} vsan {vsanId}
* @param zonesetName
* @param vsanId
* @param no (boolean) if true, issues "no" form of this command
* @throws NetworkDeviceControllerException
public void zonesetActivate(String zonesetName, Integer vsanId, boolean no) throws NetworkDeviceControllerException {
if (!inConfigMode) {
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsDeviceNotInConfigMode();
if (lastPrompt != SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG) {
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedLastPrompt(lastPrompt.toString(), SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG.toString());
// no
String noString = no ? MDSDialogProperties.getString("") : "";
SSHPrompt[] prompts = { SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG, SSHPrompt.MDS_CONTINUE_QUERY };
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
boolean retryNeeded = true;
for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < sessionLockRetryMax && retryNeeded; retryCount++) {
String payload = MessageFormat.format(MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.zonesetActivate.cmd"), zonesetName, vsanId.toString(), // {2}zoneset activate name {0} vsan {1}\n
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts, buf);
// error, throw exception. Otherwise check for enhance zone session
if (buf.toString().indexOf(MDSDialogProperties.getString("")) >= 0) {
throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException("Activate zoneset/vsan: " + zonesetName + "/" + vsanId + " failed. One or more zone do not have members");
} else {
// check for user input
if (lastPrompt == SSHPrompt.MDS_CONTINUE_QUERY) {
// y\n
payload = MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.zonesetActivate.continue.y.cmd");
SSHPrompt[] prompts2 = { SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG };
buf = new StringBuilder();
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts2, buf);
String[] lines = getLines(buf);
retryNeeded = checkForEnhancedZoneSession(lines, retryCount);
use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class MDSDialog method zoneAddRemoveMember.
* Add zone "member device-alias {alias}" if useAlias is set to true, other
* uses "member pwwn {pwwn}"
* @param address
* @param useAlias
* @throws NetworkDeviceControllerException
private void zoneAddRemoveMember(String address, boolean useAlias, boolean remove) throws NetworkDeviceControllerException {
String mdsCommand = "";
if (!inConfigMode) {
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsDeviceNotInConfigMode();
if (lastPrompt != SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_ZONE) {
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedLastPrompt(lastPrompt.toString(), SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_ZONE.toString());
if (useAlias) {
// add memeber via device-alias
mdsCommand = MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.zoneMemberAlias.cmd");
} else {
// add member via pwwn
if (!address.matches(wwnRegex)) {
String message = "port wwn " + address + " is not formatted correctly";
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedDeviceState(message);
mdsCommand = MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.zoneMemberPwwn.cmd");
if (remove) {
mdsCommand = MDSDialogProperties.getString("") + " " + mdsCommand;
SSHPrompt[] prompts = { SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_ZONE };
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
boolean retryNeeded = true;
for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < sessionLockRetryMax && retryNeeded; retryCount++) {
// =member pwwn {0}\n
String payload = MessageFormat.format(mdsCommand, address);
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts, buf);
String[] lines = getLines(buf);
for (String line : lines) {
// add mode - throw exception if alias is not found
if (!remove) {
if (line.indexOf(MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.not.present")) >= 0) {
throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException(line + ": " + address);
retryNeeded = checkForEnhancedZoneSession(lines, retryCount);
use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class MDSDialog method waitForIvrZonesetActivate.
* Wait for activation finish processing
* @throws NetworkDeviceControllerException
public void waitForIvrZonesetActivate() throws NetworkDeviceControllerException {"Host: {0}, Port: {1} - BEGIN waitForIvrZonesetActivate", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort() }));"Waiting for ivr zoneset to activate");
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// show zone status vsan {0}\n
String payload = MDSDialogProperties.getString("");
String[] regex = { // ^State:\\s+activating*
MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.ivr.waitForZoneset.activate.inprogress.match"), // ^State:\\s+activation success*
MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.ivr.waitForZoneset.activate.success.match") };
String[] groups = new String[2];
boolean completed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < defaultTimeout && completed == false; i += 1000) {
try {
// sleep one second
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts, buf);
String[] lines = getLines(buf);
for (String line : lines) {
int index = match(line, regex, groups);
switch(index) {
case 0:
completed = false;
case 1:
completed = true;
case 2:
throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException("ivr zoneset activate Commit failed: " + line);
if (completed) {
}"Host: {0}, Port: {1} -DONE waitForIvrZonesetActivate", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort() }));
use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class MDSDialog method ivrZoneName.
* Configure ivr zone or zone set depended on isZoneset flag.
* @param isZoneset indicate to config ivr zoneset, otherwise ivr zone
* @param zoneName
* @param isActivate make zoneset active
* @param isRemove remove zoneset
* @throws NetworkDeviceControllerException
private void ivrZoneName(boolean isZoneset, String zoneName, boolean isActivate, boolean isRemove) throws NetworkDeviceControllerException {"Host: {0}, Port: {1} - BEGIN Configure {2}: {3} - Remove {4}", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort(), isZoneset ? "zoneset" : "zone", zoneName, isRemove }));
if (!inConfigMode) {
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsDeviceNotInConfigMode();
if (!Arrays.asList(promptsToCheck).contains(lastPrompt)) {
String message = Arrays.asList(promptsToCheck).toString();
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedLastPrompt(lastPrompt.toString(), message);
// cannot be activate and remove at the same time
if (isActivate && isRemove) {
String message = "cannot be activate and remove at the same time";
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedDeviceState(message);
String ivrZoneNameResourceKey = "MDSDialog.ivr.zoneName.cmd";
if (isZoneset) {
// only zoneset can be activate
ivrZoneNameResourceKey = isActivate ? "MDSDialog.ivr.zonesetName.activate.cmd" : "MDSDialog.ivr.zonesetName.cmd";
SSHPrompt[] prompts = { isZoneset ? SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_IVR_ZONESET : SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_IVR_ZONE, SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG };
// no
String noString = isRemove ? MDSDialogProperties.getString("") : "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String payload = MessageFormat.format(noString + MDSDialogProperties.getString(ivrZoneNameResourceKey), zoneName);
boolean retryNeeded = true;
boolean error = false;
String errorMessage = MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.ivr.waitForZoneset.activate.error.atLeast2Members");
for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < sessionLockRetryMax && retryNeeded; retryCount++) {
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts, buf);
String[] lines = getLines(buf);
retryNeeded = checkForIvrZoneSession(lines, retryCount);
if (isActivate && isZoneset) {
for (String line : lines) {
error = line.indexOf(errorMessage) >= 0;
if (error) {
// verify for appropriate prompt
if (isZoneset) {
SSHPrompt[] morePromptsToCheck = { SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_IVR_ZONESET, SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG };
if (!Arrays.asList(morePromptsToCheck).contains(lastPrompt)) {
String message = Arrays.asList(morePromptsToCheck).toString();
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedLastPrompt(lastPrompt.toString(), message);
} else {
SSHPrompt[] morePromptsToCheck = { SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG_IVR_ZONE, SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG };
if (!Arrays.asList(morePromptsToCheck).contains(lastPrompt)) {
String message = Arrays.asList(morePromptsToCheck).toString();
throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.mdsUnexpectedLastPrompt(lastPrompt.toString(), message);
if (error) {
throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException(errorMessage + ": " + zoneName);
}"Host: {0}, Port: {1} - END Configure {2}: {3} - Remove {4}", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort(), isZoneset ? "zoneset" : "zone", zoneName, isRemove }));
use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.exceptions.NetworkDeviceControllerException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class MDSDialog method waitForZoneCommit.
* Waits for a zone commit to complete. Checks for in-progress and failed status.
* @param vsanId
* @throws NetworkDeviceControllerException
public void waitForZoneCommit(Integer vsanId) throws NetworkDeviceControllerException {"Host: {0}, Port: {1} - BEGIN waitForZoneCommit", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort() }));
SSHPrompt[] prompts = { SSHPrompt.MDS_POUND, SSHPrompt.MDS_CONFIG };
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String payload = MessageFormat.format(MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.waitForZoneCommit.showzonestatusvsan.cmd"), // show zone status vsan {0}\n
String[] regex = { // ^Status:\\s+Commit in progress.*
MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.waitForZoneCommit.inprogress.match"), // ^Status:\\s+Commit complete.*
MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.waitForZoneCommit.complete.match"), // ^Status:\\s+Operation failed.*
MDSDialogProperties.getString("MDSDialog.waitForZoneCommit.failed.match") };
String[] groups = new String[2];
* compute retry attempts based on the configured timeout.
* will retry in every SLEEP_TIME_PER_RETRY until exceeded the timeout value
* Add one more attempt to ensure timeout value is reached
int retryAttempts = defaultTimeout / MDSDialogProperties.SLEEP_TIME_PER_RETRY + 1;
boolean completed = false;
for (int retrys = 0; !completed && retrys < retryAttempts; retrys++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
lastPrompt = sendWaitFor(payload, defaultTimeout, prompts, buf);
String[] lines = getLines(buf);
for (String line : lines) {
int index = match(line, regex, groups);
switch(index) {
case 0:
completed = false;
case 1:
completed = true;
case 2:
throw new NetworkDeviceControllerException("Zone Commit failed: " + line);
}"Host: {0}, Port: {1} - END waitForZoneCommit", new Object[] { getSession().getSession().getHost(), getSession().getSession().getPort() }));