use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class SyncManager method getProviderTenantId.
* Makes call to Bourne to get tenant provider Uri
* @return tenant provider Uri
* @throws SOSFailure
* if call to Bourne fails
private String getProviderTenantId() throws SOSFailure {
final String methodName = "getProviderTenantId(): ";
log.trace(methodName + "Entry");
String rootTenantUri = null;
final String ROOT_TENANT_URI = "/tenant";
try {
Tenant tenant = _client.queryObject(ROOT_TENANT_URI, Tenant.class);
rootTenantUri = tenant.getId();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
log.error(methodName + "NoSuchAlgorithmException occured", e);
throw new SOSFailure(e);
} catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
log.error(methodName + "UniformInterfaceException occured", e);
throw new SOSFailure(e);
log.trace(methodName + "Exit returing tenant uri[" + rootTenantUri + "]");
return rootTenantUri;