use of com.emc.storageos.networkcontroller.impl.mds.ZoneMember.ConnectivityMemberType in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BrocadeNetworkSMIS method getZoneOrAliasMembers.
* This function gets the member of a zone or an alias.
* @param client
* @param path the path to the zone or alias
* @param alias true if the object is of type alias
* @return an instance of zonemember that has the WWN of the
* zone or alias member
* @throws WBEMException
public List<ZoneMember> getZoneOrAliasMembers(WBEMClient client, CIMObjectPath path, boolean alias) throws WBEMException {
List<ZoneMember> members = new ArrayList<ZoneMember>();
if (path != null) {
CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> zoneItr = null;
try {
String association = alias ? _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZoneAlias : _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingDataInZone;
zoneItr = client.associatorInstances(path, association, _Brocade_ZoneMembershipSettingData, null, null, false, null);
while (zoneItr.hasNext()) {
CIMInstance memberIns =;
String address = cimStringProperty(memberIns, _ConnectivityMemberID);
ConnectivityMemberType type = ConnectivityMemberType.byValue(cimIntegerProperty(memberIns, _ConnectivityMemberType));
if (// temporarily allow portgroup because of brocade issues
type == ConnectivityMemberType.WWPN || type == ConnectivityMemberType.PORTGROUP) {
// where type is port group when wwnn=wwpn
address = formatWWN(address);
ZoneMember zoneMember = new ZoneMember(address, type);
// This is the path of the association object
if (alias) {
zoneMember.setAlias(getPropertyValueFromInstanceId(path, SmisConstants.CP_NSNAME));
// this is the path of the alias object
} finally {
if (zoneItr != null) {
return members;